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用Wittamann法染色观察到鹧鸪菜体细胞存在多核现象。其细胞核的数量随细胞大小、类型、细胞在藻体上的位置及老嫩程度等不同而异,较小型幼嫩的细胞核较少,大型老成的细胞核较多。顶细胞和藻体边缘的小细胞通常为单核,而成长的中肋细胞和假根细胞总是多核的。一个老成中肋细胞最多可有10多个核,假根细胞最多可有20多个核。鹧鸪菜细胞的多核现象对其种族在自然界的适应和生存具有积极的意义。  相似文献   
李淑平  严兴洪 《海洋学报》2015,37(10):69-79
长紫菜野生型品系(PD-WT)的叶状体经60Co-γ射线辐照处理后再培养4周,出现了枣红、浅桔红、黄绿、浅桔黄等颜色的色素变异细胞块,其百分率随着辐照剂量的增加而增加;同时,从基部到梢部,其变异率也呈现上升趋势。利用酶解法获得的单个色素变异细胞经离体培养后再生成叶状体,从再生体中筛选出具有明显生长优势的新品系(PD-5)。培养30~70d,PD-5品系的叶状体最大绝对生长率和平均绝对生长率分别为3.76cm/d和2.71cm/d,分别是PD-WT品系的3.60倍和4.22倍。日龄70d时,PD-5品系的叶状体平均体长为117.42cm,是PD-WT品系的4.32倍。日龄45d的叶状体,PD-5品系的叶绿素a和总藻胆蛋白含量分别为8.41mg/g和97.07mg/g,分别比PD-WT品系增加了25.71%和104.44%;PD-5品系的叶状体平均厚度为26.79μm,比PD-WT品系降低了35.04%。PD-5品系的壳孢子放散总量高达421.16万个/贝壳,是PD-WT品系的2.19倍。综上所述,与PD-WT品系相比,PD-5品系在叶状体的生长、3种主要光合色素和色素蛋白含量以及壳孢子放散量等方面,均表现出很明显的优势,有望被培养成可大规模栽培的新品种。  相似文献   
龙须菜藻体匍匐组织的生理特性与功能研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
于1992年9月-1994年8月,在模拟潮间带生态条件的培养过程中,对龙须菜生长和发育的过程进行长期的连续性观察研究。研究中发现,以往被称为“固着器”的藻体匍匐组织具有特殊生理特性;它是孢子萌发后首先形成的部分,是直立藻体产生的基础;当夏末和深冬季节到来时,直立藻体通常成熟,放散孢子后逐渐衰退,这种趋势从藻体尖端开始逐渐向基部发展,最终保留匍匐组织度过逆境。待温度适宜时又从匍匐组织上萌生新的直立枝  相似文献   
本实验利用酶解技术得到单个体细胞,较详细地研究了不同温度、光照强度对体细胞分化发育的影响,从而确定出体细胞培养的最佳条件,为进一步利用条斑紫菜体细胞育苗这一新技术打下了基础。  相似文献   
坛紫菜Porphyra haitanensis叶状体酶解单离体细胞发育的最适温度为25℃。在10—25℃范围内,随着温度增高,体细胞发育成正常苗的百分率增高,苗生长加快,苗的假根数目增多。体细胞发育适宜的光强为2000—3000lx,过高或过低的光强均会抑制苗假根形成和生长,导致正常苗数量减少。体细胞发育和苗生长最适盐度为33.3,但在20.3—46.4范围内,盐度越高,发育成正常苗百分率越高。  相似文献   
紫菜体细胞发育与分化的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
本文研究了紫菜体细胞的发育与分化。根据体细胞后代的形状、有无假根、颜色、色素体形状、细胞大小和排列方式以及最终分化趋势等,墰紫菜体细胞分8种发育类型。各种发育类型的百分数与藻体的日龄、大小及部位有关。日龄、体长越长,正常苗百分数越低,畸形苗和细胞团的百分数越高。随着藻体部位的上移,正常苗和畸形苗百分数下降,细胞团百分数上升。  相似文献   
Silvetia babingtonii is a potentially economic brown alga for sources of food and high-value added utilization.So far,sporeling nursery and field cultivation has not been successful.The lack of knowledge on development and life cycle of this alga hinder the development of techniques for the sporeings and cultivation.In this study,internal structure of oogonium and antherium of S.babingtonii was observed with hematoxylin and eosin staining and through microscope.Meanwhile,early development from zygotes to juvenile sporelings was studied at 20℃ under 60-100 μmol photons m^-2 s^-1.Zygotes germinated and divided into thallus and rhizoid cells.The larger thallus cells further divided and developed into juvenile sporelings; while the smaller rhizoid cells divided and elongated into rhizoid hairs.These findings documented the life cycle ofS.babingtonii and provided fundamental knowledge for sporeling nursery in the near future.  相似文献   
Prior knowledge of the correlations among commercially important traits in Glyptocidaris crenularis can be used to guide development of breeding and aquaculture programs for this species. We evaluated the phenotypic correlations between somatic and gonadal traits in G. crenularis during two sample periods (October 2010 and April 2011). The coefficients of variation (CV%) for body weight (BW), redness (a*), yellowness (b*), gonad wet weight (GW), and gonad index (GI) were 〉20% in both periods, while those of other traits were very low. GW was significantly correlated with somatic traits (diameter, height, and body weight) in both periods, although the correlation coefficients ranged from 0.473 to 0.636 (P〈0.01). Gonad moisture content (GC), a*, and lightness (L*) were not significantly correlated with somatic traits (P〉0.05). The color trait b* was negatively correlated with somatic traits (test diameter, test height, and body weight) during the period when the gonads were well developed (April 2011, P〈0.05). We observed little difference in the nature of the phenotypic correlations between the two sample periods. The high variation in the somatic and gonad weight traits in G. crenularis suggests there is considerable potential for selective breeding. However, our results suggest that gonad quality traits cannot be selected indirectly by selecting for body weight. Our study provides an insight into the method for improving the breeding and aquaculture of G. crenulari.  相似文献   
利用可口革囊星虫重组铁蛋白富集Pb2+、Fe3+、Cd2+、Cr3+、Cu2+、Mn2+、Sn2+和Zn2+等8 种重金属离子后, 通过透射显微镜和傅里叶红外光谱测定蛋白的超微结构变化和内部基团特性。以 天然的马脾铁蛋白为对照, 观察重组铁蛋白与天然铁蛋白的差别。结果显示, 重组铁蛋白富集Pb2+ 和其它7 种重金属离子后蛋白体积大小与重金属离子种类直接相关。重组铁蛋白相对天然铁蛋白来 说在富集不同种类重金属离子后, 除了非特异性酰胺特征峰和蛋白特征峰外, 还出现一些专门富集 某些重金属离子的特异基团, 如:-CH3、-CH2-、-CH-、-NH-、-SO3-、-COOH、-S=S-和-C-S-C 等。 通过细胞实验进一步验证了铁结合蛋白能够通过富集重金属离子Pb2+来保护小鼠成骨前体细胞 MRC3T3-E1, 使细胞的死亡率明显降低(P<0.05).  相似文献   
本实验利用酶解技术得到单个体细胞,较详细地研究了不同温度、光照强度对体细胞分化发育的影响,从而确定出体细胞培养的最佳条件,为进一步利用条斑紫菜体细胞育苗这一新技术打下了基础。  相似文献   
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