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Stratigraphic and palynologic analyses of sediment cores from a large mire, combined with geologic and hydrologic studies of its watershed, provide a late Quaternary record of environmental change at Cedar Swamp in southeastern Connecticut. Since deglaciation of the area, the basin has evolved from an open lake characterized by the rapid accumulation of allochthonous inorganic sediments to an ombrotrophic mire with peat accumulation keeping pace with the gradual rise in the water table. Lithostratigraphic, pollen, and chronologic evidence suggest that the long-term trend of basin infilling and paludification was interrupted by two intervals (14 000–13 000 and 8000–4700 yr B.P.) when the water table elevation dropped at least 1 m.  相似文献   
Sediment lithology and mineralogy, as well as ostracode, plant macrofossil and stable isotope stratigraphies of lake sediment cores, are used to reconstruct late Holocene hydrologic changes at Kenosee Lake, a relatively large, hyposaline lake in southeastern Saskatchewan. Chronological control is provided by AMS radiocarbon ages of upland and shoreline plant macrofossils. All indicators outline an early, low-water, saline phase of lake history (4100–3000 BP), when the basin was occupied by a series of small, interconnected, sulfate-rich brine pools, as opposed to the single, topographically-closed lake that exists today. A rapid rise in lake-level (3000–2300 BP) led to the establishment of carbonate-rich, hyposaline lake conditions like those today. Lithostratigraphic data and ostracode assemblages indicate peak salinities were attained early in this period of lake infilling, suggesting that the lake-level rise was initially driven by an influx of saline groundwater. Lake-level and water chemistry have remained relatively stable over the last 2000 years, compared to earlier events. Because of a lack of datable organic material in sediments deposited during the last 2000 years, the chronology of recent events is not well resolved. Plant macrofossil, lithostratigraphic and ostracode evidence suggests that lake draw-down, accompanied by slightly higher than present salinites, occurred sometime prior to 600 BP, followed by peak lake-level and freshwater conditions. This most recent high lake stand, indicative of a high water table on the surrounding upland, may also have led to the establishment of an extensive cover of Betula in the watershed, possibly in response to paludification. Ostracode assemblages indicate that peak freshwater conditions occurred within the last 100 years. Since historically documented lake-level fluctuations correlate with decadal scale climatic fluctuations in the meteorological record, and late-Holocene hydrologic dynamics correspond to well documented climatic excursions of the Neoglacial and Little Ice Age, Kenosee Lake dynamics offer insight into the susceptibility of the region's water resources to climate change.  相似文献   
Paleolimnological studies of saline lakes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Salt water lakes are located in arid to semi-arid regions where evaporation rates exceed precipitation rates. As such, saline lakes are very sensitive to changes in their hydrological cycle. Research into the current limnology of saline lakes is expanding as population growth in these regions increases. Emerging concerns include water diversions, eutrophication, and toxic substances. Paleolimnological investigations of saline lakes are providing valuable new information on paleoclimate and paleohydrology. Such studies may allow for better predictions of the environmental consequences of global warming and for a better understanding of past climate change. Paleolimnological studies may also provide some insight to more recent, anthropogenic perturbations in the arid and semi-arid regions of the world.This publication is the introduction to a series of papers presented at the Conference on Sedimentary and Paleolimnological Records of Saline Lakes. The conference was held August 13–16, 1991 at the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada. Dr. Evans is serving as Guest Editor.  相似文献   
