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《International Geology Review》2012,54(14):1635-1648
The Koushk zinc–lead deposit in the central part of the Zarigan–Chahmir basin, central Iran, is the largest of several sedimentary–exhalative (SEDEX) deposits in this basin, including the Chahmir, Zarigan, and Darreh-Dehu deposits. The host-rock sequence consists of carbonaceous, fine-grained black siltstone with interlayered rhyolitic tuffs. It corresponds to the upper part of the Lower Cambrian volcano-sedimentary sequence that was deposited on the Posht-e-Badam Block due to back-arc rifting of the continental margin of the Central Iranian Microcontinent. This block includes the late Neoproterozoic metamorphic basement of the Iran plate, overlain by rocks dating from the Early Cambrian to the Mesozoic. Based on ore body structure, mineralogy, and ore fabric, we recognize four different ore facies in the Koushk deposit: (1) a stockwork/feeder zone, consisting of a discordant mineralization of sulphides forming a stockwork of sulphide-bearing dolomite (quartz) veins cutting the footwall sedimentary rocks; (2) a massive ore/vent complex, consisting of massive replacement pyrite, galena, and sphalerite with minor arsenopyrite and chalcopyrite; (3) bedded ore, with laminated to disseminated pyrite, sphalerite, and galena; and (4) a distal facies, with minor disseminated and laminated pyrite, banded cherts, and disseminated barite. Carbonatization and sericitization are the main wall-rock alterations; alteration intensity increases towards the feeder zone. The δ34S composition of pyrite, sphalerite, and galena ranges from?+6.5 to?+36.7‰. The highest δ34S values correspond to bedded ore (+23.8 to?+36.7‰) and the lowest to massive ore (+6.5 to?+?17.8‰). The overall range of δ34S is remarkably higher than typical magmatic values, suggesting that sulphides formed from the reduction of seawater sulphate by bacteriogenic sulphate reduction in a closed or semi-closed system in the bedded ore, whereas thermochemical sulphate reduction likely played an important role in the feeder zone. Sulphur isotopes, along with sedimentological, textural, mineralogical, and geochemical evidences, suggest that this deposit should be classified as a vent-proximal SEDEX ore deposit.  相似文献   
锡铁山铅锌矿是目前青海省最大的有色金属矿山,其属于以沉积岩为主要围岩的海底热水喷流沉积型矿床,大理岩和(碳质)片岩可作为一种找矿标志,但不能作为矿床类型划分依据.该区经历了多次喷发旋回,因此形成的铅锌矿也具有旋回层,应在今后的地质勘查找矿中特别注意,一个旋回层的结束就代表成矿作用的结束.从钻孔的资料和岩心看,该区至少有7次喷发旋回,也许更多,也就是说有多次成矿作用.找矿的类型为喷流沉积型铅锌矿床.  相似文献   
论喷流沉积(SEDEX)成矿与沉积-改造成矿之对比   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
文章主要从矿床产出的构造背景、地质环境、矿床地质-地球化学特征、矿化流体来源及成矿模式等方面,结合长江中下游地区喷流沉积的块状硫的矿床,把国内外一些典型喷流沉积成矿作用与沉积-改造矿床的成矿作用,作一个系统的对比,来探求两种成矿作用之间的关系和区别,以便于指导这两类矿床的找矿工作。  相似文献   
驼路沟矿床是东昆仑南部造山带中新发现的钴(金)矿床,它的含矿岩系是一套浅变质的(绿片岩相)震旦-寒武纪火山-沉积岩系.火山岩是一套中-酸性凝灰岩及熔岩,其元素地球化学特征类似于活动大陆边缘或弧火山岩;沉积岩包括碎屑岩和黑色页岩,它们具有活动大陆边缘沉积岩的元素地球化学极性,部分沉积岩具有现代大陆弧地区沉积岩的元素地球化学特征.岩相学、矿物学及元素地球化学研究证明,作为主岩之一的石英钠长岩是典型的喷气沉积岩,而并非"脉岩",它不但是钴(金)矿体的重要找矿标志,而且也是喷气沉积矿床的重要鉴别标志.钴(金)矿石组构及矿石矿物的世代显示其主要与海底喷气沉积成矿作用有关,在后期的碰撞造山过程中,受到了改造和活化.矿石和喷气沉积岩的痕量元素地球化学特征表明,它们同属喷气-成矿流体较远离喷气中心的海底沉积物.总之,岩(矿)相学及元素地球化学资料证明,驼路沟钴(金)矿床主要属喷气沉积矿床,形成于震旦-寒武纪东昆仑南缘的活动大陆边缘环境.  相似文献   
西藏当雄县拉屋铜铅锌多金属矿床喷流沉积成因   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
拉屋铜铅锌多金属矿床位于纳木错-嘉黎断裂带南侧的上石炭统-下二叠统来姑组中,矿体分布受日音拿背斜控制。矿区内矿化类型以层纹状、层状矿化为主,晚期有脉状矿化叠加。在矿床地质特征研究基础上,通过矿石和容矿围岩的稀土元素、稳定同位素地球化学特征分析,探讨了成矿物质来源及矿床成因。研究显示,矿床容矿围岩稀土元素具有弱Ce负异常(0.89~0.95)和Eu中等亏损(0.56~0.64)的特点。硫化物硫同位素δ34S值变化范围为-2.92‰~-0.42‰,平均值为-1.68‰,为深源硫来源。矿石中石英包裹体氢氧同位素组成显示,矿床成矿热液流体早期以深循环的海水与岩浆水的混合流体为主,中、晚期则有为长时间大气降水的参与,成矿流体来源以大气降水为主。综合研究表明:拉屋铜铅锌多金属矿床属于喷流沉积-叠加改造型矿床,具有喷流沉积型矿床的特征,燕山期则表现为岩浆热液活动叠加改造。  相似文献   
The Xitieshan lead-zinc deposit is located at the northern margin of the Qaidam Basin, Qinghai Province, China, and had developed a complete marine sedimentary-exhalative system. Our preliminary study of ore-forming fluids shows that fluid inclusions in quartz from altered stockwork rocks that represent the pipe facies have a wide range of temperature and salinity. The intense fluid activities are characteristics of the pipe facies of the exhalative system. Fluid inclusions in carbonates near the unstratified ore bodies hosted in the thick-bedded marble which represents vent-proximal facies are large in size and have moderate to high temperatures. They represent unerupted sub-seafloor fluid activity. Fluids in altered stockwork rocks and carbonates have similar H2O-NaCl-CO2 system, both belonging to the sedimentary-exhalative system. The fluids migrate from the pipe facies to the unstratified ore bodies. Boiling of the fluids causes the separation of CO2 vapor and liquid H2O. When the fluids migrate into the unconsolidated thick-bedded marble, the escape of CO2, decreasing temperature and pressure as well as some involvement of seawater into the fluids result in the unmixing of fluids with high and low salinity and deposition of ore-forming materials. The two unmixed fluids were trapped in unconsolidated carbonates and the ore-forming materials were deposited in the unconsolidated carbonates to form the sedimentary-exhalative type unstratified ore bodies. The ore-forming temperature of unstratified ore bodies is up to high temperature indicating that there is a huge ore-forming potential in its deep.  相似文献   
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