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The development of embryos and larvae of Babylonia formosae habei living along the southeast coast of China is observed under laboratory conditions. The egg masses are laid by females on hard substrate at night and each capsule contains 100-500 eggs. Each egg is 250-280 mm in diameter. The first two cleavages of the embryo are meridional and equal, and a polar lobe is produced. Larval kidney, which only consists of a single cell, appears during the gastrula stage on each side of the embryo. The right tentacle develops prior to the left one. At 25-27℃, an intracapsulate veliger stage is reached about 4.5 d after deposition. The larvae hatch on the fifth day as swimming veligers with a shell length of 360 -500 mm. The newly hatched larva can ingest suspended algal cells from the water column and remains in the pelagic stage for 8-10 d. The newly settled juveniles are 900-1 200 mm in shell length.  相似文献   
The development of embryos and larvae of Babyloniaformosae habei living along the southeast coast of China is observed under laboratory conditions. The egg masses are laid by females on hard substrate at night and each capsule contains 100-500 eggs. Each egg is 250-280 mm in diameter. The fast two cleavages of the embryo are meridional and equal, and a polar lobe is produced. Larval kidney, which only consists of a single cell, appears during the gastrula stage on each side of the embryo. The right tentacle develops prior to the left one. At 25-27 ℃, an intracapsulate veliger stage is reached about 4.5 d after deposition. The larvae hatch on the fifth day as swimming veligers with a shell length of 360 -500 mm. The newly hatched larva can ingest suspended algal cells from the water column and remains in the pelagic stage for 8-10 d. The newly settled juveniles are 900-1 200 mm in shell length.  相似文献   
KCl对方斑东风螺浮游幼虫变态的诱导作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了KCl对方斑东风螺(Babylonia aerolatoLink)浮游幼虫变态的诱导作用。结果表明,在水体200 mL,幼虫20只,KCl连续作用12 h的条件下,当KCl浓度不超过8×10-3mol/L且幼虫日龄小于12 d时,诱导变态率为0~15%,诱导效果不稳定;当KCl浓度达到11×10-3mol/L且幼虫日龄达到15 d时,浮游幼虫变态率超过95%。在水体850 L,幼虫2.0×105~2.5×105只,KCl连续作用9 h的条件下,KCl浓度为17×10-3mol/L,日龄15 d的幼虫变态率达90%。浮游幼虫日龄越大,KCl添加浓度越高,作用时间越长,KCl诱导变态作用越明显。KCl对方斑东风螺幼虫有毒性作用,日龄越小,浓度越大,作用时间越长,毒性越大。日龄12 d的浮游幼虫,KCl添加浓度11×10-3mol/L作用20 h诱导变态的稚螺,未发现其生长和存活受到KCl的不良影响。综合本实验的结果,KCl诱导变态较为安全有效的条件是:浮游幼虫日龄不小于15 d,添加浓度11×10-3~14×10-3mol/L,作用时间不超过12 h。  相似文献   
温度和盐度对方斑东风螺胚胎发育的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
研究了温度和盐度对方斑东风螺胚胎发育的影响。结果表明:方斑东风螺胚胎发育的最低和最高临温分别为20℃和32℃,最适温度范围为24~28℃,在此温度范围内,方斑东风螺胚胎发育所需时间[T(h) ]温[X(℃) ]呈负相关关系,它们之间的回归关系符合指数函数方程:T=438 .30e-0. 043 3X(R2 =0. 982 3,P<0 胚胎发育的最低和最高临界盐度分别为14和32,最适盐度范围为20 ~28,在适宜盐度范围内,不同盐度对方风螺的胚胎发育速度无显著影响。  相似文献   
