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This study, conducted in the Catalan Coastal Ranges, north‐east Spain, describes the Upper Devonian Kellwasser event in a shallowing‐upward sequence of black shales, siltstones and quartz arenites. This sequence was deposited in a progradational and regressive coastal system where the sedimentary environment evolved from the inner shelf to a lagoonal pond located landward of the shoreline. Three anomalous succeeding steps have been identified by geochemical analysis. The first one, detected on the inner shelf, was characterized by oxygen depletion and high organic productivity. The second, detected in the nearshore, was caused by hydrothermal activity occurring under normal oxic conditions. The third and most intense step was identified in the muds of the lagoonal pond and has been linked to strong anoxic conditions, elevated clastic input derived from changes in the weathering regime at the source area and moderate hydrothermal activity. The Kellwasser event is thus defined in the study area as stepwise and multi‐causal. This is the first time that the Kellwasser event has been identified in a sedimentary environment behind the shoreline. It is also the first time that it has been reported in the Catalan Coastal Ranges.  相似文献   
虾池的溶解氧含量及其补充量和消耗量   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对对虾养殖池塘溶解氧含量及其收支情况的研究结果表明,虾池DO值具有明显的季节和昼夜变化。浮游植物光合作用是虾池溶解氧补充的主要来源,夏季最高可超过5mg/(dm3·d)。养殖后期对虾的耗氧量占总耗氧量的34%,底质和池水耗氧量分别占30%和35%。根据虾池氧的收支情况讨论了池养对虾的生产容量。  相似文献   
Breakthrough tailing has been observed during dye-tracing recovery tests in the Norville aquifer system (chalk), France. Karst-conduit flow and transport parameters were assessed using two different interpretative methods: the linear graphical method and the Chatwin method (implemented in the Qtracer2 program). The linear graphical method was used to model the observed tailing effects, which was explained by a second smaller delayed breakthrough curve. By comparing the results of tracer-test interpretation for the two methods, it was possible to relate the area of this second curve to the importance of turbulent flow in spring discharge. The more turbulent the flow, the less important the contribution of the second breakthrough curve and the tailing effect. The observed tailing could possibly be controlled by hydrodynamics to a greater extent than usually expected, the tailing effects being mostly attributed to diffusion phenomena. Tailing effects were expected to increase with discharge and the piezometric level, which would have resulted in overpressure in conduits, fissure flooding, etc. Instead, breakthrough tailing tended to disappear with increasing aquifer discharge, which would support the hypothesis of there being mostly hydrodynamic-controlled tailing effects instead of matrix- or fissure-diffusion.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   
辽宁省的鞍山、本溪两市为我国重要的钢铁基地,各矿山长期生产遗留的铁尾矿问题越来越引起人们的重视,如污染环境、诱发地质灾害等,如何解决已成为地质、环保、水工界的关注。  相似文献   
阳朔铅锌矿的环境现状与尾矿废水处理模式分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阳朔铅锌矿的环境污染因素主要是采矿废石、选矿尾矿、废液等,主要有害物质为Pb、Cd等重金属元素和残余的选矿药剂,对环境特别是下游环境存在潜在危害。该矿通过建设规范化的尾矿库和废水处理系统,采用尾矿浆由坝体向内(上游)倒流排放沉淀尾矿砂、废水经二级多池串联自然沉淀澄清的处理模式,增强了坝体稳定安全;不使用或极少使用化学沉淀药剂,降低了治污成本。废水处理后,水质清澈无异味,达到国家工业生产污水处理二级排放标准。  相似文献   
The near-to-nature approach has been established as best practice for stormwater management. However, pollutant mobility within such systems and its impact on small receiving waters are partly unexplained. The study takes place in an urbanised headwater catchment in south-western Germany with an area of 0.4 km2. Runoff from roofs, roads, parking lots and gardens is collected in wells or trenches and stored in private and public dry detention basins. Accordingly, this study investigates pollutant input to a detention pond, removal efficiency and the associated effects on the receiving water.Grab samples with high temporal resolution of the receiving water (16 flood events with 315 samples and 41 baseflow samples), the three inflows of the detention basin and its outflow (four flood events with 64 samples) were taken. The outflow of the dry pond is recovered in the hydro- and chemographs of the receiving water. Runoff from roads with increased traffic volume caused the highest PAH inputs and runoff from the residential area showed the highest zinc concentrations, which partly infringe European Environmental Quality Standards. Yearly pollutant inputs (DOC, TSS, PAH, nutrients, metals) from the settlement into the tributary are reduced in the detention pond by up to 80%.  相似文献   
