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王明娜  向友珍 《地下水》2008,30(4):21-23
现代灌溉引水工程的发展,改善了灌区的农业用水条件,但同时改变了灌区上的自然生态环境、地质条件与水文地质条件等。分阶段总结了地下水的相关研究与应用;剖析了地下水调控的必要性与重要性;分析了地下水调控研究现状;最后通过总结给出了进一步研究的建议。  相似文献   
Selenium (Se) is an essential micronutrient to biota, but can become a potent toxicant at elevated concentrations. The natural sources and chemical properties of Se species make the boundary between deficiency and toxicity narrow for some biota, with both phenomena common around the globe. Large areas of farmland in the Colorado River Basin (CRB) generate salinized drainage water with Se concentrations much higher than 5 μg/L, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency chronic water-quality criterion for the protection of aquatic life. We have carried out detailed field and laboratory studies to investigate Se geochemistry and remediation in two of these areas: the Middle Green River Basin, Utah and the Salton Sea Basin, California, located respectively in the Upper and Lower CRB. Results from these and other studies show that approximately 90% of the dissolved Se in the Colorado River and its tributaries originally is derived from the Upper Cretaceous Mancos Shale and equivalent pyritic marine units that outcrop in the Upper CRB. Selenium is mobilized commonly by biogeochemical oxidation of this pyritic shale and is concentrated mainly as selenate (SeO4^2-) in soils and agricultural drainage water of dry climates by evaporation. Minor (0%-5%) amounts of Se are present as the selenite species (HSeO3^-) and (SEO3^2-), but these species and the more reduced species, elemental Se (SeO) and selenide (Se^2-), have much lower solubility and/or have high sorptive affinity towards organic matter, clay minerals and iron oxyhydroxides. The concentration of dissolved Se (-2.5 μg/L) and salinity in the Lower Colorado River water are among the highest of the world major rivers. Because of low precipitation (7 cm/a) and extreme evapotranspiration (-1.8 m/a) rates in the Salton Sea Basin, California, Se values in irrigation water imported from the Colorado River increase to 〉300 μg/L in drainage wastewater. Removal of Se from contaminated wastewater by nanofiltration membranes was demonstrated in laboratory and pilot-scale field experiments.  相似文献   
An experiment on evapotranspiration from citrus trees under irrigation with saline waterwas carried out for 4 months. Two lysimeters planted with a citrus tree in the green house wereused. One lysimeter was irrigated with saline water (NaCl and CaCl2 of 2000 mg/L equivalence,EC = 3.8 dS/m, SAR = 5.9) and the other was irrigated with freshwater using drip irrigation. Theapplied irrigation water was 1.2 times that of the evapotranspiration on the previous day.Evapotranspiration was calculated as the change in lysimeter weight recorded every 30 minutes.The lysimeters were filled with soil with 95.8% sand. The results of the experiment were as follows.(i) The evapotranspiration from citrus tree was reduced after irrigation with saline water. Theevapotranspiration returns to normal after leaching. However it takes months to exhaust the saltfrom the tree. ( ii ) To estimate the impact of irrigation with saline water on the evapotranspirationfrom citrus trees, the reduction coefficient due to salt stress (Ks) was used in this experiment.Evapotranspiration under irrigation with saline water (ETs) can be calculated from evapotranspira-tion under irrigation with freshwater (ET) by the equation ETs = Ks× ET. Ks can be expressed as afunction of ECsw. (iii) The critical soil-water electrical conductivity (ECsw) is 9.5 dS/m, beyondwhich adverse effects on evapotranspiration begin to appear. If ECsw can be controlled at below9.5 dS/m, saline water can be safely used for irrigation.  相似文献   
This article explores the possibility of urbanization‐ and irrigation‐induced increases in summer precipitation totals in central Arizona. Maximum precipitation impacts are hypothesized to occur downwind of the Phoenix area in the Lower Verde basin. Results from statistical tests indicate that summer precipitation totals in the Lower Verde basin are greater than totals in nearby basins. Precipitation totals in the basin also appear to be equivalent to totals at more monsoon‐impacted stations in eastern Arizona. While this research is preliminary, the results do provide encouraging evidence of the existence of anthropogenically enhanced summer precipitation in central Arizona.  相似文献   
