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Summary Results of resonant column tests were used to determine values of low amplitude shear modulus (G 0) of a remoulded kaolinite clay for different durations of ageing and for different values of consolidation stress (0) and overconsolidation ratio (OCR). It was found that after completion of primary consolidation the values of G 0 increased linearly with the logarithm of time and after a week of confinement the value of normalized rate of secondary increase of shear modulus (N G ) could be reliably estimated. Values of N G were found to derease linearly with the logarithm of OCR and with the logarithm of ageing duration. This similarity of behaviour provided a basis for establishing an equivalency between age and equivalent overconsolidation ratio (OCR)eq. The effects of 0 and OCR on the value of G 0 were also established in a functional form that indicated a stronger influence compared to that predicted by the Hardin Equation.  相似文献   
The physical properties of the hydrous phyllosilicate lizardite have been investigated by atomistic simulation using the GULP code based on transferable semi-empirical interatomic potentials. Lizardite behavior was first investigated during structure relaxation at room temperature. The Helmholtz free energy is minimum for an equilibrium structure that is in agreement with experiment. The bulk, shear, and Young modulii for lizardite were calculated along with the Poisson ratio. From the shear and bulk modulii, we also calculated translational and longitudinal acoustic wave velocities that are important quantities for tectonophysics models. As expected, lizardite is stiffer in the a direction parallel to the layers than in the c perpendicular direction; the variation of the unit cell parameters with pressure is in good agreement with experiment. The cohesive energy between two successive layers along c direction was calculated at 0.33 eV (i.e., 0.11 eV per OH bond) in good agreement with recent ab initio calculations. Upon pressure and temperature variations, we evidenced that structural changes are mainly pressure induced; pressure being accommodated by a decrease of the c parameter up to 10 GPa. We also found that the change of slope in the derivative of the c cell parameter with respect to pressure occurring around 2 GPa originates from the bending of the interlayer hydroxyl groups with respect to the layer normal direction.  相似文献   
This paper summarizes the resilient and permanent deformation characteristics of laterite gravels, determined by cyclic loading in triaxial tests of compacted specimens. A study of laterite pavements was carried out on eight paved road sections in the state of Mato Grosso. Also reported is the influence of fine sand admixture, specimen size and soaking in two laterite samples from Roraima and Rondônia in the North of Brazil. The experimental relationships of resilient moduli against applied stresses are interpreted empirically for models what may be incorporated in a structural analysis of full depth of laterite pavement.  相似文献   
南京地区新近沉积土的动剪切模量和阻尼比的初步研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
本文通过对南京地区两个工程场地漫滩相成因的砂土和淤泥质粉粘土与粉砂互层土的自振动柱试验结果进行分析,探讨了围压对剪切模量G及阻力比λ的影响,通过与Seed和Idriss建议的砂土G/Gmax-γ和λ-γ曲线变化范围的对比,认为不能简单地把淤泥质粉质粘土与粉砂层土当作砂土或粉质粘土对待。  相似文献   
论上海软土地基⑦⑧⑨层压缩模量Es的定值问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
上海地区深部土层⑦⑧⑨层埋深在30~70m。对其压缩模量Es的定值问题,现行《上海市地基基础设计规范》(DGJ08 11 1999)(后文中简称《规范》)长期以来确定室内试验E0 1~0 2值为沉降计算值,导致沉降计算值与建(构)筑物实际沉降量之间相差2~8倍。为符合规范的变形要求,设计人员不得不采取桩加粗、加长、加密的办法,从而造成桩基投资的极大浪费。为了正确认识深部土层的Es值,上海岩土工程界进行了多种形式的试验研究。近年来,笔者结合上海高、大、深、重建(构)筑物的工程实践,深入进行上海深部⑦⑧⑨层压缩模量Es的试验研究,获得许多新的认识,对其定值问题作了研究,提出⑦⑧⑨层的建议值,供同行参考研讨。  相似文献   
Site investigation and evaluation of properties of soil or rock are important aspects of geotechnical design. Determination of the ground stiffness is one of the important parameters in geotechnical engineering. Since the measurement of shear modulus is very sensitive to soil disturbance, especially for sand, determination of the stiffness of soil in the field is more reliable than in laboratory tests on sampled specimens. Measurement of shear modulus is one of the most common applications of self-boring pressuremeter testing. As an in situ device, the pressuremeter provides a unique method for assessing directly the in situ shear modulus of a soil. This paper describes a laboratory study of silica sand stiffness, which varies with stress level and strain amplitude. The results show that the elastic shear modulus value is mainly dependent on the value of the mean effective stress and relative density.  相似文献   
溪洛渡水电站坝址区岩体蠕变特性试验研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
介绍了溪洛渡水电站坝址区岩体柔性板法蠕变试验方法及试验结果,给出了岩体蠕变模型及其参数,为工程设计提供了参考依据。  相似文献   
土的剪切模量是土工计算重要参数之一,通常是用弹性模量与们松比间接求得。本文结合扭转翼板仪的工作原理及其边界条件,推出用扭转力矩M和扭转剪切角θ直接求取剪切模量的计算公式。  相似文献   
Ultrasonic measurements of compressional and shear wave velocities under hydrostatic pressure up to 70 MPa were carried out on cylindrical specimens cored across and along the foliation planes. Our measurements revealed that the foliation of the metamorphic rocks induces a clear velocity anisotropy between two orthogonal directions; faster along the foliation plane and slower across the plane in most rock types. All velocity components monotonically increase with the confining pressure, probably due to the closure of microcracks distributed in rock specimens. We determined the complete set of dynamic moduli of foliated metamorphic rocks with two assumptions; transverse isotropy due to the foliation and ellipsoidal seismic energy propagation from a point source. The calculated elastic moduli referring to different directions could be valuable for the design of various engineering structures in planar textured rock mass.  相似文献   
Elastic crack models predict a linear relationship between displacement (u) and rupture (trace) length (L) during slip in a fault zone. Attempts to find universal-scaling laws for L/u, however, have generally failed. Here I propose that these attempts have failed because they do not take into account the changes in the mechanical properties, in particular Young's modulus (stiffness), of the fault zone as it evolves. I propose that Young's modulus affects fault displacement both spatially and temporally: spatially when the trace of a fault at a given time dissects host rocks of different stiffnesses, and temporally when the stiffness of the fault zone itself changes. During the evolution of an active fault zone, the effective Young's modulus of its damage zone and fault core normally decreases, and so does the L/u ratio of the fault. By contrast, during inactive periods sealing and healing of the damage zone and core may increase the stiffness, hence the L/u ratio in subsequent slips. This model predicts that not only will the scaling of L/u within a given fault population vary in space and time, but also that of individual faults. To cite this article: A. Gudmundsson, C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   
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