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给出并讨论了海洋系统中由于热量交换、物质交换以及外力做功引起的熵通量的表达式;同时,根据新近调整的全球海 气界面的气候平均资料,估计了全球海洋与大气界面气候年平均的熵通量(熵流),这一熵通量主要取决于海 气界面的热量和物质交换的空间不均匀性。计算结果显示,由热量交换分量引起的熵通量对海洋系统的总熵通量起到主要的贡献作用,其值约为-555.6mW·(m2·K)-1;由海表风应力做功引起的熵通量相对较小,约为-0.09mW·(m2·K)-1;由物质交换引起的熵通量最小,仅为-0.02mW·(m2·K)-1。总的来说,海洋系统从外界获得的总熵通量为-555.7mW·(m2·K)-1,这也就意味着在气候平均定态下,海洋系统内部的熵产生在量值上等于系统的熵交换,即为555.7mW·(m2·K)-1。海洋系统的负熵流与其内部的各种不可逆过程引起的熵产生取得平衡,确保了全球海洋系统处于非平衡热力学定态,并维持着海洋系统中各种尺度的时 空有序现象的消长过程。  相似文献   
The hydrogeochemistry of methane: Evidence from English groundwaters   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The presence of methane (CH4) in groundwater is usually only noticed when it rises to high concentrations; to date rather little is known about its production or natural ‘baseline’ conditions. Evidence from a range of non-polluted groundwater environments in England, including water supply aquifers, aquicludes and thermal waters, reveals that CH4 is almost always detectable, even in aerobic conditions. Measurements of potable waters from Cretaceous, Jurassic and Triassic carbonate and sandstone aquifers reveal CH4 concentrations of up to 500 μg/l, but a mean value of < 10 μg/l. However, aquiclude and thermal waters from the Carboniferous and Triassic typically contain in excess of 1500 μg/l. Such high concentrations have so far only been found at redox (Eh) potentials below 0 mV, but in general CH4 concentration and Eh value are poorly correlated. This suggests a lack of thermodynamic equilibrium, which is confirmed by comparing pe values calculated from the redox couple C(4)/C(− 4) with those derived from Eh. Genesis of CH4 appears to occur on two timescales: a rapid if low rate of production from labile carbon in anaerobic microsites in the soil, and a much longer, millennium scale of production from more refractory carbon. Methane is rarely measured in groundwater; there is no single ionic determinand which acts universally as a proxy, but a combination of high HCO3 and low SO4 concentrations, or the reverse, is an indication that high amounts of CH4 may be present.  相似文献   
对塔城盆地1998-1999年15个大降水个例进行了诊断分析,发现了T106产品700hPa垂直速度和水汽通量与塔城盆地大降水量级呈正相关,并给出了定量预报指标。  相似文献   
青藏铁路管道通风试验路基地温变化及热状况分析   总被引:3,自引:6,他引:3  
基于青藏铁路北麓河试验段管道通风路基在2个冻融循环周期内的地温监测资料,分析了路基温度的发展、温度场分布特征及多年冻土的热流量变化.结果表明:通风管埋设于路堤中部的路基温度变化和发展情况与一般路基类似,路基在施工后的2个冻融周期内仍处于整体升温的过程;通风管埋设于路堤下部的路基,虽然前2个冻融循环周期内土体温度与原始状态相比同样有所升高,但开始出现逐渐降低的趋势,同时地温场的分布在横向上的对称性也比较好,在热交换方面,一般填土路基和通风管位于路堤中部的路基在施工后的前2个冻融循环周期内一直处于吸热过程,而通风管位于路堤下部的路基在经历了第1个周期的持续吸热过程后,在第2个冻融循环周期内已经开始放热。  相似文献   
Strategies to mitigate anthropogenic climate change recognize that carbon sequestration in the terrestrial biosphere can reduce the build-up of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere. However, climate mitigation policies do not generally incorporate the effects of these changes in the land surface on the surface albedo, the fluxes of sensible and latent heat to the atmosphere, and the distribution of energy within the climate system. Changes in these components of the surface energy budget can affect the local, regional, and global climate. Given the goal of mitigating climate change, it is important to consider all of the effects of changes in terrestrial vegetation and to work toward a better understanding of the full climate system. Acknowledging the importance of land surface change as a component of climate change makes it more challenging to create a system of credits and debits wherein emission or sequestration of carbon in the biosphere is equated with emission of carbon from fossil fuels. Recognition of the complexity of human-caused changes in climate does not, however, weaken the importance of actions that would seek to minimize our disturbance of the Earth’s environmental system and that would reduce societal and ecological vulnerability to environmental change and variability.  相似文献   
夏季红枫湖地区农田土壤-大气界面汞交换通量的初步研究   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
采用动力学通量箱法(Dynamic Flux Chamber)与高时间分辨率大气测汞仪联用技术对贵州红枫湖地区土壤-大气界面间汞交换通量进行了初步研究.结果显示,红枫湖地区土壤-大气界面间汞交换通量变化范围为-8.6 ng~215.3 ng@m-2@h-1,平均27.4士40.1 ng/m2@h(n=255);且土壤与大气界面间的汞交换是双向的既有土壤汞的释放,又有大气汞的沉降,主要以土壤汞的释放为主(n释放=253,n沉降=2n).土壤汞的释放通量与土壤温度、气温、光照强度有强相关关系,相关系数分别为0.80、0.83、0.74.  相似文献   
