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This paper presents the results of the application of the Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) method, or Georadar, in outlining a zone of contamination due to solid residues at the waste burial site of Rio Claro in the state of São Paulo, SE Brazil. A total of eight GPR profiles with 50- and 100-MHz antennae were surveyed. Six profiles were located within the landfill site and the remaining two were outside. The main objective of the GPR survey was to evaluate the side extension of contamination. A Vertical Electric Sounding (VES) survey was performed at four points within the site in order to investigate the vertical extent of the contamination plume and to define the bottom of the landfill. Two additional VESs were done outside the landfill with the purpose of determining the top of the ground water table and the geoelectric stratigraphy of the background. From the interpretation of the GPR profiles, it was possible to locate the top of the contamination plume and to infer that it was migrating laterally beyond the limits of the waste disposal site. This was observed along the profile situated close to the highway SP-127, which was about 20 m from the limit of the site. The signature of the contaminant appears as a discontinuous reflector that is believed to be a shallow ground water table. The discontinuity is marked by a shadow zone, which is characteristic of conductive contaminant residues. The contamination did not move far enough to reach a sugar cane plantation located at approximately 100 m from the border of the site. In the regions free from contamination, the ground water table was mapped at approximately 10 m of depth, and it was characterized by a strong and continuous reflector. The radar signal penetrated deep enough and enabled the identification of a second reflector at approximately 14 m deep, interpreted as the contact between the Rio Claro and the Corumbataí formations. The contact is marked by the presence of gravel characterized by ferruginous concretes, which cause the strong amplitude reflection in the GPR profile. Within the landfill site, the quantitative interpretation of the VES results showed the contamination zone. The base of the landfill varies between 11 and 15 m deep. Outside the landfill site, the VES results showed no indication of contamination and allowed the determination of the top of the ground water table and the contact between the Rio Claro and the Corumbataí formations. The results of GPR and VES showed a good agreement and the integrated interpretations were supported by local geology and information from several boreholes, about 17 m depth, on average. The bottom of the landfill reaches a maximum of 14.5 m depth.  相似文献   
碳酸岩Sr、Nd、Pb 同位素地球化学研究评述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
碳酸岩是出露相对较少的幔源岩石,其中Sr与Nd是研究地幔物质组成的主要对象之一。本文统计了世界上主要碳酸岩的锶、钕、铅同位素组成特征;研究显示,碳酸岩源区主要是洋岛玄武岩高U/Pb的HIMU端员和富集端员(EM1或EM2)的混合作用;此外大部分碳酸岩的锶、钕同位素落在大洋玄武岩范围内;这些均表明其成因与地慢柱有密切联系。碳酸岩及与之共生的硅酸岩的同源或独立源区模式部很难充分解释两者同位素组成特征,逭反映碳酸岩的演化模式涉及更复杂的过程。可能是俯冲作用使碳酸岩源区经历不同时间和程度的富集、亏损过程导致地幔源区成分不均一。  相似文献   
地幔柱构造研究概述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
童航寿 《铀矿地质》2009,25(4):193-201
地幔柱构造理论是近年来构造地质学研究的新热点,是当今地球科学——地质学、构造学、矿床学、地球物理学、生物学、环境学和气象学等许多学科关注和研究的前沿领域。它的形成和演化及动力学观点被称为继大陆漂移和板块构造后的第3次地学浪潮,引起了中外地学者的高度重视。本文对地幔柱构造研究现状作了概略介绍,以期在铀矿地质领域内引起关注.起到传递信息和抛砖引玉的作用。  相似文献   
A.P Singh  D.M Mall   《Tectonophysics》1998,290(3-4):285-297
