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Precambrian metaplutonic rocks of the São Gabriel block in southernmost Brazil comprise juvenile Neoproterozoic calc-alkaline gneisses (Cambaí Complex). The connection with associated (ultra-)mafic metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks (Palma Group) is not well established. The whole complex was deformed during the Brasiliano orogenic cycle. Both metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks as well as metaplutonic rocks of the Cambaí Complex have been sampled for geochemical analyses in order to get constraints on the tectonic setting of these rocks and to establish a tectonic model for the São Gabriel block and its role during the assembly of West-Gondwana. The major element compositions of the igneous rocks (Palma Group and Cambaí Complex) indicate a subalkaline character; most orthogneisses have a calc-alkaline chemistry; many metavolcanic rocks of the Palma Group show signatures of low-K tholeiitic volcanic arc basalts. Trace element data, especially Ti, Zr, Y, Nb, of most igneous samples from both the lower Palma Group and the Cambaí Complex indicate origin at plate margins, i.e., in a subduction zone environment. This is corroborated by relative enrichment in LREE, low contents of Nb and other high field strength elements and enrichment in LILE like Rb, Ba, and Th. The data indicate the possible existence of two suites, an oceanic island arc and a continental arc or active continental margin. However, some ultramafic samples of the lower Palma Group in the western São Gabriel block indicate the existence of another volcanic suite with intra-plate character which possibly represents relics of oceanic island basalts (OIB). Trace element data indicate contributions from andesitic to mixed felsic and basic arc sources for the metasedimentary rocks. The patterns of chondrite- and N-MORB-normalized spider diagrams resemble the patterns of the igneous rocks, i.e., LILE and LREE enrichment and HFS depletion. The geochemical signatures of most igneous and metasedimentary samples and their low (87Sr/86Sr)t ratios suggest only minor contribution of old continental crust.A geotectonic model for the São Gabriel block comprises east-ward subduction and following accretion of an intra-oceanic island arc to the eastern border of the Rio de la Plata Craton at ca. 880 Ma, and westward subduction beneath the newly formed active continental margin between ca. 750 and 700 Ma. The São Gabriel block represents relics of an early Brasiliano oceanic basin between the Rio de la Plata and Kalahari Cratons. This ocean to the east of the Rio de la Plata Craton might be traced to the north and could possibly be linked with Neoproterozoic juvenile oceanic crust in the western Brasília belt (Goiás magmatic arc).  相似文献   
Abstract Illite crystallinity (IC) measurements, determination of the proportion of 2M mica-polytypes and organic-matter reflectance measurements establish regional diagenetic/low-grade metamorphic trends for the Taconian and Acadian belts of Gaspé Peninsula. IC varies as a function of many factors besides maximum burial temperature and heating time. Correlation between IC and %2M illite polytypes for the Fortin Group and Temiscouata Formation suggests (i) that the amount of high-grade detrital mica in the samples is low, and (ii) that IC can be used with some confidence as an estimator of regional thermal maturation levels. Correlation of these parameters with available organic reflectance values further supports this assumption. The illites of the Temiscouata and western Fortin groups are mostly phengitic in composition, whereas in the eastern outcrop belt they are more Mg- and Fe-rich (celadonitic), but generally also of lower grade and lower 2M content. The d(060) values for illites measured on the unorientated <2-μm fraction of samples fall between 1.502 and 1.503 Å (range: 1.500–1.504 Å), indicating relatively low octahedral occupancy by Mg and Fe (between one-fifth and one-third of the available spaces). Pyrophyllite and paragonite were not detected. Chlorites are Fe-rich and ripidolitic. The IC map for the Acadian belt of the peninsula displays general congruence between IC contours (2200 sample points) and structural trends for the 27,000-km2 area. The highest grades (anchimetamorphic) are associated with the oldest rocks (Honorat and Matapedia groups) exposed in the cores of major anticlines. Anchimetamorphic grades associated with the western outcrop belt of the Lower Devonian Fortin Group require 7–8 km of subsidence to accommodate sufficient thickness of overlying younger rocks (on top of 4–5 km of Fortin Group deep-water clastics) to explain the grades in terms of burial metamorphism assuming a geothermal gradient of 30° C km?1. The lowest-grade diagenetic rocks occupy a large area in the northeastern part of the peninsula, smaller areas in the northwestern part of the Acadian belt, in the centre of Chaleurs Bay synclinorium, and in the Ordovician Mictaw Group. The contact between the Taconian and Acadian belt is marked by a distinct maturation discontinuity. The Grand Pabos fault juxtaposes rocks of contrasting maturation levels (Matapedia Group against Fortin Group) in the west, but shows no maturation offset further east in the Honorat Group. The fault zone limiting the Fortin Group in the north is also associated with a major IC jump.  相似文献   
怀玉山地体略论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地质,地球化学和地球物理的综合分析表明,以赣东北断裂带,东乡-江山-绍兴断裂带和宁波-嵊泗断裂带围限的地区是一外来地体,其形成的构造环境与边缘海相当。晋宁期,该地体与扬子大陆边缘九岭区发生碰撞拼贴造山作用,相伴形成了一系列的碰撞造山构造。  相似文献   
中央造山带早古生代地体构架与高压/超高压变质带的形成   总被引:57,自引:2,他引:57  
许志琴  杨经绥  李海兵  姚建新 《地质学报》2006,80(12):1793-1806
位于北中国板块群与南中国板块群之间的中央造山带是中国大陆一条十分醒目而又极其重要的巨型(长达5000km)构造带。中央造山带是经历了大致600Ma的活动历史,和泥盆纪、三叠纪的两次主要碰撞造山以及白垩纪以来的陆内造山过程而构筑成的典型的“复合造山带”。特别是巨型中央超高压变质带及其两期超高压变质作用的发现,揭示了中央造山带的形成还经历了板块会聚边界洋壳/陆壳深俯冲的两次壮观地质事件。位于中央造山带北部的“北中央早古生代造山带”具有“多地体、多岛弧”的地体构架和“多俯冲和多碰撞造山”的动力学作用。研究认为北中央早古生代多地体/岛弧群是冈瓦纳超大陆西侧(或西北侧)陆块/岛弧群的组成部分,其主要的证据是:1北中央寒武系—志留系的过渡性动物群性质反映早古生代古生物区系与始特提斯洋盆海水相通的古地理环境;2北中央诸多蛇绿岩带形成时代>500~540Ma(新元古代-奥陶纪)可作为始特提斯洋盆扩张时限的印证;3多岛弧带为北中央早古生代地体的陆缘增生带,形成于540~450Ma,岛弧带形成自南(外)而北(里)渐新的趋势表明与始特提斯洋盆相连接的弧前小洋盆逐级俯冲的特征;4北中央早古生代多地体/岛弧群的“弧/陆碰撞”及早古生代造山带的形成是中晚泥盆世(420Ma)冈瓦纳超大陆边部古特提斯洋盆初始扩张的产物。研究表明在500~440Ma形成的柴北缘-南阿尔金超高压变质带与始特提斯弧前小洋盆的俯冲继而地体陆壳的深俯冲有关。  相似文献   
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