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The response of an ideal elastic half‐space to a line‐concentrated impulsive vector shear force applied momentarily is obtained by an analytical–numerical computational method based on the theory of characteristics in conjunction with kinematical relations derived across surfaces of strong discontinuities. The shear force is concentrated along an infinite line, drawn on the surface of the half‐space, while being normal to that line as well as to the axis of symmetry of the half‐space. An exact loading model is introduced and built into the computational method for this shear force. With this model, a compatibility exists among the prescribed applied force, the geometric decay of the shear stress component at the precursor shear wave, and the boundary conditions of the half‐space; in this sense, the source configuration is exact. For the transient boundary‐value problem described above, a wave characteristics formulation is presented, where its differential equations are extended to allow for strong discontinuities which occur in the material motion of the half‐space. A numerical integration of these extended differential equations is then carried out in a three‐dimensional spatiotemporal wavegrid formed by the Cartesian bicharacteristic curves of the wave characteristics formulation. This work is devoted to the construction of the computational method and to the concepts involved therein, whereas the interpretation of the resultant transient deformation of the half‐space is presented in a subsequent paper. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
以大连市为例 ,首先利用ARC/INFO软件将研究地区划分成 162个元胞作为评价的基本空间单元 ,建立了居住环境评价的面源模型。其次利用MDS方法确定了评价因子、列联表法验证了居民属性与居住环境评价之间的相互独立程度、因子分析方法探讨了居住环境评价结构的平行性。最后应用GIS对居住环境评价空间分异现象进行了分析。  相似文献   
通过多维粗差的同时定位与定值法(LEGE法)和拟准检定法(QUAD法)的比较研究,以及算例的数值分析,论述了两种探测粗差方法的不同特点,并指出了二者粗差估值的等价效果。  相似文献   
发展地理学视角下中国多维贫困测度及时空交互特征   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
金贵  邓祥征  董寅  吴锋 《地理学报》2020,75(8):1633-1646
探索贫困监测评估指标体系及区域间贫困时空交互动态特征对当前中国可持续减贫研究具有重要意义。基于发展地理学视角,引入面板向量自回归(PVAR)模型并结合人类发展分析路径与SDGs全球指标框架识别影响中国贫困的致贫和减贫因素,以此测度多维贫困指数,进而采用探索性时空数据分析(ESTDA)方法揭示多维贫困的时空交互特征。结果表明:① 中国当前贫困监测评估的致贫因子包括农作物受灾比和社会总抚养比,减贫因子则涉及人均GDP、人均社会保障支出、人均公共卫生支出、每万人医院数、新型农村合作医疗参合率、植被覆盖率、人均教育支出、高校数量、人均科学研究与试验发展支出、人均文化事业经费。② 2007—2017年中国省域收入贫困、健康贫困、文化贫困及多维贫困状况得到显著改善,全国综合贫困程度年均下降5.67%,部分省域的不同维度贫困内部出现差异化。③ 研究期内省域间多维贫困局域空间格局表现为较强的空间动态性,并呈现由东部向中、西部增大的变化态势;省域间多维贫困指数随时间演变呈现强的空间依赖关系,形成以西北和东北为高值区向四周递减的变化格局。④ 邻接省域多维贫困交互的时空网络以负向关联为主,仅有陕西与河南、陕西与宁夏、青海与甘肃、湖北与安徽、四川与贵州、海南与广东形成空间上较强的减贫协同关系。研究成果对当前中国精准扶贫战略实施尤其是2020年后预防返贫具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   
中国扶贫瞄准单位已下沉到农户单元,发展和完善农户尺度的多维贫困测度方法是精准配置扶贫资源、提高扶贫效率的关键。通过借鉴“人”“地”和“业”关系理论构建了“能力—资本—环境”多维贫困综合评估框架,以秦巴山特困区商洛为例,通过多维贫困测度体系对农户进行综合测度,识别样本区多维贫困户,进而与建档立卡贫困户进行对比分析,并探讨了多维贫困发生的主要影响机理,最后依据多维贫困户剥夺维度的组合划分不同类型。研究结果表明:① 有245户被识别为多维贫困户,239户被识别为非多维贫困户,多维贫困户与非多维贫困户在能力维度、资本维度和环境维度均存在较大差异;② 有84.08%的多维贫困户与建档立卡贫困户相重叠,多维贫困户在综合维度和单维度的贫困程度均较深;③ 多维贫困发生主要受“人”的发展能力和生产能力、“业”的金融资本、物质资本以及“地”的地理条件和区位的弱势或剥夺的影响;④ 多维贫困户划分为发展缺失型、复合贫困型、生存环境恶劣型和综合贫困型4类。  相似文献   