Geomorphology of a beach-ridge complex and adjacent lake basins along the northern shore of Lake Michigan records fluctuations in the level of Lake Michigan for the last 8000 to 10 000 14C yr B.P. (radiocarbon years Before Present). A storm berm at 204.7–206 m (671.6–675.9 ft) exposed in a sandpit provides evidence of a pre-Chippewa Low lake level that is correlated with dropping water levels of Glacial Lake Algonquin (c. 10 300–10 100 14C yr B.P.). Radiocarbon dates from organic material exposed in a river cutbank and basal sediments from Elbow Lake, Mackinac Co., Michigan, indicate a maximum age of a highstand of Lake Michigan at 6900 14C yr B.P., which reached as high as 196.7 m (645 ft), during the early-Nipissing transgression of Lake Michigan. Basal radiocarbon dates from beach swales and a second lake site (Beaverhouse Lake, Mackinac Co.) provide geomorphic evidence for a subsequent highstand which reached 192.6 m (632 ft) at 5390±70 14C yr B.P.Basal radiocarbon dates from a transect of sediment cores, along with tree-ring data, and General Land Office Surveyor notes of a shipwreck, c. A.D. 1846, reveal a late-Holocene rate for isostatic rebound of 22.6 cm/100 radiocarbon years (0.74 ft/100 radiocarbon years) for the northern shore of Lake Michigan, relative to the Lake Michigan-Lake Huron outlet at Port Huron, Michigan. Changes in sediment stratigraphy, inter-ridge distance, and sediment accumulation rates document a mid- to late-Holocene retreat of the shoreline due to isostatic rebound. This regression sequence was punctuated by brief, periodic highstands, resulting in progressive development over the past 5400 14C yr of 75 pairs of dune ridges and swales each formed over an interval of approximately 72 years. Times of lake-level fluctuation were identified at 3900, 3200, and 1000 14C yr B.P. based on changes in inter-ridge spacing, shifts in the course of Millecoquins River, and reorientation of beach-ridge lineation. Soil type, dune development, and selected pollen data provide supporting evidence for this chronology. Late-Holocene beach-ridge development and lake-level fluctuations are related to a retreat of the dominant Pacific airmass and the convergence of the Arctic and Tropical airmasses resulting in predominantly meridional rather than zonal air flow across the Great Lakes region.This is the 13th in a series of papers published in this special AMQUA issue. These papers were presented at the 1994 meeting of the American Quaternary Association held 19–22 June, 1994, at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. Dr Linda C. K. Shane served as guest editor for these papers.  相似文献   
The paleohydrological evolution of several high altitude, saline lakes located in the southernmost Altiplano (El Peinado and San Francisco basins, Catamarca province, NW Argentina) was reconstructed applying sedimentological, geochemical and isotopic techniques. Several playa lakes from the San Francisco basin (26° 56 S; 68° 08 W, 3800-3900 m a.s.l.) show evidence of a recent raise in the watertable that led to modern deposition of carbonate and diatomaceous muds. A 2 m - long core from El Peinado Lake (26° 29 59 S, 68°05 32 W, 3820 m a.s.l.) consists of calcitic crusts (unit 3), overlaid by an alternation of macrophyte-rich and travertine clast- rich, laminated muds (unit 2), and topped by travertine facies (unit 1). This sedimentary sequence illustrates a paleohydrological evolution from a subaerial exposure (unit 3) to a high lake stand (unit 2), and a subsequent smaller decrease in lake level (unit 1). The 13Corganic matterrecord also reflects the lake transgression between units 3 and 2. Although there is a general positive correlation between 18Ocarbonate and salinity proxies (Na, Li and B content), the large data dispersion indicates that other factors besides evaporation effects control chemical and isotopic composition of lakewater. Consequently, the oxygen isotopic composition cannot be interpreted exclusively as an indicator of salinity or evaporation ratio. The degassing of CO2 during groundwater discharge can explain the enriched 13C values for primary carbonates precipitated. The carbon budget in these high altitude, saline lakes seems to be controlled by physical rather than biological processes.The Altiplano saline lakes contain records of environmental and climatic change, although accurate 14C dating of these lacustrine sediments is hindered by the scarcity of terrestrial organic material, and the large reservoir effects. Sedimentologic evidence, a 210Pb-based chronology, and a preliminary U/Th chronology indicate a very large reservoir effect in El Peinado, likely as a result of old groundwaters and large contributions of volcanic and geothermal 14C-free CO2 to the lake system. Alternative chronologies are needed to place these paleorecords in a reliable chronological framework. A period of increased water balance in the San Francisco basin ended at about 1660 ± 82 yr B.P. (calendar yr U/Th age), and would correlates with the humid phase between 3000 and 1800 yr B.P detected in other sites of the