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Cygnus A     
Cygnus A was the first hyper-active galaxy discovered, and it remains by far the closest of the ultra-luminous radio galaxies. As such, Cygnus A has played a fundamental role in the study of virtually all aspects of extreme activity in galaxies. We present a review of jet theory for powering the double-lobed radio emitting structures in powerful radio galaxies, followed by a review of observations of Cygnus A in the radio, optical, and X-ray relevant to testing various aspects of jet theory. Issues addressed include: jet structure from pc- to kpc-scales, jet stability, confinement, composition, and velocity, the double shock structure for the jet terminus and the origin of multiple radio hotspots, the nature of the filamentary structure in the radio lobes, and the hydrodynamic evolution of the radio lobes within a dense cluster atmosphere, including an analysis of pressure balance between the various gaseous components. Also discussed are relativistic particle acceleration and loss mechanisms in Cygnus A, as well as magnetic field strengths and geometries both within the radio source, and in the intracluster medium. We subsequently review the classification, cluster membership, and the emission components of the Cygnus A galaxy. The origin of the activity is discussed. Concentrating on the nuclear regions of the galaxy, we review the evidence for an obscured QSO, also given the constraints on the orientation of the radio source axis with respect to the sky plane. We present an overview of models of central engines in AGN and observations of Cygnus A which may be relevant to testing such models. We conclude with a brief section concerning the question of whether Cygnus A is representative of powerful high redshift radio galaxies. Received October 10, 1995  相似文献   
Based on the Germany Koldwey Station's 1994-2003 conventional observation hourly data, this paper conducts a statistical analysis on the short-term climate characteristics for an arctic tundra region (Ny-(A)lesund island) where our first arctic expedition station (Huanghe Station) was located. Affected by the North Atlantic warming current, this area has a humid temperate climate, and the air temperature at Ny-(A)lesund rose above 0 ℃ even during deep winter season during our research period. The wind speed in this area was low and appeared most at southeast direction. We find that the temperature at Ny-(A)lesund rose in the faster rate (0.68 ℃/10 a) than those at the whole Arctic area. Compared with the floating ices where our expedition conducted in the Arctic, Ny-(A)lesund was warmer and more humid and had lower wind speed. Comparison of the near surface air temperature derived by NCEP/NCAR reanalysis to the conventional measurements conducted at the Koldwey site in Ny-(A)lesund area shows a good agreement for winter season and a significant difference for summer season.  相似文献   
The Neoproterozoic Katangan R.A.T. (“Roches Argilo-Talqueuses”) Subgroup is a sedimentary sequence composed of red massive to irregularly bedded terrigenous-dolomitic rocks occurring at the base of the Katangan succession in Congo. Red R.A.T. is rarely exposed in a continuous section because it was affected by a major layer-parallel décollement during the Lufilian thrusting. However, in a number of thrust sheets, Red R.A.T. is in conformable sedimentary contact with Grey R.A.T which forms the base of the Mines Subgroup. Apart from the colour difference reflecting distinct depositional redox conditions, lithological, petrographical and geochemical features of Red and Grey R.A.T. are similar. A continuous sedimentary transition between these two lithological units is shown by the occurrence of variegated to yellowish R.A.T. The D. Strat. “Dolomies Stratifiées” formation of the Mines Subgroup conformably overlies the Grey R.A.T. In addition, a transitional gradation between Grey R.A.T. and D. Strat. occurs in most Cu–Co mines in Katanga and is marked by interbedding of Grey R.A.T.