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Abstract The fossil pinniped record of the North Pacific Ocean includes both Phocidae and Otariidae ( sensu lato ), extends from the Late Oligocene to the Late Pleistocene, is taxonomically diverse, and is constantly becoming more complete owing to additional important discoveries. The earliest and most diverse fossil pinnipeds in the North Pacific are otariids, the phocids not appearing until the latest Pliocene. The theoretical center of otariid pinniped evolutionary history has been considered by some to be in the eastern North Pacific. New materials from the western North Pacific, however, including representatives of the subfamilies Enaliarctinae, Imagotariinae, Odobeninae and Otariinae, indicate that pinniped evolutionary patterns were basin-wide phenomena, and that a more complete record undoubtedly would reveal numerous trans-Pacific distributions. This would be expected considering the distributions of living species. The paucity of fossil Phocidae and their absence from pre-Pliocene deposits are consistent with theories that the family primarily evolved outside the North Pacific.  相似文献   
The orthophragminids in lower Bartonian Reineche Limestone member, a fossiliferous shallow-marine unit exposed in Cap Bon peninsula in Tunisia, are represented by 17 species assigned to Discocyclinidae Galloway 1928 and Orbitoclypeidae Brönnimann 1946. These taxa, associated with nummulitids and alveolinids, belong to the lineages of Discocyclina Gümbel 1870, Nemkovella, 1987, Orbitoclypeus Silvestri 1907, and Asterocyclina Gümbel 1870, described for the first time from north Africa lying at the southern margin of Tethyan ocean during Paleogene. We identified Nemkovella evae, previously not recorded in upper Lutetian/lower Bartonian and younger Eocene deposits of northern Tethyan platforms, and erected a new subspecies, N. evae reinechensis n. ssp. A comparison of Reineche orthophraminids, assigned to orthophragmines zone (OZ) 12 and shallow benthic zone (SBZ 17), to the well-described coeval assemblages at northern Tethyan platforms in Italy, Hungary, Turkey, and to those in Kutch Basin in the Indian subcontinent suggests that some species are confined to certain paleogeographic domains. Orbitoclypeus haynesi, the only orbitoclypeid and the most abundant orthophragminid in lower Bartonian deposits in Kutch, appears to be the most common orbitoclypeid in Reineche Limestone. In Europe, this species is not known and is replaced by Orbitoclypeus varians, the most common orbitoclypeid in middle Eocene of central Europe. Both species occur in varying proportions in marine successions in Turkey. Asterocyclina sireli, identified so far only in Turkey, occurs in Reineche Limestone and in lower Bartonian deposits in Kutch. This species is recorded for the first time in the Indian subcontinent. Relying on present study, as well as our recent studies in Kutch Basin, we conclude that the generic and specific diversity of orthophragminids decreases eastward from the peri-Mediterranean region to Indian subcontinent and to the western Pacific.  相似文献   
研究区志留纪床板珊瑚、日射珊瑚集中见于中晚志留世 ,其属种繁多 ,数量庞大。根据属群分异特征及发育状况 ,可将其归入古亚洲域 ,并细分为 3个生物省、6个生物亚省。综观志留纪珊瑚的分布 ,推测古亚洲域珊瑚的分布与古纬度关系密切 ,其分布范围为现今北纬 2 0°~ 80°,古赤道位置相当于现今北纬 50°左右 ,由于古构造格局的影响 ,各生物省之间均有地块或深海沟阻隔 ,加上火山活动影响 ,致使各生物省和亚省之间特征各异  相似文献   
Data on planktonic foraminifers first found in the reference section of the Sinegorsk Horizon outcropping along the Naiba River are discussed. The lower part of this stratigraphic unit yields an assemblage of upper Maastrichtian low-latitude thermophilic species, while its upper layers contain upper Paleocene (Thanetian) taxa. Beds with different benthic foraminifers are also defined in the unit.  相似文献   
Recent and new faunal data from the Cambrian to Silurian rocks of the Precordillera, Famatina and Northwest Argentina basins are used to discriminate between different paleogeographic models, and especially to establish to what extent they are compatible with a previous conclusion that the Precordillera is a Laurentian-derived microcontinent. There is no paleontological evidence to support a para-autochthonous Gondwanan origin of the Precordillera. The strong differences in the Cambrian trilobite faunas and lithologic successions preclude a common origin of the Precordillera terrane, eastern Antarctica and South Africa. Recent discoveries of brachiopods and organisms of the Phylum Agmata strengthened Laurentian affinities during the Cambrian. The latest Cambrian-early Ordovician faunas that inhabited the autochthonous Northwest Argentina basin, including the western Puna volcaniclastic successions, are mostly peri-Gondwanan. The early Ordovician brachiopods, ostracods and trilobites display mixed Laurentian, Baltic and Avalonian biogeographical links supporting a drifting of the Precordillera across the Iapetus Ocean. Increasing Gondwanan elements during the Llanvirn, along with varied geological evidence, indicate that the first stages of collision may have begun at that time, involving a major change in the plate kinematics. The distribution of facies and faunas, basin development, and timing of deformation are interpreted as resulting from a north to south diachronous closing of the remnant basin during the last phases of convergence and oblique collision of the Precordillera terrane with the Gondwana margin. The high level of endemism of Caradoc faunas may be a consequence of the rearrangement and partial isolation of sedimentary areas during the strike-slip movement of the colliding Precordillera plate with respect to the Gondwana margin. Suggested relationships between facies distribution, geographic barriers and faunal migrations before and during the collision are depicted in a series of schematic reconstructions at five time slices from late Cambrian to Silurian.  相似文献   
