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基于行为地理学和经济学相关理论,依据农户调查数据,采用定量方法,对影响郊区农民迁移意愿的外在环境因素和内在自身因素进行了分析,构建了城市化进程中郊区农民的迁移意愿模型.模型表明:在市场经济环境下,农民的迁移行为选择是理性的,农民是否迁移取决于能否获得预期迁移收益的最大化,而农民的最大化收益又取决于其所处的外在环境因素和内在自身因素的综合作用.  相似文献   
The widening empirical and theoretical scope of political ecology has been accompanied by discussions on the coherence and content of the field. While these evaluations necessarily focus on what is included in the conceptual boundaries of political ecology, little is said about what is left out. This paper considers the struggle for land rights by Anjuman Muzareen Punjab, a movement of tenant farmers in Pakistan, to illustrate how changing research priorities, difficulties in crossing theoretical and conceptual boundaries, and geopolitics and research access can hinder the visibility of particular forms of socioenvironmental events in mainstream political ecology scholarship.  相似文献   
王莉  贺兆成  刘彩云 《山东地质》2011,(8):61-63,66
为切实维护失地农民的合法权益,日照市不断加快征地补偿安置制度改革的步伐,积极探索失地农民的保护性就业政策措施,努力拓展失地农民安置渠道,逐步建立起失地农民的社会保障制度,为失地农民安居乐业以及维护社会长治久安提供了有力保障。  相似文献   
以广州市10村为例,采用因子分析法对郊区农民的迁移意愿进行分析.结果表明,在城市化进程中,郊区农民进城的意愿不强,小城镇和卫星城是主要的拟迁目的地.因子分析发现,农民愿意进城的主要动因是城乡预期收入、失地压力、城乡预期生活收益、养老和望子成龙的心理,而乡土情结和小农心理、城乡意识淡泊、预期就业风险和搬迁成本、预期生计成本、农村既得权益等则是阻碍农民进城的主要动因.推进城市化的政策制定应充分考虑影响农民迁移意愿的因素.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. A political-ecological perspective is used to analyze soil erosion, conservation, and the peasantry on Saint Vincent in the Eastern Caribbean. Peasants farm areas most susceptible to erosion because of the historical development of property relationships. A soil-conservation effort begun in the late 1930s was part of a broader, British Empire-wide program. Local political-economic conditions and the environmental and technical characteristics of the cropping systems influenced the nature of soil conservation on Saint Vincent. Official colonial discourse about erosion reflected a complex mixture of blaming peasants and recognizing their political-economic constraints.  相似文献   
湖区农户的社会经济状况直接影响着他们的生存与生产方式,进而影响着人类活动对湖泊湿地开发利用的方式、强度、因此,调查湖区农户的社会经济状况,有助于加深对湖泊周边人类活动的认识与理解。文章在大量实地调研的基础上,分析了安庆沿江湖区农户的社会生活和经济状况,提出了5点基本对策思考,以促进湖区农户社会经济状况的改善和提高,加强农户对湿地的认识及其自觉保护湿地的意识。  相似文献   
随着烟台市开发区经济的发展,城市化进程不断加快,大量的农村集体土地被征收,随之而来的是出现大量失地农民,因此做好土地征收工作,解决好失地农民问题是开发区长远发展和社会稳定的保证。近年来,烟台市开发区制定出台了关于征地拆迁管理、失地农民的相关保障和促进就业的相关政策,保证了征地工作顺利开展,解决了失地农民的权益保障问题,促进了开发区经济又好又快的发展和社会的稳定。  相似文献   
生计资本对农牧民生活满意度的影响——以甘南高原为例   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
赵雪雁 《地理研究》2011,30(4):687-698
地处青藏高原东缘的甘南高原是典型的生态环境脆弱区,提高农牧民的生计资本成为该区消除贫困、保护环境、可持续利用自然资源的基础与关键.本文建立了生计资本评估指标,结合实地调查资料评估了甘南高原纯牧区、半农半牧区和农区农户的生计资本状况,分析了不同区域农户面临的生活压力及需要的帮助,并采用logistic回归模型分析了农户生...  相似文献   
为切实维护失地农民的合法权益,日照市不断加快征地补偿安置制度改革的步伐,积极探索失地农民的保护性就业政策措施,努力拓展失地农民安置渠道,逐步建立起失地农民的社会保障制度,为失地农民安居乐业以及维护社会长治久安提供了有力保障。  相似文献   
Till Förster 《GeoJournal》1998,46(2):101-111
The change in property rights in the West African savannah has been analysed in particular from the perspective of development policy, i.e. from the perspective of state regulation. This contribution, however, attempts to trace property rights from the perspective of the farming population in the savannah in the northern part of Côte d'Ivoire. For peasants, the change of law is part of a long-term process which had already started before the colonialisation at the end of the 19th century and is still continuing today. The changing law is not analysed per se but is rather analysed with reference to people's actions, out of which the sphere of life of the local population is constituted. The changing forms of farm work and of land usage play an important role in this respect. The change of property rights is inscribed in the conflicts with the state and state power on the one hand, and the changes of social forms of organisation on the other.  相似文献   
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