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富蕴断裂带位于阿尔泰山南侧,横切阿尔泰山褶皱带南缘及额尔齐斯深断裂,是一条呈北北西向展布的右旋走滑断裂带。沿断裂带发育一系列错断水系、错断冲积扇、挤压脊、走滑拉分盆地等反映右旋走滑活动的典型构造地貌标志。本研究在高分辨率遥感图像和数字高程模型分析的基础上,结合野外实地构造地貌测量,对沿富蕴断裂带发育的系统错断水系特征进行了详细分析研究。研究结果表明,沿富蕴断裂带发育不同级别的错断水系,大致可划分为6级:1931年地震形成的冲沟;90m左右断距的错断水系;150m左右断距的错断水系;500m左右断距的错断水系;1500m左右断距的错断水系;2000m以上断距的错断水系。同时,结合研究区及邻区的第四纪冰川资料讨论了不同级别水系可能形成时间:恰尔沟三级支流可能形成时间为末次冰期Ⅲ阶段末期,约20ka;恰尔沟二级支流可能形成时间为末次冰期Ⅰ阶段末期,约120ka;恰尔沟一级支流可能形成于该地区冰川广泛消融的倒数第2次冰期的Ⅱ阶段末期,约为250ka;恰尔沟、水磨沟、白杨沟、乌铁布拉克河、卡布尔特河等可能形成于倒数第3次冰期Ⅱ阶段末期,约为360ka。最后,我们估算出富蕴断裂带晚第四纪以来的平均右旋走滑速率为1.46~4.99mm/a。  相似文献   
1995年日本兵库县南部地震时在淡路岛上出现的地表地震断层主要由三条地表破裂带组成、野岛地震断层、松帆地震层和楠本地震断层。野岛地震断层从淡路岛北端的淡路町住西南延伸到一宫町的尾崎,长达18km,其北段沿着早期存在的野岛断层分布,而南段则作为新断层出现,野岛地震断层的断层的北段主要由一些相互平行或次平行的右列剪切断层和许多左列和性裂隙组成,其南段则是由集中在十多米宽的大量不连续的地表破裂带所组成。野岛地震断层一般走向N30°~60°E倾向SE,地貌错位和断层擦痕均显示出此断层为一具有逆断层性质的右旋走滑断层,沿一些主要露头测定的北段水平位移量一般为100~200cm,垂直位移量为5O~100cm;而南段的水平、垂直位移量均只有几厘米至20cm。最大位移量在平林断层崖测得;水平180cm、垂直l30cm、实际位移量2l5cm。松帆地震断层走向N40°~60°W,沿着淡路岛北端部的海岸线分布,长达约1km。楠本地震断层沿早期存在的楠本断层出现,分布于淡路岛东北部的海岸边上,走向N35°~6O°W倾向NW 。根据地表地震断层的形态及地貌错位特征,野岛地震断层可被分为四条断层段,并在形态上呈现右列。地质和地貌证据以及余震分布的特征清楚地表明这4条断层段的几何形态和分布特征是受早期存在的地质构造所控制的,同时也说明了地震断层的破裂过程具有拉分(pulling-apart)和推隆(pushing-up)的过程,这两个过程分别产生了张性裂隙、拉分盆地、逆断层和挤压隆起等构造。  相似文献   
云南中甸-大具断裂上新发现的地震地表破裂带   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中甸-大具断裂是川滇菱形块体的西南边界,总体走向310°—320°。近年来我们对该断裂进行了1:50000条带状地质填图,发现了断裂活动的地质地貌证据。其中,在丽江大具盆地内(金沙江右岸)沿断裂新发现一处典型地震地表破裂带,长约600m,宽120m左右,主要表现为地表挤压鼓包、挤压垄脊、张裂缝、挤压阶区等,呈NW走向,与中甸-大具断裂走向基本一致。野外工作中,我们详细记录和测量了地表破裂的破裂样式、破裂规模和相关定量数据,利用旋翼无人机测绘了地表破裂带的形态和展布,获得了高精度DEM,分析了地表破裂表现出的运动性质。在已有资料的基础上讨论了地表破裂的形成时代、归属、震级大小,简要分析了其发震断层。新地震地表破裂带的发现为进一步研究中甸-大具断裂活动特征、古地震及地震危险性提供了基础资料。  相似文献   
Aiming  Ian Shinichi  Uda 《Island Arc》1996,5(1):1-15
Abstract The earthquake surface ruptures on the northern side of Awaji Island accompanying the 1995 Southern Hyogo Prefecture Earthquake in Japan consist of three earthquake surface rupture zones called the Nojima, Matsuho, and Kusumoto Earthquake Surface Rupture Zones. The Nojima Earthquake Surface Rupture Zone is - 18 km long and was formed from Awaji-cho at the northern end of Awaji Island to Ichinomiya-cho. It occurred along the pre-existing Nojima geological fault in the northern segment and as a new fault in the southern segment. The northern segment of the Nojima Earthquake Surface Rupture Zone is composed of some subparallel shear faults showing a right-step en echelon form and many extensional cracks showing a left-step en echelon form. The southern segment consists of some discontinuous surface ruptures which are concentrated in a narrow zone a few tens of meters