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The fault-bounded Bolívar Ultramafic Complex (BUC) onthe eastern fringes of the Western Cordillera of Colombia wastectonically accreted onto the western coast of South Americain the late Cretaceous–early Tertiary, along with pillowbasalts of the Caribbean–Colombian Oceanic Plateau (CCOP).The complex consists of a lower sequence of ultramafic cumulates,successively overlain by layered and isotropic gabbroic rocks.The gabbros grade into, and are intruded by, mafic pegmatitesthat consist of large magnesiohornblende and plagioclase crystals.These pegmatites yield a weighted mean 40Ar–39Ar step-heatingage of 90·5 ± 0·9 Ma and thus coincidewith the timing of peak CCOP volcanism. The chemistry of theBUC is not consistent with a subduction-related origin. However,the similarity in Sr–Nd–Pb–Hf isotopes betweenthe CCOP and the BUC, in conjunction with their indistinguishableages, suggests that the BUC is an integral part of the plume-derivedCCOP. The parental magmas of the Bolívar complex wereprobably hydrous picrites that underwent 20–30% crystallization.The residual magmas from this fractionation contained  相似文献   
岩浆-流体过渡和阿尔泰三号伟晶岩脉之成因   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
卢焕章  王中刚  李院生 《矿物学报》1996,16(1):1-7,T002
本文对新疆阿尔泰可可托海的三号伟晶岩形成的物理化学条件、特别是流体-熔融包裹体进行了研究,证明岩浆的确可以分出热液,对于三号伟晶岩脉来说,这种热液组分主要是NaCl-CO2-H2O流体。  相似文献   
Abstract. The Umanotani-Shiroyama pegmatite deposits, the largest producer of K-feldspar and quartz in Japan, are of typical granitic pegmatite. Ilmenite-series biotite granite and granite porphyry, hosting the ore deposits, and biotites separated from these rocks yielded K-Ar ages ranging from 89.0 to 81.4 Ma and 95.2 to 93.7 Ma, respectively. Muscovite and K-feldspar separated from the ore zone yielded K-Ar ages with the range of 96.2 to 93.1 Ma and 87.3 to 80.7 Ma, respectively. Muscovites from quartz-muscovite veins in the ore zone and in the granite porphyry yielded K-Ar ages of 90.4 and 76.3 Ma, respectively. K-feldspar is much younger in age than coexisting muscovite. It is noted that the K-Ar ages of biotite separates and the whole-rock ages are identical to those of muscovite and K-feldspar in the ore zone, respectively. These time relations, as well as field occurrence, indicate that the formation of the pegmatite deposits at the Umanotani-Shiroyama mine is closely related in space and time to a series of granitic magmatism of ilmenite-series nature. Using closure temperatures of the K-Ar system for biotite and K-feldspar (microcline), cooling rate of the pegmatite deposits is estimated to be about 82C/m.y. at the beginning, but slowed down to about 15C/m.y. in the later period.  相似文献   
