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Abstract. In the framework of the Interreg II Project (July 1998 - June 2001), hydro-logical, chemical and biological data were collected in the Gulf of Trieste.
During spring and summer 2000, some particular thermohaline anomalies were observed in the Gulf of Trieste. Especially in May and June the water body showed: a very strong thermohaline stratification, an increase of advective salt water coming from the south and the presence of sharp pycnoclines. In July the temperature was higher than usual in the whole water column. Moreover, in late May and in June, massive mucilaginous aggregates were observed along the water column and at the surface.
In order to highlight these particular thermohaline features the hydrological data of 16 stations were analysed (Fig. 1). Two stations, in particular, were considered: one offshore (St. AA1, average depth 20 m) and one close to the coast (St. C1, average depth 17 m). For these two stations a best-fit analysis, computed over 11 and 7 years, respectively, was performed on temperature, salinity and density excess data.
Moreover, the hydrological features were compared with the rainfall, air temperature, wind speed data (Istituto Sperimentale Talassografico di Trieste - ISTT) and the Isonzo River's flow rate (Direzione Regionale dell'Ambiente - Regione F. V. G.) collected from January 1998 to December 2000.  相似文献   
The fossil trunks and rhizomes of Osmundaceae provide important information about its evolutionary history. Due to limited records of the Mesozoic trunks and rhizomes in the Eurasia of the Northern Hemisphere, our understanding on the fossil diversity of the Osmundaceae is hindered. Two new species of the Osmundaceae trunks, Osmundacaulis asiatica sp. nov. and Osmundacaulis sinica sp. nov. representing the first discovery of the Mesozoic tree fern genus Osmundacaulis in Eurasia, are described from Wudalianchi and Qiqihar, Heilongjiang Province, Northeast China, which enriches the plant diversity of the Osmundaceae in the Eurasia, and provides vital evidence for studying the distribution, radiation and evolution of the genus during the Cretaceous. The fossil records suggest that Osmundacaulis species may have evolved from a common ancestor, which first appeared in the Australian portion of Pangaea, and then spread to ancient northern North America and ancient East Asia. Since then, they developed into different species through their own evolutionary lines. The Chinese species have a special local feature that the outer cortex is thicker than the inner cortex, in contrast with reported Osmundacaulis species having thinner outer cortex and thicker inner cortex. Long-term geographic isolation may have led to the radiation of diverse Osmundacaulis species and the appearance of region-specific features, such as the thick outer cortex and the thin inner cortex of the Chinese species. Among all reported Osmundacaulis species, the two new species found in China, O. nerii from the Jurassic of Australia and the O. lemonii from the Jurassic of the USA, have special groups of mucilage-sacs inside sclerenchyma ring of petiole base. Mucilage sacs probably originated independently among taxonomic groups, representing convergent adaptations to similar habitats, rather than indicating genetic inheritance from a common ancestor.  相似文献   
Abstract. Multivariate techniques (cluster analysis and Principal Component Analysis) applied on phytoplankton data collected in June, July, August, and September 1990, 1991, 1992, and 1993 in the Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic Sea) highlighted a clear temporal pattern from 1990 to 1993. In the summer of 1991, phytoplankton communities showed a dramatic increase in the dinoflagellatddiatom ratio. In particular, during June and July 1991 only few specimens of diatoms ( Cylindrorhecu closreriurn. Probosciu alata, Nirzschio longissimu , and Nitzschiu spp.) were collected; this confirmed the diatom scarcity in the phytoplankton communities before and during the appearance of large mucous aggregates (mucilage) in July 1991 in the Gulf of Trieste. The differences observed between the structure of the phytoplankton communities inside the aggregates and in the ambient waters suggested two hypotheses: 1) the aggregates were not produced in the gulf, but were carried ints the gulf by the eastern bordering current; 2) the aggregates were produced by a few, scarce species with a high exudate production that are capable of quickly reaching a high reproductive rate within the aggregates.  相似文献   
