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As part of a study of estuarine selenium cycling, we measured the concentration, chemical form (speciation), and distribution of particulate selenium under various river flow conditions in the North San Francisco Bay (from the Golden Gate to the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers). We also conducted laboratory studies on the accumulation of selenium by phytoplankton, the critical first step in the transformation of dissolved to particulate selenium. Total particulate selenium concentration in the North SF Bay was relatively constant between high and low flow periods, ranging spatially from 0.05 to 0.35 nmol l−1 and comprising between 5 and 12% of the total water column selenium inventory. Mean concentrations were generally highest in the Carquinez Strait–Suisun Bay region (salinity 0–17) and lowest in Central Bay. However, selenium content of suspended particles varied with river flow, with higher content during low flow (9.76 ± 4.17 nmol g−1; mean ± sd; n = 67) compared to high flow (7.10 ± 4.24 nmol g−1; n = 39). Speciation analyses showed that most particulate selenium is organic selenide (45 ± 27%), with a smaller proportion (typically <30%) of adsorbed selenite + selenate and a varying proportion (35 ± 28%) of elemental selenium. Based on the amount of elemental selenium in the seston (total suspended material), we calculate that resuspension of estuarine sediments could contribute 29–100% of particulate selenium in the water column. While selenium content of SF Bay seston (>0.4 μm) is relatively unenriched compared to phytoplankton (13.6–155 nmol g−1 dry weight) on a mass basis, when normalized to carbon or nitrogen, seston contains a similar selenium concentration to SF Bay sediments or phytoplankton cultures. SF Bay seston is thus comprised of selenium-rich phytoplankton and phyto-detritus, but also inorganic clay mineral particles that effectively “dilute” total particulate selenium. Selenium concentrations in algal cultures (11 species) exposed to 90 nmol l−1 selenite show relatively large differences in selenium accumulation, with the diatoms, chlorophytes and cryptophytes generally having lower selenium cell content (3.8 ± 2.7 × 10−9 nmol selenium cell−1) compared to the dinoflagellates (193 ± 73 × 10−9 nmol selenium cell−1). Because phytoplankton are such a rich (but variable) source of selenium, their dynamics could have a profound effect on the particulate selenium inventory in the North SF Bay.  相似文献   
Abstract. Three triplefin blennies occur sympatrically in the Mediterranean Sea; Tripterygion tripteronotus and T. melanurus are endemic, whereas T. delaisi is also found in the Eastern Atlantic. Although very similar in morphology, ecology and behaviour, some striking differences exist among reproductive strategies. Several authors proposed hypotheses on the evolution of these species. In order to enhance insight into the genetic structure of this genus, an enzyme electrophoretic survey was performed. Samples of 40 to 45 specimens of each species were collected near Calvi (Corsica, France). Twenty-four enzyme loci were analysed, of which 17 appeared polymorphic. T. delaisi showed a high level of average observed heterozygosity (Ho) of 0.140, as opposed to very low levels of 0.009 and 0.021 in T. tripteronotus and T. melanurus , respectively. Nei's genetic distance was 0.21 between T. delaisi and T. tripteronotus , 0.35 between T. delaisi and T. melanurus and 0.45 between T. tripteronotus and T. melanurus . We hypothesise that divergence of these species started before the Pleistocene and that the endemic species survived the Pleistocene glaciations in refugia within the Mediterranean. The possibility that T. tripteronotus and T. delaisi diverged through sympatric speciation is discussed.  相似文献   
Selenium (Se) is an essential micronutrient to biota, but can become a potent toxicant at elevated concentrations. The natural sources and chemical properties of Se species make the boundary between deficiency and toxicity narrow for some biota, with both phenomena common around the globe. Large areas of farmland in the Colorado River Basin (CRB) generate salinized drainage water with Se concentrations much higher than 5 μg/L, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency chronic water-quality criterion for the protection of aquatic life. We have carried out detailed field and laboratory studies to investigate Se geochemistry and remediation in two of these areas: the Middle Green River Basin, Utah and the Salton Sea Basin, California, located respectively in the Upper and Lower CRB. Results from these and other studies show that approximately 90% of the dissolved Se in the Colorado River and its tributaries originally is derived from