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Unusual textural and chemical characteristics of disseminated dolomite in Upper Jurassic shelf sediments of the North Sea have provided the basis for a proposed new interpretation of early diagenetic dolomite authigenesis in highly bioturbated marine sandstones. The dolomite is present throughout the Franklin Sandstone Formation of the Franklin and Elgin Fields as discrete, non‐ferroan, generally unzoned, subhedral to highly anhedral ‘jigsaw piece’ crystals. These are of a similar size to the detrital silicate grains and typically account for ≈5% of the rock volume. The dolomite crystals are never seen to form polycrystalline aggregates or concretions, or ever to envelop the adjacent silicate grains. They are uniformly dispersed throughout the sandstones, irrespective of detrital grain size or clay content. Dolomite authigenesis predated all the other significant diagenetic events visible in thin section. The dolomite is overgrown by late diagenetic ankerite, and bulk samples display stable isotope compositions that lie on a mixing trend between these components. Extrapolation of this trend suggests that the dolomite has near‐marine δ18O values and low, positive δ13C values. The unusual textural and chemical characteristics of this dolomite can all be reconciled if it formed in the near‐surface zone of active bioturbation. Sea water provided a plentiful reservoir of Mg and a pore fluid of regionally consistent δ18O. Labile bioclastic debris (e.g. aragonite, Mg‐calcite) supplied isotopically positive carbon to the pore fluids during shallow‐burial dissolution. Such dissolution took place in response to the ambient ‘calcite sea’ conditions, but may have been catalysed by organic matter oxidation reactions. Bioturbation not only ensured that the dissolving carbonate was dispersed throughout the sandstones, but also prohibited coalescence of the dolomite crystals and consequent cementation of the grain framework. Continued exchange of Mg2+ and Ca2+ with the sea‐water reservoir maintained a sufficient Mg/Ca ratio for dolomite (rather than calcite) to form. Irregular crystal shapes resulted from dissolution, of both the dolomite and the enclosed fine calcitic shell debris, before ankerite precipitation during deep‐burial diagenesis.  相似文献   
In late 1980s, a dense network of deep capillary burrows was reported on the Vøring Plateau, Nordic Seas, and associated with a sipunculan belonging to the genus Nephasoma. This sipunculan was responsible for rapid transport of organic matter from the sediment surface down a deep burrow network. Over 460 specimens belonging to the genus Nephasoma were collected from the deep Nordic Seas during four cruises from 2000–2005 and four species identified: Nephasoma abyssorum abyssorum, N. diaphanes diaphanes, N. diaphanes corrugatum and N. lilljeborgi. The species responsible for the deep burrows and rapid subduction of organic matter can now be confirmed as Nephasoma lilljeborgi. Deep burrows associated with N. lilljeborgi were observed on the Vøring Plateau, Bear Island Fan, Svalbard Margin and Yermak Plateau and may be a seabed feature endemic to the Nordic Seas region. N. lilljeborgi could have a significant role in influencing the ecology and geochemistry of the Nordic Seas region. It is recommended that future benthic community studies in the Nordic Seas region confirm the species identity of sipunculan specimens in order to determine the ecological and geochemical importance of the specimens.  相似文献   
Absolute chronologies in paleoceanographic records are often constructed using the 14C dating of coarse fraction foraminifera (>150 μm). However, due to processes such as changes in sediment sources or abundances, sedimentation rates, bioturbation, reworking, the adsorption of modern carbon, etc., several studies conducted in different environmental settings have shown time-lags between records obtained from various granulometric fractions. In this study, we examined temporal phasing between the coarse foraminifera and fine fractions by studying changes in the abundances of δ18O, the 14C ages of the planktonic foraminifera Globigerinoides ruber (G. ruber, 250–350 μm), and the sediment fine fraction (<63 μm) over the last 45 ka in a core obtained from the northern Caribbean Sea. All of the records were found to be in phase during part of the Holocene (at least for the last ≈6 ka). As determined from δ18O records and 14C ages, the fine fraction was younger than G. ruber during the Last Deglaciation (of 1.89 ka). The coupling between bioturbation and changes in the fine fraction, and G. ruber abundances, as tested using a numerical model of the bioturbation record within a mixed-layer depth of 8 cm, was sufficient to explain the results. 