杨殿忠  夏斌 《新疆地质》2004,22(2):143-150
收集了全球范围内晚石炭世早期(Bashkirian--Moscovian期)的腕足动物化石共176属,同时参考珊瑚、菊石、植物等生物化石资料,将晚石炭世早期全球腕足动物划分为北极大区、特提斯大区和冈瓦纳3个大区.北极大区包括北美北部、北亚,晚石炭世早期腕足动物特征属为:Orulgania、Praehorridonia、Pseudosyrinx、Horridonia、Attenuatella、Tomiopsis、Syringothyris、Jakutoproductus、Alispirifer、Levipustula等凉水型分子;冈瓦纳大区包括南美南部、非洲南部、澳大利亚、我国藏南地区、印度、阿富汗等地区腕足动物典型属为:Levipustula、Alspirifer、Kitakamithyris、Syringothyris、Trigonotreta等凉水型分子;特提斯大区分布于晚石炭世早期中低纬度地区,包括西欧、中南亚、非洲北部、格棱兰岛北美南部、南美北部等地区.腕足动物特征属为Enteletes、Orthotichia、Neochonetes、Juresania、Derbvia、Retfculatia、Kutoreinella、Meekella、Anthracosoirifer、Kozlowskia等暖水型。  相似文献   
中华弓鳍鱼科(Sinamiidae)是全骨鱼类弓鳍鱼目中已经绝灭的一个支系,目前只在亚洲东部的早白垩世陆相沉积中有发现,是热河生物群的重要成员。该科现有3属8种,分布范围最北可达中国东北最北部,最南至东南亚的泰国,向西可至甘肃省的酒泉盆地,向东可及日本中部。其中中华弓鳍鱼属Sinamia是热河脊椎动物群属级分类单元中地理分布最广阔的。中华弓鳍鱼科在多个地方性鱼群中也都有出现,这些鱼群分别为:中国华北、东北及西北部分地区的Lycoptera-Peipiaosteus鱼群(包括酒泉盆地的Jiuquanichthy鱼群),中国华南、日本、朝鲜的Mesoclupea-Paraclupea鱼群(包括日本的石?白鱼群、胁野鱼群和韩国的洛东鱼群),以及泰国东部的早白垩世鱼群。中华弓鳍鱼科的分布特征是早白垩世东亚地区自成一个古生物地理区系的证据之一,化石已知时代延限为早白垩世Barremian-Albian期,在Aptian期达到最大分布范围。广泛的分布、集中的时代延限、鲜明的鉴定特征使得此类化石非常有助于提高地层对比的精度,或者提供很好的验证。  相似文献   
Sergei V.  Zyabrev 《Island Arc》1996,5(2):140-155
Abstract The Kiselyovsky subterrane is the northeastern section of the Kiselyovsko-Manominsky terrane, a distinguishable tectonic unit in the north of the Sikhote-Alin Range. The terrane has been treated as part of the accretionary wedge belonging to the Khingan-Okhotsk active continental margin, but its structure and stratigraphy have been poorly understood. This paper presents new data on the subterrane structure, lithology and radiolarian biostratigraphy. The following lithostratigraphic units are established in the terrane: a ribbon chert unit, a siliceous mudstone unit and a elastics unit. Abundant Valanginian to late Hauterivian-early Barremian radiolarian assemblages are obtained from the upper part of the chert unit in addition to the known Jurassic radiolarians. The radiolarian age of the lower part of the siliceous mudstone unit (red siliceous mudstone) is determined as early Hauterivian-early Aptian. The unit's upper part (greenish-gray siliceous mudstone and dark-gray silicified mudstone) and the clastics unit contain Albian-Cenomanian assemblages. The arrangement of the units is treated as a chert-elastics sequence, whose vertical lithologic variations indicate environmental changes from a remote ocean to a convergent margin, reflecting an oceanic plate motion towards a subduction zone. The subterrane structure is a stack of imbricated slabs composed of various lithostratigraphic units, and is complicated by folding. The structure's origin is related to subduction-accretion, which occurred in the Albian-Cenomanian. The data presented provide a unique basis for accretionary wedge terranes correlation in the circum-Japan Sea Region, and the Kiselyovsky subterrane is correlated in this study with the synchronous parts of the East Sakhalin, Hidaka and Shimanto terranes. The Albian-Cenomanian radiolarian assemblages were deposited in the Boreal realm, while Valanginian ones are Tethyan; this indicates a long oceanic plate travelling to the north. The former assemblages contain an admixture of older species, redeposited by bottom traction currents and turbidite flows in trench environments.  相似文献   
G. R. Shi  L-P. Zwan 《Island Arc》1996,5(4):386-395
Abstract Paleobiogeographically mixed marine faunas have been well recognized from many Permian marine sequences in northeast China. These mixed faunas are normally associated with Monodiexodina fusulinid assemblages. The mixed faunas are characterized by an admixture of both paleo-tropical Cathaysian taxa and cool-temperate elements. In addition, endemic taxa, especially at a specific level, and anti-tropical forms, are also very distinctive.
Previously, the presence of anti-tropical taxa in these mixed faunas has been used to argue that some of the northeast Asian terranes may have originated from northern Gondwana during the Permian, where they may have been m close proximity to Tibet. However, this interpretation is contrasted by the view offered in this paper. It is argued that the anti-tropical distribution of marine taxa is a normal, predictable biogeographical phenomenon that is probably controlled by certain climatic conditions. Permian anti-tropicality seems to have occurred most strongly during the Late Artinskian to Ufimian, probably in association with the presence of distinct mesothermal climatic zones at the time. In the present study we report a mixed mid-Permian marine fauna (fusulinids and brachiopods) from the Dasuangou Formation of the Yanji area in the eastern Jilin Province of northeast China, and discuss its possible origin in the context of Permian paleogeography and the climates of eastern Pangea.  相似文献   
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