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<正>第七届全国海洋知识夏令营开营啦!海洋知识夏令营是"世界海洋日暨全国海洋宣传日"系列活动之一。时至今日,已经连续举办了六届。今年的夏令营,我们将奔赴风光绮丽、素有"黄海明珠"之美誉的海滨之城——青岛。在这个金沙绿树、碧海蓝天的地方,小伙伴们将度过充实而美好的七天时光。青岛不仅是历史文化名城,也是中国著名的海洋科技城,这里拥有中国最大的海洋科研基地——全国60%以上的海洋科学高端人才集中于此。  相似文献   
思源 《海洋世界》2004,(3):25-26
深海400米,动物所有血液集中在其脑部,不必供给它的肢体。这种现象仅有鲸和海豚才有。如果人潜入此深度会怎样?建议你带着轻松的心情,去享受那——  相似文献   
"海洋在防城港市占据什么位置?"7月18日,记者来到防城港市采访时直奔主题,该市海洋局副局长林坤强回答记者:海洋作为蓝色国土,是新的经济领域、新的生产和生活空间。防城港正是因为有了这片海,有了独特的资源和区位优势,所以其全国24个枢纽港口之一、大西南出海大通道的先决优势才得以成立。可以说,海洋是防城港的立市之基,没有海,就没有  相似文献   
Water samples were collected in order to study the spatial variation of photosynthetic pigments and phytoplankton community composition in the Lembeh Strait(Indonesia) and the Kelantan River Estuary(Malaysia)during July and August 2016, respectively. Phytoplankton photosynthetic pigments were detected using high performance liquid chromatography combining with the CHEMTAX software to confirm the Chl a biomass and community composition. The Chl a concentration was low at surface in the Lembeh Strait, which it was 0.580–0.682 μg/L, with the average(0.620±0.039) μg/L. Nevertheless, the Chl a concentration fluctuated violently at surface in the Kelantan River Estuary, in which the biomass was 0.299–3.988 μg/L, with the average(0.922±0.992) μg/L. The biomass at bottom water was higher than at surface in the Kelantan River Estuary, in which the Chl a concentration was 0.704–2.352 μg/L, with the average(1.493±0.571) μg/L. Chl b, zeaxanthin and fucoxanthin were three most abundant pigments in the Lembeh Strait. As a consequence, phytoplankton community composition was different in the two study areas. In the Lembeh Strait, prasinophytes(26.48%±0.83%) and Synechococcus(25.73%±4.13%) occupied ~50% of the Chl a biomass, followed by diatoms(20.49%±2.34%) and haptophytes T8(15.13%±2.42%). At surface water in the Kelantan River Estuary, diatoms(58.53%±18.44%)dominated more than half of the phytoplankton biomass, followed by Synechococcus(27.27%±14.84%) and prasinophytes(7.00%±4.39%). It showed the similar status at the bottom water in the Kelantan River Estuary,where diatoms, Synechococcus and prasinophytes contributed 64.89%±15.29%, 16.23%±9.98% and 8.91%±2.62%,respectively. The different phytoplankton community composition between the two regions implied that the bottom up control affected the phytoplankton biomass in the Lembeh Strait where the oligotrophic water derived from the West Pacific Ocean. The terrigenous nutrients supplied the diatoms growing, and pico-phytoplankton was grazed through top down control in the Kelantan River Estuary.  相似文献   
渤海碧海行动计划是中国2001年国务院批复实施并纳入国家环境保护"九五"和"十五"计划中的环境综合治理重点工程。文章通过对"渤海碧海行动计划"的运行体系进行分析,对实施过程中存在的问题和今后如何提高这一计划的实施效率提出了两点建议。  相似文献   
正中国,有一个美丽的神话:顶天立地的盘古大神,用身躯血脉造山川河流。从此,炎黄子孙在这片博大富饶的土地——中华民族最宝贵的财富上繁衍、生生不息。中国,有一段辉煌的历史:从夏禹巡山岳,定高山大川、根治水患开始,到康熙大帝为抵御侵略,开展全国性测绘工作,绘制《皇舆全览图》,这片土地的历史与测绘密不可分。新中国成立后,测绘更是为两弹一星绘发射点位、为钢都重建绘震区地图、为九八抗洪护航、为南水北  相似文献   
郭迎春 《海洋世界》2011,(12):74-75
阿倍仲麻吕出生于奈良附近的一个贵族家庭,他们这一支追溯上去是日本天皇的分支.他从小天资聪敏,自幼勤奋好学,尤其酷爱汉文学.这促使他走上了留学唐朝之路.只是那时的他并不知道,自己与盛世大唐的渊源会这么深.  相似文献   
思源 《海洋世界》2015,(5):18-21
<正>这次调整不是简单的"平面移动",调整之后,港口周边环境进一步改善。在搬迁中,可以腾出东区煤堆场等139.78公顷港口用地以及2000米海岸线,作为城市规划建设项目用地,将堆场变成金色的沙滩,为日照市打造海上靓丽风景线创造良好条件。相信有不少人了解日照,是先从日照港开始的。日照"因海因港而  相似文献   
津沙 《海洋世界》2011,(10):76-77
在宁静的海岛小镇上,雅克和恩佐的友谊和较量从一枚硬币开始,童年愉快地穿梭于白色和蓝色之间,在希腊闪烁的阳光下,他们纵身一跃,各自寻找梦想.成了世界潜水冠军的恩佐心里清楚,只有童年的伙伴雅克才是他真正的对手.因为他们两个人,是离海最近的两个人.雅克和恩佐就这样在蓝色的背景下,一次次地潜入深海,恩佐为了征服海洋和雅克,而雅...  相似文献   
Two field observations were conducted around the Lembeh Strait in September 2015 and 2016, respectively.Evidences indicate that seawater around the Lembeh Strait is consisted of North Pacific Tropical Water(NPTW),North Pacific Intermediate Water(NPIW), North Pacific Tropical Intermediate Water(NPTIW) and Antarctic Intermediate Water(AAIW). Around the Lembeh Strait, there exist some north-south differences in terms of water mass properties. NPTIW is only found in the southern Lembeh Strait. Water mass with the salinity of 34.6 is only detected at 200–240 m between NPTW and NPTIW in the southern Lembeh Strait, and results from the process of mixing between the saltier water transported from the South Pacific Ocean and the lighter water from the North Pacific Ocean and Sulawesi Sea. According to the analysis on mixing layer depth, it is indicated that there exists an onshore surface current in the northern Lembeh Strait and the surface current in the Lembeh Strait is southward.These dramatic differences of water masses demonstrate that the less water exchange has been occurred between the north and south of Lembeh Strait. In 2015, the positive wind stress curl covering the northern Lembeh Strait induces the shoaling of thermocline and deepening of NPIW, which show that the north-south difference of airsea system is possible of inducing north-south differences of seawater properties.  相似文献   
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