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王方国 《矿物岩石》1990,10(1):61-69,T004
本文对川滇地区某纯橄榄岩体的地质特征进行了初步研究。该岩体的岩石新鲜,几乎没有蛇纹石化。岩体具层状构造,岩石中发育扭折带、巨晶、碎斑、等粒镶嵌结构、板块镶嵌结构等特殊的地幔岩结构构造。此外,岩石化学及地球化学特征了都表明该纯橄榄岩体属于蛇绿岩层序中堆积的一个组成部分。  相似文献   
Axel Mü  ller  Karel Breiter  Reimar Seltmann  Zolt  n P  cskay 《Lithos》2005,80(1-4):201-227
Zoned quartz and feldspar phenocrysts of the Upper Carboniferous eastern Erzgebirge volcano-plutonic complex were studied by cathodoluminescence and minor and trace element profiling. The results verify the suitability of quartz and feldspar phenocrysts as recorders of differentiation trends, magma mixing and recharge events, and suggest that much heterogeneity in plutonic systems may be overlooked on a whole-rock scale. Multiple resorption surfaces and zones, element concentration steps in zoned quartz (Ti) and feldspar phenocrysts (anorthite content, Ba, Sr), and plagioclase-mantled K-feldspars etc. indicate mixing of silicic magma with a more mafic magma for several magmatic phases of the eastern Erzgebirge volcano-plutonic complex. Generally, feldspar appears to be sensitive to the physicochemical changes of the melt, whereas quartz phenocrysts are more stable and can survive a longer period of evolution and final effusion of silicic magmas. The regional distribution of mixing-compatible textures suggests that magma mingling and mixing was a major process in the evolution of these late-Variscan granites and associated volcanic rocks.

Quartz phenocrysts from 14 magmatic phases of the eastern Erzgebirge volcano-plutonic complex provide information on the relative timing of different mixing processes, storage and recharge, allowing a model for the distribution of magma reservoirs in space and time. At least two levels of magma storage are envisioned: deep reservoirs between 24 and 17 km (the crystallisation level of quartz phenocrysts) and subvolcanic reservoirs between 13 and 6 km. Deflation of the shallow reservoirs during the extrusion of the Teplice rhyolites triggered the formation of the Altenberg-Teplice caldera above the eastern Erzgebirge volcano-plutonic complex. The deep magma reservoir of the Teplice rhyolite also has a genetic relationship to the younger mineralised A-type granites, as indicated by quartz phenocryst populations. The pre-caldera biotite granites and the rhyodacitic Schönfeld volcanic rocks represent temporally and spatially separate magma sources. However, the deep magma reservoir of both is assumed to have been at a depth of 24–17 km. The drastic chemical contrast between the pre-caldera Schönfeld (Westfalian B–C) and the syn-caldera Teplice (Westfalian C–D) volcanic rocks is related to the change from late-orogenic geotectonic environment to post-orogenic faulting, and is considered an important chronostratigraphic marker.  相似文献   

运用扫描电镜研究渤海南部碎屑石英颗粒表面微结构,并根据各种形痕的组合特征,判断沉积物所处的沉积环境,定性分析控制沉积环境的主要因素。  相似文献   
Groundwaters of the Murgia carbonate aquifer represent the main groundwater resource of the Apulia region (SE Italy). In the highlands (Alta Murgia) karst crops out in different forms and textures which have been preserved up to the 1970s: little evolved agriculture and sheep rearing produced only a marginal modification of the epikarst while a high degree of division into parcels by drystone walls helped in preserving soils from erosion. In the last years the original scenery of the Alta Murgia changed due to widespread transformations of surface karstic textures for agricultural purposes, with undeniable negative consequences on the hydrogeological balance, concerning both the infiltration and the runoff terms. Stone shattering led to flattening and deep alteration of a large part of the original karstic landscape and to demolition of drystone walls.In a study area of about 139 km2 located in the Alta Murgia, the comparison of aerial photos related to the period 1950–2001 indicated that stone shattering had occurred for about 42% of the area.The hydrological behaviour of the first soil layer of experimental parcels representing both shattered stone and natural karstic surface textures was analysed by using the numerical model Hydrus-2D with the aim of estimating the variation on infiltration rate due to stone shattering. Intensive field and laboratory measurements concerned soil texture, soil water content, pressure head, saturated hydraulic conductivity, pan evaporation and meteorological parameters.  相似文献   
