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The Kerguelen Plateau, a Large Igneous Province in the southern Indian Ocean, was formed as a product of the Kerguelen hotspot in several eruptive phases during the last 120 Myr. We obtained new paleolatitudes for the central and northern Kerguelen Plateau from paleomagnetic investigations on basalts, which were drilled during ODP Leg 183 to the Kerguelen Plateau-Broken Ridge. The paleolatitudes coincide with paleolatitudes from previous investigations at the Kerguelen Plateau and Ninetyeast Ridge (the track of the Kerguelen hotspot) and indicate a difference between paleolatitudes and present position at 49°S of the Kerguelen hotspot. We show that true polar wander, the global motion between the mantle and the rotation axis, cannot explain this difference in latitudes. We present numerical model results of plume conduit motion in a large-scale mantle flow and the resulting surface hotspot motion. A large number of models all predict southward motion between 3° and 10° for the Kerguelen hotspot during the last 100 Myr, which is consistent with our paleomagnetic results.  相似文献   
据188个古地磁样品和样品产地的地理坐标、余纬度、平均磁偏角和磁倾角,求得样品产地的古纬度.本区古纬度比现今纬度低:7.6°-8.2°,6.6°-6.8°,6.0°-6.5°,2.3°-3.4°,0.2°-0.6°.变化由印度板块和太平洋洋壳北推合力所致.  相似文献   
华南三水盆地白垩纪—早第三纪古纬度漂移与南海演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要依据三水盆地古地磁数据所反映的华南地块的古纬度漂移讨论南海的演化模式。结果认为,华南在南海的形成演化中居主导地位,南海基本上是晚白垩世至中新世期间通过华南的南漂及其后的北向回漂过程中,华南大陆南部的拉张、断裂、解体并自东向西扩展的方式形成的,而南海中散布的微大陆碎块则是在华南回漂时被滞留下来的。演化过程中,其周缘菲律宾岛弧自南向北漂,直到上新世后才构成南海的东界;印支地块则仅起转换边界作用;加里曼丹则基本土没有明显的漂移。  相似文献   
The Kungurian-Capitanian ( Permian) Zhesi branchiopod fauna is mainly composed of cold-water typed taxa with high diversity and abundance. This fauna is similar with the coeval brachiopod faunas from Timan-Pechora,Svalbard,and Queen Elizabeth Islands of the Boreal Realm,with no real"warm-water"species. Zhesi brachiopod fauna is a cold-water fauna and should be assigned to the Boreal Realm. Considering the paleogeographic characteristics of this fauna and the basic rationale of paleobiogeographic provinces being controlled by latitude-temperate,and that the above areas were located at 50°N 70°N in the global paleoclimate reconstruction map compiled by Boucot et al. ,the paleo-latitude of the southern margin of Jiamusi-Mongolia Block,where developed the Zhesi brachiopod fauna,is suggested ranging from 40°N to 60°N. Zhesi brachiopod fauna is an endemic fauna,containing more than 75% endemic species and self-grouped as a biogeographic province,termed Inner Mongolia Province. These characteristics indicate that this area was closed or semiclosed at that time. On the Jiamusi-Mongolia Block,the Herlen-Jiamusi Old-land as an obvious "continental barrier"hindered the northward migration of the Zhesi brachiopod fauna and the immigration of brachiopod species from other areas. The Tarim plate has collided with the Kazakhstan plate and the western part of South Tianshan-Beishan-Xar Moron Ocean has been closed. At the same time,the western margin of Jiamusi-Mongolia Block was joined with the Tarim plate. The Xar Moron Ocean in south of Jiamusi-Mongolia Block was wide enough and the ocean temperature rose gradually southward,so that it is not suitable for the cold-water brachiopods to survive and thrive on the northern margin of the North China plate. Thus,the ocean with large width and high temperature formed another natural barrier for the southward migration of the cold-water brachiopods.  相似文献   
夏威夷-皇帝海山链位于北太平洋中部,是一条自西北至东南延伸的海底火山链,并在47 Ma存在一个方向弯折。厘定这一特征的成因机制和运动学过程,是西太平洋海区软流圈与岩石圈相互作用以及跨圈层物质能量交换的关键科学问题,对于解译东亚大陆动力学演化过程亦具有重要意义。目前对于夏威夷-皇帝海山链47 Ma弯折的机制有两种争论:太平洋板块运动方向改变和热点移动。古地磁学是研究大陆漂移和板块演化的最有效手段之一,其最大优势是可以定量化研究地质历史时期中岩石圈板块的运动学过程。本文首先通过回顾与总结前人对夏威夷-皇帝海山链成因及转向机制的研究,重点探讨古地磁学在该问题上所提供的约束证据,并对存在的关键科学问题进行了梳理和展望。  相似文献   
田五红  牛修凯 《地球科学》1999,24(2):149-150
在河北武安大淑村刘家沟组布采点13个,采样91个,进行了古地磁学研究,研究结果表明,华北陆块与陆块在早三叠世时尚未形成一体,自上三叠世至今,华北陆块以反时针,扬子陆块以顺时针,各自旋转了数十度。  相似文献   