the Upper Cretaceous Mancos Shale and equivalent pyritic marine units that outcrop in the Upper CRB. Selenium is mobilized commonly by biogeochemical oxidation of this pyritic shale and is concentrated mainly as selenate (SeO4^2-) in soils and agricultural drainage water of dry climates by evaporation. Minor (0%-5%) amounts of Se are present as the selenite species (HSeO3^-) and (SEO3^2-), but these species and the more reduced species, elemental Se (SeO) and selenide (Se^2-), have much lower solubility and/or have high sorptive affinity towards organic matter, clay minerals and iron oxyhydroxides. The concentration of dissolved Se (-2.5 μg/L) and salinity in the Lower Colorado River water are among the highest of the world major rivers. Because of low precipitation (7 cm/a) and extreme evapotranspiration (-1.8 m/a) rates in the Salton Sea Basin, California, Se values in irrigation water imported from the Colorado River increase to 〉300 μg/L in drainage wastewater. Removal of Se from contaminated wastewater by nanofiltration membranes was demonstrated in laboratory and pilot-scale field experiments.  相似文献   
合成并表征了新螯合树脂———邻苯二酚螯合树脂(XAD-2-Catechol),研究了XAD-2-Catechol吸附铝的特性和茜素红-铝的显色反应,在pH4.5的HAc-NaAc缓冲介质中,茜素红和铝(Ⅲ)反应生成红色络合物,λm ax=500 nm,铝的含量在0-50μg/25 mL内符合比耳定律。建立了邻苯二酚螯合树脂分离/富集-茜素红分光光度法测定天然水样中铝的新方法,对水样中铝形态进行测定,结果满意。  相似文献   
High quality marine source rock (HQMSR) is the key prerequisite for medium to large hydrocarbon accumulations. However, the forming mechanism remains unclear. On the basis of the in-vestigation for the geodynamic setting of the Middle-Upper Yangtze during the Early Cambrian in dif-ferent spatial scales and the analysis of trace elements, the main controlling factors of the development of high quality marine source rock are discussed, with specific consideration of the burial rate of the organic matter. The ...  相似文献   
硒在干酪根中的两种不同赋存状态:TEM证据   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对拉尔玛Se—Au矿床和渔塘坝硒矿床中干酪根的高分辨透射电镜(TEM)研究表明,两个矿床的Se在干酪根中的赋存状态是截然不同的。前者Se在干酪根中的富集可能主要以有机结合态的形式存在,主要是取代干酪根中的硫;而后者Se在干酪根中的富集主要以超微包体Se的形式吸附在干酪根中。两种不同的赋存状态可能主要取决于干酪根中硫含量的多少以及成矿时氧化还原条件的变化。研究表明,TEM是研究元素在干酪根中赋存状态的有效手段。  相似文献   
The nature of secondary geochemical dispersion of As, Sb, Hg and Bi in soil and ground water of the semi-arid, tropical, Archaean, auriferous, Hutti-Maski greenstone belt has been investigated for identification of appropriate geochemical techniques for Au exploration in similar terrains.Results indicate that the <180 μm size-fraction of C-horizon soil is an appropriate sampling medium for delineating pedogeochemical anomalies of As, Sb, Hg and Bi related to gold mineralisation. These pedogeochemical anomalies along with anomalous values of alkalinity, chloride, sulphate, As and Sb in groundwater are controlled significantly by primary mineralisation located along shear zones in the greenstone belt. Arsenic anomalies in soil are broad, whereas, those of Sb and Bi are restricted to narrow zones directly over mineralised areas. In contrast, Hg anomalies around known mineralised areas are irregular and do not clearly demarcate the mineralised areas. The study indicates that anomalies of As, Sb and Hg in soil are principally hydromorphic, whereas those of Bi are clastic.The study recommends use of groundwater sampling at 2–3 km spacing with routine analysis of chloride, sulphate and alkalinity along with As and Sb in the first phase. This may be followed up with sampling of C-horizon of soils on a 1 km square grid for As-anomalies. Arsenic-anomalous areas may be sampled for As, Sb, Hg and Bi on a 500 m square grid for detailed exploration.  相似文献   
为了提高农业用地经济效益,以地球化学调查手段为主,对绥化市太平庄地区的富硒土壤分布状况及其重金属元素地球化学特征进行了调查,评价了土壤质量环境状况,评价结果表明该调查区土壤质量环境良好,适合进一步开发富硒农产品,增加当地居民和地方财税收入,可以产生良好的经济效益和社会影响。  相似文献   
硒是人体必需的微量元素之一。土壤-植物体系是人体摄入硒的主要途径,但尚缺乏准确评价土壤中硒生物有效性的通用方法,且影响因素也复杂多样, 这些问题制约了富硒土地资源的利用。本文通过追踪近年来国内外研究成果,系统地总结及比较了化学提取法、梯度扩散薄膜法、区域尺度硒生物有效性评价方法的优缺点。传统的化学提取法如单一提取和顺序提取在一定程度上能够表征土壤中生物有效性硒,但提取过程中存在影响因素多和提取不完全等问题。梯度扩散薄膜技术(DGT)能够模拟植物的根系吸收过程,相比顺序提取能更好地表征硒的生物有效性,但由于复杂的自然体系和不同元素结合相的差异,野外原位表征技术上仍存在难度。通过大规模的农作物-根系土样本,建立土壤-农作物硒元素评价模型,模型参数为影响土壤硒有效性的理化指标(如土壤酸碱度、有机质含量、土壤硒总量等),能较好地预测区域尺度上硒生物有效性。本文还总结了影响植物吸收土壤中硒的因素如地形、土壤类型、硒的存在形态、土壤理化性质、植物种类、土壤老化等,认为地形和土壤类型、硒的存在形态、酸碱度和有机质是影响有效硒的主要因素,植物种类与土壤老化为次要因素。完善DGT等原位分析检测技术、改进元素形态分析方法是未来发展的重要方向。  相似文献   
通过改进Tessier连续提取法对贵州草海黑颈鹤栖息地不同水位梯度下沉积物汞(Hg)、砷(As)形态及生态风险进行了研究.结果表明,草海湿地沉积物中Hg含量在0.45~1.51-mg/kg之间,超过国家土壤环境质量农用地土壤风险管控标准;形态组成上,残渣态汞(Res-Hg)>有机结合态汞(Org-Hg)>碳酸盐结合态(Car-Hg)>铁锰氧化态(Fe-O-Hg)>可交换态(Ex-Hg),不同水位梯度下含量和赋存形态在不同区域不一致.As含量在16.4~23.8-mg/kg之间,形态依次为残渣态砷(Res-As)>有机结合态砷(Org-As)>铁锰氧化态砷(Fe-O-As)>碳酸盐结合态砷(Car-As)>可交换态砷(Ex-As).-As含量与贵州省土壤背景值持平,随着水位梯度的抬升,其总量呈增加趋势,残渣态占比逐步增多,性质逐渐稳定.采用地积累指数(Igeo)、潜在生态风险指数(Eri)、风险评价编码法(RAC)对Hg、As的危害程度进行分析表明,基于草海较高Hg环境背景值...  相似文献   
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