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Vitrinite reflectance (Rr), proximate analysis and carbon isotope composition (δ13C) have been used to characterise coal samples from two zones of Late Carboniferous sediments (Gastern and Ferden) in the Aar massif where they are penetrated by the Lötschberg base tunnel (constructed between 1999 and 2005). Samples are characterised by variable ash yields (21.7–93.9%; dry basis); those with ash yields of less than ~50% and with volatile matter content (V;dry ash-free basis) within the limits 2 < V% ≤ 8 are anthracite. Values of Rr range from 3.89% to 5.17% and indicate coalification to the rank of anthracite and meta-anthracite in both Gastern and Ferden Carboniferous zones. Samples of anthracite and shale from the Gastern Carboniferous exhibit a relatively small range in δ13C values (–24.52‰ to –23.38‰; mean: –23.86‰) and are lighter than anthracite samples from the Ferden Carboniferous (mean: –22.20‰). The degree of coalification in the Gastern and Ferden Carboniferous zones primarily depends on the maximum rock temperature (T) attained as a result of burial heating. Vitrinite reflectance based estimates of T range from ~290° –360 °C. For a proposed palaeogeothemal gradient of 25 ° C/km at the time of maximum coalification the required overburden is attributable to relatively thin autochtonous Mesozoic/Cenozoic sedimentary cover of the Aar massif and Gastern granite and deep tectonic burial beneath advancing Helvetic, Ultrahelvetic and Prealpine (Penninic) nappes in Early Oligocene to Miocene.  相似文献   
煤的显微煤岩学特征与焦炭强度的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
摘 要  为探讨煤的煤岩学特征与焦炭强度之间的关系‚对北京焦化厂所用华北地区26个矿 点的原料煤的煤岩学特征进行了研究‚并对10kg 小焦炉焦炭的强度进行了测定。通过对 M 40 ≥80%矿点煤的统计分析‚表明活性成分含量的最佳范围是63∙40%~69∙40%‚镜质组 平均反射率基本处于1∙12%~1∙36%之间。镜质组反射率分布图谱不仅可以直观地反映活性 成分的大致分布状况‚而且也可以反映原料煤的混合程度。  相似文献   
As sediment accumulation indicates basin subsidence, erosion often is understood as tectonic uplift, but the amplitude and timing may be difficult to determine because the sedimentary record is missing. Quantification of erosion therefore requires indirect evidence, for example thermal indicators such as temperature, vitrinite reflectance and fission tracks in apatite. However, as always, the types and quality of data and the choice of models are important to the results. For example, considering only the thermal evolution of the sedimentary section discards the thermal time constant of the lithosphere and essentially ignores the temporal continuity of the thermal structure. Furthermore, the types and density of thermal indicators determine the solution space of deposition and erosion, the quantification of which calls for the use of inverse methods, which can only be successful when all models are mutually consistent. Here, we use integrated basin modelling and Markov Chain Monte Carlo inversion of four deep boreholes to show that the erosional pattern along the Sorgenfrei–Tornquist Zone (STZ) in the eastern North Sea is consistent with a tectonic model of tectonic inversion based on compression and relaxation of an elastic plate. Three wells in close proximity SW of the STZ have different data and exhibit characteristic differences in erosion estimates but are consistent with the formation of a thick chalk sequence, followed by minor Cenozoic erosion during relaxation inversion. The well on the inversion ridge requires ca. 1.7 km Jurassic-Early Cretaceous sedimentation followed by Late Cretaceous–Palaeocene erosion during inversion. No well demands thick Cenozoic sedimentation followed by equivalent significant Neogene exhumation. When data are of high quality and models are consistent, the thermal indicator method yields significant results with important tectonic and geodynamic implications.  相似文献   
黔北下寒武统黑色岩系古地温及其指示意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用显微光度计测定黔北下寒武统牛蹄塘组黑色岩系固体沥青反射率平均为5.89%,按相关经验公式折算出来的镜质体反射率平均为4.123%,在迈维尔图解、Karwell图解、Hood图解上投点,结合干酪根和孢粉颜色指数法,推断黑色岩系的古地温为60~250℃。结合黄铁矿热电系数法和包裹体均一法测温值,认为黑色岩系属中、低温沉积成岩成矿作用,以低温沉积成岩成矿作用为主。"热"的来源为海底火山喷溢,含矿热卤水提供了丰富的有用元素。黑色岩系有机碳含量高,属好烃源岩,有机质成熟度高,热演化程度高,属过成熟。黑色岩系古地温的研究,对阐明黑色岩系的沉积、成岩和成矿条件具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Abstract The Shimanto accretionary complex on the Muroto Peninsula of Shikoku comprises two major units of Tertiary strata: the Murotohanto Sub-belt (Eocene-Oligocene) and the Nabae Sub-belt (Oligocene-Miocene). Both sub-belts have been affected by thermal overprints following the peak of accretion-related deformation. Palaeotemperatures for the entire Tertiary section range from ~ 140 to 315°C, based upon mean vitrinite reflectance values of 0.9–5.0%Rm. Values of illite crystallinity index are consistent with conditions of advanced diagenesis and anchimetamorphism. Illite/mica b0 lattice dimensions indicate that burial pressures were probably no greater than 2.5kbar. In general, levels of thermal maturity are higher for the Murotohanto Sub-belt than for the Nabae Sub-belt. The Eocene-Oligocene strata also display a spatial decrease in thermal maturity from south to north and this pattern probably was caused by regional-scale differential uplift following peak heating. Conversely, the palaeothermal structure within the Nabae Sub-belt is fairly uniform, except for the local effects of mafic intrusions at the tip of Cape Muroto. There is a paleotemperature difference of ~ 90°C across the boundary between the Murotohanto and Nabae Sub-belts (Shiina-Narashi fault), and this contrast is consistent with approximately 1200 m of post-metamorphic vertical offset. Subduction prior to Middle Miocene probably involved the Kula or fused Kula-Pacific plate and the background geothermal gradient during the Eocene-Oligocene phase of accretion was ~ 30–35°C/km. Rapid heating of the Shimanto Belt evidently occurred immediately after a Middle Miocene reorganization of the subduction boundary. Hot oceanic lithosphere from the Shikoku Basin first entered the subduction zone at ~ 15 Ma; this event also coincided with the opening of the Sea of Japan and the rapid clockwise rotation of southwest Japan. The background geothermal gradient at that time was ~ 70°C/km. Whether or not all portions of the inherited (Eocene-Oligocene) palaeothermal structure were overprinted during the Middle Miocene remains controversial.  相似文献   
