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磷石膏中的磷在雨水淋滤作用下浸出,将污染堆场附近水体。本研究采用生物炭固化磷石膏中的磷,以减少其对周遭水体的污染。主要通过模拟固化实验和对照浸出实验,分析生物炭用量、反应时间和温度、初始pH值对固化效果的影响,通过XRD、SEM-EDS分析固化后的生成物。实验结果显示,在生物炭用量为25 mg时,单位固化量达到最大值13.20 mg/g;在反应温度T=293 K、初始pH=7条件下,反应平衡时间72 h时浸出液的磷平衡浓度Ce= 1.40 mg/L;温度提升有助于提高生物炭的固化效果,当T=308 K时,浸出液的磷平衡浓度Ce=0.167 mg/L;碱性条件有利于固化反应持续进行,在pH=11条件下,浸出液的磷平衡浓度Ce=0.153 mg/L。实验结果表明生物炭对磷石膏中的磷具有明显的固化效果。磷石膏中的二水硫酸钙溶解后,Ca2+与表面带负电的生物炭结合,在生物炭显微结构的凹陷处,化学吸附溶液中的磷酸根生成了絮状、团簇状的羟基磷灰石(HAP)沉淀,从而使浸出磷得到有效控制。  相似文献   
Phosphogypsum is a waste by-product of the phosphate fertilizer industry that has relatively high concentrations of some U decay-series radionuclides such as ^226Ra and ^210Pb. The distribution and environmental mobility of radionuclides in phosphogypsum are an important concern because this gypsum by-product is used for wallboard, in agriculture and as a soil amendment. This study determined the distribution of ^226Ra, ^210Pb, within phosphogypsum stacks of varying age and among three size fractions (coarse: 〈0.212 mm; medium: 0.212-0.053 mm; fine: 〈0.053 mm), in phosphogypsum derived from Aqaba and Eshidiya fertilizer plants. The results indicated that ^226Ra and ^210Pb were generally uniformly distributed in phosphogypsum stacks and showed no significant difference in the concentration of these elements with the age of stack. In the Aqaba phosphogypsum ^226Ra was slightly 10% enriched in the coarse fraction, while ^210Pb was 10% enriched in the free size fraction. In the Eshidiya phosphogypsum ^226Ra and ^210Pb contents were both relatively enriched (10%) in the fine size fraction.  相似文献   
磷石膏物理力学特性初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过大量的室内试验,研究了磷石膏的烘烤温度与含水率的关系、烘烤时间与含水率关系、溶解度与温度关系。按土工试验规范进行试验,测得磷石膏的含水率随着烘烤温度的升高而增加,也随着烘烤时间的增长而增加,但是含水率应该是一个恒定的指标,所以磷石膏的含水率的测定不能按照现行规范进行,必须加以改进。建议在55~60℃条件下烘烤36 h或更长时间来测定磷石膏的含水率。从试验还可以得知磷石膏有一定的溶解度,且其溶解度随着温度的升高而降低。也正是由于磷石膏的溶解特性,所以在进行渗透试验和三轴剪切试验时要使用室温条件下的饱和磷石膏溶液替代水,从渗透试验结果来看,磷石膏坝渗透特性不同于一般的尾矿坝,其垂直渗透系数要大于水平渗透系数。从磷石膏的固结不排水三轴剪切试验可知,磷石膏是一种有明显的剪胀性的材料,在剪切条件下其破坏发生在孔隙水压力为负的情况下,且其破坏时的应变受围压的影响不明显。利用磷石膏的剪切破坏发生在负孔压的这一特性,理论上可以通过坝体内孔压变化的监测来预测磷石膏坝的安全性。  相似文献   
讨论了半水磷石膏的化学组成、矿物组成、热性能、微观形貌以及胶凝性能。结果表明:半水磷石膏中主要化学组成为CaO和SO3,其总量达到70%,含有少量的结晶水和P2O5;半水磷石膏中含有放射性元素,但未超过GB/T6566-2010《建筑材料放射性核素限量》的限值;半水磷石膏矿物组成主要是α型的烧石膏相,但其放热峰面积小,主要以不同取向的硫酸钙晶体的聚晶形式存在,胶凝性能差,烘干强度仅为0.38 MPa。半水磷石膏与二水石膏制备的α型半水石膏在微观形貌上存在较大差异,将其直接应用于建筑材料还有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   
The Tinto and Odiel are small rivers draining one of the largest sulphide deposits in the world. As a result of these deposits and a large industrial complex, the adjacent marine area receives a high amount of metal input. Mercury distribution in the Tinto-Odiel estuary, the Huelva Ría and the Gulf of Cádiz was assessed in water and suspended particulatematter (SPM) and sediments. In the rivers and estuaries, dissolved (HgD)and particulate (HgP) mercury showed wide variations (13 to 200 pM and0.3 to 330 nmol g-1 respectively) depending on the presence or notof sulphidic waters, phosphogypsum deposits, detrital pyrite and oxyhydroxides.In the Ría, concentrations were lower than 10 pM and 4.5 nmol g-1 for HgD and HgP respectively. In surface waters of the Gulf of Cádiz, the average HgD concentration (pm