Thermal impact of typical high‐density residential, industrial, and commercial land uses is a major concern for the health of aquatic life in urban watersheds, especially in smaller, cold, and cool‐water streams. This is the first study of its kind that provides simple easy‐to‐use equations, developed using gene expression programming (GEP) that can guide the assessment and the design of urban stormwater management systems to protect thermally sensitive receiving streams. We developed 3 GEP models using data collected during 3 years (2009–2011) from 4 urban catchments; the first GEP model predicts event mean temperature at the inlet of the pond; the second model predicts the stormwater temperature at the outlet of the pond; and the third model predicts the temperature of the stormwater after flowing through a cooling trench and before discharging to the receiving stream. The new models have high correlation coefficients of 0.90–0.94 and low prediction uncertainty of less than 4% of the median value of the predicted runoff temperatures. Sensitivity analysis shows that climatic factors have the highest influence on the thermal enrichment followed by the catchment characteristics and the key design variables of the stormwater pond and the cooling trench. The general method presented here is easily transferable to other regions of the world (but not necessarily the exact equations developed here); also through sensitivity and parametric analysis, we gained insight on the key factors and their relative importance in modelling thermal enrichment of urban stromwater runoff.  相似文献   
厦门同安西柯对虾养殖池的细菌数量动态   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文研究了对虾养成期间养殖池生态系中细菌的数量动态,探讨其变化规律与虾病的关系。结果表明,总细菌、弧菌和发光细菌在水体、底质和虾体中的数量变化各异。在水体各菌数与其环境因子的关系中,除了总菌数与COD存在着正相关外,其它的不存在相关性。虾体的总细菌、弧菌和发光细菌的数量(以细胞计)可以用来预报虾病,三者的阅值分别为107个 /g(湿重)、105个/g(湿重)和104介/g(湿重)。通过对对虾的细菌学跟踪监测,可以及时采取有效的应急防治措施。  相似文献   
Kettle ponds in the Cape Cod National Seashore in southeastern Massachusetts differ in their evolution due to depth of the original ice block, the clay content of outwash in their drainage basins, and their siting in relation to geomorphic changes caused by sea-level rise, barrier beach formation, and saltmarsh development. Stratigraphic records of microfossil, carbon isotope, and sediment changes also document late-glacial and Holocene climatic changes.The ponds are separated into 3 groups, each of which follow different development scenarios. Group I ponds date from the late-glacial. They formed in clay-rich outwash, have perched aquifers and continuous lake sediment deposition. The earliest pollen and macrofossil assemblages in Group I pond sediments suggest tundra and spruce-willow parklands before 12 000 yr B.P., boreal forest between 12 000 and 10 500 yr B.P., bog/heath initiation and expansion during the Younger Dryas between 11 000 and 10 000 yr B.P., northern conifer forest between 10 500 and 9500 yr B.P., and establishment of the Cape oak and pitch pine barrens vegetation after 9500 yr B.P. Sedimentation rate changes suggest lowered freshwater levels between 9000 and 5000 yr B.P. caused by decreased precipitation on the Atlantic Coastal Plain. Lake sediment deposition began in the middle Holocene in Group II ponds which formed in clay-poor outwash. These ponds date from about 6000-5000 yr B.P. In these ponds sediment deposition began as sea level rose and the freshwater lens intersected the dry basins. The basal radiocarbon dates of these ponds and stable carbon isotope analyses of the pond sediments suggest a sea-level curve for Cape Cod Bay. Holocene topographic changes in upland and the landscape surrounding the ponds is reconstructed for this coastal area.Group III ponds in the late Holocene landscape of the Provincelands dunes originated as interdunal bogs about 1000 yr B.P. and became ponds more recently as water-levels increased. Peat formation in the Provincelands reflects climatic changes evident on both sides of the Atlantic region.This is the 8th in a series of papers published in this special AMQUA issue. These papers were presented at the 1994 meeting of the American Quaternary Association held 19–22 June, 1994, at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. Dr Linda C. K. Shane served as guest editor for these papers.  相似文献   
IntroductionXianshuihe-Xiaojiang fault zone is an important active fault zone and a strong earthquake belt in the southeastern margin of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (Figure 1). Since 814 AD a total of 14 earthquakes with M ( 7, including one of magnitude 8.0, took place there. This large-scale fault zone runs from north to south, includes the northwesterly Xianshuihe fault, the near-NS An(ninghe fault, NNW Zemuhe fault, and near-NS Xiaojiang fault. It forms the east boundary of Sichuan-Yunn…  相似文献   
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