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座落在岛状融区中的青藏高原沱沱河兵站楼房,由于跨年度施工,楼房各部位季节冻深和融化速度不一,引起不均匀下沉,致使墙体产生严重裂缝。岛状融区是工程地质环境敏感区。在太阳辐射强烈的青藏高原,现行建筑规范中房屋采暖对冻深的影响系数偏小,建议对北外墙中段和角端应比规范规定系数分别增大0.2和0.3。  相似文献   
胡晓莹  盛煜  吴吉春  李静  曹伟 《湖泊科学》2018,30(3):825-835
以青藏高原查拉坪地区一处热融湖塘(40 m×50 m,最大深度为1 m)为研究对象,由实测数据对比分析了热融湖塘与天然地表相同深度的温度变化特征.结果表明:与天然地表相比,热融湖塘融化时间长,冻结时间短,且存在接近4℃的水温变化;受太阳辐射及热对流的影响,垂向水温梯度仅在水表从4℃降温及冻结阶段较大,其余时段接近0;湖底年均温度比相同深度的天然地表高约6.4℃,湖底下部存在约14 m深随时间发展的融区,土体吸热增大,放热减小;热融湖塘2.5~3.0 m土体的年内热交换为19592.0 k J/m2,约是天然地表的230倍,其中吸热量及放热量分别为后者的1.4倍及8.7%.湖塘下部的融化夹层是深层冻土的主要热源,湖塘对下部土体放热的抑制作用是湖塘对土体产生热影响的主要原因.  相似文献   
The distribution of permafrost and taliks is very complex in the Tuotuo River Basin(TRB), which is located in interior of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Characterizing the spatial distribution and the thermal stability of permafrost and taliks is of great significance to community activities and engineering construction in TRB. Based on the zonation of permafrost and talik distribution around TRB conducted in the 1980s, the soil temperature and its variation process of permafrost and taliks in the south and north banks of the Tuotuo River were analyzed by using the observation data of five boreholes(N1~N5)along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway in the north bank and five boreholes(S1~S5)on the first terrace in the south bank. The results showed that, under the climate warming, permafrost and taliks in the north banks experienced significant degradation and warming process. From 2005 to 2020, the permafrost at the N1 borehole has undergone a significant down-draw degradation process, from extremely unstable and high-temperature permafrost to thawed zone. From 2005 to 2013, the annual average ground temperature of the talik at N2 increased at a rate of 0. 3~0. 4 °C·(10a)-1. At Maqutang on the south bank, permafrost prevails from the first-class terrace to the gentle slope of the Kaixinling Mountain, with both through and non-through taliks on the first-class terrace. The spatial distribution and the thermal stability of permafrost and talik in the TRB are further promoted by analyzing the changes in temperatures at boreholes in the basin. However, to meet the requirements of mapping and engineering construction of permafrost and taliks in the TRB, it is still necessary to carry out geological investigation with multiple methods and in-depth research on development mechanism of taliks in the future. © 2022 Nanjing Forestry University. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
多年冻土作为冷生隔水层,影响到地下水的补给、径流及排泄。融区的分布可增加地下水的交替强度和降低地下水的矿化度。在断层破碎带及其他富水性好的地段,多年冻土厚度变化较大。  相似文献   
青藏高原热喀斯特湖分布广泛,近年来在气候变暖背景下快速发展。热喀斯特湖的形成和发展与地下冰含量及气候变化有着密切关系,强烈影响多年冻土的热稳定性。为了更深入理解在气候变暖背景下热喀斯特湖的发展及其对下伏多年冻土的影响,以青藏高原北麓河地区一个典型热喀斯特湖的长期监测数据为资料,发展了耦合大气—湖塘—冻土三个过程要素的一维热传导模型,模拟了四种不同深度热喀斯特湖在气候变暖背景下的发展规律及其对多年冻土的热影响。结果表明:浅湖(<1.0m)在目前稳定气候背景下处于较稳定状态,湖冰能够回冻至湖底,对下伏多年冻土影响较小;较深湖塘(≥1.0m)冬季不能回冻至湖底,湖深不断增加,且底部在50年内将会形成不同深度的融区。随着气候变暖,热喀斯特湖的热效应显著,深度快速增加,较深湖塘的最大湖冰厚度减小,底部多年冻土快速融化形成开放融区。研究将有助于理解气候变化对青藏高原多年冻土区地貌演化及水文过程的影响。  相似文献   
Permafrost thickness under identical climates in cold regions can vary significantly because it is severely affected by climate change, topography, soil physical and thermal properties, and geothermal conditions. This study numerically in- vestigates the response of ground thermal regime and talik development processes to permafrost with different thicknesses under a thermokarst lake on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. On the basis of observed data and information from a representative monitored lake in the Beiluhe Basin, we used a heat transfer model with phase change under a cylindrical coordinate system to conduct three simulation cases with permafrost thicknesses of 45 m, 60 m, and 75 m, respectively. The simulated results indicate that increases in permafrost thickness not only strongly retarded the open talik formation time, but also delayed the permafrost lateral thaw process after the formation of open talik. Increasing the permafrost thickness by 33.3% and 66.7% led to open talik formation time increases of 83.66% and 207.43%, respectively, and resulted in increases in the lateral thaw duration of permafrost under the modeled thermokarst lake by 28.86% and 46.54%, respectively, after the formation of the open taliks.  相似文献   
