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刘儒 《吉林地质》1994,13(3):81-83,45
黄金的成色并不是一成不变的,它成色的高低是与成矿温度、成矿阶段、深度、时代、变质程度、水溶液及风化作用等有一定关系,我们从这些关系中可以寻找到我们找矿的捷径和依据。  相似文献   
Plagioclase ultraphyric basalts (PUBs) with up to 54% plagioclasephenocrysts were dredged in the rift valley and adjacent flanksof the ultraslow-spreading Mohns and Knipovich ridges. The PUBsshow large variations in crystal morphologies and zoning. Thelarge variations suggest that single basalt samples containa mixture of plagioclase crystals that aggregated at differentlevels in the magma conduits. Resorbed crystals and repeatedreverse zones suggest that the magma reservoirs were replenishedand heated several times. Thin concentric zones with melt inclusions,and sharp reductions in the anorthite content of 3–7%,are common between the reverse zones. These zones, and skeletalcrystals with distinctly lower anorthite contents than massivecrystals, are interpreted to be the result of rapid crystalliztionduring strong undercooling. The changes between short periodsof cooling and longer periods with reheating are explained bymultiple advances of crystal-rich magma into cool regions followedby longer periods of gradual magma inflow and temperature increase.The porphyritic basalts are characterizd by more depleted andmore fractionated compositions than the aphyric basalts, withlower (La/Sm)N, K2O and Mg-numbers. This relationship, and theobservation that PUBs are sampled only close to segment centresalong these ridges, suggests that the PUBs formed by higherdegrees of melting and evolved in more long-lived magma reservoirs.We propose that the zoning patterns of plagioclase crystalsand crystal morphologies of these PUBs reflect the developmentand flow of magma through a stacked sill complex-like conduitsystem, whereas the aphyric equivalents represent later flowof magma through the conduit. The formation of voluminous higher-degreemelts may trigger the development of the magma conduits andexplain the generally depleted compositions of PUB magmas. KEY WORDS: basalt; mineral chemistry; MORB; magma mixing; magma chamber; major element  相似文献   
Pressures of Crystallization of Icelandic Magmas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Iceland lies astride the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and was createdby seafloor spreading that began about 55 Ma. The crust is anomalouslythick (20–40 km), indicating higher melt productivityin the underlying mantle compared with normal ridge segmentsas a result of the presence of a mantle plume or upwelling centeredbeneath the northwestern edge of the Vatnajökull ice sheet.Seismic and volcanic activity is concentrated in 50 km wideneovolcanic or rift zones, which mark the subaerial Mid-AtlanticRidge, and in three flank zones. Geodetic and geophysical studiesprovide evidence for magma chambers located over a range ofdepths (1·5–21 km) in the crust, with shallow magmachambers beneath some volcanic centers (Katla, Grimsvötn,Eyjafjallajökull), and both shallow and deep chambers beneathothers (e.g. Krafla and Askja). We have compiled analyses ofbasalt glass with geochemical characteristics indicating crystallizationof ol–plag–cpx from 28 volcanic centers in the Western,Northern and Eastern rift zones as well as from the SouthernFlank Zone. Pressures of crystallization were calculated forthese glasses, and confirm that Icelandic magmas crystallizeover a wide range of pressures (0·001 to 1 GPa), equivalentto depths of 0–35 km. This range partly reflects crystallizationof melts en route to the surface, probably in dikes and conduits,after they leave intracrustal chambers. We find no evidencefor a shallow chamber beneath Katla, which probably indicatesthat the shallow chamber identified in other studies containssilica-rich magma rather than basalt. There is reasonably goodcorrelation between the depths of deep chambers (> 17 km)and geophysical estimates of Moho depth, indicating that magmaponds at the crust–mantle boundary. Shallow chambers (<7·1 km) are located in the upper crust, and probablyform at a level of neutral buoyancy. There are also discretechambers at intermediate depths (11 km beneath the rift zones),and there is strong evidence for cooling and crystallizing magmabodies or pockets throughout the middle and lower crust thatmight resemble a crystal mush. The results suggest that themiddle and lower crust is relatively hot and porous. It is suggestedthat crustal accretion occurs over a range of depths similarto those in recent models for accretionary processes at mid-oceanridges. The presence of multiple stacked chambers and hot, porouscrust suggests that magma evolution is complex and involvespolybaric crystallization, magma mixing, and assimilation. KEY WORDS: Iceland rift zones; cotectic crystallization; pressure; depth; magma chamber; volcanic glass  相似文献   