southern Altiplano. Both, 210Pb and preliminary U/Th dating favor a younger age for the paleohydrological changes in El Peinado. The arid period reflected by subaerial exposure and low lake levels in unit 3 would have ended with a large increase in effective moisture during the late 17th century. The increased lake level during deposition of unit 2 would represent the period between AD1650 - 1900, synchronous to the Little Ice Age. This chronological framework is coherent with other regional records that show an abrupt transition from more arid to more humid conditions in the early 17th century, and a change to modern conditions in the late 19th century. Although there are local differences, the Little Ice Age stands as a significant climatic event in the Andean Altiplano.  相似文献   
The Andrews site represents one of countless prairie potholes found in areas of hummocky moraine on the northern Great Plains. Sediments from a depth of 5.8 to 3.1 m at this 'kettle-fill' site in the Missouri Coteau upland of southern Saskatchewan, Canada, provides a record of vegetation, climate, and hydrologic changes within a small, ca 30 m diameter, closed-drainage basin from ca 10.2 to 5.8 ka. Plant macrofossil analyses of 67 samples, 6 14C ages, and stratigraphy were used to identify 5 zones, representing the paleohydrological changes that followed deglaciation in southern Saskatchewan.Results of this study indicate that with the melting of residual stagnant ice a pond (>2 m deep) with abundant aquatic, emergent, and shoreline plants developed in the basin at ca 10.2 ka and persisted until at least ca 8.8 ka. During this time there was a shift in upland vegetation from a white spruce forest (Zone II) to a deciduous parkland at ca 10 ka (Zone III). As climate warmed, brackish and alkaline conditions developed coincident with shallowing of the pond at the end of Zone III. The perennial water phase ended at ca 8.8 ka and was followed by a low-water stand lasting ca 1100 years. Prairie fires and slopewash from unstable slopes were dominant sedimentological processes until ca 7.7 ka (Zone IV). Water levels began to rise and between ca 7.7 and 5.8 ka a semi-permanent pond was established in a grassland setting (Zone V). After ca 5.8 ka this prairie pothole wetland became ephemeral, to the point that plant macrofossils could not be preserved, a situation continuing today. Interactions between climate change, variability in local groundwater supply, and sedimentological processes likely account for the paleohydrologic events reconstructed at the Andrews site.  相似文献   
As many as 2500 interdune lakes lie within the Nebraska Sand Hills, a 50000 km stabilized sand sea. The few published data on cores from these lakes indicate they are typically underlain by less than two m of Holocene lacustrine sediments. However, three lakes in the southwestern Sand Hills, Swan, Blue, and Crescent, contain anomalously thick marsh (peat) and lacustrine (gyttja) sediments. Swan Lake basin contains as much as 8 m of peat, which was deposited between about 9000 and 3300 years ago. This peat is conformably overlain by as much as 10.5 m of gyttja. The sediment record in Blue lake, which is 3 km downgradient from Swan lake, dates back to only about 6000 years ago. Less than two m of peat, which was deposited from 6000 to 5000 years ago, is overlain by 12 m of gyttja deposited in the last 4300 years. Crescent Lake basin, one km downgradient from Blue Lake, has a similar sediment history except for a lack of known peat deposits. Recently, a 8-km long segment of a paleovalley was documented running beneath the three lakes and connecting to the head of Blue Creek Valley. Blockage of this paleovalley by dune sand during two arid intervals, one shortly before 10500 yr BP and one in the mid-Holocene, has resulted in a 25 m rise in the regional water table. This made possible the deposition of organic-rich sediment in all three lakes. Although these lakes, especially Swan, would seem ideal places to look for a nearly complete record of Holocene climatic fluctuations, the paleoclimatic record is confounded by the effect dune dams have on the water table. In Swan Lake, the abrupt conversion from marsh to lacustrine deposition 3300 years ago does not simply record the change to a wetter regional climate; it reflects the complex local hydrologic changes surrounding the emplacement and sealing of dune dams, as well as regional climate.  相似文献   
