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The Guerrero suspect terrane composed of Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous sequences, extends from Baja California up to Acapulco and is considered to be coeval with the Late Mesozoic igneous and sedimentary arc sequences of the Greater Antilles, Venezuela and Western Cordillera of Colombia. New geological, petrological and geochemical data from central and southern Mexico, led us to propose a new model for the building of the Alisitos-Teloloapan arc. This arc, partly built on the Pacific oceanic lithosphere and partly on continental fragments, could be related to the subduction of an oceanic basin - the Arperos basin - under the Paleo-Pacific plate. This subduction was dipping southwest.

At the beginning of the magmatic activity of the oceanic segment of this arc, depleted tholeiitic basalts were emitted in a submarine environnement below the CCD. While subduction was going on, the arc magmas evolved from LREE depleted tholeiites to slightly LREE enriched tholeiites and then, to calc-alkaline basalts and andesites enriched in LREE and HFSE. Concurrently, the arc sedimentary environment changed from deep oceanic to neritic with the deposition of Aptian-Albian reefal limestones, at the end of the arc building. In the continent-based segment, the arc magmas are exclusively differentiated calc-alkaline suites depleted in HREE and Y, formed of predominantly siliceous lavas and pyroclastic rocks, emitted in a sub-aerial or shallow marine environment.

Thus, taking into account this above mentioned model, the Cretaceous volcanic series, accreted to the margins of cratonal America, in Colombia, Venezuela, Greater Antilles and Mexico, could be related to the same west-south-west dipping subduction of oceanic basins, fringing the North and South American continental cratons and connected directly with the inter-American Tethys. While the subduction was proceeding, this magmatic arc drifted towards the North and South American cratons and finally, collided with the continental margins at different periods during the Cretaceous.  相似文献   
麻粒岩区构造地质编图原则探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
麻粒岩区的边界及亚区划分标志常为等变线、断层或剪切带。主要地质单元包括灰色片麻岩、花岗片麻岩、混合岩、副变质表壳岩、层状侵入体、高级变质绿岩等,基性岩墙群为划分不同地质单元、建立其相对时序的重要标志。以上单元普遍被构造叠置,常可识别出侵入关系。表壳岩系底部不整合及地层层序的研究对于认识大陆克拉通化过程及沉积环境演化具有重要意义。早期大规模水平构造先后被两类变形序列叠加,第1类与麻粒岩相变质发生于同  相似文献   
The Alagoinhas pluton is a member of the widespread high‐K calc‐alkaline association of northeastern Brazil. Some authors suggest that this region represents an amalgamation of distinct tectonic terranes assembled during the Brasiliano (Pan‐African) orogeny. Our work compares geochemical data (major, trace and REE) of the Alagoinhas with other plutons of same petrotectonic association (Caruaru‐Arcoverde batholith). These plutons apparently intrude several distinct tectonic terranes, separated by a major E‐W dextral transcurrent system, the East Pernambuco shear zone (EPSZ). Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility and structural data for the Alagoinhas pluton are used to compare tectonic regimes across the EPSZ. The results indicate that the Caruaru‐Arcoverde batholith and the Alagoinhas pluton evolved from similar sources and were subjected to the same tectonic regime during emplacement, placing severe restrictions on use of the EPSZ as a suture zone between distinct tectonic terranes.  相似文献   
Karst is a complex geological phenomenon that relates to terranes composed of limestone, dolomites, gypsum, halite, or other soluble rocks. Protection of groundwater in karst against pollution is needed because of the high velocity of its flow (several hundreds of thousands of meters per day) and where polluted materials are carried without being filtered. Protection of karstic aquifers against pathogens and rapidly degradable chemicals is carried out for the catchment areas with an estimated delay time of 60 days and for a distance of more than 30 m. Tracer methods have recently become quite useful in karst regions; a tracer may respond as a multiimpulse because of different flow lines, flow velocities, and water aquifers. Therefore, if a total water balance has to be established, nearly all answer-back impulses should be considered.  相似文献   

In its type area around Narooma, the Narooma Terrane in the Lachlan Orogen comprises the Wagonga Group, which consists of the Narooma Chert overlain by the argillaceous Bogolo Formation. Conodonts indicate that the lower, largely massive (ribbon chert) part of the Narooma Chert ranges in age from mid-Late Cambrian to Darriwilian-Gisbornian (late Middle to early Late Ordovician). The upper Narooma Chert consists of shale, containing Eastonian (Late Ordovician) graptolites, interbedded with chert. Where not deformed by later faulting, the boundary between the Narooma Chert and Bogolo Formation is gradational. At map scale, the Narooma Terrane consists of a stack of imbricate thrust slices caught between two thrust faults that juxtaposed the terrane against the coeval Adaminaby Superterrane in Early