Direct current resistivity and ground penetrating radar surveys were employed to obtain the value of the resistivity and dielectric constant in the brine near the Barrow, Alaska. The geophysical surveys were undertaken together with the permafrost drilling program for the measuring of the ground temperature regime and for the core sampling. The sampled cores were measured for their physical and chemical properties in the laboratory under different temperature conditions (-60 to 20 ℃). Laboratory results support field observations and led to the development of a technique for distinguishing freshwater taliks and brine layers in permafrost. These methods were also employed in freshwater taliks near Council,Alaska. The electrical resistivity is a powerful and sensitive parameter for brine detection. However, the resistivity is a less sensitive indicator of the soil type or water content under highly saline conditions.High frequency dielectric constant is an ideal second parameter for the indication of the soil type, liquid water content and other physical properties. The imaginary part of the dielectric constant and resistivity have a significant dependence upon salinity, i.e. upon freezing temperature. The ground temperature regime and the freezing point of the brine layer are important parameters for studying the electric properties of permafrost terrain.  相似文献   
沱沱河流域是长江的发源地之一,其广泛分布的多年冻土对长江源区的产汇流过程、生态系统乃至于区域气候都有着重要影响,对该区域多年冻土分布和特征的调查和了解,可为研究江河源区多年冻土与气候、水文、生态的相互作用关系提供基础数据支撑。2020年10—11月,研究团队对沱沱河源区的多年冻土开展了为期50天的野外调查工作,并在不同下垫面类型、不同地貌部位和不同海拔高度共布设钻孔32个,总钻进深度1 200 m。该文是基于钻孔和探坑资料对沱沱河源区多年冻土特征和地下冰发育状况的初步总结。结果显示,沱沱河源区多年冻土在一定程度上受河流和地热影响形成了局部融区,其多年冻土下界大致在4 650~4 680 m之间;钻孔揭示的多年冻土上限平均埋藏深度为(2.47±0.98) m,部分地区存在融化夹层;受浅表层沉积物岩性和地热的影响,多年冻土下限埋藏深度相对较浅,平均为19.3 m,多年冻土相对较薄,平均厚度为15.0 m;多年冻土下限深度和多年冻土的厚度最大为75.0 m和72.7 m;地形地貌、沉积物特征和地热条件是影响多年冻土厚度存在较大空间差异的主要原因。研究区内地下冰主要分布于15.0 m深度以上范围内,同时也发现了处于萎缩状态的冰核丘与石质冻胀丘,这些现象也一定程度上与该研究区多年冻土退化过程有关。  相似文献   
Ground temperatures from four of the seven extensively studied highway cross-sections near Gulkana/Glennallen,Alaska during 1954~1962,were chosen to better understand the impacts of highway construction on warm permafrost.Both the thawing of permafrost and seasonal frost action impacted on road surface stability for about 6 years until the maximum summer thaw reached about 3 m in depth.Seasonal frost action caused most of the ensuing stability problems.Unusually warm summers and the lengths of time required to re-freeze the active layer were far more important than the average annual air temperatures in determining the temperatures of the underlying shallow permafrost,or the development of taliks.The hypothesized climate warming would slightly and gradually deepen the active layer and the developed under-lying talik,but its effect would be obscured by unusually warm summers,by warmer than usual winters,and by the vari-able lengths of time of the zero curtains.At least one period of climate mini-cooling in the deeper permafrost during the early 20th century was noted.  相似文献   
令锋  吴青柏 《冰川冻土》2017,39(2):328-335
热融湖是高纬度和高海拔富冰多年冻土区重要的自然景观。这些湖由于富冰多年冻土或地下冰的融化而形成,由于湖水向周边多年冻土传递热量而持续扩张。以青藏高原北麓河地区一个热融湖的信息和冻土监测资料为基础,运用柱坐标系下伴有相变的热传导模型模拟了以不同的横向扩张速率演化的热融湖湖下融区的发展过程。结果表明:在青藏高原多年冻土厚度为75 m的北麓河盆地,分别以横向扩张速率0.10 m·a-1、0.15 m·a-1、0.20 m·a-1和0.25 m·a-1演化的热融湖,在湖形成分别达760 a、703 a、671 a和652 a时,湖下形成贯通融区,相应的多年冻土从上向下融化的平均速率分别为8.22 cm·a-1,8.89 cm·a-1,9.31 cm·a-1和9.74 cm·a-1。热融湖的横向扩张速率对湖下的融区发展和土壤热状况有重要的影响,在现场调查资料的基础上选取正确的热融湖横向扩张速率是热融湖对多年冻土热状况作用数值模拟研究的必要前提。  相似文献   
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