湖南仁里稀有金属矿田是中国近年来新发现的一处重要的花岗伟晶岩型铌、钽、锂等稀有金属矿产地,文章针对矿田含锂伟晶岩地球化学特征、成矿时代及其与花岗岩的关系,选取传梓源锂铌钽矿床内规模最大的206号锂辉石伟晶岩脉开展地球化学和白云母Ar-Ar定年工作,并与区内其他伟晶岩、花岗岩的地球化学特征、成岩时代对比分析.传梓源206号锂辉石伟晶岩属高分异稀有金属伟晶岩,形成时代为(135.4±1.4)Ma,岩石地球化学表现为高硅、高铝、低钙、相对富碱、钙碱性及过铝质特征;稀土元素总量很低,以轻稀土元素为主;微量元素富集Cs、Rb、U、Ta、Nb、Zr、Hf,相对亏损Ba、Ti,Zr/Hf、Nb/Ta比值低且集中.幕阜山地区稀有金属成矿可分为2期:第1期稀有金属成矿时代约145 Ma,与燕山早期岩浆活动有关;第2期稀有金属成矿时代135~125 Ma,为主成矿期,该期稀有金属伟晶岩与燕山晚期的二云母二长花岗岩存在成因联系,两者为同源岩浆连续结晶分异过程中不同阶段的产物.稀有金属富集成矿经历了岩浆-热液两阶段作用,Be、Nb、Ta、Li、Rb、Cs等稀有元素的富集多发生于岩浆结晶分异晚期,热液作用使Ta、Li、Rb、Cs再次富集.  相似文献   
笔者采用Ar-Ar测年技术,获得华阳川铀多金属矿床碳酸岩中黑云母~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar坪年龄132.58±0.70 Ma,等时线年龄133.01±0.74 Ma,含黑云母闪石硫化物伟晶岩中黑云母的~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar坪年龄93.72±2.38 Ma,等时线年龄91.49±1.97 Ma。镜下特征显示,铌钛铀矿的形成晚于碳酸岩中的黑云母及含黑云母闪石硫化物伟晶岩中的黑云母。因此,铌钛铀矿的形成时间应晚于93.72±2.38 Ma。这表明成矿带内除了已知存在三叠纪碳酸岩型Mo-Pb矿和白垩纪斑岩型Mo矿的成矿过程之外,还存在早白垩世之后的岩浆热液型U-Nb-Ti成矿过程。  相似文献   
江南造山带中段幕阜山稀有金属矿集区是我国东部重要的锂铌钽资源基地, 区域锂资源主要集中于锂辉石伟晶岩中。但此类伟晶岩常受到岩浆出溶热液的叠加作用, 导致锂不同程度的流失, 因此新鲜锂辉石伟晶岩的产出条件与精准定位, 成为区域成矿理论研究与锂资源勘查的突破重点。笔者研究团队近年来在幕阜山地区新发现的黄柏山锂铌钽矿床, 产出了区域少有的大规模新鲜锂辉石伟晶岩脉。本次研究在黄柏山矿床已开展的化探、探槽、钻探等勘查工作基础上, 系统总结了矿床的地质条件, 精确厘定其成矿时代, 初步建立了仁里-黄柏山矿田成矿模型, 并进一步指出区域找矿方向。黄柏山矿床位于幕阜山岩体西南缘, 矿床内伟晶岩总体沿片岩片理产出, 其类型主要为(白云母)钠长石伟晶岩和锂辉石钠长石伟晶岩, 稀有金属矿化组合为Be-Nb-Ta-Li, 稀有金属矿物主要为绿柱石、铌钽铁矿和锂辉石。矿床内锂辉石多为新鲜无蚀变(>96%), 少数晶体边缘具弱蚀变或锂辉石+石英蠕虫状共生结构, 为岩浆演化晚阶段流体出溶导致的弱酸性交代所致。三种类型锂辉石的Li2O为7.72%~7.82%, 基本未发生锂的流失, 这与区域构造交汇导致容矿空间封闭性弱, 岩浆演化出溶热液第一时间运移扩散有关。黄柏山矿床稀有金属成矿作用发生在早白垩世(133.0±1.5Ma), 与幕阜山矿集区二云母花岗岩成矿阶段时限(135.8~133.0Ma)一致。本次工作通过对仁里-黄柏山矿田伟晶岩地表类型分带的重新厘定, 结合区域已有的成矿母岩及伟晶岩垂向分带研究成果, 提出黄柏山矿床、仁里矿床、深部成矿母岩三者从西至东呈现出由高至低的三维空间分布特征, 初步建立矿田"体中体"模型。该模型及稀有金属成矿作用特点显示, 矿田西南部冷家溪群与幕阜山岩体接触带区域, 尤其是高地形地区, 仍具有锂找矿潜力。  相似文献   
The Abu Dabbab albite granite(ADAG), in the central Eastern Desert of Egypt, hosts the most significant rare metal ore deposit in the northern part of the Neoproterozoic Arabian-Nubian Shield. Here, we report detailed field,petrographic, mineralogical and geochemical investigation of the ADAG, an isolated stock-like granitic body with sharp intrusive contacts against metamorphic country rocks, probably emplaced at about 600 Ma. The fine-grained porphyritic upper unit is a preserved remnant of the shallowly-emplaced apex of the magma chamber, whereas the medium-grained lower unit crystallized at deeper levels under subvolcanic conditions. The peraluminous leucocratic ADAG shares common geochemical characteristics with post-collisional intraplate A-type magmas. In addition to the conspicuous enrichment in Na2 O, the ADAG is remarkable for its anomalous