in width. This surface rupture zone shows a general trend striking north 30°-60° east, and dipping 75°-85° east. The deformational topographies and striations on the fault plane generated during the co-seismic displacement show that the Nojima Earthquake Surface Rupture Zone is a right-lateral strike-slip fault with some reverse component. Displacements measured at many of the outcrops are generally 100-200 em horizontally and 50-100 em vertically in the northern segment and a few em to 20 em both horizontally and vertically in the southern segment. The largest displacements are 180 em horizontally, 130 em vertically, and 215 em in netslip measured at the Hirabayashi fault scarp. The Matsuho Earthquake Surface Rupture Zone striking north 40°-60° west was also found along the coastline trending northwest-southeast in Awaji-cho for ~1 km at the northern end of Awaji Island. The Kusumoto Earthquake Surface Rupture Zone occurred along the pre-existing Kusumoto geological fault for ~ 1.5 km near the northeastern coastline, generally striking north 35°-60° east, dipping 60°-70° west. From the morphological and geomorphological characteristics, the Nojima Earthquake Surface Rupture Zone can be divided into four segments which form a right-step en echelon formation. The geological and geomorphological evidence and the aftershock epicenter distributions show clearly that the distributions and geometry of these four segments are controlled by the pre-existing geological structures.  相似文献   
通过对青海省内一条北北西向右旋走滑断裂对公路工程危害现象的野外实地调查和室内有限元分析,对其蠕滑运动下的致灾机理进行了讨论。结果表明,断层蠕滑作用下的灾害多分布在上盘,且上盘公路南半侧多发张剪性破裂,北半侧多发压扭性破裂,交汇位置的先期破裂是由南侧路沿开始并向路内扩展的。  相似文献   
位于渤海湾盆地黄骅坳陷北部的白东构造带,受新构造运动影响形成了整体东西向"S"型展布,堑心组合内断层成弧形交错、南北对掉的"包心菜"状构造。笔者以局部构造变形特征分析为手段,从各层位上堑心构造组合的特殊现象分析出发,认为本区自第三纪以来是在右旋走滑拉分背景下伸展走滑作用的结果。  相似文献   
柴达木盆地东北部新近纪构造旋转及其意义   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
青藏高原东北缘构造变形的研究是认识高原隆起过程、机制和印度—欧亚板块碰撞远程效应的重要途径。柴达木盆地是印度-欧亚板块碰撞后南北向挤压应力为动力背景的高原东北部内陆盆地,沉积物主要来自于周边山地,完整的保存了新生代以来高原隆升的详细记录。通过柴达木盆地东北部瑙格剖面精细古地磁及构造旋转研究发现,20.1~15.1Ma以及15.1~8.2Ma柴达木盆地分别发生了9.7°±7.4°和6.4°±4.4°的顺时针旋转,约8.2Ma后,柴达木盆地东北部瑙格地区发生了16°±7.5°的逆时针快速旋转。通过分析认为,前两次的顺时针构造旋转事件可能与阿尔金断裂的左旋走滑有关。而约82Ma以来的逆时针旋转事件属于柴达木盆地东北部瑙格地区的局部旋转,可能与温泉断裂的右旋走滑有关,说明青藏高原东北部在昆仑山、阿尔金山和祁连山三条巨型断裂系左旋相对运动的宏观控制下形成的NNW向温泉右旋走滑断裂开始走滑的年代为约8Ma。  相似文献   
小店子—茅埠段是沂沭断裂带安丘-莒县断裂的组成部分,北起莒县小店子东北,南至莒县茅埠以南,总体走向10°~20°,倾向NW或SE,倾角60°以上,长约30km。可细分为5小段,从北到南依次是小店子—齐家庄、源河、库山—西莲池、青峰岭和三庄—宅科小段。各小段之间为左阶或右阶斜列,平面上呈向北收敛、向南撒开的帚状。断裂在卫片和航片上都显示出清楚的线性影像,地貌上表现为清楚的基岩陡坎。根据野外所获得的天然和探槽剖面以及年龄样品测试结果,确定其最新活动时代为全新世早期,活动性质是以右旋走滑为主兼挤压逆断。距今约70ka以来,断裂的右旋位移量64~73m,位移速率0.91~1.04mm/a。距今约12ka以来,断裂的右旋位移量5.5~7.8m,位移速率0.46~0.65mm/a;垂直位移量2~3.8m,位移速率0.17~0.32mm/a  相似文献   
