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适应气候变化是发展中国家的重要谈判议题。《联合国气候变化框架公约》2015年达成《巴黎协定》后如何落实适应议题实施细则成为关注焦点。发达国家以温室气体排放总量大为理由,施压中国等发展中大国出资全球适应气候变化行动;发展中国家内部对适应气候变化受害方和出资方的划分存在较大分歧,造成适应议题下发展中国家集团难以形成合力,《巴黎协定》实施细则谈判进展缓慢。中国气候变化南南合作作为中国与其他发展中国家之间重要的气候变化领域合作形式,能否通过寻找发展中国家契合点,依据合理机制,对适应谈判发挥一定作用,须及早进行利弊分析及顶层设计。文章通过分析美欧日对外援助的机制、梳理非洲小岛国等主要发展中国家集团在应对气候变化不利影响方面的需求、总结以往中国适应项目对外援助情况的基础上,提出了今后中国气候变化南南合作与适应谈判中需要注意的问题,包括区分适应援助和减缓援助、避免中国气候变化南南合作的属性被误读等问题,为争取广阔外交利益、合理构建南南合作机制提供政策建议。  相似文献   
应对气候变化南南合作物资赠送项目是中国气候变化南南合作的重要组成部分。该项目自2011年实施以来,进展顺利,影响深远。国家国际发展合作署组建后,对援外项目监管和评估提出了更加具体的要求,但相关理论和方法的研究仍处在起步阶段,尚不足以对实践形成有效支撑。本文立足援外改革要求,结合对历史项目进展及成效的回顾分析,研究提出了适用于处理非结构化项目信息的系统性评估方法,构建了包含战略政策与项目实施两个视角、兼顾项目效果与质量评估两个维度的三级评估指标体系,同时可为项目实施监管、经验反馈、效果提升、传播推广等提供可用工具。研究发现,截至2020年6月,中方已实施完成40次公开招标采购,落实了与29个合作国签署的应对气候变化南南合作物资赠送谅解备忘录,累计提供总价值逾5亿元人民币的应对气候变化物资。该项目在支持国家外交战略与政策实施、彰显国际责任,支持合作国应对气候变化与可持续发展,推动构建人类命运共同体等多方面取得务实成效,提升了中国气候变化南南合作在国际社会的影响力。但具体物资赠送项目的差异化特征突出、基础信息来源渠道复杂、信息化水平不足等因素仍在一定程度上制约了评估工作的可操作性和便捷性,以及评估结果服务项目监管的能力和效率。  相似文献   
应对气候变化南南合作是中国领导人在巴黎气候大会上的庄严承诺,也是体现“十九大”会议精神“成为全球生态文明建设的重要参与者、贡献者、引领者”的具体实践。作为我国重要的对外援助方案,相关研究还比较缺乏。实践中对外援助国的选择通常是根据领导人出访地和一些重要国际会议举办地等确定,缺乏系统性、连续性,这也符合对外援助初级阶段的特征。为了更加高效、系统地推进气候变化南南合作持续开展,产生更好的环境和社会效益,文中基于定量评估的方法学对南南合作优先合作国家的选择开展了讨论。通过专家集体打分与层次分析法确定评价指标及权重,采用阶段阈值法将不同国家在评估指标上的表现转化为定量分值,并进行国家综合得分计算和排名。计算结果显示,南非、巴基斯坦、孟加拉国、柬埔寨、印度尼西亚等国位于潜在受援国前五位,文中还列出了建议优先合作的20个国家及位序。总体来看,排名前20的受援国均属于联合国机制下77+中国集团,90%为“一带一路”倡议参与国,70%是亚投行成员国,评估结论与中国发起的重大合作倡议具有高度的相关性,不仅可以支持应对气候变化南南合作开展,也能呼应和推动中国主导的其他国际议程发展。本文尝试在传统的定性描述和评估为主的领域,引入定量评估研究方法,在研究方法学应用上进行拓展。论文研究结论可以为相关部门选择应对气候变化南南合作优先合作国家提供参考。  相似文献   
Three Landsat TM imageries (taken on 18 May 1987, 4 August 1998 and 28 July 2007) were used as the data source to identify the spatial and temporal variations of the suspended sediment concentration (SSC) in surface waters of the Changjiang Estuary. Atmospheric correction was carried out to determine the water-leaving reflectance using the FLAASH module. A regression equation between surveyed SSC and suspended sediment index was chosen to retrieve the SSC from the Landsat TM images. In addition, tidal harmonic analysis was performed to calculate tidal conditions corresponding to the acquisition time of satellite images. The results show that the SSC spatial patterns are similar to the in situ observation results, which show the highest SSC in the region of turbidity maximum zone in the Changjiang Estuary. For the period of 1987 to 2007, the SSC pattern is controlled mainly by tidal dynamic conditions and wind speeds, rather than sediment discharges from the river.  相似文献   
三方合作是与传统的南南合作和南北合作模式互补的国际合作新模式。由于具有可充分调动多方资源、发达国家和新兴捐助国的互补效应强、形式灵活等优势,三方合作目前得到了越来越多国家和国际组织的关注和参与。2016年全球已有838个三方合作项目,经济发展与合作组织(OECD)发展援助委员会成员的2/3都在不同程度地参与三方合作项目,其中德国、日本、西班牙和美国参与的项目最多。新兴捐助国中参与三方合作项目最多的国家是智利和墨西哥。目前三方合作项目执行期较短、项目额度小,29%的项目提到了绿色目标。目前虽然气候变化三方合作的案例还不多,但是截至2018年底32个发展中国家和5个发达国家都提出要开展气候变化三方合作的兴趣。由于起步较晚,气候变化三方合作目前面临着资金不足、沟通协调过程复杂、合作成本高等问题。中国应积极探索气候变化三方合作,推动不同部门南南合作、三方合作和其他多边双边合作的资源统筹,并应增强项目管理的规范性,提高项目效果和影响。  相似文献   
The offshore waters of the Changjiang Estuary are the transitional areas where river-supplied water and sediment are transported to the sea, and material exchanges occur with the neighbored Hangzhou Bay and the Jiangsu waters. Field observations of currents and sediment properties were conducted to study temporal and spatial distributions of suspended sediments under various dynamical conditions. The high sediment concentrations were found to occur in the western and southern waters of the offshore, and the low concentrations occurred in the eastern and northern waters. This pattern of the suspended sediment concentration (SSC) distribution is obviously influenced by the runoff and tidal current. The significant difference of along-estuary SSC distribution indicates that the SSC is reduced gradually from the west to the east, and that in the spring tide is obviously higher than in the neap tide. The methods of mechanism analysis and equal-area grids were used to calculate the suspended sediment fluxes at the typical cross sections. It was found that 44 percent of total suspended sediments from the Changjiang River were deposited in the submarine delta, and more than 27 percent of sediments were transported southernly into the Hangzhou Bay, and only 9 percent of sediments was supplied and exchanged with the northern Jiangsu waters, and about 20 percent of sediments was delivered offshore to the sea.  相似文献   
Via the valuable opportunity of the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) 135-m filling in June 2003, the Yangtze discharge and suspended sediment concentration (SSC) entering the estuary during the period from 15 May to 15 July 2003 were analyzed to examine the instant effects of the filling on them. The Yangtze discharge and SSC entering the estuary in the periods before, during and after the filling clearly indicated three phases: 1) the pre-storage phase characterized by natural conditions, in which the SSC incr...  相似文献   
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