standard deviation) was 2.9 pm 0.9 pM, which is similar to that of North Atlantic Central Waters. The surface sediments collected in the rivers, the Ría and the Gulf showed systematically enriched mercury compared to pre-industrial levels. Vertical mercury profiles in dated sediment cores were typical of anthropogenically influenced environments starting in the early Roman age. These distribution features suggest that most of the Hg discharged by the Huelva Ría is trapped in the sediments of the Gulf of Cádiz.  相似文献   
王涛  李杨  周勇  吕庆  刘大炜 《岩土力学》2011,32(Z2):407-412
磷石膏尾矿库是以磷石膏渣堆积起来形成的尾矿库,其安全问题一直是磷化工企业及安全生产管理部门非常关心的问题。根据《尾矿库安全监督管理规定》,尾矿库工程在设计阶段应该编写安全专篇,需要对尾矿库及尾矿坝稳定性、尾矿库防洪能力及排洪设施和安全观测设施的可靠性进行充分论证。3个方面的内容紧密联系,其是否安全可靠决定着尾矿库是否安全运行。针对磷石膏尾矿库的安全专篇问题,分析了专篇中的关键技术内容,对防洪计算、稳定性计算和安全监测分析等方面的本质问题进行了探讨,并将这三者作为一个系统进行分析总结。通过对湖北某磷石膏尾矿工程安全专篇的编写与分析,对具体的技术方法给出了说明。目前尾矿库工程安全问题受到了广泛的关注,其结果提供了比较完整的具体经验,采用的方法和得出的结论对相关工程可以起一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   
平坝磷石膏堆场渗漏分析与污染防治对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
平坝磷石膏堆场未做防渗处理,堆场产生的含磷、氟的渗滤液通过排污水渠、岩溶管道和裂隙进入周围地表水和地下水系统,污染了羊昌河的水质,严重影响了红枫湖水库的水环境。通过水文地质勘察、样方统计调查、压水试验和连通试验等方法,查明了堆场岩溶及节理裂隙发育情况,分析了地表水与地下水之间的水力联系,指出堆场渗滤液通过地表02水渠、01水渠?落水洞L1?泉点Q16及地下岩体节理裂隙等通道污染羊昌河。地下水污染受节理裂隙结构面控制,主要的污染方向为北、西向。根据水样监测的资料,划定了堆场水污染的范围及程度。最后,针对堆场勘察情况提出了垂直防渗、水平防渗、引流汇集和表层覆盖等污染防治的对策。   相似文献   
Phosphogypsum (PG) is a by-product of the chemical reaction called the "wet process" whereby sul-phuric acid reacts with phosphate rock (PR) to produce phosphoric acid, needed for fertilizer production. Through the wet process, some impurities naturally present in the PR become incorporated in PG, including U decay-series radionuclides, are the main important concern which could have an effect on the surrounding environment and pre-vent its safe utilization. In order to determine the distribution and bioavailability of radionuclides to the surrounding environment, we used a sequential leaching of PG samples from Aqaba and Eshidiya fertilizer industry. The results showed that the percentages of 226Ra and 210Pb in PG are over those in the corresponding phosphate rocks (PG/PR), where 85% of the 226Ra and 85% of the 210Pb fractionate to PG. The sequential extraction results exhibited that most of 226Ra and 210Pb are bound in the residual phase (non-CaSO4) fraction ranging from 45%–65% and 55%–75%, respectively, whereas only 10%–15% and 10%–20% respectively of these radionuclides are distributed in the most labile fraction. The results obtained from this study showed that radionuclides are not incorporated with gypsum itself and may not form a threat to the surrounding environment.  相似文献   
张超  余克井  杨春和  陈剑文 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z1):113-117
对于磷石膏的力学特性,国内外的研究很少。通过室内高压三轴试验,研究了磷石膏的强度与围压的关系。从高压三轴试验结果来看,磷石膏的强度随着围压的升高而降低,且磷石膏的高压折减效应比较明显。在稳定性分析中,如果采用常规围压条件下的三轴试验得到的强度进行分析,其稳定性分析结果是偏于不安全的。以一个高磷石膏坝为例,对其稳定性进行数值模拟分析。结果表明,考虑强度折减以后其安全系数明显降低。得出了磷石膏具有明显的高压强度折减特性,在高磷石膏坝的稳定性分析中一定要考虑高压强度折减的结论。  相似文献   
磷石膏属于级配不良土且含有可溶性磷(P)、氟(F),在天然降雨的情况下其变形破坏的可能性很大。如其发生液化将充满整个渣库,这将使渣库内磷、氟含量升高而污染地表水体。在矿山的防渗等问题还未解决的情况下,受污染的地表水侵入到地下含水层中又会导致地下水的污染。所以研究磷石膏堆体在天然降雨下变形破坏模式十分必要。本试验是以1:10的比例模拟20m高的磷石膏堆体在天然降雨条件下可能发生的变形破坏模式,进而对渣库堆填磷石膏施工提出建议。  相似文献   
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