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对东北输油管道锦县,盖县,海城段的粉土细砂,中砂,粉砂进行了振动液化试验,取得了和类土的τd-logNf曲线,τd/σ′-logNf曲线,为在以上地区进行液化判别提供了重要的基础资料,同时也为研究其它的地区相同土质的振动性能提供借鉴。  相似文献   
For normally consolidated clay, several researchers have developed a number of theoretical time factors to determine the coefficient of consolidation from piezocone test results. However, depending on assumptions and analytical techniques, it could vary considerably, even for a specific degree of consolidation. In this paper a method is proposed to determine a consistent coefficient of consolidation by applying the concept of an optimum design technique over all ranges of the degree of consolidation. Initial excess pore pressure distribution is assumed to be capable of being obtained by the successive spherical cavity expansion theory. The dissipation of pore pressure is simulated by means of a two-dimensional linear-uncoupled axi-symmetric consolidation analysis. The minimization of differences between measured and predicted excess pore pressure was carried out by the BFGS unconstrained optimum design algorithm with a one-dimensional golden section search technique. By analyzing numerical examples and in-situ test results, it was found that the adopted optimum design technique gives consistent and convergent results.  相似文献   
Bentonite clay is a micro-inhomogeneous material, which consists of clay minerals (mainly montmorillonite), macro-grains (mainly quartz), water, air and others. Properties of the saturated bentonite clay are essentially characterized by the montmorillonite and water (i.e. montmorillonite hydrate). We analyze the molecular behavior of sodium montmorillonite hydrate Na1/3Al2[Si11/3Al1/3]O10(OH)2·nH2O by applying a molecular dynamics (MD) simulation method. And by using the MD results we calculate the swelling property of the montmorillonite hydrate, and compare with an experimental result. Next, by using the same MD procedure we treat a montmorillonite mineral with a large number of external water molecules to check the properties of the water. Here we treat pure- and salt-water. Then we calculate the diffusivity and viscosity of water molecules and Na+ and Cl ions.

For extending the microscopic characteristics of constituent materials to a macroscopic seepage behavior of the micro-inhomogeneous material we apply a homogenization analysis (HA). That is, starting with the Navier–Stokes equation with distributed viscosity that is calculated by the former MD procedure we determine macroscopic permeability characteristics of bentonite for both cases of pure- and salt-water. Then, by using the permeability property we calculate long-term consolidation behavior of buffering clay, which is planed to be used for high-level radioactive waste (HLRW) management. Here the deformation is treated under the well-defined Cam clay model.  相似文献   