concentrations of Ta, Nb, Li, Hf, Ga, Sn, Zn and heavy rare-earth elements. Nb-Ta minerals in the ADAG are mixed with Fe-Mn oxides, forming black patches that increase in abundance toward of the base of the intrusion. Columbite-tantalite, cassiterite and wolframite are the most important ore minerals.Pronounced negative Eu anomalies(Eu/Eu* = 0.10–0.24) reflect extreme magmatic fractionation and perhaps the effects of late fluid-rock interaction. The ADAG was most likely generated by partial melting of the juvenile middle crust of the ANS as the geotherm was elevated by erosional uplift following lithospheric delamination and it was emplaced at the intersection of lineations of structural weakness. Although formation of the ADAG and its primary enrichment in rare metals are essentially due to magmatic processes, late-stage metasomatism caused limited redistribution of rare metals. Fluid-driven subsolidus modification was limited to the apex of the magma chamber and drove development of greisen, amazonite, and quartz veins along fracture systems.  相似文献   
为揭示花岗岩- 伟晶岩型锂等稀有金属矿成矿系统的深部结构,对西昆仑造山带大红柳滩伟晶岩型锂矿集区开展了大地电磁测深法(MT)探测。通过MT三维反演电阻率模型,探测到两个0~20 km深度范围的高阻体,反映了出露于地表的大红柳滩复式花岗岩基和半隐伏的大红柳滩东花岗岩基;20~80 km深度范围内发现的大范围高导异常,则反映了深达上地幔的地壳重熔形成的大规模长英质岩浆储库。可见,成矿母岩大红柳滩花岗岩基是有根的,而且是规模巨大深达上地幔的岩浆储库,它们为超大型大红柳滩伟晶岩型锂矿的形成提供了物源和热源。与松潘- 甘孜甲基卡超大型伟晶岩型锂矿集区对比,尽管川西甲基卡地区地表出露的花岗岩有限,但MT三维反演电阻率模型显示,其也存在深达上地幔的大范围高导异常,同样反映了大规模长英质岩浆储库的存在,只是剥蚀深度浅,上侵的花岗岩未被剥蚀出来而已。从而,深剥蚀的大红柳滩地区表现为大面积花岗岩出露的“热隆”特征,而浅剥蚀的甲基卡地区则表现为花岗岩围岩“片麻岩穹隆”热变质构造特征。西昆仑- 松潘- 甘孜伟晶岩型锂等稀有金属巨型成矿带两端的晚三叠世超大型矿床是大规模地壳重熔长英质岩浆作用中心的产物,由于锂等稀有金属的喜水性,H2O的饱和度是造就伟晶岩型锂超常富集的关键,并在长英质岩浆储库、上侵花岗岩和伟晶岩不同分异演化阶段,锂的“预富集”为大规模伟晶岩型锂矿成矿奠定了重要基础。  相似文献   
The Oban Basement Massif of southeastern Nigeria is composed of metamorphosed rocks including phyllites, schists, gneisses and amphibolites cut by pegmatitic dykes of varying length and thickness, which intruded the metamorphic rocks. Preliminary geochemical study and analysis of these pegmatites from western Oban Massif at Uyanga, Akwa Ibami, Iwuru I, Iwuru Ⅱ and Igbofia showed that the pegmatites are highly albitized. This is incon-sistent with earlier postulations that the pegmatites in this part of Nige...  相似文献   
四川丹巴伟晶岩型白云母矿床是我国第二大白云母产地,但其研究程度很低,形成机理的研究停留在定性推断的水平上,本文拟从流体的角度来研究其形成机理。丹巴北部的布衣沟位于白云母矿区的中心地带,自西向东穿过混合岩化变质带→部分混合岩化变质带→夕石化变质带,分布有蒋家→下蒋家→水大→二道桥等伟晶岩矿脉,其流体包裹体的均一温度峰值依次降低,CO2-H2O包裹体的数量逐渐减少,盐度有增高的趋势。碳、氢、氧同位素示踪出成岩成矿流体主要由携带深源碳的岩浆热液、建造水及脱碳反应产生的CO2组成。从蒋家→下蒋家→水大→二道桥伟晶岩脉,流体中的CO2/CH4和CO2/N2呈降低。这些特征显示出成岩成矿流体的演化过程:携带深源碳的岩浆热液自春牛场穹隆体的深部向外迁移,在部分混合岩化带与脱碳反应产生的CO2混合,在夕石带与建造水混合而稀释。因此丹巴白云母矿床属于“岩浆 变质”混合成因。  相似文献   
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