Chrysophaeum taylorii Lewis & Bryan (Pelagophyceae) is a mucilage‐producing benthic microalga that has recently begun to spread in the Mediterranean Sea, where a range expansion is occurring. This paper presents the results of three field experiments that aimed to increase the knowledge on mucilage provision mechanisms for this benthic microalga and to evaluate the importance of mucilage in its range expansion. By means of two correlative field experiments (several years of data were considered to encompass the variability of mucilage cover) we found that, on the sea bottom, mucilage cover does not depend on epilithic cell density and that both its cover and settling are affected by water flow. We also tested the hypothesis that cells embedded in floating mucilage fall on the underlying substratum, where their abundance depends on water flow. To this aim, in the field we manipulated the presence of floating mucilaginous aggregates in cages with different levels of exposure to winds. The abundance of C. taylorii cells on the substratum under cages with mucilage was compared with that of two control treatments: cages without mucilage and mucilage in still water, in the field and lab, respectively. The results suggested that mucilage can represent an excellent strategy for the species to disperse, as C. taylorii cells fall from the floating mucilage and, if the water flow is unimportant, settle on hard substrata just underneath the cage. This study enriches the portfolio of knowledge of the dispersal strategies of microalgae and contributes to the understanding of the spread of invasive species.  相似文献   
A series of red tides were observed during 2015 in the Izmit Bay(the Marmara Sea) which is located in the most industrialized and populated region of Turkey. Six samplings were carried out in this area following the red tides.Nitrite-N, nitrate-N, ammonia, silica and orthophosphate concentrations were analyzed spectrophotometrically.Physicochemical conditions were measured by CTD probe. Plankton quantification was performed using counting chambers under microscopes. Prorocentrum micans was the most abundant species, except on May 14,2015, when Noctiluca scintillans was dominant. The abundance of P. micans reached average 18×10~6 ind./L on May 3, 2015 in the Karamürsel station, simultaneously with elevated levels of NH_3 and o-PO_4~(3–). The sample was also abundant in dead amphipods((72±12) ind./L) that had been covered by mucilage aggregates produced by P.micans. The highest biomass(calculated by carbon) was recorded as(268±26.0) mg/L on May 14 in the Hereke station. Beside the anthropogenic wastewater discharges, unknown sources and resuspensions caused increases in nutrient levels. After long term northeaster gusts(35 km/h for 5 d) an upwelling occurred on November 6, 2015 after wind-induced sediment resuspension. Although nutrient discharges remarkably decreased over 30 years through established wastewater treatment plants, harmful phytoplankton blooms still occur. Comparing the present results with other studies in nearby Mediterranean seas reveals that the most intense harmful dinoflagellate bloom in recent years occurred in the Izmit Bay. Therefore, additional protection measures necessary for a cleaner Izmit Bay. These incidents also demonstrate that contaminants, accumulated in sediment,may have long-lasting effects on enclosed marine ecosystems.  相似文献   
It has been widely recognized that biological invasion has become one of the greatest threats to the ecosystem.Codium fragile is an invasive species which exhibits a variety of attributes like parthenogenesis, winter fragment,and vegetative reproduction; and therefore, it has become a successful invader, colonizing most subtropical regions. In China’s southeast coastal aquaculture waters, the green algal bloom caused by C. fragile will probably become a serious problem. In order to understand mo...  相似文献   