Propagation of fractures, especially those emanating from wellbores and closed natural fractures, often involves Mode I and Mode II, and at times Mode III, posing significant challenges to its numerical simulation. When an embedded inclined fracture is subjected to compression, the fracture edge is constrained by the surrounding materials so that its true propagation pattern cannot be simulated by 2D models. In this article, a virtual multidimensional internal bond (VMIB) model is presented to simulate three‐dimensional (3D) fracture propagation. The VMIB model bridges the processes of macro fracture and micro bond rupture. The macro 3D constitutive relation in VMIB is derived from the 1D bond in the micro scale and is implemented in a 3D finite element method. To represent the contact and friction between fracture surfaces, a 3D element partition method is employed. The model is applied to simulate fracture propagation and coalescence in typical laboratory experiments and is used to analyze the propagation of an embedded fracture. Simulation results for single and multiple fractures illustrate 3D features of the tensile and compressive fracture propagation, especially the propagation of a Mode III fracture. The results match well with the experimental observation, suggesting that the presented method can capture the main features of 3D fracture propagation and coalescence. Moreover, by developing an algorithm for applying pressure on the fracture surfaces, propagation of a natural fracture is also simulated. The result illustrates an interesting and important phenomenon of Mode III fracture propagation, namely the fracture front segmentation. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In this article, we present the multivariable variogram, which is defined in a way similar to that of the traditional variogram, by the expected value of a distance, squared, in a space withp dimensions. Combined with the linear model of coregionalization, this tool provides a way for finding the elementary variograms that characterize the different spatial scales contained in a set of data withp variables. In the case in which the number of elementary components is less than or equal to the number of variables, it is possible, by means of nonlinear regression of variograms and cross-variograms, to estimate the coregionalization parameters directly in order to obtain the elementary variables themselves, either by cokriging or by direct matrix inversion. This new tool greatly simplifies the procedure proposed by Matheron (1982) and Wackernagel (1985). The search for the elementary variograms is carried out using only one variogram (multivariable), as opposed to thep(p + 1)/2 required by the Matheron approach. Direct estimation of the linear coregionalization model parameters involves the creation of semipositive definite coregionalization matrices of rank 1.  相似文献   
A multidimensional version of the time varying periodogram has been developed. The estimation method based on the multidimensional time-varying periodogram has been applied to a nonstationary multidimensional storm model. This work proposes that the multidimensional time varying periodogram is capable of estimating nonstationary spectral density functions in space and time.  相似文献   
针对飞行器可视导航中复杂机场空地环境多维要素动态交互可视化的难题,基于空地环境要素威胁语义统一的信息场模型,采用体绘制、面绘制与切片绘制混合的方法对机场近区域复杂多样的地形地貌、电磁和气象等威胁态势信息进行交互式动态可视化表达。以某机场的典型模拟数据为例,实现了威胁态势的动态交互可视化,验证了该方法的实用性和有效性。  相似文献   
在对降水资料的分析过程中,要求资料的时间序列呈正态分布。利用兰州地区的兰州、皋兰、榆中和永登4个站点1960~2009年的降水量资料,采用"偏度—峰度系数+W检验"方法,基于SPSS软件,对兰州地区的年、季和月降水量正态特征进行分析。结果表明,兰州地区4个气象站的年降水量均呈正态性分布;兰州、皋兰和永登3站的夏、秋2季降水量为正态性分布,而榆中站只有秋季降水量为正态性分布,且秋季降水量的正态性最好,冬季最差;大多数月降水量不服从正态分布,但对降水序列进行平方根处理后,其正态性得到明显的改善。  相似文献   
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