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施征 《海洋世界》2010,(11):68-69
新加坡是亚洲地区拥有现代化海军的国家之一。海军作为新加坡共和国武装部队的一部分,负责保卫新加坡领海以及附近航线的安全。目前,新加坡海军主要在新加坡海峡地区行动,被公认为是"该海域最强的海军部队之一"。  相似文献   
<正>黑暗中不时有阵阵急促的枪声传来,偶尔还能看到几条火线在半空中一闪即逝,随即被周围无尽的黑暗吞噬。"怎么回事,那些海盗还没死光?"安德森有些烦躁,皱着眉头自言自语。在他身边站着两个全副武装的士兵,黑色的面罩将脸遮住,只露出两只眼睛,在黑暗中看来如同鬼怪一般。这些士兵属于海神集团私人武装部队"三叉戟",这只部队的成员大都是来自各国特种部队的退役士兵,而且在重金打造之下,装备十分精良,即使与各个大国的现役特种部队相比也毫不逊色。王明洋之前曾经听说过"三叉戟"的名字,没想到在这里见到了。  相似文献   
全中国的工人、农民、兵士、学生、自由职业者、商人、工业家、东北人民革命军、东北义勇军,一切武装部队的官长们,以及一切热心爱国的志士们: 继东北四省之后,现在又是华北半个中国的沦亡。日本帝国主义强盗们是要把全中国人民变为亡国奴,把整个中国变为殖民地。卖国贼头子蒋介石在出卖东北四省之后,现在又在出卖整个华北以至整个中国,以维持他自己对全中国人民残暴的法西斯的统治。在亡国灭种的前面,中国人民决不能束手待毙。  相似文献   
Altimeter and in situ data are used to estimate the mean surface zonal geostrophic current in the section along 115°E in the southern Indian Ocean,and the variation of strong currents in relation to the major fronts is studied.The results show that,in average,the flow in the core of Antarctic Circumpolar Current(ACC) along the section is composed of two parts,one corresponds to the jet of Subantarctic Front(SAF) and the other is the flow in the Polar Front Zone(PFZ),with a westward flow between them.The mean surface zonal geostrophic current corresponding to the SAF is up to 49 cm · s-1 at 46°S,which is the maximal velocity in the section.The eastward flow in the PFZ has a width of about 4.3 degrees in latitudes.The mean surface zonal geostrophic current corresponding to the Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current Front(SACCF) is located at 59.7 °S with velocity less than 20 cm · s-1.The location of zonal geostrophic jet corresponding to the SAF is quite stable during the study period.In contrast,the eastward jets in the PFZ exhibit various patterns,i.e.,the primary Polar Front(PF1) shows its strong meridional shift and the secondary Polar Front(PF2) does not always coincide with jet.The surface zonal geostrophic current corresponding to SAF has the significant periods of annual,semi-annual and four-month.The geostrophic current of the PFZ also shows significant periods of semi-annual and four-month,but is out of phase with the periods of the SAF,which results in no notable semi-annual and fourmonth periods in the surface zonal geostrophic current in the core of the ACC.In terms of annual cycle,the mean surface zonal geostrophic current in the core of the ACC shows its maximal velocity in June.  相似文献   
从2007年至今,加拿大武装部队联合各联邦、地方部门以及盟国部队在“北极熊行动”的旗号下进行了一系列的军事行动,演习内容涉及从战争环境模拟、军事训练到主权巡逻、灾难救援等多个环节,对提升加拿大军方在北极地区进行联合行动的能力起到了重要作用,也是加拿大整体北极战略中的关键一环。  相似文献   
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