-type and D. Strat.-type layers or by a progressive petrographic and lithologic transition from R.A.T. to D. Strat. Thus, there is an unquestionable sedimentary transition between Grey R.A.T. and D. Strat. and between Grey R.A.T. and Red R.A.T.The R.A.T. Subgroup stratigraphically underlies the Mines Subgroup and therefore R.A.T. cannot be comprised of syn-orogenic sediments deposited upon the Kundelungu (formerly “Upper Kundelungu”) Group as suggested by Wendorff (2000). As a consequence, the Grey R.A.T. Cu–Co mineralisation definitely is part of the Mines Subgroup Lower Orebody, and does not represent a distinct generation of stratiform Cu–Co sulphide mineralisation younger than the Roan orebodies.  相似文献   
利用多尺度天气分析理论,研究了锋面和气旋的形成机制.结果表明,冷、暖气团是由不同性质的亚微团在环境力的作用下向不同方向运动而形成的,而它们的交界面就是锋面.急流附近强动能梯度力能促进微团的分离,因此锋面与急流有很好的对应关系.另外,低空急流附近存在上干冷下暖湿的稳定气流,原因在于急流之上的能量梯度力与重力的方向相反,导致该区域微团所受到的作用力为零,形成稳定的结构.但当微团运动到急流出口处时,这种平衡不再存在,暖湿微团向上运动而干冷微团向下运动,形成剧烈的天气变化.地球自转所形成的离心力使得轻微团产生向北、向上的运动分量,导致极锋向北倾斜.气旋的形成同样是由亚微刚的分离而产生的.当轻微团离开微团,在绝对环境涡度场的作用下将发生旋转,旋转的方向与初始涡度的方向一致,在北半球地转涡度的垂直分量向上,为逆时针旋转,南半球为顺时针旋转.在气旋的形成过程中,轻亚微团在气压梯度力场和绝对涡度力的作用下呈现螺旋运动,是气旋系统普遍存在螺旋云带和雨带的原因.水汽是气旋在形成和加强过程中的基本能源,由于发生地的不同,温带气旋和台风在水汽输送方式上亦有差别:温带气旋主要依靠低空暖输送带进行水汽输送;台风因为发生在热带海洋,水汽充沛,各个层次都有水汽供应.气旋运动主要受三个力的制约:环境气压梯度场力、绝对涡度场力和环境涡度力,这三个力的作用导致台风在沿副热带高压边缘运动的同时,还存在蛇形路径和打转运动.  相似文献   
珠江三角洲城市群对夏季降雨影响的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
任慧军  徐海明 《气象科学》2011,31(4):391-397
利用TRMM 2A25卫星降水数据和CMORPH同化数据对珠三角洲地区的降水分布特征进行了探讨,观测表明:珠三角城市群区域总体处于降水的低值中心,且对流降雨的低值中心尤为明显;同时近10 a珠三角核心城市区域降雨有减少的趋势,这种降水减少的趋势可能与珠三角城市化效应有关。本文进一步利用WRF模式模拟分析了珠三角城市群发展对夏季降雨的影响,结果表明珠三角城市化使得该区域降雨减少,其原因为城市化使得地表的蒸发减弱及其大气中的水分供应减少,同时也抬升了珠三角区域边界层高度相应增强了低层大气水汽垂直混合。  相似文献   
选取2018—2021年汛期短时强降水天气过程,利用相关性分析、箱线图法和极值统计法,尝试研究FY-4A卫星产品在短时强降水天气过程中的监测预警指标。研究表明:(1)FY-4A卫星多通道数据可以作为短时强降水监测预警的定量化指标予以应用。(2)筛选出相关性较好的13项产品统计出短时强降水的监测预警指标,其中赋值类指标4项,数值判别类指标9项(含辅助指标3项);初步设定13项指标中有9项达标时,短时强降水会发生。(3)在评估基础上完善了指标,监测预警效果有所提高,TS评分提高5.4%,空报率降低2.7%,漏报率降低1.9%。  相似文献   
高原湖泊的动态变化对区域水循环具有重要影响。受全球气候变化的影响,青藏高原湖泊自20世纪90年代开始呈现剧烈扩张趋势。为揭示近年来青藏高原湖泊面积的时空变化规律,本文提出了一种改进的半自动湖泊提取算法,结合环境减灾卫星(HJ-1A/1B)和Landsat系列卫星影像数据,对青藏高原内流流域中面积大于50 km2的127个湖泊进行了连续6年的动态监测,并分析了该区域2009-2014年湖泊面积时空变化特征。研究结果表明,该区域湖泊整体呈现显著扩张趋势,年均变化速率为231.89 km2yr-1(0.87 %yr-1),6年间湖泊面积扩张速率有所减缓。其中,扩张湖泊有104个,收缩湖泊有23个,变化速率分别为271.08 km2yr-1(1.02 % yr-1)和-39.19 km2yr-1(-0.15 %yr-1)。不同区域湖泊面积变化具有明显差异,主要表现为东部及北部大部分区域湖泊扩张,南部地区大部分湖泊面积稳定,萎缩湖泊主要分布于研究区四周。最后,本文通过分析冰川融水补给对湖泊面积变化的影响,发现存在冰川融水补给的湖泊面积变化率远大于不存在冰川融水补给的湖泊。由此可见,近年来冰川融水的增加是促进青藏高原内流流域湖泊扩张的主要因素之一。  相似文献   
Documenting morphological features of modem pollen is fundamental for the identification of fossil pollen, which will assist researchers to reconstruct the vegetation and climate of a particular geologic period. This paper presents the pollen morphol- ogy of 20 species of tundra plants from the high Arctic of Ny-Alesund, Svalbard, using light and scanning electron microscopy. The plants used in this study belong to 12 families: Brassicaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Cyperaceae, Ericaceae, Juncaceae, Papav- eraceae, Poaceae, Polygonaceae, Ranunculaceae, Rosaceae, Salicaceae, and Scrophulariaceae. Pollen grain shapes included: spher- oidal, subprolate, and prolate. Variable apertural patterns ranged from 2-syncolpate, 3-colpate, 3-(-4)-colpate, 3-(-5)-colpate, 3-colporate, 5-poroid, ulcerate, ulcus to pantoporate. Exine ornamentations comprised psilate, striate-perforate, reticulate, mi- croechinate, microechinate-perforate, scabrate, granulate, and granulate-perforate. This study provided a useful reference for com- parative studies of fossil pollen and for the reconstruction of paleovegetation and paleoclimate in Svalbard region of Arctic.  相似文献   
运用放射免疫分析法测定了促黄体释放激素类似物 (LHRH A)和人绒毛膜促性腺激素(hCG)对南方鲶血清促性腺激素 (GTH)水平的影响 ,结果表明 :LHRH A和hCG都能提高南方鲶一龄幼鱼血清GTH水平 ,hCG与LHRH A结合注射后血清GTH水平显著高于单独注射hCG或LHRH A后的血清GTH水平。LHRH A和hCG结合注射可诱导性成熟南方鲶排卵 ,同时排卵过程中伴随着血清GTH水平的急剧上升 ,在排卵后迅速下降 ;注射同样剂量的药物而未排卵的血清GTH水平虽有升高 ,但升高的幅度不及排卵鱼。这种血清GTH水平的急剧增高对诱导南方鲶卵母细胞最后成熟和排卵具有重要作用。  相似文献   
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