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秋天,是个收获的季节。2005年的秋天,沈阳迎来了气象事业发展百年华诞。  相似文献   
老早就盼望着在九寨秋天最好的季节再次牵手,果然心想事成,在金秋十月如期赴约。九寨黄龙机场俗称为九黄机场,当地人说:九黄九黄,十次飞机九次黄,还有一次要返航。这次行程不仅航班准点,而且特别的物理现象——佛光闪现,这本身就是一道景,为再次亲近她营造了好心情。  相似文献   
俗语说:“药补不如食补,食补不如锻炼。”入秋以来,几场秋雨,气温有所下降,在经历了炎夏的酷暑和湿闷后,人们倍感秋季的凉爽和舒适。宜人的秋季,也是锻炼身体的黄金季节,这里列出几种比较适宜秋天的健身运动。  相似文献   
秋天,雨水开始减少,天气渐渐变干,会产生口干、皮肤干燥、便秘等症状。同时,在中医看来,肺脏最容易受到燥邪伤害,秋季养生的第一要务就是养肺阴。做足以下四个养生方法,能够缓解秋燥、滋润肺阴。  相似文献   
秋天的凉意渐渐地浓了,风儿似乎也不友好起来--只要你稍不注意或者不够坚强,他便让你感冒起来,头昏、眼困、流鼻涕、打喷嚏……这些都是他恶作剧的后果.你瞧,他玩得好开心:不少人感冒了,风儿却“咯咯”地笑,不停地吹着,玩着,舞着,连走路都打着旋儿……  相似文献   
2011年11月4日 星期三 晴 今天天气晴朗,有些风,但和前两天比,今天的风吹在身上很舒服,阳光也暖融融的。  相似文献   
人生好比文学。少年是春天的歌,老年是秋天的诗。少年在春天里放歌。这是他们天真、烂漫、稍纵即逝和永不复返的花季。  相似文献   
在非洲南部赞比西河中游上,赞比亚与津巴布韦接壤处,有一处伟大的自然奇观——维多利哑瀑布(Victoria Fans),它和南美的伊瓜苏瀑布、北美的尼亚加拉瀑布合称为世界三大瀑布。英国探险家比多·利文斯通于1855年发现了它,并以当时英国女王的名字为它命名,其实它在此之前就有自己的名字,赞比亚人称它为“莫西奥图尼亚”(Mosi-oa-Tunya),意思是“雷声轰鸣的水雾”,  相似文献   
The time series of multiple sources of satellite data are used to examine the interannual variability of chlorophyll a concentration (Chl a) and its relation to the physical environment during the autumn monsoon transitional period in the Taiwan Strait (TWS). The satellite data included the Chl a concentration and sea surface temperature (SST) derived from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)/ Aqua as well as the multi-sensors merged wind products from 2002 to 2012. The results show that the average Chl a concentration of the whole TWS is mainly contributed by the northern TWS. The average Chl a in the northern TWS is 3.6 times that in the southern TWS. The maximum variability of Chl a is located in the frontal regions between the cold Zhe-Min Coastal Water and the strait warm water. The temporal change of Chl a concentration is different in the northern and southern TWS. The changes in the relative strength of the cold and warm water masses is suggested to be the dominant processes in controlling the phytoplankton growth in the northern TWS, while there is wind-induced mixing in the southern TWS. Additionally, La Nina events exhibited complex effects on the interannual variability of Chl a concentration in autumn. The longterm time series of physical and biological observations are especially needed to better understand how the TWS complex ecosystem responds to climate variations.  相似文献   
梨性寒味甘,有润肺止咳、滋阴清热的功效,特别适合秋燥”患者食用。梨富含维生素A、B、C、D、E,还含有粗纤维,钙、磷、铁等矿物质。  相似文献   
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