Silurian time. These slices are best defined where Narooma Chert is thrust over Bogolo Formation. The soles of such slices contain multiply foliated chert. Late extensional shear bands indicate a strike-slip component to the faulting. The Narooma Terrane, with chert overlain by muddy ooze, is interpreted to be an oceanic terrane that accumulated remote from land for ~50 million years. The upward increase in the terrigenous component at the top of the Wagonga Group (shale, argillite, siltstone and sandstone of the upper Narooma Chert and Bogolo Formation) records approach of the terrane to the Australian sector of the Gondwana margin. Blocks of chert, argillite and sandstone reflect extensional/strike-slip disruption of the terrane as it approached the transform trench along the Gondwana-proto-Pacific plate boundary. Blocks of basalt and basalt breccia represent detritus from a seamount that was also entering the trench. There is no evidence that the Narooma Terrane or the adjacent Adaminaby Group formed in an accretionary prism/ subduction complex.  相似文献   
Sixty five per cent of the Paleozoic basement of western and central Europe is hidden by a sedimentary cover and/or sea. This work aims to remove that blanket to detect new structures which could used to build a more comprehensive model of the Variscan orogeny. It is based on the interpretation of various forms of data: (a) published gravity maps corrected for the effects of the crust-mantle boundary topography and light sedimentary basins; (b) aeromagnetic maps; (c) measurements of densities; and (d) induced and remanent magnetizations on rocks from Paleozoic outcrops of the upper Rhenish area. From the northern Bohemian Massif to the eastern Paris Basin, the Saxothuringian is characterized by a 500 km long belt of gravity highs, the most important being the Kraichgau high. Most of the corresponding heavy bodies are buried under a post-early Viséan cover. They are interpreted as relics of Late Proterozoic terranes overlain by an Early to Middle Paleozoic sequence, equivalent to the Bohemian terrane in the Bohemian Massif. The most probable continuation of these dense Bohemian terranes toward the west is the Southern Channel-Northern Brittany Cadomian terrane. The gravity lows are correlated with Variscan granites and pre- and early Variscan metagranites.Gravity and magnetic maps demonstrate large-scale displacement in Devonian-Early Carboniferous times along the parallel and equidistant, NW-SE striking, Vistula, Elbe, Bavarian, Bray and South Armorican dextral wrench faults. In the Vosges-Schwarzwald and Central Massif the faults continue with the east-west striking Lalaye-Lubine-Baden-Baden and Marche faults and with south vergent thrusts. The Bavarian faults shift the Kraichgau terrane by 150 km relative to the Bohemian terrane, whereas the offset of the Northern Brittany Cadomian relative to the Northern Vosges-Kraichgau terranes is estimated at 400 km along the Bray fault. Sinistral wrench faults are the NE-SW striking Sillon Houiller, Rheingraben, Rodl, Vitis and Diendorf faults. The southern Vosges-Schwarzwald Devonian-Dinantian basin is interpreted as a pull-apart basin at the south-easterly extremity of the Bray fault. The Bohemian and Kraichgau body form allochthonous terranes which were thrust over the Saxothuringian crust. Thrusting to the north-west was accompanied by back-thrusting and led to the formation of pop-up structures. Contemporaneous dextral and sinistral wrench faulting resulted in transpressive strain during collision. The zonal structure of the Variscides in the sense of Kossmat (1927) is relevant only to the Rhenohercynian Foreland Belt. Kossmat (1927) already spoke of a Moldanubian Region because it displays no real zonal structure. The Saxothuringian Zone was formed by terrane accretion. Their apparent zonal structure is not a pre-collisional feature, but only the result of accretion and collision.  相似文献   
Victorian granites containing more than 750 ppm Ba are almost entirely confined to the region between a line from Geelong to Swan Hill and the Wonnangatta Fault Zone. Granite Ba contents normalised to 70% SiO2 range from 620 to 733 ppm in western Victoria, 719 to 1560 ppm in central Victoria and 493 to 689 ppm in eastern Victoria. Melting of Ba-rich (meta)sedimentary rocks in the lower – middle crust is implicated in the petrogenesis of central Victorian S types, at least. Thus, granite geochemistry supports the concept of some sort of (largely concealed) Ba-rich Selwyn Block beneath central Victoria, although the boundaries that have been proposed for the block are modified here. There is a strong possibility that the Selwyn Block is an exotic terrane emplaced by northwest-directed strike-slip movement during the Bindian Orogeny. Such movement appears to have been controlled by the previously postulated Baragwanath Transform and another fundamental fault here called the Ulrich Transform. Asthenospheric upwelling related to movement on the Ulrich and Baragwanath Transforms may be the explanation for the twin belts of 400 Ma plutonism occurring to the west of the former and to the east of the latter. The southern extension of the Ulrich Transform may be the Tamar – Tiers structure in Tasmania. Plate-tectonic models suggesting Ordovician – Silurian subduction in Victoria need to be carefully revisited given the possibility of Siluro-Devonian exotic terrane emplacement.  相似文献   
