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碲的泡塑预分离M17树脂富集原子荧光测定法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
杨理勤 《黄金地质》1997,3(1):67-71
采用王水溶样,泡沫塑料预分离金等干扰组分,以M17树脂富集Te并使之与大部分共存的干扰元素分离,建立了原子荧光含金地质样品中碲的方法,用地矿部标准参考样品和含金地质试样分析考察,结果满意。方法检测下限为0.009×10^-6。  相似文献   
Sea cucumbers, Apostichopus japonicus Selenka, were fed diets containing non-immunostimulant (basal diet), 0.2% β-glucan and 0.02% glycyrrhizin in a recirculatory water system for 45 days, and subsequently challenged with Vibrio splendidus by injection at 1.0×108 cfu / sea cucumber for 15 days. Phagocytic capacity (PC), intracellular superoxide anion production (ISAP), lysozyme (LSZ) activity and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in the coelomic fluid were analyzed on the 0th, 5th, 10th and 15th days after injection. Results showed that after the 45-day feeding period, PC, ISAP, LSZ activity and SOD activity in sea cucumbers fed with dietary β-glucan or glycyrrhizin were significantly higher than in those fed with the basal diet. On the 5th day after infection, all the immune parameters examined in the sea cucumbers injected with V. splendidus decreased in value significantly. On the 15th day, PC, ISAP and LSZ activity returned to levels similar to those on the 0th day. For the sea cucumbers injected with saline, there were no significant differences in all the immune parameters examined and in the cumulative morbidity during the 15-day challenging trial. After injecting with V. splendidus, the cumulative morbidity of sea cucumbers fed with the basal diet was significantly higher than those fed with dietary β-glucan or glycyrrhizin when challenged with V. splendidus challenged sea cucumber fed with the basal diet was significantly higher than those fed with dietary β-glucan or glycyrrhizin. There was no significant difference in cumulative morbidity between the dietary β-glucan and glycyrrhizin treatments over time.  相似文献   
The spatial distribution of ammonia-oxidizing Betaproteobacteria ( β AOB) was investigated by FISH (fluorescence in situ hybridization) and DGGE (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis) techniques in the sediment off the Changjiang River Estuary.Sediment samples were collected from eight stations in June before the formation of hypoxia zone in 2006.The abundance of β AOB ranged from 1.87 × 10 5 to 3.53 × 10 5 cells/g of sediment.β AOB abundance did not present a negative correlation with salinity,whereas salinity was implicated as the primary factor affecting nitrification rates.The DGGE profiles of PCR-amplified amo A gene fragments revealed that the β AOB community structure of sample S2 separated from other samples at the level of 40% similarity.The variations in composition of β AOB were significantly correlated with the salinity,temperature,absorption ability of sediments and TOC. The statistical analysis indicates that the β AOB abundance was a main factor to influence nitrification rates with an influence ratio of 87.7% at the level of 40% biodiversity similarity.Considering the good correlation between β AOB abundance and nitrification estimates,the abundance and diversity of β AOB community could be expected as an indirect index of nitrification activity at the study sea area in summer.  相似文献   
We present follow‐up observations of comet 17/P Holmes after its extreme outburst in brightness, which occurred end of October 2007. We obtained 58 V‐band images of the comet between October 2007 and February 2008, using the Cassegrain‐Teleskop‐Kamera (CTK) at the University Observatory Jena. We present precise astrometry of the comet, which yields its most recent Keplerian orbital elements. Furthermore, we show that the comet's coma expands quite linearly with a velocity of about 1650 km/s between October and December 2007. The photometric monitoring of comet 17/P Holmes shows that its photometric activity level decreased by about 5.9 mag within 105 days after its outburst (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