针对海上矿石运输,介绍了一种完成定量任务并能使投资费用最少为目标的最优船队组建方法,同时对易变参数进行了灵敏度分析,使决策更加科学化  相似文献   
The Taojiang Mn ore deposit was exploited in the early 1960s, and waste rocks were developed since then. Because the Mn ores were hosted within the metal-enriched black shales (Peng et al., 2004), the continuous mining has led to the exposure of an immense quality of black shales, which might cause serious impacts on environments. The present study deals with this environmental issue with samples from the waste rocks, and from the surrounding soils and surface water. The mineralogy of the waste rock was studied using EMPA, then a large number of elements in all waste rock, soil, and water samples were analyzed at a wide range of concentrations with high accuracy using an Elan6000 ICP-MS machine at Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The waste rock is composed mostly of black shales, with minor Mn carbonates. Both black shales and Mn carbonates of the waste rock contain many sulfide minerals, mainly pyrite, with minor galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, and others. The waste rocks are enriched in many metals including Sc, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Pb, Th, U, Mo, Sb, Sn, Tl, and others, and the metals are mostly hosted within the sulfides. Weathering of waste rocks might cause emission of the following metals: V, Cd, Ni, Th, U, Mo, Sb, Tl, Sc, Cr, Cu, Zn, Sn, and minor Co, and Pb. The surrounding soils are highly enriched in Cr, Co, Cu, Zn, Mn, Mo, Cd, Tl, and Pb, with the enrichment factors of, 7.26, 7.27, 8.2, 5.7, 13, and 5.4, respectively. The element ratios (Rb/Cs, Fe/Mn, Nb/Zr, Hf/Zr, and Ba/Sr) and REE distribution patterns of the soils are similar to those of the waste rocks and bedrocks.  相似文献   
Abstract: Carbonate rocks of Cambrian (18 samples) and lower-middle Ordovician (11 samples) ages from South Korea were analyzed for sulfur contents of structurally substituted sulfate (SSS) and sulfides and their δ34S values. The δ34S values of SSS ranging from +25.9 to +45.2 permil, are averaged as +33.6 and +33.5 permil for the Cambrian and Ordovician rocks, respectively, which indicate high δ34S values of the Cambro-Ordovician seawater. The SSS contents in the carbonate rocks are low being 2.9 to 17.3 ppm S (averaged as 7.0 ppm S). Sulfide sulfur, on the contrary, is much abundant containing 3 to 1,880 ppm S and the δ34S values range widely between –17.6 and +31.1 permil. Sulfide sulfur of the studied rocks excluding impure carbonates has an average content of 187 ppm S and δ34S value of +12.8 permil (n=24). The estimated δ34S (sulfate–sulfide) values, which range from 13.8 to 25.4 permil in general with a few exceptions from 36.5 up to 52.3 permil for some impure carbonates, may provide evidence for the persistent oceanic anoxia with its temporary recovery during the Cambro-Ordovician time.
The SSS and sulfide sulfurs have often higher δ34S values than the Mesozoic-Cenozoic ore sulfur (Ishihara et al., 2000). Since carbonate rocks are very reactive with circulating hydrothermal ore solution, high δ34S values of the Korean ore deposits might be caused to some extent by 34S enrichment from the host carbonates, resulting in the low SSS contents observed.  相似文献   
试述福建顺昌南舟萤石矿地质特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
傅树超 《福建地质》2003,22(2):53-61
顺昌南舟萤石矿位于顺昌县埔上镇南舟村境内,1996年福建省区域地质调查队开展1:5万埔上幅区调时发现矿体,后开展普查工作表明该矿床规模大、交通方便,易于开采,现已投入开发利用。南舟萤石矿成矿地质特征在闽北丰富的萤石资源中具有一定代表性。  相似文献   
黄美 《福建地质》2003,22(3):131-139
通过对建宁黄埠地区金矿地质特征、矿化特点、成矿地质规律的研究,认为该区成矿年龄为91Ma,提出了北西西向碎裂带为主要的含矿构造,并指出该区具有较好的找金远景。  相似文献   
超积累植物与找矿   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文介绍了超积累植物的概念和它在地质找矿中的意义,回顾了国外超积累植物的研究历史,并对应用超积累植物进行找矿的发展方向进行了讨论。  相似文献   
刘伟 《地质论评》1997,43(5):465-475
新疆阿拉尔花岗岩的微量元素比相关图显示了线性样点列与幂函数曲线形式的样点列相 复杂图型。该图型用简单混合或者单一结果分异模型都不能解释。本文建立了混合-结晶分异复合过程的微量元素综合效应模型。模型1:从初始混合线引起害虫函数曲线束形式的结晶分异线。特殊情况有结晶分异线简化为通过原点的直线束形式或者与初始混合线重合。  相似文献   
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