2005年5月~8月在雷州市覃斗镇海威水产种苗基地的室内水池进行方斑东风螺亲螺培育,对亲螺不同批次产出的卵囊、卵、及其幼虫进行比较。结果表明:随着亲螺产卵批次的增加,亲螺产卵囊数、卵囊含卵数、产卵量逐次减少;卵囊长、宽逐次变小,厚逐次增加,形状由葵花子片状的比例大变为棒状的比例大;幼虫浮游期逐次延长;变态期幼虫壳长逐次变小;各批次之间的变态率逐次降低;卵径、孵化率、出囊幼虫大小差异不显著。  相似文献   
比较了自然沙、棕色陶粒、白色陶粒、70%棕色陶粒+30%贝壳砂、贝壳砂等5种底质材料及空白对照组(无底质),对体质量为0.193 g±0.03 g的方斑东风螺生长、存活、摄食以及培育过程中水质的影响。结果表明,白色陶粒组的存活率为80%,显著低于其他各组(P0.05);棕色陶粒组的体质量特定生长率最高(4.31%/d),且显著优于白色陶粒组和对照组(P0.05);棕色陶粒处理组方斑东风螺的饵料转化效率显著高于白色陶粒组和空白对照组;水质中总氨氮、亚硝酸氮和COD均呈上升趋势,各组之间差异不显著。  相似文献   
为探讨东风螺脱壳病和吻肿病与体内外致病菌及条件致病菌的相关性,测定了东风螺养殖水体环境中异养菌菌落总数,并对病螺及健康螺体内致病菌及条件致病菌进行了分离鉴定.经兔血培养基、TCBS培养基和弧菌显色培养基分离培养,用生化试验和细菌16S rDNA序列分析鉴定,结果显示:发生脱壳病的方斑东风螺螺池水体中的异养菌菌落总数为1.34×106 cfu/mL,病螺体内分离的致病菌及条件致病菌有副溶血弧菌、哈氏弧菌、河流弧菌、Vibrio hepatarius、腐败希瓦氏菌、海藻希瓦氏菌和芽孢杆菌,其中优势菌株为副溶血性弧菌溶血菌株和哈氏弧菌;脱壳病与吻肿病共患的泥螺螺池水体中异养菌的菌落总数为1.46×107 cfu/mL,病螺体内分离的致病菌及条件致病菌有副溶血弧菌、哈氏弧菌、鲍鱼希瓦氏菌、海藻希瓦氏菌和芽胞杆菌,优势菌株为海藻希瓦氏菌、鲍鱼希瓦氏菌和哈氏弧菌;健康东风螺螺池水体异养菌菌落总数为7.6×104 cfu/mL,健康东风螺螺体内的优势菌株为副溶血性弧菌非溶血菌株和Vibrio hepatarius.试验结果表明,东风螺脱壳病和吻肿病与养殖水体环境中异养菌的总数及螺体内部致病菌及条件致病菌分布具有一定相关性.  相似文献   
在室内水泥池,利用沙层自净养殖模式和直接铺沙养殖模式对不同规格的方斑东风螺(Babylonia areolata Link)进行了高密度养殖的研究。结果表明,沙层自净养殖模式养殖小螺、中螺、大螺组日均增重分别为0.031、0.088、0.098g/d,沙层NH4^+-N最高含量ω分别为1.3、2.1、3.1mg,/L,H2S最高含量ω分别为0.03、0.07、0.14mg/L.各规格组东风螺保持正常生长和活动,成活率92.9%以上;直接铺沙养殖模式养殖小螺、中螺、大螺日均增重分别为:0.023、0.051、0.068g/d.成活率分别为95.2%、86.7%、84.9%,沙层NH4^+-N最高含量ω达到13.7mg/L,H2S最高含量ω达到0.47mg/L,沙层底质恶化,东风螺活动异常、不摄食。可见,沙层自净养殖模式对方斑东风螺的生长、成活率、沙层水质控制效果显著,在一定程度上克服了直接铺沙养殖底质恶化问题。  相似文献   
Individuals of the subtidal gastropod Babylonia lutosa were exposed to three sublethal concentrations of copper (0.02, 0.06 and 0.20 ppm) for four weeks. The percentage of normally active individuals (body extended and moving with the foot attached) decreased and the percentage of snails retracted (body extended, foot not attached, unable to move) and in a distressed stage (body retracted within the shell) increased with increase in copper concentration. Exposure to copper also decreased significantly the ability of an individual to move, and to burrow, but the effect was only observed in week 1, individuals were fully recovered in week 2. Feeding, however, was not affected, both in terms of the percentage number of individuals which fed, and the time spent feeding. Results were discussed with respect to the potential of using this animal as a bioassay tool in monitoring the effect of environmental perturbations on the subtidal community in Hong Kong.  相似文献   
【目次】了解方斑东风螺中响应LPS刺激的SNP位点及SNP所在基因SNP-Unigenes的功能。【方法】使用SOAPsnp软件分析不同时间条件下转录组数据中的SNP位点,使用GO、COG和KEGG数据库进行功能注释。【结果】转录组数据中共挖掘到673 782个SNP位点,分布在110 869条SNP-unigenes序列上。SNP类型分析表明,转换位点发生的频率远高于颠换位点,且6种单碱基变异类型中以A/G转换发生概率最大。有5866条SNP-unigenes富集到298个KEGG子集中,其中以"内吞作用"子集中富集的SNP-Unigenes最多,共富集182条。  相似文献   
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