随着灾害强度、频率以及承灾体暴露的增加,自然灾害造成的损失日益严重。资本存量作为承灾体的经济暴露指标之一,是灾害损失评估的前提和基础。针对目前中国缺乏省域尺度长时间序列的经济部门分类的资本存量数据基础,论文通过永续盘存法,建立了2003—2015年中国大陆31省17部门的资本存量数据库,并分析其时空特征。结果显示:① 全国总资本存量与灾害直接损失的年际变化均呈增加趋势。省域尺度上,通过相关性分析显示,在99%置信度水平上,两者呈显著正相关(r=0.3)。② 时间上,各省17部门资本存量基本也呈增加趋势,但增速不同。在各部门增速最快的省份中,黑龙江省的居民服务、修理和其他服务业增速最快,增长约454.3倍;其次是青海省的租赁和商务服务业(398.3倍)、江苏省的金融业(295.1倍)、安徽省的科学研究和技术服务业(125.1倍)等。③ 空间上,2015年各省17部门资本存量最多的前4个部门分别是房地产业,工业,交通运输、仓储和邮政业,水利、环境和公共设施管理业,占比均在60%以上;且这4个部门资本存量暴露最多的省份是江苏省和广东省。该结果有助于从时空角度了解各省各部门资本存量暴露情况,为各省灾害风险管理者的防灾减灾工作提供重要的参考价值。  相似文献   
The NW corner of the Little Hungarian Plain, which lies at the junction of the Eastern Alps, the Pannonian Basin and the Western Carpathians, is a neotectonically active region linking the extrusional tectonics of the Eastern Alps with the partly subsiding Little Hungarian Plain. The on-going deformation is verified by the earthquake activity in the region. An extremely flat part of the area, east of Neusiedlersee, the so-called Seewinkel, has been investigated with Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS, also known as airborne LiDAR) techniques, resulting in a digital terrain model (DTM) with a 1 m grid resolution and vertical precision of better than 10 cm. The DTM has been compared with known and inferred neotectonic features.Potential neotectonic structures of the DTM have been evaluated, together with geological maps, regional tectono-geomorphic studies, geophysical data, earthquake foci, as well as geomorphological features and the Quaternary sediment thickness values of the Seewinkel and the adjacent Parndorfer plateau. A combined evaluation of these data allows several tectonic features with a relief of < 2 m to be recognized in the DTM. The length of these linear geomorphological structures ranges from several hundred meters up to several kilometers. The most prominent feature forms a 15 km long, linear, 2 m high NE–SW trending ridge with gravel occurrences having an average grain size of ca. 5 cm on its top. We conclude this feature to represent the surface expression of the previously recognized Mönchhof Fault. In general, this multi-disciplinary case study shows that ALS DTMs are extremely important for tectono-geomorphic investigations, as they can detect and accurately locate neotectonic structures, especially in low-relief areas.  相似文献   
一次陕西关中强暴雨环境条件及中尺度系统分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
综合利用T213再分析资料和高时空分辨率观测资料包括地面区域逐时加密观测资料,对2007年8月8—9日陕西关中特大暴雨过程的环境条件和中尺度系统进行了分析。天气学分析表明:500 h Pa西太平洋副热带高压和青藏高原高压形成的高压坝在陕西中部断裂形成东北—西南向切变线、250 h Pa西风急流入口区右侧发散场和700 h Pa东西向切变线相互配合是特大暴雨形成的有利环境条件;低层风向快速变化使关中暴雨区低空水汽经历了减小—突然增加—快速减小的过程,关中周围水汽通过偏东气流输送至暴雨区为暴雨的发生提供了水汽和位势不稳定条件,而水汽的快速变化又形成关中暴雨的突发性和历时短而强的特征;高空反气旋涡度的发展形成强烈的"抽吸作用"、双圈垂直次级环流和强垂直上升运动及其两侧的弱下沉运动形成的不对称结构是暴雨形成的动力机制。强降水的中尺度特征分析显示:强暴雨是由一个中α尺度对流系统(MαCS)的发生发展产生的,MαCS又是由2个中β尺度对流系统(MβCS)合并发展而成,其内部对流单体的发展合并和独立加强形成岐山、礼泉和高陵3个大暴雨中心,这些对流单体的发展是由地面中尺度辐合系统产生的,强降水的强弱与地面中尺度辐合系统的强弱有很好的对应关系,地面中尺度辐合系统的形成和加强可能是强降水的触发机制和增幅原因之一。  相似文献   
刘道飞  陈圣波  路鹏 《地球学报》2015,36(2):245-249
为了研究利用Clementine热红外数据反演月球表面岩石的氧化钙(Ca O)含量,论文选取了两景覆盖Apollo17登月点的Clementine热红外影像,将其覆盖的区域选为研究区。利用月球表面温度物理模型模拟月表温度,结合普朗克函数,完成发射率反演。在此基础上,对LPI中35个除Apollo17登月计划外所采集的样品Ca O含量与其热红外发射率特征做回归统计分析,发现存在很好的线性关系(R2=0.661)。由此,基于Clementine热红外发射率实现了研究区Ca O含量反演。通过利用LPI Apollo17月岩(壤)样品实际Ca O含量分析数据对反演结果进行精度评价,发现8组反演值与实际值的相对误差最小为1.77%,最大为9.29%,均方根误差为0.767。研究结果表明,使用发射率进行Ca O含量反演方法可行,为利用Clementine热红外数据对月表矿物成分含量定量反演提供一种新的思路。  相似文献   
在人体胃肠液的酸度条件下,采用正辛醇-水分配体系模拟药物在人体肠胃中的分配情况,研究了中药和补铁制剂中铁的形态及其在人体内的吸收情况,并探讨了中药不同比例的配伍、胃肠酸度及还原性物质的存在对水溶态铁和醇溶态铁的影响。结果表明,药物溶液中的铁形态与药物本身特性和配伍情况有关,酸度及配伍对药物中铁的溶出率和溶液中铁的形态有较大影响,人体对铁的吸收与胃肠酸度和还原性物质的存在有关。  相似文献   
断陷湖盆缓坡带是油气运移的优势指向区,具备形成岩性地层油气藏的优越条件.本文采用地球物理技术与石油地质分析相结合的方法,分析了T17断块岩性地层油气藏的地质特征与油气展布规律,认为:(1)油气成藏受不整合面、岩性及构造因素综合控制;(2)单个含油砂体的油层在上倾部位受储层超覆尖灭线控制,下倾方向受油水界面控制;(3)多个含油砂体叠和构成了岩性地层油气聚集区带,整个区带油气层纵向上呈阶梯状产出,平面上由构造低部位向构造高部位呈条带状展布.据此,总结该区油气藏的高效勘探开发模式,并应用到该断块的勘探开发实践中,取得了较好的效果.  相似文献   
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