地下水超采对农业灌溉的影响及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周万亩  齐全  徐敏  付晓刚 《地下水》2007,29(4):17-19,29
在北方一些灌区,由于地下水的过量开采,出现了水位持续下降、地下水矿化度增加、土壤盐渍化等一系列环境问题.一些灌区对地下水的可采资源量估计过高,造成目前超采仍有进一步发展的趋势.因此必须采取有效措施控制地下水超采,实现灌区农业的可持续发展、保护环境.讨论灌区地下水超采的判别方法、超采对灌区的影响、以及应采取的对策.  相似文献   
拟建黑山峡水库不必要性的研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
我国是个贫水大国, 北方严重缺水。黄河的水资源也同样如此, 一方面开发利用过度, 另一方面上游来水量持续减少, 造成了目前黄河水资源配置中的关键矛盾是水资源总量不足, 拟建大柳树灌区属严重缺水区, 需借"南水北调"西线调水解决, 而年分配量仅2亿m3, 对开发40.0~66.67万hm2耕地是"杯水车薪"; 此外, 黑山峡水库原规划设计的功能和作用已被上、下游水库替代, 显而易见, 没有理由兴建黑山峡水库。  相似文献   
Natural ecosystems in the region of the lower Tarim River in northwestern China strongly deteriorated since the 1950s due to an expanding desertification. As a result, the downstream Tarim River reaches became permanently dry land. This historical evolution in land‐use change is typically the result of the anthropogenic impact on natural ecosystems. On the basis of a spatially distributed hydrological catchment model bidirectionally linked with a fully hydrodynamic MIKE11 river model, land‐use changes characterized by historical changes in leaf area index (LAI) of vegetation, as well as the evolution of irrigated surface areas, can be causally related to changes in water resources (groundwater storage and surface water resources). An increased surface area of irrigated (agricultural) land, together with a majority of inefficient irrigation methods, did lead to a strong increase of water resources consumption of the farmlands located in the upper Tarim River area. Evidently, this evolution influenced available water resources downstream in the Tarim basin. As a result, farmland has been gradually relocated to the upstream regions. This has led to reduced flows from the upper Tarim stream, which subsequently accelerated the dropping of the groundwater level downstream in the basin. This study moreover demonstrates that land surface biomass changes (cumulative LAI) along the lower Tarim River are strongly related to the changes in groundwater storage. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
甘肃永靖黑方台4·29罗家坡黄土滑坡的特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
2015年4月29日上午,甘肃省永靖县盐锅峡镇黑方台滑坡高频发区的党川村罗家坡同一斜坡处连续发生了2次大规模黄土滑坡,总体积约65×10~4m~3,最大滑距630 m,摧毁14户居民房屋和3家工厂.通过现场详细调查、取样试验、1∶500地形测量、滑坡影像、视频等资料分析,对灌溉引发的罗家坡黄土滑坡的特征、滑动过程、形成机理进行了探讨.结果表明:第1次滑坡经过近2 a变形过程,整体突然失稳,高速远程滑动;第2次滑坡变形时间仅3 h,分块逐步滑动,滑动历时长而过程复杂,总体为低速远程滑动.高陡的地形和强度低、水敏感性强的土体是滑坡发生的基础,黄土台塬区长期农业灌溉是引发因素,大量水体入渗形成了20余米厚的饱和软弱基座,使抗剪强度降低,导致斜坡失稳滑动.黄土滑坡高速远程滑动的主要原因是滑坡剪出口位置高,滑动势能大,释放条件好,剪出口下部陡坡段为主要加速段;前方有开阔的滑动空间且有一定坡度、平缓的滑道;滑体底部饱和软弱黏性土在滑道上持续产生超孔隙水压力、液化等低摩阻效应,是远程滑动的润滑剂.同时,两次滑体间还存在冲击加速和能量传递作用.  相似文献   
武朝宝 《地下水》2018,(5):86-91
以山西省172个样点灌区为研究区域,按照《全国农田灌溉水有效利用系数测算分析技术指导细则》测算方法及要求,测算样点灌区农田灌溉水有效利用系数,在此基础上,以全省灌区统计资料为权重,测算分析得出山西省2017年大、中、小和纯井灌区农田灌溉水利用系数分别为0.484 6、0.501 0、0.475 8和0.639 8,全省系数为0.538。通过对测算成果分析,认为测算结果真实反映了当年山西省灌区农田灌溉用水效率,相关成果对山西省灌区工程建设、用水管理和规划编制等有一定指导意义。  相似文献   
This paper outlines the results of recent interdisciplinary fieldwork in Anloga on Keta Lagoon, Ghana. Vegetable production has been undertaken at Anloga since the nineteenth century and is now highly intensive and carefully regulated. Farmers produce shallots and other crops utilising irrigation water, mostly from wells which tap a shallow fresh-water perched aquifer. However, farmers have been expanding their cultivation activities from the lagoon-side, encouraged by a World Bank supported programme which provides for well-sinking and some electric pumps. The project has environmental and socio-economic implications which give cause for concern. The research employs field investigation to explore both the physical and political economy context and implications of recent change and considers the opportunities for community-based water and crop regulation.  相似文献   
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