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Abstract The Shimanto accretionary complex on the Muroto Peninsula of Shikoku comprises two major units of Tertiary strata: the Murotohanto Sub-belt (Eocene-Oligocene) and the Nabae Sub-belt (Oligocene-Miocene). Both sub-belts have been affected by thermal overprints following the peak of accretion-related deformation. Palaeotemperatures for the entire Tertiary section range from ~ 140 to 315°C, based upon mean vitrinite reflectance values of 0.9–5.0%Rm. Values of illite crystallinity index are consistent with conditions of advanced diagenesis and anchimetamorphism. Illite/mica b0 lattice dimensions indicate that burial pressures were probably no greater than 2.5kbar. In general, levels of thermal maturity are higher for the Murotohanto Sub-belt than for the Nabae Sub-belt. The Eocene-Oligocene strata also display a spatial decrease in thermal maturity from south to north and this pattern probably was caused by regional-scale differential uplift following peak heating. Conversely, the palaeothermal structure within the Nabae Sub-belt is fairly uniform, except for the local effects of mafic intrusions at the tip of Cape Muroto. There is a paleotemperature difference of ~ 90°C across the boundary between the Murotohanto and Nabae Sub-belts (Shiina-Narashi fault), and this contrast is consistent with approximately 1200 m of post-metamorphic vertical offset. Subduction prior to Middle Miocene probably involved the Kula or fused Kula-Pacific plate and the background geothermal gradient during the Eocene-Oligocene phase of accretion was ~ 30–35°C/km. Rapid heating of the Shimanto Belt evidently occurred immediately after a Middle Miocene reorganization of the subduction boundary. Hot oceanic lithosphere from the Shikoku Basin first entered the subduction zone at ~ 15 Ma; this event also coincided with the opening of the Sea of Japan and the rapid clockwise rotation of southwest Japan. The background geothermal gradient at that time was ~ 70°C/km. Whether or not all portions of the inherited (Eocene-Oligocene) palaeothermal structure were overprinted during the Middle Miocene remains controversial.  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of a high‐resolution Late‐glacial chironomid stratigraphy from Hawes Water, a small carbonate lake in northern Lancashire. The samples were from a core taken from the terrestrialised margin of the present lake, which represents an intermediate depth between the true littoral and the profundal. The chironomid assemblage showed a high degree of sensitivity to both broad‐scale and short‐term temperature changes. Comparison with an existing proxy temperature record (δ18O) for the site confirmed the presence of four temperature inversions within the Late‐glacial Interstadial. A mean July air temperature inference model, derived from acid, soft‐water lakes in Norway and Svalbard, was applied to the data. Despite the absence of carbonate lakes within the Norwegian training set, there was a close similarity between trends in estimated July air temperature and the δ18O trace, with a particularly strong correspondence in the periods of clay deposition. This suggests that this model is highly robust. The inferred maximum Interstadial temperature was 13.4°C, dropping initially to 7.5°C in the Loch Lomond Stadial. Temperatures reach a maximum of nearly 10°C in this period, cool for a short period before rising rapidly to 13.2°C at the start of the Holocene. These temperatures are similar to but slightly higher than those estimated for Whitrig Bog, southeast Scotland, and lower than those inferred from coleopteran‐based models for sites in South Wales. