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Summary  Left in place pillars of abandoned mines are subject to weathering (e.g action of water, bacteria) that degrades their mechanical strength and eventually leads to collapse. A simple weathering model is proposed, that is governed by two parameters: the rate of progression of weathered front and the rate of degradation of the compressive strength with time. Both plane strain and axisymmetric analyses are performed and closed form solutions of the variation with time of the bearing capacity of the pillar are given. Experimental data of the tests conducted on gypsum and anhydrite specimens attacked by water are presented. It is shown that in order to fit the experimental data a third parameter must be introduced. New closed form solutions are given and the data are used for estimating the time to failure of abandoned gypsum mines in Northern Italy. Authors’ address: Dr. Riccardo Castellanza, Research Assistant, Department of Structural Engineering, Milan University of Technology (Politecnico), Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milan, Italy  相似文献   
烟台市污水处理深海排放工程设计方案研究与选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沿海城市污水处理深海排放工程在我国起步较晚,烟台市污水处理深海排放工程我国目前规模最大的同类工程,且已进入施工阶段,本文详细阐述了该工程及水工设计方案,在我国城市污水2深海排放工程领域作了积极有益的探索。  相似文献   
大冶铁矿的开发利用在为我国的钢铁事业作出巨大贡献的同时,也给矿区的地表环境、森林资源带来了很大的破坏。矿山公园的规划实施可极大地改善矿山环境,为矿山的可持续发展提供较好的途径。  相似文献   
Naturally acidic drainage associated with pyritic black shale has been observed in many locations in the Yukon Territory. While not necessarily linked to known mineral deposits, most of these natural acid rock drainage occurrences show elevated dissolved concentrations of trace elements, especially zinc, nickel, copper, cadmium and arsenic. Based on field observations, microbial investigation, chemical analyses and geochemical modeling, the fate and transport of potentially deleterious elements at two natural acid drainage occurrences with slightly different settings are examined. The Macintosh Creek is a small, acidic stream (pH 2.98-3.40), 2 km long, located in the Macmillan Pass area of east-central Yukon amidst known sedimentary exhalative massive sulfide mineralization but remains undisturbed by exploration activities. Its trace metal content is apparently derived from groundwater discharges, which gave as much as 5.0, 2.5, 0.7, 0.13 and 0.03 mg/L ofZn, Ni, Cu and As, respectively. Interaction and sorption reactions with algal mats, biofilms and iron oxyhydroxides appear to be the dominant mechanisms attenuating aqueous contaminant transport along the stream. Cryogenic precipitation further consolidates the ferricrete formation and reduces the mobility of the sorbed metals. The tributaries of the Engineering Creek along the Dempster Highway in northern Yukon drain through a series of dolomite, phyllite, argillite, limestone, black shale, sandstone and conglomerate with no known concentration of mineralization. In this area, the water chemistry fully reflects the local geology with acidic streams invariably associated with black shale occurrences. Groundwater seeps in the headwaters area of the km-180 Creek completely enclosed in black shale gave pH 3.0 and as much as 148, 39, 2.9 and 9.1 mg/L of Zn, Ni, Cu and As, respectively. Sorption with iron oxyhydroxide and organic matter appear to dominate the attenuation of contaminant transport along the stream. However, once entered into carbonate-dominated terrains, secondary carbonate minerals exercise additional geochemical control on the local water chemistry as a result of neutralization.  相似文献   
Abstract:  Recent research has indicated river basin outlets draining linear sections of large, uplifting mountain belts often show a regularity of spacing, transverse to the main structural trend. A morphometric analysis of part of the Ruahine Range, on the North Island was undertaken to test whether drainage regularity may exist in smaller, younger mountain ranges. The ratio, R , of the half-width of the mountain belt, W , and the outlet spacing, S , was used to characterize drainage networks on the eastern side of the range. The spacing ratio for the range of 1.31 is lower than R results from studies of larger mountain belts ( R  = 1.91–2.23). We suggest the cause of this lower ratio is related to eastward migration of the Ruahine drainage divide.  相似文献   
通过龙永煤田现有煤矿状况调查分析发现:许多矿井已步入“花甲之年”,接近矿井服务年限。为了保障我省能源安全,应当采用有效勘探方法,方能使它们“返老还童”。研究发现危机矿山延长服务年限的几种勘探模式是:其一为扩大(延伸)勘探模式;其二为小型井田(块段)勘探模式;其三为资料分析研究模式。经探采对比发现,采用这三种勘探模式后,产生了巨大的经济效益,使一大批老矿井青春再度焕发。  相似文献   
淄博市洪山、寨里煤矿区隐伏的奥陶系灰岩裂隙岩溶水污染严重。水质污染突发于矿坑全面闭坑以后,污染范围与矿坑水区一致,地下水污染组份与矿坑水的高含量组份相同。水质恶化主要由矿坑水串层污染所致。在此针对串层污染形成原因及影响因素,提出了防治对策。  相似文献   
云南矿业支柱产业建设的重点、难点及对策研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
云南矿业发展现状尤其是磷化工和有色金属等优势资源的调研和分析结果表明,矿业已成为云南工业的主体产业群体,影响云南矿业发展的难点主要是企业规模偏小,产品结构不合理,企业整体经济效益下降,国有企业困难面大,地质勘探投入少,矿山建设落后等,并据此讨论了矿业作为云南省支柱产业发展的思路和重点,提出相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   
疏勒河流域农业灌溉主要采用地表水灌溉 ,泉水为该区农业灌溉的主要水源之一 ,该文利用 2 0世纪 90年代的测流资料 ,采用有限差分方法对疏勒河中游泉水量的变化趋势进行预测分析 ,结果显示 ,随着时间的延长 ,泉流量呈逐渐减小的趋势 ,但下降梯度逐渐变小 ,最终趋于稳定  相似文献   
充电激发极化法在金属矿上的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨立功 《矿产与地质》2003,17(1):34-36,26
充电激发极化法是矿山物探的一种主要方法,其兼有充电法与激发极化法的特点,可利用已有的工程,最大限度地了解地下三度空间地球物理场的分布情况,解决地质问题。概述了其理论基础和方法技术,并列举了该方法在多个金属矿上的应用实例。  相似文献   
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