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在1∶5万黄材幅区调中,对脆韧性剪切构造岩进行的岩石化学、微量元素、稀土元素研究表明,由中细粒含斑二云母二长花岗岩改造为糜棱岩化花岗岩、初糜棱岩、绢云母糜棱岩、硅化糜棱岩、千糜岩、糜棱片岩等,其化学成分发生了不同程度的改变。化学元素的分散、聚集或不变,既受原岩控制(继承性),又受变形强度和流体的成分、性质、活动性等控制(变化性)。  相似文献   
吉林省前寒武纪地层   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
吉林省前寒武纪地层可见有太古宙变质表壳岩系、古元古代中深变质火山-沉积岩系、吉南新元古代陆源碎屑岩-碳酸盐岩组成的盖层沉积岩系和吉北造山带新元古代变质火山-沉积岩系4种类型.其中太古宙地层龙岗陆块具有多陆块拼贴的特点,可划分为龙岗岩群(四道砬子河岩组、杨家店岩组)、夹皮沟岩群(三道沟岩组、老牛沟岩组)、板石沟岩群、南岗岩群(鸡南岩组、官地岩组)、清原岩群.分别代表白山镇地块、夹皮沟镇地块、板石沟地块、和龙地块和清原地块的变质表壳岩系,其中除龙岗岩群可能为中太古代外,其余地质体的时代均为新太古代.古元古代地层有集安岩群、光华岩群和老岭岩群,前两者为古元古代早期裂谷环境沉积,分别可进一步划分为蚂蚁河岩组、荒岔沟岩组、大东岔岩组、双庙岩组和同心岩组,沉积时限为2 300~2 100Ma;后者为古元古代晚期内克拉通凹陷沉积,可进一步划分为林家沟岩组/达台山岩组、珍珠门岩组、花山岩组、临江岩组和大栗子岩组,沉积时限为1 900~1 800Ma.吉南新元古代地层的岩石地层学属性基本清楚,按新元古代三分的观点,其中细河群及其以下地层时代为青白口纪.浑江群时代为震旦纪,吉南地区缺失南华系.吉林省北部造山带中沿色洛河-海沟-青龙村-江域一线的元古宙地层事实上为不同时代、不同性质的构造岩片堆叠体,属于构造地层学范畴;具有层状地层特征的仅有敦化地区的塔东岩群、蛟河地区的新兴岩组、九台地区的机房沟岩群、辽源地区的西保安岩组以及安图地区的万宝岩组,时代可暂置于新元古代.  相似文献   
On the basis of field observations, microscopic thin-sections and laboratory data analysis of ten faults in Xuanhan County area, northeastern Sichuan Basin, central China, the internal and megascopic structures and tectonite development characteristics are mainly controlled by the geomechanical quality in brittle formation of the Changxing-Feixianguan Formation. The fluid transportation performance difference between the faults formed by different geomechanics or different structural parts of the same fault are controlled by the mcgascopic structure and tectonite development characteristics. For instance, the extension fault structure consists of a tectonite breccia zone and an extension fracture zone. Good fluid transportation performance zones are the extension fracture zone adjacent to the tectonite breccia zone and the breccia zone formed at the early evolutionary stage. The typical compression fault structure consists of a boulder-clay zone or zones of grinding gravel rock, compression foliation, tectonite lens, and dense fracture development. The dense fracture development zone is the best fluid transporting area at a certain scale of the compression fault, and then the lens, grinding gravel rock zone and compression foliation zones are the worst areas for hydrocarbon migration. The typical tensor-shear fault with a certain scale can be divided into boulder-clay or grinding gravel rock zones of the fault, as well as a pinnate fractures zone and a derivative fractures zone. The grinding gravel rock zone is the worst one for fluid transportation. Because of the fracture mesh connectivity and better penetration ability, the pinnate fractures zone provides the dominant pathway for hydrocarbon vertical migration along the tensor-shear fault.  相似文献   
西藏丁青蛇绿岩的东杂岩体是一种与玻镁安山岩(Boninite)有关的特殊的蛇绿岩类型。其 堆晶斜方辉石岩、辉长岩和辉绿岩的岩石化学、微量元素以及稀土元素的地球化学特征均与西太平洋诸岛(伊豆—马利亚纳、巴布亚新几内亚、新喀里多尼亚等)的玻镁安山岩相似。此外,超镁铁质构造岩中的橄榄石和顽火辉石富镁,指示残余地幔具强烈亏损的性质。尖晶石的Cr含量中等至较高,与深海橄榄岩及大洋中脊玄武岩中的尖晶石不同。堆晶岩和辉长岩中的古铜辉石富镁,斜长石富钙,也明显不同于典型大洋中脊环境的特征,表明丁青东蛇绿岩形成的环境不像大洋中脊或弧后盆地,而可能是在洋内俯冲带之上的岛弧底部。  相似文献   
