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黄茅海河口湾现代动力地貌体系和冲淤过程分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
有海洋,我们就有水喝   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学的实践还告知我们利用现代技术开辟淅水源?向大海要水喝,实施海水淡化?是从根本上缓解淡水资源紧缺的产要途径之一。  相似文献   
海底的淡水喷泉   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法国“宁弗埃·沃特”公司首次从位于地中海底的喷泉中采集到了淡水。这个喷泉的名称叫莫尔托拉,位于距明多那城400m的水深36m处,其涌水量为100L/s。类似的喷泉自古有之,至今已发现1000余处。引水工程系统由覆盖喷泉的金属“郁金香”和以弯管与其相连,是直径为6m的容器。后者漂浮在海面上(公司打算以后安装输水管道通至岸上)。“郁金香”安置在坚固的锚上,并用拉紧的缆绳固定起来以防被水冲倒。它具有翻转的漏斗状,高10m,直径2m,在其顶部有调节涌水量的由有机玻璃制成的球。在设计中最困难的是选择最佳的管道直径,为的是一方面不吸入咸的海…  相似文献   
真渔乡蚌虫属(Eulimnadia Packard,1874)是栖息在淡水中的甲壳动物,隶属于介甲目(Conchostraca)刺尾亚目(Spinicaudata)渔乡蚌虫科(Limnadiidae)。属的鉴别特征为壳的铰合缘非呈锯齿形,躯干肢18-20对,尾节腹后端具向后伸的尖刺。本属迄今全世界共报道了33种,其中亚洲产9种。  相似文献   
山东省淡水枝角类的初步调查   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
山东省淡水水域广阔,不仅河流多,而且湖泊、水库、坑塘星罗棋市,资源丰富。其中的淡水枝角类是水体食物链之重要环节,对渔业主产和环境保护工作具有相当重要的现实的意义。因此,必须对其更好地调查研究如培育利用。笔者多年来,就山东省若干地区的淡水枝角类进行采集、分类等研究工作。本文报道其初步结果——隶属7科,24属,71种。  相似文献   
洞穴完井工艺在寿阳地区煤层气钻井中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
洞穴完井工艺包括钻井、完井、排水采气等工序,为提高煤层渗透率,最大限度的保证煤层气解析与运移,洞穴完井一般要求有效井径3-4m,及一定范围的破碎带。远东能源公司为开采寿阳地区15#煤层中的煤层气,部署了4口生产井.其井身设计为三开结构。钻井主要设备为T685WS顶驱车载钻机及多台不同型号的空压机,采用潜孔锤冲击钻进.以空气、空气泡沫为冲洗介质,钻进至15#目标煤层底板以下46m处完钻,然后利用可伸缩式扩孔器进行扩孔。在扩孔至距三开井底8~10m时.开始采用空气和清水憋压,通过瞬间释放压力,使煤层坍塌,如此反复,至造穴直径达到要求。由于严格按照技术标准及操作流程作业,采取的技术措施合理,4口井均已顺利投入生产,增产效果显著。可见该种洞穴完井技术的应用,不仅可以保护煤层原生结构及环境,并且还能减少煤层气射孔、压裂等环节的费用.对于煤层气井施工具有重要的经济意义。  相似文献   
大别地块自晚元古代以来主要经受了自北而南的推挤,并且发生了两次较强烈的南移运动,造成了地块前线逆冲滑脱构造体系。特别是中生代的推挤和滑移,不仅构造变形强烈,而且还伴有热事件,大别地块东南缘郯-庐断裂南延部分和广济-宿松平移-推覆型韧性剪切带均是"热线构造",它们提供了深层次岩浆活动的通道。本区岩石以绿片岩-角闪岩相变质岩为主,含金背景值高,逆冲滑脱构造和韧性剪切带的活动与金元素的活化、迁移和富集创造了良好的条件。  相似文献   
Acidification is considered the most important one of the primary chemical stress factors that impact on freshwater ecosystems. In unpolluted freshwater systems, the primary controls on the degree of acidification are factors such as the geological substrate of the catchment area, the presence of organic acids secreted by vegetation in the river system, and equilibrium exchange of carbon dioxide with the atmosphere. Anthropogenic factors that can impact on the degree of acidification of freshwater systems include agricultural, mining and industrial activities, either through direct runoff into river systems or through deposition of atmospheric pollutants from these sources. The capacity factors alkalinity and acidity, which represent the acid- and base-neutralizing capacity (ANC and BCN) of an aqueous system, have been used as more reliable measures of the acidic character of freshwater systems than pH. Unlike pH, ANC and BNC are not affected by parameters such as temperature and pressure. Therefore, ANC has been employed as a predictor of biological status in critical load assessments. Freshwater systems with ANC's eq/L isμeq/L are considered sensitive to acidification, ANC=0 μbelow 150 commonly used as the predictor for fish species such as trout in lakes, and an eq/L as more realistic for streams. Acid-neutralizing capacity μANC value of 40 (ANC) can be determined by titration with a strong acid to a preselected equivalence point. Alternatively, it can be calculated as the difference between base cations ([BC]) and strong acid anions ([SAA]): ANC=[BC]- [SAA]=[Ca^2+]+[Mg^2+]+[Na^+]+[K^+]-[SO4^2-]-[NO3^-]-[Cl^-] To date, there has been no attempt to establish the ANC of South Africa's freshwater ecosystems or variability therein, despite the fact that long-term water quality monitoring data exist for all the parameters needed to calculate it according to the above equations. As a result, the relationship between the acid neutralizing capacity of freshwater ecosystems in South Africa and biodiversity factors, such as fish status, is unknown. Results of the first comprehensive (country-wide scale) evaluation of the acid neutralizing capacity of river systems in South Africa will be presented. Long-term monitoring data obtained from the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF) from most of South Africa's river systems were used to establish geographic and temporal variabilities in ANC. The results show that the Berg and Breede River systems are most susceptible to acidification, and that geological substrate appears to explain most of the geographic variabilities observed.  相似文献   
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