It is shown that time compression curve obtained from one-dimensional consolidation curve in the laboratory may include six phases. These are initial compression, first primary compression, transition from first primary compression to second primary compression, second primary compression, and transition from second primary compression to creep and lastly creep. This paper attempts to identify the quantitative beginnings and characteristics of these phases. A mathematical characteristic of all the soils that follow primary consolidation as per Terzaghi’s one dimensional consolidation theory is derived. It is known as the constant of primary consolidation. It is used to study the beginning of secondary consolidation and its effects on primary consolidation. Another characteristic of soils for creep and total absence of primary compression is derived. Methods are suggested for the determination of coefficients of Primary and Secondary consolidations and the compression index.  相似文献   
攀钢新基地工程区80%为"昔格达"土回填区,回填土将对桩产生负摩阻力。现场负摩阻力试验表明:回填土上部在堆载情况下会有较大的固结沉降,从而使桩基产生负摩阻力。  相似文献   
This paper presents a semi-analytical solution to one-dimensional consolidation of viscoelastic unsaturated soils with a finite thickness under oedometric conditions and subjected to a sudden loading. The solution is obtained by using Lee’s correspondence principle based on the semi-analytical solution to one-dimensional consolidation of elastic unsaturated soils. The boundary contains the top surface permeable to water and air and the bottom impermeable to water and air. A typical example is given to show the evolution of excess pore-air and pore-water pressures as well as the total degree of consolidation of the soil layer with time for different ratios of air–water permeability coefficient, elastic modulus and viscoelastic coefficient. The one-dimensional consolidation behavior of viscoelastic unsaturated soil is discussed according to the semi-analytical solution. These results contribute to a better understanding of the consolidation behavior of viscoelastic unsaturated soils.  相似文献   
本文主要介绍了2013年中国土地学会学术年会上提出的15个重要观点,包括:新型城镇化是不以损害农民权益为代价的城镇化;不能因为二元经济结构以及土地用途管制制度存在问题,就剥夺了农民流转土地的权利;“法外经济”已呈燎原之势;在土地资源配置和权利配置中,应相机处理公平与效率的关系;注意区分两种性质的房产税;土地整治规划应是新农村建设的落地规划;建立耕、园、林、草大土地整治模式;探析生态用地内涵有利于将可持续发展观贯穿于规划的全过程;土地整治现场调查评价工作应当配备先进技术;结构方程模型为土地整治项目的社会效益评价提供了一种新的思路与方法;全排列多边形图示指标法适宜于作挂钩适宜性评价;开展城镇工矿建设用地整治应适时、适度、适量;货币补偿和提供新宅基地对农户行为具有明显的积极影响;土地整治公众参与不尽人意的四大原因;适时组建土地整治行业协会。  相似文献   
为了完善碎石桩复合地基固结理论,通过假设从桩体排出的水量等于流入桩体的水量与桩体体积变化之和以及地基扰动区土体水平渗透系数呈线性变化,并考虑上部荷载逐渐施加,推导了考虑桩体体积变化的碎石桩复合地基超静孔压及固结度解析解。当加载时间趋于零时,本文解可退化为瞬时加载情况下的解;当加载时间及桩径同时趋于零时,本文解可进一步退化为Terzaghi一维固结解,这证明了本文解的正确性。通过与已有解的比较,对地基固结性状进行了分析。结果表明,加载过程对地基固结度影响显著,加载历时越长,固结越慢;在各种条件下,不考虑桩体固结变形时地基固结始终比考虑桩体变形时快,并且其影响随着加载历时变小、桩径比变小、桩土模量比变小、桩土渗透系数变小而逐渐增大,这说明在实际工程固结计算中不考虑桩体固结变形是偏于不安全的。  相似文献   
固结试验是研究软土动力特性的重要环节,固结时间是影响软土动力特征参数的重要因素。围绕岩土工程及科研工作中对动三轴试验中固结时间影响规律的认识较为模糊的问题,拟对天津滨海软土开展动三轴平行试验,分别采用8h、12h、24h、48h进行固结,针对软土的最大动剪切模量Gmax、最大阻尼比λmax及动剪切模量比Gd/Gmax和阻尼比λ随动剪切应变γd的变化规律,分析固结时间对软土动力特性参数的影响。试验结果表明:Gmax、λmax、Gd/Gmax-γd曲线、λ-γd曲线受固结时间的影响较为显著。Gd/Gmax-γd曲线随着固结时间的增加而减小。阻尼比试验结果表明动剪切应变存在明显的分界点,分界点以下,中长期固结时间所得阻尼比较大,而分界点以上,短期固结时间所得阻尼比较大。  相似文献   
应用室内模型试验的方法对上海地区冲填土的固结特性进行了研究,冲填土从水力吹填开始到固结完成,经历了三个阶段,即沉积阶段、土体颗粒接触阶段与土体固结阶段; 固结时有效应力的增长分为快速增长和缓慢增长两个时期,土体固结沉降主要发生在固结前期,沉降量与有效应力呈正比关系; 排水及荷载条件对冲填土的固结特性与强度有较大影响。本文通过双面排水自重固结、单面排水加载固结及单面排水自重固结三组对照试验,揭示了冲结、变形与沉降量之间的关系,为冲填土地区地面沉降的预测和地基变形的计算提供了有价值的参考。  相似文献   
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