Interpreting tectonic histories from metamorphic tectonites requires an understanding of the linkages and feedbacks between deformation and metamorphism. Relationships between deformation and metamorphism can be divided into two broad groups: active and passive. Active relationships involve direct interactions whereby deformation directly influences metamorphic reactions or metamorphism directly affects the rate or style of deformation. One of the most important ‘active’ relationships is the role that deformation plays in helping to remove unstable reactant phases and to promote the growth of stable product phases. Passive relationships are correlations or linkages that allow the deformation history to be integrated with the metamorphic history. Compositional mapping of major and accessory phases and especially maps of larger thin section domains are particularly valuable for evaluating strain partitioning, scales of equilibrium, relationships between metamorphic textures and deformational fabrics, and in particular, for interpreting geochronological data. Petrological pseudosections are an increasingly utilized tool for interpreting microtextures and for linking deformation, metamorphism, and large‐scale tectonics. In situ geochronology and petrological analysis of chronometer phases (i.e. monazite, xenotime, titanite, allanite, etc.) are a critical part of tectonic analysis of metamorphic rocks. The electron microprobe plays an essential role in characterizing chronometer phases and placing them into the context of silicate fabrics and textures.  相似文献   
四川省青川断裂的特征及形成的物理条件   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文详细地讨论了四川省青川断裂的断裂特征及形成的物理条件。对断裂构造岩的微构造和宏观构造进行了细致的描述分析,将断裂岩分为四个带。结合区域资料,讨论了断裂的形成时代及与邻区的关系。  相似文献   
论青藏高原及邻区板片构造的一个新模式   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
本文首先论述了板块学说提出的过程和存在的一些不足与疑问,特别是该学说将Holmes(1948)的地幔热对流说作为驱使岩石圈板块运动的动力机制.而后又以青藏高原及邻区为例,根据区域地质、蛇绿岩和地质构造研究的成果,特别是地震测深研究的成果,详细地论证了本区不存在有大洋中脊扩张成为大洋盆地的新大洋和大洋板块简单的B型俯冲模式,但存在有海底扩张的陆间海和海洋地壳板片(蛇绿岩构造岩片)的仰冲以及大陆岩石圈板片复杂的A型俯冲新模式.新模式不是以地幔对流运动,而是以扩张分离A型俯冲的大陆岩石圈板片与软流圈之间的水平剪切相对运动机制作为它的躯动力.  相似文献   
玲南金矿的成矿特征及断裂控矿规律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王燕  曹新志 《地球科学》1992,17(6):657-667
在对玲南金矿床的成矿特征、控矿构造、矿化及蚀变产物综合分析的基础上,论述和总结了矿床地质特征、破头青断裂带特征及其对成矿的主导控制作用。认为矿化和蚀变产物的形成在时间上相近、空间上叠加;它们是同一成矿作用的两个有机组成部分,是矿床成矿演化历史的实物记载;成矿期断裂的多次活动及第Ⅱ、Ⅲ阶段矿化的叠加发育,分别为玲南特大型蚀变岩型金矿成矿的必要条件和充分条件。  相似文献   
四川阿加隆洼金矿地质特征与找矿标志   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阿加隆洼金矿矿床为浅成低温微细浸染型金矿.该矿床受断裂构造控制,岩浆活动影响.区域性深大断裂是沟通天水和地热流体的主要通道,次级断裂是矿体的储矿构造,脆性粗碎屑岩和火山碎屑岩(沉积火山岩)构成的断裂构造岩是主要的容矿岩石.文章在详细研究矿床地质及地球化学特征基础上,总结了该矿床的主要控矿因素并归纳了主要找矿标志,为区内找矿提供了新的思路.  相似文献   
三维参照变形及应变相研究评述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
三维参照变形和应变相是最近构造地质学领域中取得的重要进展,三维参照变形是理想化的三维变形分类,每一参照变形是共轴级分(拉伸、压扁或纯剪)和与其垂直的简单切组分同时作用的产物,三种可能的面理取向和三种可能的线理取向的不同组合构成六咱应变相,三维参照变形和应变相研究证明糜陵面理未必平行剪切带,可与剪切带斜交,甚至垂直,线理未必与剪切方向一致,可与剪切方向斜交,甚至垂直,出现横向面理时,剪切指向标志位于该面理内,出现横向线理时,剪切指向出现在与线理垂直的ac面理内,三维变形分析不公可解决三维分析难以解释的横向面理和线理,而且可确定共轴组分的类型及其与单剪组分的结合方式。  相似文献   
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