郯庐断裂带伊通段新生代构造演化特征及其控盆机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郯庐断裂带伊通段的构造活动对伊通盆地的形成与油气分布具有重要控制作用。通过对最新的地震、钻井、物探、露头等资料分析,认为郯庐断裂带伊通段新生代以来的构造演化可划分为三个阶段,即:古新世-始新世中期的左旋走滑挤压阶段、始新世中期-渐新世末期的右旋走滑伸展阶段和中新世-第四纪的右旋走滑和隆升阶段。其中第二阶段为主成盆期,控盆断裂活动特征具有南早北晚、由南向北迁移的规律,盆地沉积中心因此也从南西向北东迁移并靠近西北缘主断裂;第三阶段为盆地反转期,控盆断裂发生右行压扭和隆升,盆地东南缘发生拱张使得万昌构造带等早期形成的构造高部位油气藏遭受破坏,而盆地西北缘受侧向挤压则形成宽2~4km的西北缘断褶带,具有良好油气成藏条件和勘探潜力,是盆地新的找油领域。  相似文献   
The sinistral strike-slip characteristic of the Altyn Tagh Fault gradually disappears near the Jiuxi Basin at the west end of Hexi Corridor, and the Kuantanshan Fault and the northern marginal fault of Heishan on its east are thrust structures. There are two faults distributed in the north of Kuantanshan, namely, the Taerwan-Chijiaciwo Fault and the Ganxiashan Fault, both are featured with obvious activity. Predecessors thought that the Taerwan-Chijiaciwo Fault is a thrust fault with low movement rate, but there is few detailed study on its horizontal motion. Is there horizontal strike-slip movement in the northern marginal fault of Kuantanshan? This issue has an important significance to further explore the structural transformation mode between the Altyn Tagh strike-slip faults and the northern thrust faults in the north margin of Qilianshan. Using high resolution remote sensing images and field work, such as combining with UAV SfM photogrammetry, the paper studies the strike-slip characteristics of the Taerwan-Chijiaciwo Fault and Ganxiashan Fault on the northern margin of Kuantanshan, and get two preliminary understandings:(1) The northern marginal fault of Kuantanshan is an active right-lateral strike-slip fault with thrust component, the horizontal to vertical dislocation ratio is about 3-4 times. Based on the statistics of dislocation amount of the gullies and terraces along the north marginal Kuantanshan fault, it is preliminarily estimated that the late Pleistocene right-lateral strike-slip rate is about 0.2-0.25 mm/a and the Holocene right-lateral strike-slip rate is about 0.5-1.5 mm/a. (2) The main driving force to the tectonics at the western end of Hexi Corridor, where the northern marginal fault of Kuantanshan locates, comes from the northward extrusion of the Qilian Mountains, which results in the right-lateral strike-slip of the northern marginal fault of Kuananshan and the thrust movement of several faults inside the Jiuxi Basin. The effect of the Altyn Tagh Fault on other tectonic structures is not obvious in this region.  相似文献   
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