The study place is in the Barreirinhas region, Maranhão State, northeastern Brazil. A vegetation transect of 78 km was studied among four vegetation types: Restinga (coastal vegetation), Cerrado (woody savanna), Cerradão (dense woody savanna), and Forest, as well as three forested sites around Lagoa do Caçó, located approximately 10 km of the transect. Soil profiles in this transect were sampled for δ13C analysis, as well as buried charcoal fragments were used for 14C dating. The data interpretation indicated that approximately between 15,000 and ∼9000 14C yr B.P., arboreal vegetation prevailed in the whole transect, probably due to the presence of a humid climate. Approximately between ∼9000 and 4000-3000 14C yr B.P., there was the expansion of the savanna, probably related to the presence of drier climate. From ∼4000-3000 14C yr B.P. to the present, the results indicated an increase in the arboreal density in the area, due to the return to a more humid and probably similar climate to the present. The presence of buried charcoal fragments in several soil depths suggested the occurrence of palaeofires during the Holocene. The vegetation dynamic inferred in this study for northeastern Brazil is in agreement with the results obtained in areas of Amazon region, based on pollen analysis of lake sediments and carbon isotope analysis of soil organic matter (SOM), implying than similar climatic conditions have affected these areas during the late Pleistocene until the present.  相似文献   
Many chromite-rich rocks contain relatively high concentrations of the platinum-group elements (PGE). In many cases, the phases carrying PGE occur as either platinum-group minerals (PGM) or as base metal sulfides in solid solution in sulfides. In some cases, such as the UG-2 unit of the Bushveld Complex, the PGM are occluded inside chromite grains. Chromites are notably difficult to dissolve in most fluxes and if the chromite contains some PGM the possibility exists that not all the PGE will be recovered during fusion. In this work, shortcomings in published methods of analysis based on the nickel sulfide fire assay procedure were investigated and a new procedure developed based on the addition of sodium metaphosphate to the fusion mixture. Optimum composition of the fusion mixture was found to be 10 g sodium metaphosphate and 9 g silica to 10 g sample, 15 g sodium carbonate, 30 g lithium tetraborate, 7.5 g nickel and 4.5 g sulfur to achieve complete dissolution of chromite grains. The new flux mixture was evaluated by the analysis of reference material CHR-Pt+ (which is known to contain PGM inside chromite grains) and no undissolved chromite grains were found in the glassy slag. Analysis of the nickel sulfide beads from this fire assay using neutron activation analysis showed similar results for Rh and Ru when compared with published conventional true (or accepted) values, while Au, Ir, Os, Pd and Pt values determined here were 10 to 30% higher than the corresponding published conventional true values. It was concluded that the addition of sodium metaphosphate improved chromite dissolution in the flux and appears to improve PGE recovery.  相似文献   
The spatial and temporal distributions of major elements were investigated in the surface waters and in associated suspended matter at two sites of the upper Loire basin (Orleans and Brehemont) between 1995 and 1998.According to geochemical and isotopic patterns, the dissolved load appears to result from a process of mixing rainwater inputs, weathering processes of carbonate and silicate bedrock, and agricultural and urban inputs. Natural inputs influence 60% of water chemical composition at both sites. Annual dissolved fluxes were estimated to be 1300 103 t/y at Orleans and 1620 103 t/y at Brehemont. Major elements are transported mainly in the dissolved fraction. After correcting for atmospheric and anthropogenic inputs, the silicate specific export rate was calculated to be 11 t/y/km2 throughout the basin and the carbonate specific export rate to be from 47 t/y/km2 at Orleans to 23 t/y/km2 at Brehemont.The suspended load appears to result from at least two particle reservoirs: a silicate reservoir and a carbonate reservoir. The silicate reservoir has a detrital origin, mainly during periods of high flow, while the carbonate reservoir has a detrital origin during periods of high flow and an authigenic origin during periods of low flow. Of the total annual flow of suspended matter, this authigenic material represents 16% at Orleans, 25% at Brehemont and 37% in the fluvial part of the estuary. After correcting authigenic inputs, the specific export rate due to mechanical weathering was estimated to be 8 t/y/km2 throughout the Loire basin.  相似文献   
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