塔里木板块西南缘晚侏罗世古地磁研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
塔里木板块西南缘托云、奥依塔格晚侏罗世古地磁研究,获得了托云地区特征磁化方向:Ds=1.5°,Is=50.8°;古地磁极:λ=81.0°,ψ=247.0°,古纬度31.5°N。奥依塔格地区特征磁化方向:Ds=118.4°,Is=55.9°;古地磁极:λ=4.9°,ψ=120.6°,古纬度=36.4°N。从古地磁结果认为:①托云和奥依塔格相对托云地区产生顺时针旋转;②这两个地区古纬度为31°~36°左右,与塔里木平均古纬度30°N是基本一致的,但与现在纬度差达8°~10°左右,造成纬度差主要原因是构造运动造成的;③塔里木晚侏罗世古地磁亦与华北、华南基本一致,说明晚侏罗世塔里木、华北、华南三板块已联合成一个整体,拼合成统一的中国大陆,其位于热带—亚热带古气候环境。  相似文献   
用逐步热退磁方法对黑龙江省兴华渡口剖面104块变质岩的定向标本进行了系统处理,获得了该剖面的各项古地磁参数:中元古代下兴华组的古地磁极位置λ_p=203.1°E,古纬度.由次生剩磁推断得中寒武纪古地磁极位置λ_p=174.4°E,古纬度.古地磁结果表明,额尔古纳地块在中元古下兴华组时应与阿尔丹地块相连,中寒武纪时才并入西伯利亚板块.从中元古到中寒武额尔古纳地块应位于南半球的中、低纬度地带. 为了检验标本剩磁的稳定性除对它进行逐步热退磁而外,还对它进行了烘烤检验与褶皱检验.  相似文献   
Middle-Upper Jurassic carbonates exposed in 7 separate fragments of three tectonic units were sampled in the Polish segment of the Pieniny Klippen Belt in 1981, before construction of the Niedzica-Czorsztyn dam. Demagnetization experiments performed about 20 years ago and analyzed lately with modern program package revealed the presence of Middle Miocene overprints acquired in the normal and reversed geomagnetic field, and pre-folding components of natural remanence acquired during the Middle-Upper Jurassic. A paleolatitude of 36N±7° was obtained for the studied area for this time on the basis of 3 normal and 1 reversed components. Three pre-folding pole positions are situated between pole positions of the normal and reversed Stable European Middle Jurassic field. The obtained paleomagnetic results imply several prefolding (pre-Upper Miocene) and postfolding (post-Upper Miocene) episodes of rotations of the studied fragments.  相似文献   
Abstract Geological mapping using detailed tectonic and complex radiolarian analysis revealed significant northward displacement of a number of Russian Far and Northeast Asia terranes. It was recorded that some terranes possibly crossed the equator. Terranes of north-east Russia were composed of different allochthonous formations, ranging in age from Middle Triassic to Maestrichtian-Paleocene and accumulated from the margin to oceanic basins. The Middle to Upper Triassic interval included two formations: (i) volcanogenic, consisting of typical volcanic rocks of the island arcs (up to 800 m thick); and (ii) a chert-limestone-terrigenous one composed of marginal sandstone, siltstone, limestone and tuffic chert (about 400 m). Lower Jurassic allochthonous formations are represented by chert-terrigenous (about 300 m) and jasper-alkaline-basaltic (WPB-type) seamount deposits (about 100 m). Middle Jurassic to Hauterivian allochthonous terranes from the northern part of the Koryak-Kamchatka region include five formations: jasper (bedding jaspers with condensed limestone lenses with Buchias, 80 m), jasper-basalt (with MORB, 100-150 m), ferrotitanic basalt (WPB with lenses of jasper mainly composed of genus Parvicingula, about 75%, 150 m), terrigenous-volcanic (with MORB, IAT, CA basalts and olistostrome, 600 m), tuffic-jasper-basalt (MORB and deposits of arc-trench system, about 500 m) with the same age according to radiolarian data. Aptian? Albian-Maestrichtian ones are predominantly terrigenous-tuffaceous-siliceous. Moreover, the Early and Middle Jurassic faunas of the northwest Pacific margin contain many boreal elements similar to those of New Zealand (Southern Hemisphere), Japan, ODP Site 801. The Late Jurassic faunas of the Koryak and Kamchatka region are mainly North Tethyan and seldom Central Tethyan and are very closely related to those of the Americas. The Tithonian to Early Cretaceous radiolarian are predominantly Central Tethyan and Equatorial in contrast to Boreal Late Cretaceous. The combining in the same region at 60°N Pacific margin of the formations accumulated in different tectonic paleoenvironments and paleoclimatic provinces, is good evidence for the possible significant northward displacement of some terranes in the northwestern Pacific.  相似文献   
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