14C age discrepancies increased from 5.64 to 8.5 ka during Marine Isotopic Stages (MIS) 2 and 3, respectively. These chronological discrepancies could not be explained by only one process and seemed to result from the interplay between mechanisms: size-differentiated bioturbation (for 1.5 to 2.5 ka), the adsorption of modern atmospheric CO2 (for 3.04 to 5.92 ka), and variations in sedimentological processes that influenced the fine carbonate fraction. However, even if variations in the mineralogical composition of the fine carbonate fraction were identified using scanning-electron microscopy observations, X-ray diffraction measurements, and geochemical analyses (the mol % MgCO3 of magnesian calcite and the Sr/Ca ratio of the bulk fine fraction), they can not account for the observed age differences. The results presented for core MD03-2628 extend beyond this case study because they illustrate the need for a detailed characterization of the various size fractions prior to paleoclimate signal interpretations, especially for chronological studies.  相似文献   
为探讨水丝蚓(Tubificid worms)扰动对磷在湖泊沉积物-水界面间迁移的影响,选取太湖梅梁湾与大浦口两富营养化湖区为研究对象,通过室内培养实验,利用Rhizon间隙水采样器等技术,研究了水丝蚓扰动对太湖沉积物-水界面理化性质及溶解活性磷(SRP)在界面通量的影响.结果表明水丝蚓扰动能够增大表层沉积物含水率、氧化还原电位,减小间隙水中Fe2+浓度.水丝蚓没有显著改变梅梁湾间隙水中SRP浓度,同时促进了梅梁湾沉积物中SRP向上覆水的释放;但水丝蚓显著减小了大浦口间隙水中SRP浓度,并抑制了大浦口沉积物中SRP向上覆水的释放.水丝蚓扰动对磷在沉积物-水界面间迁移的不同影响可能是由沉积物中Fe2+含量差异较大造成的.  相似文献   
Information on post-fire sediment and nutrient redistribution is required to underpin post-fire catchment management decisions. Fallout radionuclide budgets (210Pbxs, 137Cs and 7Be) were derived to quantify soil redistribution and sediment yield in forested terrain following a moderately severe wildfire in a small (89 ha) water supply catchment in SE Australia. Application of these techniques in burnt terrain requires careful consideration of the partitioning of radionuclides between organic and mineral soil components. Beryllium-7 and 210Pbxs were shown to be closely associated with ash, litter and soil organic matter whereas 137Cs was more closely associated with subsurface coarse mineral soil. Comparison of the three tracer budgets indicated that the dominant sediment source areas were ridgetops and steep valley sideslopes, from which burnt surface material was conveyed to the stream network via pre-existing gullies. Erosion was predominantly driven by sheetwash, enhanced by soil water repellency, and modified by bioturbation which both supplies subsurface sediment and provides sinks for erosive overland flow. Footslope and riparian zones were not important sediment source areas. The estimated event-based (wildfire and subsequent rainfall) sediment yield is 58 ± 25 t km− 2, based on fallout 7Be measurements. The upper estimate of total particulate phosphorus yield (0.70 kg ha− 1) is more than 10 times that at equivalent unburnt sites. This illustrates that, soon after fire, burnt eucalypt forest can produce nutrient loads similar to those of agricultural catchments. The tracer budgets indicate that wildfire is an important control on sediment and phosphorus inputs to the stream network over the decadal timeframe and the pulsed nature of this release is an important concern for water quality management.  相似文献   
Carbonate sediments in non‐vegetated habitats on the north‐east Adriatic shelf are dominated by shells of molluscs. However, the rate of carbonate molluscan production prior to the 20th century eutrophication and overfishing on this and other shelves remains unknown because: (i) monitoring of ecosystems prior to the 20th century was scarce; and (ii) ecosystem history inferred from cores is masked by condensation and mixing. Here, based on geochronological dating of four bivalve species, carbonate production during the Holocene is assessed in the Gulf of Trieste, where algal and seagrass habitats underwent a major decline during the 20th century. Assemblages of sand‐dwelling Gouldia minima and opportunistic Corbula gibba are time‐averaged