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《Climate Policy》2013,13(6):575-592
Two ways of allocating greenhouse gas (GHG) allowances are compared: historic allocation (HA) based solely on past information, and output-based allocation (OBA) based on an allocation proportional to the current output level. The advantages and problems of each allocation method are considered and compared. It is essential to distinguish the sectors sheltered from international competition (e.g. power generation) from the exposed sectors. In the sheltered sectors, OBA entails a much higher overall cost because it provides too little incentive to reduce the production of the polluting goods. HA does not suffer from this drawback but its distributional impact is highly unfair. Hence in these sectors neither of these two ways of freely allocating allowances can be supported, and auctioning should be favoured. However, in the exposed sectors, OBA is an option worth considering because it reduces carbon leakage, although it also suffers from some drawbacks compared with auctioning.  相似文献   
以"外部利润——产权界定——资源优化配置"为研究主线,对成都市农村土地股份合作制改革进行了制度经济学解析。研究发现,制度创新空间的形成、土地的增值收益、土地规模利用效应和土地集约利用效应构成了成都市农村土地股份合作制改革的外部利润。成都市农村土地股份合作制改革,一方面可以提高土地规模和集约利用效应,促进土地资源优化配置;另一方面可以明晰集体土地产权主体,健全基层组织治理机制。要采取诸如放松法律限制、加强理论研究、规范机制建设等措施,从而推动土地股份合作制的生成和发展。  相似文献   
周尚意  张晶 《地理科学》2015,35(11):1357-1363
以地方性理论为切入点,提出历史事件为地方性的来源。在洞庭碧螺春原产地苏州吴中区东山镇和金庭镇(原西山镇)进行访谈调查,了解地方性在洞庭碧螺春生产销售方面的作用。运用级差地租理论和垄断市场理论说明了当地通过占据历史事件发生地的“地方性”而获得了级差地租和垄断利润。研究结论为:① 历史事件和传说具有空间不可移动性,可以成为形成级差地租的因素。② 历史传说赋予地理标识产品的质量无法通过理化手段测量,因此会出现原产地之外的茶叶假冒当地茶叶销售获利。派生的建议是当地政府需要加强对地理标识产品的宣传及法律保护。  相似文献   
The Shark Bay trawl fishery is Western Australia's most valuable prawn fishery (worth AUD$25 million in 2014). The 18-vessel fleet targets western king prawns (Penaeus latisulcatus), brown tiger prawns (P. esculentus) and also retains saucer scallops (Ylistrum balloti) and blue swimmer crabs (Portunus armatus). Increased fuel prices, falling prawn prices and lower catches of other species, following extreme environmental events, have impacted fishery profits. A biomass dynamics model with an economic component indicated that total revenue levels start to decline when annual effort increases beyond ~ 200 fishing days per boat. Annual effort required to achieve MEY, when based solely on prawn fishing, is 115–150 days per boat after accounting for fixed and variable fishing costs and annual fishing efficiency increases of 1–2%. From 2007–2014, the adjusted effort was 188–192 days per boat. Fishing occurred between March and November during 7–8 fishing periods, separated by 5–8 day (low catchability) moon closure periods. An empirical daily profit assessment (2007–2015), accounting for recruitment variation, daily prawn size compositions, monthly market prices for different prawn species and sizes, and daily fishing costs, showed vessels made profits on ~ 115–160 days and losses on ~ 15–55 days per year, when fishing occurred near the full moon. The fishery benefitted in 2013–2015 by starting later in the year and better targeting within-season effort. This management strategy within the effort-control framework, which improved profitability, maintained higher spawning stocks and reduced ecosystem fishing impacts, has wider application in prawn fishery management.  相似文献   
蒙庆 《化工矿产地质》1997,19(3):207-212
陕北鄂尔多斯盆地中奥陶统马家沟组一、三、五段中有7次聚盐期所形成盐矿的规模、品位、质量优于苏、鲁、川、豫已开发的盐矿。该区盐矿顶板埋深在1700m以下,开采技术条件良好,可采用单井对流、井间连通的生产工艺进行开发。通过对矿区采盐、制盐,盐化工生产等生产条件及经济效益各项指标估算,认为开发陕北地区盐矿将对促进陕北地区经济发展起到十分重要的作用。  相似文献   
杨建峰 《地质与勘探》2018,54(1):211-218
黄金是兼具金融和商品双重属性的特殊贵金属,关系到国家金融安全和经济安全。本文从全国层面定量分析了1991~2015年我国黄金资源勘查的成本和利润变化以及在资源储量方面的成效变化,以期为黄金资源勘查工作管理提供基础依据。我国金矿勘查活动经历了由传统计划经济体制主导向市场经济体制主导的转变,特别是2006年以后金矿勘查投入与黄金价格呈显著正相关关系。1991~2015年金矿勘查成本与勘查利润出现了两次不同步的起伏变化;金矿勘查利润2012年开始逐年快速下滑,勘查成本峰值出现的时间晚于勘查利润2年左右,2014~2015年有所下降;金矿勘查投入在变化上比黄金生产利润和金矿勘查利润要延迟1年左右。近年来金矿勘查推动了黄金新增查明资源储量的增长,但黄金资源的保障程度仍难以支撑不断增长的黄金生产需要;万元勘查投入新增查明资源储量总体呈下降趋势,金矿勘查的效率明显下滑。  相似文献   
在全球持续变暖的影响下,北极部分地区夏季出现无冰期,北极航线具有更短的航运距离和相对稳定的地缘政治人文环境。文章从气候变化角度出发,构建包含航行环境模块、航迹规划模块和航线经济效益模块在内的综合评估模型,评估北极地区海冰、风、浪、流等气象水文地理要素对船舶航速的影响,确定北极地区的可航行天数;在此基础上,利用A-Star算法寻找北极航线的最优路径,并分析该路径上的航运经济效益;采用该评估模型对比在RCP4.5情景下2050年船舶往返欧亚大陆之间经东北航线与经苏伊士运河航线的经济效益,结果表明,苏伊士运河航线的经济效益更高,北极航线可作为替补航线。  相似文献   
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