In 1967 a major earthquake in the Koyna region attracted attention to the hitherto considered stable Indian shield. The region is covered by a thick pile of Deccan lava flows and characterized by several hidden tectonic features and complex geophysical signatures. Although deep seismic sounding studies have provided vital information regarding the crustal structure of the Koyna region, much remains unknown. The two available DSS profiles in the region have been combined along the trend of Bouguer gravity anomalies. Unified 2-D density modelling of the Koyna crust/mantle suggests a ca. 3 km thick and 40 km wide high velocity/high density anomalous layer at the base of the crust along the coastline. The thickness of this anomalous layer decreases gradually towards the east and ahead of the Koyna gravity low the layer ceases to be visible. Based on the seismic and gravity data interpretation in the geodynamical/rheological boundary conditions the anomalous layer is attributed to igneous crustal accretion at the base of the crust. It is suggested that the underplated layer is the imprint of the magmatism caused by the deep mantle plume when the northward migrating Indian plate passed over the Reunion hotspot.  相似文献   
峨眉山地幔柱上升的沉积响应及其地质意义   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
研究表明西南地区峨眉山玄武岩下伏茅口组的部分缺失是峨眉山地幔柱的快速上升及其所形成的地壳穹状隆起造成的。对该地区中、晚二叠世沉积记录的研究也支持上述结论。通过野外实地地质考察和室内综合研究发现,西南地区峨眉山玄武岩之下零星发育一套碎屑岩系,其主要分布在穹状隆起的边缘。在隆起西缘盐源平川一带,为一岩性以砾岩、砂岩为主的低位水下扇;在隆起的东北缘普格、巧家、武定一带,峨眉山玄武岩之下发育一层砾石,主要为茅口组灰岩的灰岩质砾岩;昆明西山地区的灰岩质砾岩中灰岩砾石的磨圆较好,可能代表古河谷沉积。在茅口组顶部古剥蚀面上还零星可见一层厚几米至十几米残积相碎屑岩或底砾岩。上述碎屑岩系的厘定及对其空间分布和沉积环境的研究表明,上扬子西缘峨眉山玄武岩喷发前地壳发生快速穹状抬升,碎屑岩是峨眉山地幔柱上升造成的沉积响应;地幔柱的上升还造成上扬子中、晚二叠世区域岩相古地理的突变和隆起区古喀斯特的形成。这些为峨眉山大火成岩省地幔柱形成机制提供了进一步佐证,同时深化了对晚古生代上扬子西缘构造的认识。  相似文献   
图像分析法是处理有色示踪剂模拟槽实验结果的常用方法之一。本文以食用亮蓝为示踪剂,从污染物的检测精度和污染羽描绘的准确度两个方面将图像分析法与传统取样法进行对比,并利用Matlab编程对模拟槽内的污染物贮存质量进行定量计算。结果表明,与传统取样法结果相比:图像分析法的检测精度可提高1个数量级;污染羽的描绘准确度至少可提高3%左右,在实验所设置的非均质条件下可提高17%左右。利用自行编制的Matlab程序对本实验模拟槽内贮存亮蓝质量进行计算可得,当剖分格数为3 7002(1 369万)时,亮蓝贮存质量的计算值最接近实测值,最小误差仅为0.5%。综合来讲,图像分析法是一种准确度高、空间分辨率高的信息采集和处理手段,可实现对非均质地层中有色示踪剂运移过程更为精细的描述。  相似文献   
中国西南特提斯构造演化—幔柱构造控制   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:26  
基于对中国西南特提斯巨型造山系的时空结构和构造-岩浆事件分析研究提出.泥盆-石炭纪时期出现于昌都-思茅陆块两侧的热幔柱导致了金沙江洋和澜沧江洋成对打开,热幔柱岩浆作用沿洋脊产出苦橄玄武岩和洋岛玄武岩,并造成区域地球化学异常。二叠纪末期出现于昌都-思茅-印支中央陆块下的冷幔柱导致了两大洋向该陆块下俯冲消减,陆块两缘发育沟-弧-盆体系,构成冷幔柱的洋壳板片在200Ma时期堆积沉落,诱发板块后继俯冲,产生滞后型孤火山-岩浆岩。发育于冈瓦纳大陆北缘的德干热幔柱在株罗纪导致怒江洋和雅鲁藏布江洋相继打开,在白垩纪末期(66Ma)形成德干玄武岩省。发育于劳亚大陆南缘的峨眉热幔柱在二叠纪,导致峨眉火成岩省的形成,在早中三叠世使甘孜-理塘断裂带扩张成洋。冷幔柱的持续发生,决定了雅鲁藏布江洋和甘孜-理塘向昌都-思茅陆块方向的俯冲消减,以及来自冈瓦纳大陆和劳亚大陆陆块分别向昌都-思茅陆块南北两侧拚贴和碰撞。  相似文献   
在特提斯喜马拉雅带东部江孜-康马一带发育大量近东西向展布的辉绿岩体/墙,研究表明这些基性岩至少可分为三期:(1)形成于~140Ma的辉绿岩具有OIB型地球化学特征,部分样品Sr-Nd同位素组成与其东部~132Ma错美-班布里大火成岩省中基性岩相当,部分高镁样品具有Nb-Ta负异常和Pb正异常,εNd(t)值小于0;(2)形成于~120Ma的辉绿岩显示N-MORB型地球化学特征;(3)形成于~90Ma的辉绿岩显示E-MORB型地球化学特征。后两期基性岩的Sr-Nd同位素组成均显示与印度洋MORB相关。结合同时期的Kerguelen地幔柱活动轨迹及东冈瓦纳大陆裂解事件,本文认为江孜-康马地区~140Ma基性岩代表Kerguelen地幔柱及其与上覆东冈瓦纳大陆岩石圈地幔相互作用产物,是Kerguelen地幔柱长期潜伏于东冈瓦纳大陆下的证据,在前人研究基础上将该地幔柱影响的范围从错美向西拓展了约200km;之后随着东冈瓦纳大陆裂解和印度洋的开启及扩张,印度板块逐渐北移并远离Kerguelen地幔柱,江孜-康马地区~120Ma和~90Ma两期基性岩代表新生印度洋软流圈部分熔融的产物,与Kerguelen地幔柱无关。该区识别出的三期基性岩浆活动表明:特提斯喜马拉雅带的东部在白垩纪经历了与东冈瓦纳大陆裂解、印度洋的开启和扩张相关的多期基性岩浆活动。这些基性岩为深入了解和限定特提斯喜马拉雅带自140Ma以来的古地理位置和构造演化过程提供了新的岩石记录和时间坐标。  相似文献   
针对点容量计算中混合区限制的要求,采用了动量积分法、经验公式法和有限差分法,分别对污水排放后可能引起的近区、过渡区和远区的污水浓度变化进行了模拟预测,并就一定的限制性条件对容量点近区、高浓度混合区及容量点远区影响范围进行了分析。在大亚湾水容量计算及污水排海规划中的应用表明,该法具有计算机时较省、精度相对较高等优点。  相似文献   
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