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基于Y1井煤系烃源岩样品微量元素分析、煤岩显微组分及热解测试结果,结合小波分析的米氏旋回划分结果,系统研究了崖南凹陷Y1井崖三段煤系烃源岩特征及发育规律。研究表明:①以104和260尺度结合岩芯沉积序列及地球化学测试结果,将崖三段划分为2个中期和5个短期米氏旋回,垂向上表现为旋回厚度及烃源岩比例向上增大的趋势,中期旋回上部为烃源岩优势发育层位,其中ⅠA2、ⅠA3和ⅠB2为煤系烃源岩发育的优势旋回;②煤系烃源岩有机显微组分表现为富镜质组、贫惰质组、贫壳质组+腐泥组,镜质组含量为44%~100%,平均为83%,以基质镜质体及镜屑体为主,烃源岩类型以Ⅲ型(腐殖型)有机质为主,少量为Ⅱ2型(腐泥-腐殖型)有机质,烃源岩以产气为主,其成熟度较低,Ro值平均为1.12%,处于生烃阶段初期;③煤系烃源岩发育受多种因素控制,其中断陷盆地向坳陷盆地的转化时期是成煤的关键构造时期、强烈进积作用使得煤系烃源岩保存不全、区域海平面上升时期是成煤的关键时期、短期旋回小波曲线右偏拐点处为煤系烃源岩相对发育层位。  相似文献   
基于琼东南盆地各凹陷含煤地层岩心、测井等资料,以及崖城组岩石学、煤岩学及煤质学资料,研究了该盆地主要含煤地层崖城组的沉积、聚煤特点及成煤环境。结果显示:崖城组主要由含砾粗砂岩、粗砂岩、中砂岩、泥岩、碳质泥岩和煤组成,属于断陷盆地晚期的沉积;琼东南盆地以浅海周缘扇三角洲和滨海带为主要成煤环境及聚煤模式,成煤环境基本上与我国南方古近纪近海型成煤环境类似。   相似文献   
根据2009年和2010年的调查资料,对崖城气田附近海域底栖动物污染物含量现状进行分析与评价。结果表明,2009年到2010年该气田附近生物体内污染物含量变化不明显,底栖动物未严重受到重金属和石油烃污染,该区域底栖动物各类群的生物质量状况良好,气田的开发活动对附近海区影响相对较小。  相似文献   
通过采用不规则的三角网格和有限体积法的FVCOM模式,建立三维潮流数值模型。利用大海域计算得到的调和常数值作为开边界的输入值,模拟出崖城附近海域的潮流和潮位变化情况。在潮流、潮位验证正确的前提下,利用欧拉—拉格朗日追踪方法,建立了溢油轨迹预测模型,进行崖城油气田附近海域溢油中心轨迹的预测,同时预测了溢油漂移的平均速率和油膜抵达敏感区的时间,为油气田实施应急措施提供技术支持。  相似文献   
琼东南盆地的中生代凹陷群是扩大油气勘探发现的远景区。为了实现琼东南盆地中生界的勘探突破,急需落实中生代凹陷的油气成藏条件和有利勘探领域。基于地球物理、地球化学、钻井资料及古生物资料,首次对琼东南盆地中生代凹陷开展了深入系统的分析研究。研究表明,在琼东南盆地北部崖北凹陷、崖城凸起、崖南低凸起和西南部陵南低凸起及南部隆起均存在中生代沉积地层。根据盆地构造演化分析,中生代沉积形成于燕山期太平洋板块向欧亚板块俯冲期以及其后的弧后伸展期,存在烃源岩、储层及圈闭等油气地质基本条件。琼东南盆地北部坳陷带崖城-崖北地区相比盆地其他地区中生代沉积凹陷规模大,因此本研究重点对琼东南盆地北部坳陷带崖城-崖北地区进行了系统的油气地质综合分析研究,落实了崖城-崖北地区中生界沉积地层分布,并初步评价预测了有利油气勘探区带及重点目标。研究表明,琼东南盆地崖城-崖北地区中生代凹陷发育湖相烃源岩、三角洲等储集体以及构造与地层圈闭,存在西洼南坡带和中部隆起带2个有利油气勘探区带。在这些区带加大勘探,有望获得中生界油气突破。   相似文献   
依据沉积环境控制烃源岩发育理论,研究了琼东南盆地崖北凹陷崖城组煤系烃源岩的发育环境及主控因素,并建立了研究区崖城组煤系烃源岩的发育模式。崖城组煤系烃源岩主要形成于半咸水、还原-弱还原的扇三角洲平原河道间泥炭沼泽环境和半咸水、弱还原-弱氧化的潮坪潮上带-潮间带泥炭沼泽环境。沉积环境、古气候条件、相对海平面变化以及古构造控制煤系烃源岩的发育,其中沉积环境控制着煤系烃源岩中有机质类型、有机质丰度、显微组分及煤层的厚度,古气候条件提供了煤系烃源岩发育的物质基础,相对海平面变化影响着煤系烃源岩的展布及保存条件,古构造则是聚煤盆地形成、演化的主要控制因素。崖城组煤系烃源岩有两种发育模式,一是在扇三角洲平原河道间泥炭沼泽环境中水体的还原性起主导作用,二是在潮坪潮上带-潮间带泥炭沼泽中高生物生产率起主导作用。  相似文献   
物源体系分析是确定储层沉积的成因类型、空间展布与演化规律的关键问题之一,本文通过古地貌、重矿物、岩屑成分和结构与地层倾角测井等多种方法的综合分析,对琼东南盆地崖城13-1气田渐新统陵三段物源进行系统研究,确定了研究区陵三段沉积时期的物源体系主要来自北西方,碎屑沉积物以石英含量高的岩屑长石质石英砂岩与长石质石英砂岩为主,并根据重矿物组合特征分析,认为物源区母岩类型主要有酸性岩浆岩、变质岩以及再改造的沉积岩等。由于物源区距研究区距离适中,地形有一定的坡度,容易产生机械破碎的大块碎屑,故此种母岩特征是研究区陵三段辫状河三角洲砂体成因及沉积特征的内在因素。  相似文献   
The natural gas generation process is simulated by heating source rocks of the Yacheng Formation, including the onshore-offshore mudstone and coal with kerogens of Type II_2-III in the Qiongdongnan Basin. The aim is to quantify the natural gas generation from the Yacheng Formation and to evaluate the geological prediction and kinetic parameters using an optimization procedure based on the basin modeling of the shallow-water area. For this, the hydrocarbons produced have been grouped into four classes(C_1, C_2, C_3 and C_(4-6)). The results show that the onset temperature of methane generation is predicted to occur at 110℃ during the thermal history of sediments since 5.3 Ma by using data extrapolation. The hydrocarbon potential for