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We investigate the effect of the temperature–size rule upon zooids of the tropical American bryozoan Cupuladria exfragminis. Results show that mean zooid length, zooid width and zooid area vary significantly between clonal replicates of C. exfragminis kept under different controlled temperature conditions. Significantly larger zooids are produced during times of lowered water temperature that are comparable with the temperatures that occur during seasonal upwelling along the Pacific coast of Panama where the animal lives in abundance. Interpolation of data suggests that a drop of 1 °C causes a 5% increase in zooid size, and that almost all variation in zooid size in natural populations can be explained by temperature. Results are discussed in context of the potential use of zooid size variation in cupuladriid bryozoans to measure the strength of seasonal upwelling in ancient seas by analysing zooid size changes in fossil colonies. The technique of cloning cupuladriid colonies by fragmentation is also discussed with reference to its benefits in experimental studies where genotypes need to be controlled or replicated.  相似文献   
对 8个取自南海珠江口盆地XJ33-2 -1井的样品进行了热力学实验 ,使用电子自旋共振 (ESR)技术获取了样品中石英E′心天然状况下的ESR信号强度I1对经热活化技术处理后石英E′心的ESR信号强度I2 的比值。实验结果表明 :每个样品的活化温度不完全相同 ,这与母岩的特性有关 ;I1/I2 值与古地温呈正相关关系 ;I1/I2 值与地层年龄有很强的相关性 ,相关系数高达0 .99。说明I1/I2 值具有古地温指示和地质计时的实际意义。  相似文献   
南海表层沉积物中放射虫分布与现代表层海水温度之间存在着较好的非线性关系。本文根据南海100个站位表层沉积中100个放射虫种类的丰度统计数据,采用主成分因子分析和多元线性与非线性回归方法,经数学分析筛选出29个站位和25个种类,用于探讨南海放射虫的古温度转换函数关系,分别建立了夏季和冬季的线性和非线性回归方程,并讨论它们的共同度、复相关系数、解释方差和估计误差。分析与检验结果显示,所建立的南海放射虫组合与冬季海水表层温度转换函数公式比夏季转换函数公式具有更好的参数指标与适用特征。文中对转换函数的建立方法与问题做了详细讨论。  相似文献   
利用黄土中的碳同位素半定量地重建古温度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在相对稳定的气候阶段,土壤中的CO2与其中的碳酸盐之间处于同位素平衡状态,这意味着二者的碳同位素分馏值可作为地质温度计估算古温度。对中国洛川黄土剖面的10组黄土-古土壤序列L1-1-S8同时做了碳酸盐和有机质的碳同位素分析。由于这些地层单元可以与深海氧同位素记录的2-21阶段对比,其中L1-1-L2可与南极Vostok冰心的大气CO2浓度记录对比,由此通过相关分析确定了各地层形成时的平均大气CO2浓度及其δ^183C值,再根据Cerling模型,用有机质δ^13C值代替土壤呼吸CO2的δ^13C,算出土壤CO2的δ^13值。将该值与次生碳酸盐的δ^13C值代入Deines分馏方程可算出各地层单元的古温度。该温度代表了平均深度约30cm处的土壤温度,相当于当时的夏季大气温度。所有数据与黄土-古土壤地层学记录的气候变化吻合,定量地反映了近800ka来黄土高原古气候的变化。  相似文献   
A palaeotemperature record based on fossil coleopteran evidence and dated by accelerator mass spectroscopy (AMS) 14C determinations on plant macrofossils has been obtained for the last glacial-interglacial transition from the site of Gransmoor in eastern England. Calibration of the radiocarbon measurements enabled a direct comparison to be made between this palaeotemperature curve and the snow accumulation record from the GISP-2 Greenland ice-core. The similarity between the two data sets suggests a degree of correspondence in the pattern and timing of climatic change in Greenland and the British Isles at the end of the last cold stage.  相似文献   
同位素古温度与海平面变化的关系初探   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用稳定同位素地球化学古温度的测定方法对北京周口店石笋进行氧、碳同位素测定,获得的古温度与年龄值与同期的海平面变化进行比较,表明古温度的变化与海平面变化密切相关。  相似文献   
The maximum palaeotemperature of oil-bearing sandstones in the UpperTriassic in the eastern Ordos basin has been determined by using many methods including thevitrinite reflectance, fluid inclusion, apatite fission track, illite crystallinity, chlorite polytypeand diagenetic change of authigenic minerals. The thermal gradient in the Late Mesozoic wasabout 2.9-3.0℃/100m. The Upper Triassic was in a mature stage of organic matter andhydrocarbon began to be generated and migrated during this period. The palaeotemperatures ofoil-bearing sandstones were in the range of 88-110℃; those for the generation and migrationof oil ranged from 112 to 122℃. The thickness of the denuded strata overlying the UpperTriassic was 2465-2750m. The present burial depth of oil-bearing sandstones is generally from400 to 1200m. At a depth of ca. 1900m, the temperature may reach 140℃. Below this depth,organic matter was supermature and mainly generated gas.  相似文献   
酒东盆地热演化史与油气关系研究   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
任占利  刘池阳 《沉积学报》2000,18(4):619-623
酒东盆地是由两期不同性质、不同世代盆地叠合而成。早、中侏罗世-早白垩世为拉张盆地,第三纪以来为挤压坳陷盆地。酒东盆地现今地温梯度及大地热流值较低,分别为300℃/100m及51mW/m2。营尔凹陷中生代晚期地温梯度高于现今地温梯度,可达350~420℃/100m;新生代以来大幅沉降,地温梯度降低,烃源岩的热演化程度受现今地温场控制。盆地热演化史与油气关系研究表明营尔凹陷下白垩统赤金堡组烃源岩主生油期有两期,分别在早白垩世晚期及第三纪以来。下白垩统下沟组和中沟组烃源岩主生油期仅有一次,主要为上新世以来。营尔凹陷有良好的找油前景。  相似文献   
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