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This study aimed to contribute to conservation management of reefs of Serpula vermicularis by increasing understanding of the factors influencing larval settlement. The study was carried out in Loch Creran, which supports the most extensive known development of S. vermicularis reefs in the world. Settlement plates were deployed to examine the influence of season, depth, reef density, substrate type and orientation. Monthly deployment of plates revealed settlement of S. vermicularis to occur predominantly from mid-June to mid-October, peaking in late August to early September. Settlement of Pomatoceros spp. peaked much earlier, in late May to early June. Deployment of plates at different depths revealed a marked reduction in S. vermicularis settlement intensity between 6 and 12 m. As this corresponds with the deeper limit of the peripheral fringe of serpulid reefs in the loch, it is suggested that this limit is imposed by a depth-correlated settlement response, rather than reduction in available substrata. Comparisons of various substrata showed a preference by S. vermicularis larvae for a slate over a scallop substrate and no evidence of enhanced recruitment to occupied or unoccupied tubes of S. vermicularis, suggesting that gregarious attraction is unlikely to be a factor causing reef formation. Settlement onto the upper side of a horizontal scallop substrate was found to be insignificant in comparison with the underside or a vertically orientated scallop. Evidence for the role of light in controlling the depth and substrate-orientation preferences of S. vermicularis larvae is discussed. Based on the results of this study, recommendations are made regarding remediation of areas suffering reef damage.  相似文献   
LU  Yongjun 《中国海洋工程》2002,16(1):107-122
A 2-D mathematical model of tidal current and sediment has been developed for the Oujiang Estuary and the WenzhouBay. This model accomodates complicated features including multiple islands, existence of turbidity, and significant differ-ence in size distribution of bed material. The governing equations for non-uniform suspended load and bed load transport arepresented in a boundary-fitted orthogonal curvilinear coordinate system. The numerical solution procedures along with theirinitial conditions, boundary conditions, and movable boundary technique are presented. Strategies for computation of thecritical condition of deposition or erosion, sediment transport capacity, non-uniform bed load discharge, etc. are suggested.The model verification computation shows that, the tidal levels computed from the model are in good agreement with the fielddata at the 18 tidal gauge stations. The computed velocities and flow directions also agree well with the values measuredalong the totally 52 synchronously observed verticals distributed over 8 cross sections. The computed tidal water throughputsthrough the Huangda‘ao cross section are close to the measured data. And the computed values of bed deformation fromYangfushan to the estuary outfall and in the outer-sea area are in good agreement with the data observed from 1986 to 1992.The changes of tidal volumes through the estuary, velocities in different channels and the bed form due to the influence of thereclamation project on the Wenzhou shoal are predicted by means of this model.  相似文献   
采用肾上腺素(EPI)和去甲肾上腺素(NE)诱导、颗粒固着基和先固着后脱基三种方法,对褶牡蛎的眼点幼虫进行处理,产生单体蛎苗。EPI和NE诱导的最适浓度为10~(-4)M,最适处理时间为3h,幼虫的不固着变态率分别达47.7%和46.6%。处理时间延长,变态率增加不明显。EPI和NE的诱导效果差别不明显,其诱导作用对稚贝的生长无明显副作用。颗粒固着基以贝壳粉为佳,最适颗粒的规格为幼虫的壳长。幼虫先固着后脱基而形成单体蛎苗,以可弯曲的灰色塑料板效果最好,固着的小贝可通过来回弯曲塑料板而从上面脱落下来,小贝长至1~2cm大小时,脱基最容易。  相似文献   
利用C4.5决策树分类算法和GIS组件Super Map Objects,开发实现了基于连续文化序列的空间数据挖掘系统,运用此系统对郑州-洛阳地区史前四个连续文化时期的聚落进行了数据挖掘,提取了聚落遗址面积的分类规则,并根据这些分类规则和聚落的空间分布情况对四个文化时期的I级聚落进行对比分析,得出了I级聚落的空间分布特点,即I级聚落中的一些特大面积的聚落朝着中心聚落的方向发展。  相似文献   
建筑物沉降监测数据分析与处理是一项较复杂的系统工程,本文从自动化处理观点出发,介绍了设计沉降监测专家分析系统的咨询新理念和主体思想,探讨了开发选用的数学模型与开发过程,以期为相关变形监测与分析提供帮助和启示.  相似文献   
基于粉喷桩复合地基沉降计算的探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在对粉喷桩复合地基现有的沉降计算理论分析的基础上,结合粉喷桩的荷载传递规律,提出符合工程实际的沉降计算方法。  相似文献   
以国家重大产业技术开发专项“西部煤炭资源高精度三维地震勘探技术”项目的由来、意义和总体研究目标为引,概括的介绍了项目依托工程中各个专项技术研究完成情况,并对非均匀介质成像技术、高精度三维地震静校正技术、高密度采集技术、特观技术、岩性反演技术、属性体解释技术等六项重大关键技术取得的突破性进展进行了重点说明。指出随着我国煤炭生产重点的逐步西移,应加强诸如叠前、叠后深度偏移技术的研究,以解决复杂山区三维地震面元内地震反射波散射问题,提高其三维地震勘探精度,为西部煤炭工业做出新贡献!  相似文献   
青藏高原清水河多年冻土区铁路路基沉降变形特征研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
通过埋设在青藏铁路路基中两个断面内的6条沉降观测管3 a来的地基沉降变形资料,研究了高原多年冻土区铁路路基的沉降变形特征,分析了填筑铁路路基对下伏多年冻土融化变形的影响。研究表明,由于受到填筑路基时赋存在路基填料内的热量的影响,铁路路基下伏多年冻土上限在施工初期会有一个明显的下移沉降,铁路路基也随之有一个较大幅度的工后下沉变动,随着时间的推移,路基下降速率会逐渐下降,但在短时间内不会停止下来,而且由于太阳辐射和路基边坡形状的影响,路基向阳面与背阴面的变形有较大的差别,且在近南北向展布的路基上表现最为明显。  相似文献   
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