The presence of a dispersed clast fraction in strata near the base of the Cosquer Formation in west Brittany, does not support a glacial origin for this unit. The upper 25 to 30 m of the underlying Kermeur Formation consists of a prograding sequence of very fine to fine sandstones deposited in a mid to distal current swept shelf setting. This sequence shows signs of slope instability, as do the supposed ‘glacial strata’ which overlie it. The upper two thirds of the Cosquer Formation contain spectacular slump-breccias. Smaller clasts within the laminated mudrocks at the base of the formation are associated with thin graded and non-graded sandstone laminae. They show no evidence of active penetration into underlying laminae other than can be explained by compaction. Larger clasts are confined to thicker massive beds, or disrupted units with marked internal contorted lamination. This, along with the abundance of slump features within the sequence suggests lateral emplacement by sediment gravity flows in a distal shelf-slope setting. Surface textures of sand grains within the formation are related to rock disaggregation along fractures developed during post-depositional deformation and are not related to glacial processes. Distinctive mineralogically immature, poorly-sorted aggregate sediment pellets, which have been considered as positive proof of glaciation, are not present.  相似文献   
 Dacite tephras produced by the 1991 pre-climactic eruptive sequence at Mt. Pinatubo display extreme heterogeneity in vesicularity, ranging in clast density from 700 to 2580 kg m–3. Observations of the 13 surge-producing blasts that preceded the climactic plinian event include radar-defined estimates of column heights and seismically defined eruptive and intra-eruptive durations. A comparison of the characteristics of erupted material, including microlite textures, chemical compositions, and H2O contents, with eruptive parameters suggests that devolatilization-induced crystallization of the magma occurred to a varying extent prior to at least nine of the explosive events. Although volatile loss progressed to the same approximate level in all of the clasts analyzed (weight percent H2O=1.26-1.73), microlite crystallization was extremely variable (0–22%). We infer that syn-eruptive volatile exsolution from magma in the conduit and intra-eruptive separation of the gas phase was facilitated by the development of permeability within magma residing in the conduit. Correlation of maximum microlite crystallinity with repose interval duration (28–262 min) suggests that crystallization occurred primarily intra-eruptively, in response to the reduction in dissolved H2O content that occurred during the preceding event. Detailed textural characterization, including determination of three-dimensional shapes and crystal size distributions (CSD), was conducted on a subset of clasts in order to determine rates of crystal nucleation and growth using repose interval as the time available for crystallization. Shape and size analysis suggests that crystallization proceeded in response to lessening degrees of feldspar supersaturation as repose interval durations increased. We thus propose that during repose intervals, a plug of highly viscous magma formed due to the collapse of vesicular magma that had exsolved volatiles during the previous explosive event. If plug thickness grew proportionally to the square root of time, and if magma pressurization increased during the eruptive sequence, the frequency of eruptive pulses may have been modulated by degassing of magma within the conduit. Dense clasts in surge deposits probably represent plug material entrained by each subsequent explosive event. Received: 4 December 1997 / Accepted: 13 September 1998  相似文献   
