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利用线粒体细胞色素氧化酶亚基Ⅰ(cytochrome oxidaseⅠ,COI)基因序列对北京地区和江汉湖群部分湖泊萼花臂尾轮虫(Brachionus calyciflorus)种群遗传结构进行了初步分析。以特异引物进行PCR扩增,获得了661bp的基因片断序列,所得序列与Genbank中B.calyciflorus COI序列的同源性为82%—93%。在6个种群中,共获得了15种单元型。序列分析结果表明,不同季节单元型之间的遗传距离较大(0.248-0.263),而在同一季节单元型之间遗传距离较小(0.002-0.031)。种群遗传结构分析表明,各种群之间无共享的单元型,同一季节不同湖泊种群之间存在着一定程度的遗传分化,但未按照地理位置形成明显的地理格局。按采样时间分组进行AMOVA分析,组间差异高达94.09%;DH-I与其他种群之间存在着明显的遗传分化。同一湖泊不同季节样品之间,遗传变异较大,这表明在同一湖泊存在着不同基因型的轮虫休眠卵,当环境条件发生了变化后,不同基因型之间会发生更迭。  相似文献   
对3种蛏类大竹蛏(Solen grandis),长竹蛏(Solen strictus)和小刀蛏(Cultellus attenuatus)的线粒体16SrRNA和COI基因片段序列进行了比较并对其系统学进行了初步研究。得到的序列总长度分别为472-481bp(16S)和658bp(COI)。3种蛏序列的碱基组成均显示出较高的A+T比例(16SrRNA基因62.1%;COI基因62.8%)。对位排序比较表明,16SrRNA片段种内个体间变异较小,3种类间存在128个碱基变异位点(其中包括127个简约信息位点)和5个插入/缺失位点,总共12个碱基长;COI片段有200个碱基存在变异,其中包括191个简约信息位点,不存在任何插入/缺失位点。数据分析结果表明16SrRNA和COI基因片段大竹蛏与长竹蛏两片段的遗传距离分别为0.0856和0.1712,两竹蛏类与小刀蛏的遗传距离分别为0.3054,0.2798和0.2662,0.2933。作者认为小刀蛏与竹蛏之间的遗传距离已达到科之间的水平,结果支持将其提升为刀蛏科的分类观点。3种蛏类线粒体16SrRNA和COI基因在种间明显的多态性,证实了16SrRNA和COI基因序列均普遍适用于蛏类种及以上阶元的系统学分析。  相似文献   
相手蟹科的诸多种类因其形态极其相似成为方蟹总科分类中疑问较多的一个类群。通过对中国沿海相手蟹线粒体COI和16S rRNA基因序列进行分子系统发育分析,结果表明14种相手蟹COI和16S rRNA基因序列之间差异分别为5.7%~14.5%和1.5%~12.1%,均达到了种间差异水平。构建的系统发育树显示,14种相手蟹分别为独立有效物种,但分属于拟相手蟹属和近相手蟹属的4种拟相手蟹和3种近相手蟹,没有分别形成2个独立的支系,而是混合聚成一大支系。而属于螳臂相手蟹属的无齿螳臂相手蟹则首先与属于中相手蟹属的中华中相手蟹聚成一支,再与红螯螳臂相手蟹聚为一大支,表现出与形态分类的不一致。错综复杂的分子系统关系预示着相手蟹类为多系起源,也表明它们之间的种间关系乃至于属间关系尚有诸多问题有待进一步厘定。  相似文献   
有棘无棘两种表型栉江珧28S和COI基因序列差异的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在形态学分析的基础上,对有棘和无棘两种不同表型栉江珧(Atrina pectinata)的28S rDNA和COI基因片段进行序列分析比较.结果显示这两种表型的DNA序列差异很小,28S rDNA(1 075 bp)无差异,而COI(659 bp)碱基差异最大为1.5%,不能提供这两种表型的栉江珧划分为两个种的证据.  相似文献   
三疣梭子蟹(Portunus trituberculatus)作为重要的海洋经济动物,其常见体色(头胸甲)为茶绿色。近年来在我国沿海海域海捕三疣梭子蟹中开始出现体色为紫色的一类梭子蟹,除体色不同外,二者表型特征并无显著差异。对两种体色三疣梭子蟹不同个体的线粒体COI和16S rRNA基因进行了序列比对分析以判定二者之间的亲缘关系。结果发现COI和16S rRNA基因在两种体色三疣梭子蟹群体中的核苷酸序列一致性分别为99.87%和99.88%,表明紫色三疣梭子蟹并未发生亚种的分化,即紫色和茶绿色群体属于同一个种。并利用GenBank数据库检索了梭子蟹科其他15种海产蟹的16S rRNA序列,进行了序列同源性比对分析和分子系统学方面的探讨,为梭子蟹种属分类学研究提供分子依据。  相似文献   
三疣梭子蟹作为重要的海洋经济动物,其常见体色为茶绿色。近年来在我国东部沿海海域海捕三疣梭子蟹中开始出现体色为紫色的一类梭子蟹,除体色不同外,二者表型特征并无显著差异。为确定两种体色三疣梭子蟹之间的关系,本文对两种体色三疣梭子蟹不同个体的线粒体COl和16srRNA基因进行了比较分析以判定体色的差异是否由于种属的差异引起的。通过对以上两个基因部分序列的SSCP和相关序列测定分析,发现在紫色和茶绿色群体中这两个线粒体保守序列基因的SSCP电泳条带图谱相似,序列分析表明COl和16srRNA基因在两种体色三疣梭子蟹群体中的核苷酸序列相似度分别为99.81%和99.91%。以上结果表明,紫色三疣梭子蟹并未发生亚种的分化,即紫色和茶绿色群体属于同一个种。此外,紫色梭子蟹群体的线粒体DNA序列在进化关系上较茶绿色群体更为保守。  相似文献   
Despite the high number of species and ecological diversity of pandalid shrimps, there has been no previous attempt to resolve evolutionary relationships of several genera using molecular tools. Although mitochondrial DNA cytochrome oxidase I (COI) is widely used in barcoding studies to delimit species boundaries, additional insights into phylogenetic affinities can be obtained, especially when used in combination with data from additional genes. The knowledge of molecular diversity is essential to understand phylogenetic relationships and will help systematic clarifications. Based on partial fragments of the 16S and COI genes, we have focused specifically on addressing the systematic relationships of the economically and ecologically important shrimp genus Plesionika within a framework of five genera from within the Pandalidae. Our results showed that species within Plesionika are substantially divergent when compared with other genera, exhibiting the highest average nucleotide divergence, with 0.1123 and 0.0846 in COI and 16S genes, respectively. In addition, sequence divergence was found to vary greatly within the genus Plesionika (COI/16S): 0.0247/0.0016 between Plesionika antigai and Plesionika heterocarpus and 0.1616/0.098 between Plesionika heterocarpus and Plesionika edwardsii. We did not find amino acid sequence divergence between P. heterocarpus and P. antigai compared with P. heterocarpus and P. edwardsii (8.10%, K2P distance). Three species of Plesionika (P. antigai, P. heterocarpus