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Radiocaesium isotopes, discharged into the North-east Irish Sea from the Sellafield (formerly Windscale) nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in Cumbria, have been employed as flow monitors to update and extend the record of coastal water movement from the Irish Sea to the Clyde Sea area and, further north, to Loch Etive. The temporal trends in radiocaesium levels have been used to determine the extent of water mixing en route and to define mean advection rates. Flow conditions from the Irish Sea have changed considerably since the mid-1970s, the residence time of northern Irish Sea waters being ~12 months during 1978–1980 inclusive. Average transport times of four and six months are estimated for the Sellafield to Clyde and Sellafield to Etive transects respectively. Sellafield 137Cs levels in seawater were diluted by factors of 27 and 50 respectively during current movement to the Clyde and Etive areas. The decrease in salinity-corrected 137Cs concentrations between the Clyde and Etive suggests that dilution by Atlantic water occurs, the latter mainly entering the Firth of Lorne from the west. The majority (~94%) of the radiocaesium supply to Loch Etive enters the Firth of Lorne via the portion of the coastal current circulating west of Islay, only ~6% arriving via the Sound of Jura.  相似文献   
Recent seismological studies have presented evidence for the existence of a layer with ultra-low seismic velocities at the core-mantle boundary at ca. 2900 km depth. We report high-amplitude, high-frequency, and laterally coherent seismic arrivals from three nuclear explosions in Siberia. With recording station intervals of 15 km, the seismic phases are readily correlated and show the presence of a thin, ultra-low velocity zone in a region where it was not previously reported. The duration and complexity of the arrivals are inconsistent with a simple core-mantle boundary and require a hitherto unidentified, kilometre-scale, fine structure in the ultra-low velocity zone. The observations may be explained by a ca. 7 km thick, two-layer, ultra-low velocity zone with exceptional low velocities, which indicate the presence of high percentages of melt (>15%), in particular in the lower part of the zone. Waveform variation implies lateral change in the thickness and physical properties of the ultra-low velocity zone with a wavelength of less than 100 km.  相似文献   
世界核电发展及铀供需态势展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈祖伊  王兴无 《铀矿地质》2010,26(2):120-128
以权威机构发布的最新资料数据为基础,介绍了世界核电近期至中长期的发展态势,归纳了当前世界铀生产的主要特点,初步分析了至2030年铀的供需关系。认为从世界层面看,铀资源对于近期和中长期的世界铀生产和核电铀需求是有充分保障的,世界铀生产可以满足近期的核电铀需求,但至2015年以后核电的快速发展时期又会出现较大的供需缺口。如果世界新铀矿山的投产和老铀矿山的扩产计划都能如期悉数实现,铀生产满足长期核电铀需求是完全可能的。  相似文献   
天气情感地图是一种表达情感相关的专题地图。本文提出了一种基于微博语义的天气情感地图设计方法,基于程序获取了合肥市区2016年6月20日至2016年7月10日暴雨期间带有地理位置的新浪微博数据,通过数据清洗及标准化处理,利用情感词库,结合人工判读,将暴雨天气过程相关情感微博文本数据分为8种情感类别,设计了8种情感着色,结合GIS格网技术与核密度分析方法,制成暴雨天气过程前、中后期情感地图,并分析了暴雨天气过程3个阶段中微博用户多维情感变化。该研究可为政府相关部门在突发性天气灾害过程中制定救助与决策提供参考。  相似文献   
良好的密闭性能是盐穴储气库安全运营的基本前提,但地质赋存条件复杂、建库实践不足、理论体系不完备等均会导致盐腔遭遇各类泄漏风险。根据国内外的工程实践及事故统计,再结合盐穴储库特有的工程地质条件和运行工况,总结出三大泄漏因素(地质因素、工程因素、人为失误)和4种泄漏类型。地下盐穴储气库潜在的泄漏类型有夹层密闭性不足引起的气体近水平漏失、盖层被突破失效致使气体上窜、井筒完整性不足致使气体逃逸、夹层与断层连通致使气体流向断层。最终,依据各自的泄漏特征提出了相应的预防处置措施,以防止气体泄漏事故的发生和大范围的蔓延。由于我国盐穴储库的发展暂时处于上升期,研究结果对深部盐穴储气库的安全建设具有一定的借鉴和指导意义。  相似文献   
供水管网渗漏分析研究   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  
渗漏管网的流分析是进行供水管网震后功能评价,从而实现在系统层次进行抗震设计的基础。在正常使用阶段,渗漏也是供水管网设计必须考虑的问题。本文介绍了供水管网渗漏分析的两类基本模型,在此基础上,给出了考虑渗漏模型的供水管网流分析的实施步骤。为了比较无渗漏模型和渗漏模型的差异及不同渗漏模型对计算结果的影响,对一典型供水管网进行了无渗漏管网模型的流分析和不同渗漏模型的带渗漏管网的流分析。分析结果表明,合理的渗漏模型是正确评价供水管网服务能力的基础。  相似文献   
采用RAMS/CFORS Ⅱ模式模拟了一次低空核试验烟云的传输和沉降过程。CFORS Ⅱ模式是在RAMS/CFORS模式的基础上开发的,可用于对核试验放射性烟云长距离输送和沉降过程的模拟研究。模拟表明:对流层中低层的低压槽系统对本次低空核试验烟云的水平传输和垂直扩散起着重要的影响作用;烟云的长距离传输速度呈现出随高度递减而减小的趋势,在6000m以上,烟云在爆后48h即东移入海,6000m以下,烟云在中国大陆的扩散和沉降维持了5d以上;爆后2天内以大粒子沉降为主,其后以小粒子沉降为主,小粒子的放射性远小于大粒子,在爆后第4天,放射性沉降就减小了3个量级,而小粒子的沉降范围是大粒子的5倍以上。通过模拟和观测对比表明,模拟结果基本符合实际烟云的传输和沉降态势。  相似文献   
堤坝隐患综合物探方法研究与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对堤坝渗漏隐患探测的各种方法进行探讨,分析各种方法用于探测渗漏隐患的可行性和其存在的问题。根据作者多年从事渗漏隐患探测工作的经验,提出一套适合于各类坝渗漏探测的工作方法,该工作方法经多次实践,证明具有简便、实用和准确等特点。  相似文献   
Energy-intensive industries play an important role in low-carbon development, being particularly exposed to climate policies. Concern over possible carbon leakage in this sector poses a major challenge for designing effective carbon pricing instruments (CPI). Different methodologies for assessing carbon leakage exposure are currently used by different jurisdictions, each of them based on different approaches and indicators. This paper aims to analyse the extent to which the use of different methodologies leads to different results in terms of exposure to the risk of carbon leakage, using the Brazilian industry sector as a case study. Results indicate that carbon leakage exposure is an expected outcome of eventual CPI implementation in Brazilian industry. However, results vary according to the chosen methodology, so the definition of the criteria is paramount for assessing sectoral exposure to the risk of carbon leakage.

Key policy insights

  • Despite increasing discussion about the implementation of carbon pricing on the Brazilian industrial sector, the evaluation of carbon leakage risks is still neglected.

  • Assessments of the risk of carbon leakage are directly related to the indicators and criteria used by each methodology. Thus, a given subsector may present different levels of exposure to carbon leakage depending on the methodological choice.

  • More than a purely technical discussion, the methodological definition of carbon leakage risk is a political discussion – it can be well-conducted, leading to the success of a CPI, or even sabotaged, by implicitly subsidizing energy-intensive industries.

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