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Carbonate concretions provide unique records of ancient biogeochemical processes in marine sediments. Typically, they form in organic‐rich mudstones, where a significant fraction of the bicarbonate required for carbonate precipitation is supplied from the decomposition of organic matter in the sediments. As a result, carbonates that comprise concretions are usually characterized by broad ranges in δ13C and include values that are significantly depleted relative to seawater. This article reports results from a physical, petrographic and geochemical analysis of 238 concretions from the Wheeler Formation (Cambrian Series 3), Utah, USA, which are unusual in several respects. Most prominently, they formed in organic‐poor mudstones (total organic carbon = 0·1 to 0·5%) and are characterized by a narrow range of δ13C that onlaps the range of contemporaneous seawater values. Subtle centre to edge trends in δ13C demonstrate that concretion precipitation was initiated by local chemical gradients set up by microbial activity in the sediments, but was sustained during growth by a large pool of inorganic bicarbonate probably derived from alkaline bottom waters. The large inorganic pool appears to have been important in facilitating rapid precipitation of the concretion matrix, which occurred via both displacive and replacive carbonate precipitation during early diagenesis. Stable isotope data from cogenetic pyrite (δ34S) and silica (δ18O) phases provide insight into the evolution of biogeochemical processes during concretion growth, and suggest that concretions were formed almost entirely during sulphate reduction, with only minor modification thereafter. Concretions of the Wheeler Formation appear to represent an end‐member system of concretion formation in which rapid growth was promoted by ions supplied from sea‐water. As such, they offer insight into the spectrum of processes that may influence the growth of carbonate concretions in marine sediments.  相似文献   
Massive mudrock refers to mudrock with internally homogeneous characteristics and an absence of laminae. Previous studies were primarily conducted in the marine environment, while notably few studies have investigated lacustrine massive mudrock. Based on core observation in the lacustrine environment of the Jiyang Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China, massive mudrock is a common deep water fine-grained sedimentary rock. There are two types of massive mudrock. Both types are sharply delineated at the bottom and top contacts, abundant in angular terrigenous debris, and associated with oxygen-rich (higher than 2 ml O2/L H2O) but lower water salinities in comparison to adjacent black shales. In addition, type 1 is laterally isolated and contains abundant sand injections and contorted layers formed in the depositional process, but type 2 exactly distributes in the distal part of deep water gravity-driven sandstone units, and shows scoured bases, high-angle mineral crytsals, and fining-upward trend. It is suggested that type 1 is a muddy mass transport deposit (MMTD) formed by slide, slump, and/or debris flow, and type 2 is a turbiditic mudrock deposited by settling from dilute turbidity currents. A warm and humid climate and high subsidence rate are two main triggering events. Because of its mass movement nature, MMTD preserves the mineralogic composition and organic matter characteristics of the source sediment. By contrast, dilute turbidity currents are able to greatly entrain biochemically-formed micrite and planktonic organisms from the water column, and deposit them in the turbiditic mudrock. Because of their different ability to deposit organic matter, MMTD have poor or fair source rock potential, but the turbiditic mudrock is able to be a potentially effective source rock. The minerals in the massive mudrock are disorganized and chaotic, which cause fractures to develop in various directions, thereby, enhancing the vertical migration of oil and gas molecules to horizontal wellbore in shale reservoir exploitation.  相似文献   
Permeability is an important parameter relative to the production of hydrocarbons in shale oil/gas plays; however, the measurement of permeability in these nano-to microdarcy rocks remains a challenge. Results from different methods or from different laboratories are not consistent, and reasons are not fully understood. In the present study, permeability is measured for both plug and crushed-rock samples with different plug diameter or crushed-sample particle size to systematically investigate the permeability measurement to better understand and apply the measured results. A modified gas-expansion (MGE) method, which can measure permeability for plug samples under confining pressures, was established and applied to several Eagle Ford and Barnett Shale (mudrock) samples. Permeability results from this method are in fair agreement with those from the pulse-decay method. The traditional Gas Research Institute (GRI) method was applied to crushed-rock Eagle Ford Shale samples. The results were comparable to reported permeability for an Eagle Ford Shale sample. Particle or plug size has significant influence on permeability measurement. In general, permeability increases with increasing particle or plug size. For