and Plesionika scopifera) appear well separated from other Plesionika species in both maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses. The present study confirms the utility of COI over 16S as a genetic marker to resolve relationships between different species of Plesionika from the Northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea, in addition to species delimitation. The findings highlight the need to further review paraphyly within Plesionika in an attempt to recognize a concordance in the evolutionary history of Plesionika with major ecological and geological events.  相似文献   
In the past two decades, many studies have focused on the classification within genus Laminaria, ultimately trying to divide it into two subgroups or genera: Laminaria and Saccharina. A significant debate still surrounds the question of its division, as the conflicting phylogenetic hypotheses that have resulted from the classification studies are based on different taxon sampling, molecular markers, or analysis methods. It is aimed at elucidate the molecular phylogeny within Laminaria and Saccharina. The nine species of Laminariales are sampled from northern Asia and Europe, and 23 new sequences in the nuclear, plastid, and mitochondrial genomes are determined to identify their taxonomic status. The phylogenetic analyses of 71 species are performed, including representatives from six of the seven families of the order Laminariales, based on three separate data sets. An evidence is provided to strongly support a clear split that maintains the two recognized genera, Laminaria and Saccharina, with Laminaria appearing to be the ancestor group. Further, analyses indicate that all taxa in Saccharina and Laminaria did not form a monophyletic lineage, instead Laminariaceae and Lessoniaceae grouped together interlacedly, and Costariaceae appeared as the sister taxon of the Lessoniaceae–Laminariaceae clade. In the phylogenetic analysis, mitochondrial c oxidase I(COI) sequences appeared to be the most credible molecular marker which was more befitting than nuclear encoded internal transcribed spacer(ITS) and plastid encoded rbcL for establishment of Laminariales systematics. It is the most comprehensive phylogeny of the order Laminariales, and contributes to an enhanced understanding and estimation of the phylogenetic relationships for the economically important seaweeds, Laminaria and Saccharina.  相似文献   
应用通用引物 COIL 1490和 COIH 2198对翡翠股贻贝Perna viridis的性腺和体细胞线粒体DNA进行PCR扩增,获得661bp长度的COI基因片段,经过比对性腺与体细胞的COI片段,发现雄性性腺与体细胞COI基因均为一个单倍型,即体内只有一种线粒体DNA类型,没有发现双单性遗传现象,雌、雄性腺的COI基因片段变异率很低(0.31%)。应用PAUP构建了NJ树、MP树以及贝叶斯法构建了贝叶斯树,对股贻贝属3种间的系统关系进行了分析,结果表明,翡翠股贻贝P. viridis与P. canaliculus 和 P. perna 之间的分化与分歧年代的估算是相吻合的。  相似文献   
Sea cucumbers are traditional marine food and Chinese medicine in Asia. The rapid expansion of sea cucumber market has resulted in various problems, such as commercial fraud and mislabeling. Conventionally, sea cucumber species could be distinguished by their morphological and anatomical characteristics; however, their identification becomes difficult when they are processed. The aim of this study was to develop a new convenient method of identifying and distinguishing sea cucumber species. Polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I gene (COI) was used to identifing five sea cucumber species (Apostichopus japonicus, Cucumaria frondosa, Thelenota ananas, Parastichopus californicus and Actinopyga lecanora). A 692 bp fragment of COI was searched for BamHI, KpnI, PstI, XbaI and Eco31I restriction sites with DNAMAN 6.0, which were then used to PCR-RFLP analysis. These five sea cucumber species can be discriminated from mixed sea cucumbers. The developed PCR-RFLP assay will facilitate the identification of sea cucumbers, making their source tracing and quality controlling feasible.  相似文献   
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