Sediment cores from Chappice Lake, a hypersaline, groundwater-fed lake in southeastern Alberta, have been used in previous studies to reconstruct Holocene climate using lake levels as a source for proxy climate data. This assumes that the lake is fed by a shallow groundwater system sensitive to changes in climate. In this study we use the dynamics and chemistry of groundwater entering the lake to test this hypothesis.Groundwater inputs calculated from historical records using a simple water budget were highest during periods when the precipitation deficit was high. Over specific time intervals, the expected relationship between lake volumes and climate were not always found. Feedback loops between lake levels and groundwater input, and time lags within the system are the mechanisms proposed to explain these discrepancies.Field measurements suggest discharge of a local surficial groundwater system. Slug tests reveal a high conductivity system (K = 10-5 m/s) surrounding the lake. Hydraulic heads measured in standpipe, multilevel and minipiezometers installed around Chappice Lake show that the lake is situated in a closed hydraulic head contour. Hydraulic heads and water table elevations show strong annual fluctuations corresponding to seasonal changes in recharge. Horizontal hydraulic gradients measured in areas of groundwater springs indicate a strong horizontal component of flow towards the lake. Vertical hydraulic gradients are low and indicate the upward flow of water consistent with the discharge of a shallow, surfical groundwater system.Groundwater sampled from deposits surrounding Chappice Lake and springs feeding the lake have compositions similar to both shallow surficial aquifers and bedrock aquifers suggesting that the lake may be receiving inputs from both sources. However, evaporation simulations using PHRQPITZ, show that the evaporation of water typical of bedrock aquifers result in a mineral assemblage and brine composition different from that found at Chappice Lake. This suggests that discharge of a regional groundwater system can be eliminated as a dominant source over the lake's history. Evaporation simulations suggest that evaporation of groundwater from shallow surficial deposits can best explain the present mineral assemblage and brine chemistry and were likely the dominant source of water to the lake.Bedrock and shallow surficial groundwater sources have different chemistries and isotopic compositions. In hydrogeological settings such as Chappice Lake where more than one source may contribute to the lake, the relative importance of the different sources may change with changes in climate. If the source water composition to the lake changes, identifying changes in climate or hydrology based on changes in the composition of the lake preserved in sediment core will be made more difficult. This may complicate paleoclimate and paleohydrological reconstructions that rely on mineralogical and isotopic data.  相似文献   
中国北方第四系地下水同位素分层及其指示意义   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
中国北方第四系地下水中的D, 18O, 3H和14C含量存在明显的分层现象, 这种现象与末次冰期以来的古气候变化有着较好的对应性, 反映了全新世和末次冰期气候条件的差别以及地下水不同的形成机制.深层地下水为晚更新世末次冰期时期形成, 其δ(D) 和δ(18O) 值与全新世补给形成的浅层地下水相比, 分别贫4× 10-3~ 16× 10-3和1× 10-3~ 2× 10-3, 说明末次冰期时期年均气温较低.古地下水中D和18O的大陆梯度与全新世以来地下水中的梯度基本相同, 说明在过去30000a来尽管气温发生变化, 但中国北方大陆的大气循环模式没有发生实质性的改变.地下水同位素分层现象反映了3种不同的补给机制及参与现代水循环程度.这些信息对大陆尺度上的水循环研究和地下水的可持续开发利用有着重要的意义.   相似文献   
Although paleoclimatic research in the Arctic has most often focused on variations in temperature, the Arctic has also experienced changes in hydrologic balance. Changes in Arctic precipitation and evaporation rates affects soils, permafrost, lakes, wetlands, rivers, ice and vegetation. Changes in Arctic soils, permafrost, runoff, and vegetation can influence global climate by changing atmospheric methane and carbon dioxide concentrations, thermohaline circulation, and high latitude albedo. Documenting past variations in Arctic hydrological conditions is important for understanding Arctic climate and the potential response and role of the Arctic in regards to future climate change. Methods for reconstructing past changes in Arctic hydrology from the stratigraphic, isotopic, geochemical and fossil records of lake sediments are being developed, refined and applied in a number of regions. These records suggest that hydrological variations in the Arctic have been regionally asynchronous, reflecting the impacts of different forcing factors including orbitally controlled insolation changes, changes in geography related to coastal emergence, ocean currents, sea ice extent, and atmospheric circulation. Despite considerable progress, much work remains to be done on the development of paleohydrological proxies and their application to the Arctic.  相似文献   
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