to >1000 years and Corbula gibba shells are older by >2000 years than shells of co‐occurring Gouldia minima. This age difference is driven by temporally disjunct production of two species coupled with decimetre‐scale mixing. Stratigraphic unmixing shows that Corbula gibba declined in abundance during the highstand phase and increased again during the 20th century. In contrast, one of the major contributors to carbonate sands – Gouldia minima – increased in abundance during the highstand phase, but declined to almost zero abundance over the past two centuries. Gouldia minima and herbivorous gastropods associated with macroalgae or seagrasses are abundant in the top‐core increments but are rarely alive. Although Gouldia minima is not limited to vegetated habitats, it is abundant in such habitats elsewhere in the Mediterranean Sea. This live–dead mismatch reflects the difference between highstand baseline communities (with soft‐bottom vegetated zones and hard‐bottom Arca beds) and present‐day oligophotic communities with organic‐loving species. Therefore, the decline in light penetration and the loss of vegetated habitats with high molluscan production traces back to the 19th century. More than 50% of the shells on the sea floor in the Gulf of Trieste reflect inactive production that was sourced by heterozoan carbonate factory in algal or seagrass habitats.  相似文献   
Carbonate drifts have so far not been as intensely investigated as their siliciclastic equivalents, especially from an ichnological perspective. The aim of this work is therefore to provide an overview of the different bioturbation styles in carbonate drifts for ichnologists and sedimentologists working in such deposits. Different types of carbonate drifts from the Maldives were studied to address this objective. The cores recovered during International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 359 were examined to provide the sedimentological and ichnological data for a detailed analysis of the ichnology of carbonate drifts. The ichnological characteristics of the Maldives drifts are compared to other carbonate drifts in order to discuss similarities and differences, and thus provide an overview of the general characteristics of carbonate drift ichnology. These drifts are located in the Santaren Channel which lines Great Bahama Bank, along the Marion Plateau in Australia, in the Limassol and Larnaca basins in Cyprus and in the Danish Basin in Denmark. The common characteristics of bioturbation in carbonate drifts are: (i) the complete bioturbation of the sediment with bioturbation indexes between four and six; (ii) the occurrence of distinctive trace fossils limited to facies contacts or condensed intervals; (iii) a typical ichnoassemblage consisting of Thalassinoides, Scolicia, Planolites, Zoophycos, Chondrites, Phycosiphon and Palaeophycus; (iv) the contiguous occurrence of ichnogenera from different tiers, with only Zoophycos and Chondrites as deep tiers; and (v) distinct infills of the traces including particulate organic matter, pyrite, silica and celestine. In addition, the main ichnofacies of carbonate drifts is the Zoophycos ichnofacies. Ichnofabrics grade from coarse‐grained and completely bioturbated to ichnofabrics with present to rare trace fossils and preserved sedimentary structures. The type and intensity of the bioturbation is controlled by the amount of organic matter and the oxygenation at the sea floor that is determined by the action of bottom currents and the sea‐level fluctuations affecting the carbonate factory in carbonate platforms bordering the basins where the carbonate drifts form. The study of the bioturbation in core and outcrop provides palaeoenvironmental information about carbonate‐drift deposits that complement the classical sedimentological data.  相似文献   