Two organic maturity indices, the statistical thermal alteration index (stTAI) and vitrinite reflectance (RO), are used to gain insight into the geological histories of sequences of Tertiary and Upper Cretaceous sediments in northern Japan that contain an unconformity and which are affected by faulting and contact metamorphism. The stTAI is based on the brightness, or gray level, of fossil pollen of Pinus, Podocarpus, Abies, and Picea species. Pollen brightness is measured using a transmitted‐light microscope equipped with a computer‐driven digital image processor. The stTAI represents the mean value of the modes for the complete array of indigenous pollen in rock samples. The stTAI indicates the level of organic maturation for Neogene sedimentary rocks of Japan, from incipient diagenesis to early catagenesis (RO ≤1.0%). With the progressive diagenesis and catagenesis of sedimentary rocks, stTAI values generally show a progressive decrease, whereas RO values increase. The effects of an unconformity and faulting are more clearly recorded in stTAI trends than in RO trends. During early stages of organic maturation (RO ≤0.7%), stTAI shows a rapid decrease, while RO shows a rapid increase during the mature and post‐mature stages (RO ≥0.8%). The occurrence of a range in RO values for a given level of organic maturity makes it difficult to determine the influence of the unconformity on the increasing RO trend. RO values show a progressive increase toward an igneous dyke, but this trend is not apparent in stTAI values. Measurements of Tertiary and Upper Cretaceous rocks in Japan reveal that stTAI is more sensitive to heating duration than RO, although RO is more sensitive to heating temperature.  相似文献   
This study examines the effect of contact metamorphism by an igneous dyke on parameters for kerogen maturation, such as elemental composition (H/C, O/C, N/C), 1H-NMR T1, vitrinite reflectance and infrared spectra. Although elemental composition and 1H-NMR T1 of the kerogen changed only within 1.5 and 5.0 m from the dyke respectively, vitrinite reflectance of the kerogen was thermally affected beyond 10.0 m from the intrusion. It is concluded that vitrinite reflectance is the most sensitive of the parameters evaluated to assess thermal stress of kerogens.  相似文献   
The Eocene Maoming oil shale from Guangdong Province occurs as a laterally uniform stratigraphic section, typically 20–25 m thick, from which the aliphatic hydrocarbon constituents of six representative samples were investigated using GC and C-GC-MS. The sediments evaluated included the basal lignite, a vitrinite lens from the overlying claystone, and four intervals from the massive oil shale bed. As expected, the lignite and vitrinite differ markedly from the oil shales. The lignite is dominated by bacterial hopanoids and components of higher plant origin, including C29 steroids and triterpenoids such as oleanenes. Visually, the oil shale samples show corroded and degraded phytoclasts, spores, wispy particles of fluorescent organic material attributable to dinoflagellates and, especially in the uppermost sample, colonial algal bodies. The distributions of biological markers in the oil shales show many features in common, notably a dominance of dinoflagellate-derived 4-methylsteroids, and a significant proportion of higher-plant derived n-alkanes with marked odd-over-even carbon number predominance. Overall, they exhibit several features that resemble characteristics of the Messel shale. The hydrocarbons of the lowest shale horizon suggest that there may have been a gradual transition between deposition of the original peat and the subsequent oil shales. The aliphatic hydrocarbons of the uppermost shale are dominated by a number of C31 and C33 botryococcane homologues and other unusual branched alkanes possibly derived from green algae. All of the samples are immature. Overall, molecular and microscopic examination of the stratigraphic succession of the Maoming oil shale suggests a shallow, lacustrine environment within which peats were deposited. This lake subsequently deepened to support abundant algal populations, especially dinoflagellates, culminating in a dominance of botryococcoid algae.  相似文献   
昌潍坳陷新生代古地温分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
昌潍坳陷是胜利油田重要的外围勘探区域,确定其古地温对研究其生烃史和油气成藏史具有重要的意义.综合应用镜质体反射率和磷灰石裂变径迹方法反演得到了其新生代热史演化规律,得出昌潍坳陷新生代古地温梯度演化趋势从古到今逐步降低的结论.同时间接证明了综合镜质体反射率和磷灰石裂变径迹反演东部简单盆地热史是一种行之有效的方法.  相似文献   
灵武煤田煤中镜质组与丝质组的甾萜类化合物对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对灵武煤田含煤岩系延安组煤岩显微组分的甾萜类化合物作了对比研究.结果表明,同一沉积环境中镜质组与丝质组的甾萜类化合物特征及不同沉积环境中同一显微组分(镜质组或丝质组)的甾萜类化合物特征有着规律性的变化.  相似文献   
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