In this paper, the authors present the results of both macroscopic and microscopic investigations on structure development created by repeated ice lensing in various loamy experiments. Experimental data are compared with observations performed on active forms in High Arctic and Alpine Mountain environments. Those observations are also compared with phenomena observed in fossil periglacial formations of Western Europe. Platy and short prismatic structure formation is bonded to the hydraulic and thermal conditions during ice segregation. When a long series of alternating freezing and thawing affects platy structures, the fabric evolves, also being influenced by slope and drainage conditions: cryoturbations, frostcreep, and gelifluction can appear. They are characterized by specific microfabrics which are better developed with an increasing number of cycles: this is clear in experiments where hydraulic and thermal parameters are better controlled. Vesicles are also a prominent characteristic of the surface horizon in experiments and arctic soils. The genesis of vesicles is discussed on the basis of new observations and is related to the mechanical collapse of frost-created aggregates under the mechanical work of soil air escape during soil saturation by water at thaw.  相似文献   
High-pressure granulites are exposed in the Casares-Los Reales group (internal zones of Betic-Rif belt, S Spain–N Morocco) as part of the crustal envelope of Beni Bousera-Ronda Peridotites. They are mostly metapelitic but include intercalations of mafic composition. The metamorphic history is marked by the preservation of early high-pressure assemblages together with secondary low-pressure assemblages suggesting a state of textural and compositional disequilibrium. The P–T path constrained by geothermobarometry and reaction textures from mafic and pelitic lithotypes passes from 800 °C/15 kbar to 600 °C/5 kbar, to indicating a strong decompression related to cooling, followed by a near-isobaric cooling 430 °C and 4 kbar. Such P–T evolution of granulites is thought to reflect some sort of rapid tectonic collapse of crust previously thickened through collision.  相似文献   
聂潇  王宗起  陈雷  陈浦浦  王刚 《岩矿测试》2019,38(5):565-574
黑云母的化学成分中蕴含着重要的成因信息,对具有交代结构的黑云母进行微区成分分析,能够精细反映交代蚀变过程中元素迁移情况,为解决矿床形成机制方面的科学问题提供矿物学证据。本文以北大巴山平利地区蚀变粗面岩中具有再平衡结构的黑云母斑晶为研究对象,进行电子探针面扫描和剖面成分分析。结果表明,斑晶内部为岩浆成因黑云母,边缘为"扩散-反应"过程所致的再平衡成因黑云母。斑晶边缘与内部相比,TiO_2含量由平均5.78%降至2.22%,表明在交代蚀变过程中黑云母中Ti等高场强元素被淋滤出进入流体;而CaO含量由平均0.06%升至0.14%,F含量由平均0.60%升至0.80%,指示蚀变流体内富含Ca、F等组分。本研究揭示了粗面岩中铌矿床的形成与热液作用关系密切,成矿流体中Ca、F等组分在铌元素的迁移及富集过程中具有重要作用。  相似文献   
Metanorites from two eclogitized metagabbros of the Hercynian French Massif Central preserve coronitic textures of hornblende, garnet, quartz and/or kyanite produced at the expense of the primary magmatic assemblage orthopyroxene and plagioclase. Using a petrogenetic grid in the CFMASH system, two possible PT evolutions for the origin of the coronas are evaluated. The sequence of reactions involving the formation of Hbl (–Ky) ± Grt and Qtz coronitic assemblages is consistent with an isobaric cooling at high pressure (c. 1–2 GPa) under hydrated conditions. However, this PT path, inferred by using only petrographical observations, is inconsistent with the geochronological constraints: emplacement of the gabbro at 490 Ma and high‐pressure metamorphism at 410 Ma. In order to reconcile petrographical observations with geochronological constraints, we propose a discontinuous two‐stage evolution involving a change in water activity with time. (1) Emplacement and cooling of the norite at low pressure under anhydrous conditions, at 490 Ma. (2) During the Hercynian orogeny, the norite experienced an increase in pressure and temperature under fluid‐present conditions. Adding water to the system implies a dramatic change in the petrogenetic grid topology, restricting the orthopyroxene–plagioclase assemblage only to high temperatures. Therefore, the breakdown of the unstable magmatic assemblage, through apparent retrograde reactions, occurred along the prograde PT path which never crossed the equilibrium boundaries of these reactions.  相似文献   
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