Among extant vertebrates, only birds have a respiratory system associated with pneumatic diverticula. However, several extinct clades also had pneumatic diverticula, including the sauropod dinosaurs. Among sauropods, Saltasaurini are characterized by extreme postcranial pneumaticity, which extends as far down the spinal column as the posterior caudal vertebrae. In this paper the pneumatic foramina in both the neural arches and the centra are described in detail, and the relative proportion of air spaces in the caudal vertebrae is established, revealing that the skeleton of Rocasaurus muniozi was more pneumatized than that of Neuquensaurus australis, with Saltasaurus loricatus intermediate. The level of pneumatization varies between the three saltasaurine taxa: in Neuquensaurus, only the neural arch is pneumatized, whereas in the other two saltasaurines both neural arches and centra are pneumatized. This allows us to hypothesize that the timing of pneumatization varied between the three species, with Rocasaurus muniozi pneumatized earliest in ontogeny. This ontogenetic pattern is correlated with evolutionary derivation: the most derived taxa show pneumatization in both the neural arch and the centrum.  相似文献   
In this contribution we document an anomalous mucilage growth which occurred in June 2003 along the rocky cliffs of the Portofino Promontory (Ligurian Sea, NW Mediterranean Sea), and we describe its dynamics and its negative effects on many benthic taxa. The zooxanthellate scleractinian Cladocora caespitosa underwent ‘bleaching’ and about 40% of biomass of the erect algae was detached by mucilage ‘lianas’ created and strengthened by bottom currents. The 2003 event differed from any other previously occurred in the northern Tyrrhenian Sea, in that the mucilage aggregates were formed by the free‐living form of the Phaeophyceae Acinetospora crinita (Harvey) Kornmann, a not usually dominant species in mucilage aggregates from the north Tyrrhenian Sea. The damage suffered by the benthic organisms living in this area was curtailed by a severe storm, occurred in July, which removed the mucilage to deeper depths, preventing irreversible damages. Only slow growing, perennant organisms, such as corallinales or scleractinians, were seriously affected, but a survey carried out 1 year later, in June 2004, allowed to appreciate a complete recovery of those organisms. This anomalous mucilage event occurred in coincidence of the 2003 European heatwave, and the anomalous temperature increase of seawater has to be regarded as the major contributing event that led to the mucilage outbreak.  相似文献   
Water–particle interactions, particle behaviour and short-time scale variability were assessed at a coastal station adjacent to the Emilia Romagna Region (Adriatic Sea) using dissolved and particulate 234Th analyses. The water column was sampled six times between March and September 1997. Measurements showed that 234Th is actively scavenged by particles but the dissolved fraction is always prevalent. Changes in hydrological conditions affect to some degree thorium activities and residence times. Dissolved thorium inventories slowly increased from May to July, then decreased in August, and increased again in September. In July, the formation of a sharp pycnocline associated with low productivity led to high dissolved and very low particulate 234Th activities due to inefficient scavenging. The presence of mucilaginous aggregates, observed in both August and September, may have played a role in scavenging of thorium. In September at 16 m depth, the highest 234Th particulate activity of the study period was measured, probably due to the presence of mucilage. However, the thorium deficit was scarce, due to the small sinking velocity of these aggregates. Both steady-state and non-steady state models were used to calculate residence times for the whole water column and its topmost part (10 m) obtaining strictly comparable results. Residence times in the whole water column are small, ranging from 15 to 45 and from 0.5 to 24 d for dissolved and particulate thorium, respectively.  相似文献   
我国东北地区是北半球少有的中生代紫萁科茎干化石产地之一。该地区出产的茎干化石为研究中生代紫萁科的演化历史提供了重要证据。我国过去报道的紫萁科茎干化石来自东北地区的侏罗系。近期在东北松辽盆地北部白垩系发现了紫萁科茎干化石, 为认识紫萁科在中生代晚期的演化发展过程提供了不可或缺的证据。本研究报道了在黑龙江省五大连池市和平镇发现的白垩纪紫萁科叶柄基化石。横切面上看叶柄基以茎缺失的位置为中心螺旋状排列, 较为紧密。维管束木质部呈深凹的C形, 末端向内弯曲。维管束凹陷处有薄的C形、边缘呈波纹状的厚壁组织带。C形维管束与厚壁组织带之间分布着薄壁细胞组成的粘液囊。内皮层中分布着不规则排列的若干厚壁组织束。近轴端叶柄基托叶翼中分布有2个较大和若干小的厚壁组织束; 大的厚壁组织束呈水滴形。随着叶柄基由近轴端向远轴端的延伸, 维管束近轴面凹陷处的厚壁组织带长度增长, 粘液囊数量增加; 托叶翼中厚壁组织束数量相应增加, 除了两个大的厚壁组织束外, 它们附近增加了若干大小不等的厚壁组织束和单个厚壁纤维细胞。当前化石是我国第一个白垩纪保存解剖结构的紫萁科化石记录。其结构特征与灭绝的Osmundacaulis和现存的Plenasium的叶柄基比较相似, 可能代表了白垩纪以上两属的成员之一。由于目前欧亚大陆白垩纪还未见Osmundacaulis和Plenasium的茎干化石记录, 当前化石的发现丰富了欧亚大陆白垩纪紫萁科植物的多样性。  相似文献   
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