crushed sample with GRI method, the reason of increasing permeability is related to the limitation of the GRI technique and the data analysis method. Estimate of the permeability based on Kozeny–Carman Equation was conducted, and the results were used to evaluate the GRI permeability measurement. Particle size of 2–4 mm (5–10 meshes) is considered as an appropriate size for GRI permeability measurement. For plug sample, larger permeability with larger plug diameter is most likely caused by the artificial fractures. Higher confining pressure can reduce the influence of the fractures, but cannot fully remove it. A range of permeability, defined by the GRI permeability with 2–4 mm particles as the lower boundary and permeability of 1-in plug under high confining pressure (>5000 psi) as the upper boundary, can be a more reliable measures to represent the shale matrix permeability. The range of the permeability also highlights the uncertainty in matrix permeability measurement for shale.  相似文献   
区域地质调查成果显示:桦甸市红石镇、临江镇地区形成崩塌、滑坡、泥石流等地质灾害的基础于地质条件十分充分,现已发现崩、滑、流灾害点十多处,这对松花江沿岸交通干线,人口密度及经济密度较大的红石林业局,红石水电站人民生命财产的安全和地方经济的发展形成巨大的威胁和潜在危险。  相似文献   
通过对“古龙凹陷青山口组泥岩裂缝成因机理”的研究,认为青山口组泥岩裂缝是成岩作用和异常高压共同作用的结果。较详细地探讨了青山口组泥岩异常高压裂缝的形成及其在目前地层条件下所保持的状态。  相似文献   
The hemipelagic mudrocks of the Nankai accretionary prism, Japan, contain hydrothermal deposits associated with a relict spreading center in the Shikoku Basin. Initial work on core samples from Ocean Drilling Program site 808 found several samples with elevated concentrations of calcium, magnesium, iron and manganese, at depths of between 1060 and 1111 m below sea floor. However, the origin of these sediments was uncertain, due to a lack of data. There was no recorded evidence of whether these elevated concentrations were present throughout this interval of core, or if they were present as discrete layers with the background hemipelagic mudrocks in between. In the present study the core was resampled, and the sediments with anomalous chemical compositions were found to be present in discrete layers. This fact, along with a detailed interpretation of their geochemistry, has allowed them to be identified as hydrothermal sediments, associated with the relict spreading center in the Shikoku Basin. The lower (older) two layers display a chemical composition typical of umbers, while the upper (younger) two layers are metalliferous mudrocks typical of deposits found further from the spreading center.  相似文献   
四川珙县恐龙化石埋藏地是四川盆地早侏罗世重要的恐龙化石点,恐龙化石埋藏于下侏罗统自流井组之中。对该恐龙化石埋藏地自流井组泥质岩的常量元素、微量元素和稀土元素特征进行了研究,并根据其地球化学特征讨论了物源区性质、构造背景以及物源区的风化特征。常量元素和稀土元素表明其物源区以长英质岩石为主,构造背景为被动大陆边缘;反映化学风化程度的C IA指数及成分成熟度的ICV指数,表明物源区经历了较强的化学风化作用,反映了早侏罗世恐龙生活在一个温暖潮湿的古气候环境之中。  相似文献   
A flysch mudrock was used for the construction of the core of the Evinos embankment dam. The thinly bedded, slightly weathered and intensely folded mudrock was thoroughly investigated in order to prove its suitability to form an impermeable core. Proper winning and placing methods could produce an adequately impermeable homogeneous and plastic core material. The resulting material had a fines content (d < 0.076 mm) around 50%, low plasticity, high strength and small permeability. After a trial fill, placement procedures were finalised and the core was successfully built with small variations in its properties. A substantial increase in the depth of the borrow pit did not influence the core quality. The instrumentation results during construction and for the subsequent three years, showed that design assumptions were greatly validated and a clay material of low permeability was produced.  相似文献   
Nanoscale pore characteristics of the Upper Permian Longtan transitional mudrocks and their equivalent strata Wujiaping Formation marine mudrocks in and around the eastern Sichuan Basin was investigated using field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) and low-pressure N2 adsorption experiments. The results indicate that the Upper Permian mudrock is at a mature stage with total organic carbon (TOC) values ranging between 0.47% and 12.3%. The Longtan mudrocks mainly contain vitrinite, and their mineral composition is primarily clay. In contrast, the Wujiaping mudrocks are dominated by sapropelinite and solid bitumen, and their mineral compositions are mainly quartz and a notably high amount of pyrite. The FE-SEM reveals that clay mineral pores and microcracks are the common pore types in the Longtan mudrocks. The specific surface area and pore volume depend on the clay content but are negatively correlated with the TOC. The generation of nanometer pores in the Longtan mudrocks is caused by high clay mineral contents. Meanwhile, the Wujiaping mudrock mainly contains OM pores, and the pore parameters are positively correlated with the TOC. The OM pore development exhibits remarkable differences in the Longtan and Wujiaping mudrocks, which might be related to their sedimentary facies and maceral fractions. Vitrinite and inertinite appear as discrete particles in these mudrocks and cannot generate pores during thermal maturation. Sapropelinite often contains many secondary pores, and solid bitumen with large particles, usually with several pores, is not the major contributor to the pore system of the investigated mudrock.  相似文献   
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