ethane, propane and heavy gaseous hydrocarbons(C_(4-6)) is found to be almost exhausted at geological temperature of 200℃ when the transformation ratio(TR) is over 0.8, but for which methane is determined to be about 0.5 in the shallow-water area. In contrast, the end temperature of the methane generation in the deep-water area was over 300℃ with a TR over 0.8. It plays an important role in the natural gas exploration of the deep-water basin and other basins in the broad ocean areas of China. Therefore, the natural gas exploration for the deep-water area in the Qiongdongnan Basin shall first aim at the structural traps in the Ledong, Lingshui and Beijiao sags, and in the forward direction of the structure around the sags, and then gradually develop toward the non-structural trap in the deep-water area basin of the broad ocean areas of China.  相似文献   
为研究崖南凹陷崖城组泥岩微量元素分布特征及其地质意义,采用ICP-MS对Y1井13个泥岩样品进行微量元素分 析,研究表明:(1) 泥岩微量元素中大多数亲陆性元素表现为富集,部分亲海性元素富集,指示了海陆过渡环境,沉积旋 回的周期性发育在微量元素方面留下了证据,表现为U、Th、Ba、Sr等微量元素含量相关参数在垂向上存在的显著变化, 界线较明显,识别出了海侵面及暴露不整合面;(2) 利用Sr/Cu的比值推测研究区崖城组沉积时期气候温暖潮湿,V/(V+Ni)、 Ni/Co比值指示研究区该时期为贫养环境,而高S含量的出现印证了研究区崖城期海侵事件的存在,渐新世琼东南盆地性质 由断陷转化为坳陷,区域海平面处于上升阶段。  相似文献   
In order to investigate the hydrocarbon generation process and gas potentials of source rocks in deepwater area of the Qiongdongnan Basin, kinetic parameters of gas generation(activation energy distribution and frequency factor) of the Yacheng Formation source rocks(coal and neritic mudstones) was determined by thermal simulation experiments in the closed system and the specific KINETICS Software. The results show that the activation energy(Ea) distribution of C1–C5 generation ranges from 50 to 74 kcal/mol with a frequency factor of 2.4×1015 s–1 for the neritic mudstone and the Ea distribution of C1–C5 generation ranges from 49 to 73 kcal/mol with a frequency factor of 8.92×1013 s–1 for the coal. On the basis of these kinetic parameters and combined with the data of sedimentary burial and paleothermal histories, the gas generation model of the Yacheng Formation source rocks closer to geological condition was worked out, indicating its main gas generation stage at Ro(vitrinite reflectance) of 1.25%–2.8%. Meanwhile, the gas generation process of the source rocks of different structural locations(central part, southern slope and south low uplift) in the Lingshui Sag was simulated. Among them, the gas generation of the Yacheng Formation source rocks in the central part and the southern slope of the sag entered the main gas window at 10 and 5 Ma respectively and the peak gas generation in the southern slope occurred at 3 Ma. The very late peak gas generation and the relatively large gas potential indices(GPI:20×108–60×108 m3/km2) would provide favorable conditions for the accumulation of large natural gas reserves in the deepwater area.  相似文献   
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