The Middle to Upper Ordovician siliciclastic succession in Central Bolivia provides excellent exposures of up to 1 m thick massive sandstone beds produced by liquefaction-induced sediment remobilisation. These fine-grained massive sandstones occur in shallow-marine nearshore facies that were deposited above storm wave base. Vertical to steeply inclined clastic dykes, which penetrate up to 1.5 m of the overlying sediment pile, feed into the basal parts of massive sandstone sheets. These dykes are interpreted as pathways used by liquefied sediment during upward-directed escape from a subsurface horizon. The relatively short lateral spacing of 5 to 25 m between the individual dykes initiated lateral coalescence of ejected individual sediment bodies. As a result, massive sandstone sheets formed and can be traced laterally over several kilometres. While undeformed sandy deposits contain between 5 to 10% dispersed clay the average clay content in massive sandstone sheets is ∼ 15%. The elongated, sometimes S-shaped form of the sandy, laminated fragments reflects squeezing during movement showing that they have been deformed under shear stress during flow. The axis of maximum elongation of the fragments indicates local flow direction. As the massive sandstone sheets are likely the products of seismic shocks they provide the first evidence of tectonic activity in this part of the basin during the Middle to Late Ordovician.  相似文献   
Bioturbated sediments recording distal expressions of paralic depositional environments are increasingly being exploited for hydrocarbons in the super-giant Pembina Field (Cardium Formation), Alberta, Canada. These strata were previously considered unproductive due to limited vertical and horizontal connectivity between permeable beds. In these “tight oil” plays (0.1–10 mD), pressure decay profile permeametry (micropermeability) data indicate that sand-filled burrows provide vertical permeable pathways between bioturbated and parallel-laminated sandstone beds in the central, northeast and northwest parts of the field. This relationship enables the economic exploitation of hydrocarbons via horizontal drilling and multi-stage hydraulic fracturing. As the exploitation of bioturbated strata progresses in the Pembina Field, additional primary targets are being sought out, and horizontal waterflooding is being considered in areas where horizontal wells exist. Proximal to historical produced conventional targets, reservoir analyses indicate that areas where the bioturbated facies average permeability lies between 0.35 mD and 0.85 mD and sandstone isopach thicknesses are between 0.25 m and 2.5 m should be targeted in east-central Pembina.Micropermeability values enable correlation of bulk permeability from plugs and full-diameter samples to the heterogeneous permeability distributions in intensely bioturbated strata. Bulk and micropermeability data are graphically compared, and permeability distributions are mapped across the field. Using isopach thickness of bioturbated facies, production data, and permeability data, “sweet spots” are identified for placement of effective waterfloods.Production information for recently drilled horizontal wells in the Pembina Field demonstrate that bioturbated muddy sandstones and sandy mudstones in paralic environments can be economically exploited when sand-filled burrows provide connectivity between sand beds. However, well performance within these poorly understood unconventional tight oil plays can better be predicted with an in-depth characterization of their facies and complex permeability heterogeneities. Based on our results, it is clear that micropermeability analysis can be effectively employed to differentiate between economic and sub-economic plays, identify areas with high effective permeability, and high-grade areas for enhanced oil recovery schemes.  相似文献   
Hudson River sediment microcosms from Piles Creek (PC), Piermont Marsh (PM), and Iona Island (II) were amended with ∼100 mM nitrate or sulfate to stimulate anaerobic bioremediation. Nitrate and sulfate decreased over two years of field incubation and the fraction of these losses due to diffusion to the water column was predicted using Fick’s law. Apparent diffusion (Dapp) values of 1-4 × 10−10 m2 s−1 predicted the majority of loss/gain from/to the sediments by 700 d, but not at all times. Effective diffusion (Deff) values predicted by the porosity function (Deff = Dmol ε4/3) were larger than those observed in the field, and field data indicates a cube power relationship: Deff = Dmol ε3. Dapp greatly increased in surficial layers at PM and PC in year two, suggesting that bioadvection caused by bioturbating organisms had occurred. The effects of bioturbation on transport to/from the sediments are modeled, and results can be applied to various sediment treatment scenarios such as capping.  相似文献   
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