 Sinkhole collapse is one of the main limitations on the development of karst areas, especially where bedrock is covered by unconsolidated material. Studies of sinkhole formation have shown that sinkholes are likely to develop in cutter (enlarged joint) zones as a result of subterranean erosion by flowing groundwater. Because of the irregular distribution of pinnacles and cutters on the bedrock surface, uncertainties arise when "hit-or-miss" borehole drilling is used to locate potential collapse sites. A high-resolution geophysical technique capable of depicting the details of the bedrock surface is essential for guiding the drilling program. Dipole-dipole electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) was used to map the bedrock surface at a site in southern Indiana where limestone is covered by about 9 m of clayey soils. Forty-nine transects were conducted over an area of approximately 42,037 m2. The electrode spacing was 3 m. The length of the transects varied from 81 to 249 m. The tomographs were interpreted with the aid of soil borings. The repeatability of ERT was evaluated by comparing the rock surface elevations interpreted from pairs of transects where they crossed each other. The average difference was 2.4 m, with a maximum of 10 m. The discrepancy between interpreted bedrock-surface elevations for a transect intersection may be caused by variations in the subsurface geology normal to the transect. Averaging the elevation data interpreted from different transects improved the ERT results. A bedrock surface map was generated using only the averaged elevation data at the transect junctions. The accuracy of the map was further evaluated using data from four exploratory boreholes. The average difference between interpreted and actual bedrock surface-elevations was less than 0.4 m. The map shows two large troughs in the limestone surface: one coinciding with an existing sinkhole basin, while the other is in alignment with a small topographic valley. Because sinkholes were observed at the same elevation interval in similar valleys in the vicinity, the delineated trough may have implications for future land use at the site. Received: 4 January 1999 · Accepted: 8 March 1999  相似文献   
A Cordilleran model for the evolution of Avalonia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Striking similarities between the late Mesoproterozoic–Early Paleozoic record of Avalonia and the Late Paleozoic–Cenozoic history of western North America suggest that the North American Cordillera provides a modern analogue for the evolution of Avalonia and other peri-Gondwanan terranes during the late Precambrian. Thus: (1) The evolution of primitive Avalonian arcs (proto-Avalonia) at 1.2–1.0 Ga coincides with the amalgamation of Rodinia, just as the evolution of primitive Cordilleran arcs in Panthalassa coincided with the Late Paleozoic amalgamation of Pangea. (2) The development of mature oceanic arcs at 750–650 Ma (early Avalonian magmatism), their accretion to Gondwana at ca. 650 Ma, and continental margin arc development at 635–570 Ma (main Avalonian magmatism) followed the breakup of Rodinia at ca. 755 Ma in the same way that the accretion of mature Cordilleran arcs to western North America and the development of the main phase of Cordilleran arc magmatism followed the Early Mesozoic breakup of Pangea. (3) In the absence of evidence for continental collision, the diachronous termination of subduction and its transition to an intracontinental wrench regime at 590–540 Ma is interpreted to record ridge–trench collision in the same way that North America's collision with the East Pacific Rise in the Oligocene led to the diachronous initiation of a transform margin. (4) The separation of Avalonia from Gondwana in the Early Ordovician resembles that brought about in Baja California by the Pliocene propagation of the East Pacific Rise into the continental margin. (5) The Late Ordovician–Early Silurian sinistral accretion of Avalonia to eastern Laurentia emulates the Cenozoic dispersal of Cordilleran terranes and may mimic the paths of future terranes transferred to the Pacific plate.This close similarity in tectonothermal histories suggests that a geodynamic coupling like that linking the evolution of the Cordillera with the assembly and breakup of Pangea, may have existed between Avalonia and the late Precambrian supercontinent Rodinia. Hence, the North American Cordillera is considered to provide an actualistic model for the evolution of Avalonia and other peri-Gondwanan terranes, the histories of which afford a proxy record of supercontinent assembly and breakup in the late Precambrian.  相似文献   
刘晓春 《岩石学报》2018,34(4):925-939


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