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The ~750 km2 Dayman dome of the Late Cretaceous Suckling‐Dayman massif, eastern Papua New Guinea, is a domed landform that rises to an elevation of 2850 m. The northern edge of the dome is a fault scarp >1000 m high that is now part of an active microplate boundary separating continental crust of the New Guinea highlands from continental and oceanic crust of the Woodlark microplate. Previous work has shown that a parallel belt of eclogite‐bearing core complexes north‐east of the Dayman dome were exhumed from up to 24–28 kbar in the last few millions of years. The remarkably fresh and lightly eroded scarp of the Dayman dome exposes shallowly‐dipping mylonitic (S1) metabasite rocks (500 m thick) on the northern flank of Mount Dayman. Field relationships near the base of this scarp show a cross cutting suite of ductile and brittle meso‐structures that includes: (i) rare ductile S2 folia with a shallowly ESE‐plunging mineral elongation lineation defined by sodic‐calcic blue amphibole; (ii) narrow steeply‐dipping ductile D2 shear zones; and (iii) semi‐brittle to brittle fault zones. Pumpellyite‐actinolite facies assemblages reported by previous workers to contain local aragonite, lawsonite and/or glaucophane are found in the core of the complex at elevations greater than 2000 m. These assemblages indicate peak metamorphic pressures of 6–9.5 kbar, demonstrating exhumation of the core of the Dayman dome from depths of 20–30 km. The S1 metamorphic mineral assemblage in metabasite includes actinolite‐chlorite‐epidote‐albite‐quartz‐calcite‐titanite, indicative of greenschist facies conditions for the main deformation. New mineral equilibria modelling suggests that this S1 assemblage evolved at 5.9–7.2 kbar at ~425 °C. Modelling variable Fe3+ indicates that the sodic‐calcic blue amphibole (D2) formed under a higher oxidation state compared with the S1 assemblage, probably at <4.5 kbar. A SE‐dipping, Mio‐Pliocene sedimentary sequence (Gwoira Conglomerate) forms a hangingwall block juxtaposed by low‐angle fault contact with the metabasite footwall. Prehnite‐bearing D3 brittle fault zones separate the two blocks and likely accommodated the final exhumation of the S1 greenschist facies assemblage in the footwall. These results indicate that the extensive Mt Dayman fault surface coincides with a domed S1 greenschist facies foliation that was last active at >20 km depth. Exhumation of this foliation must therefore be controlled by brittle faults of the active microplate boundary that are largely not observed in the study area. The structural record of the final exhumation of the Dayman dome to the surface was likely lost as a result of erosion, poor exposure or wide spacing of semi‐brittle to brittle fault zones.  相似文献   
Determination of the age of rocks by whole rock Sm-Nd isochron method has several limitations imposed by petrogenetic processes. If the age of the rocks can be determined by other independent methods, the Sm-Nd system provides a wealth of information to understand crustal genesis. Sm-Nd isotopic studies of metabasaltic rocks of the Archaean Kolar and Ramagiri Schist belts in the eastern Dharwar Craton indicate that the system was disturbed by postmagmatic fluid alteration processes associated with terrane accretion.  相似文献   
Mineral weathering rates and a forest macronutrient uptake stoichiometry were determined for the forested, metabasaltic Hauver Branch watershed in north‐central Maryland, USA. Previous studies of Hauver Branch have had an insufficient number of analytes to permit determination of rates of all the minerals involved in chemical weathering, including biomass. More equations in the mass‐balance matrix were added using existing mineralogic information. The stoichiometry of a deciduous biomass term was determined using multi‐year weekly to biweekly stream‐water chemistry for a nearby watershed, which drains relatively unreactive quartzite bedrock. At Hauver Branch, calcite hosts ~38 mol% of the calcium ion (Ca2+) contained in weathering minerals, but its weathering provides ~90% of the stream water Ca2+. This occurs in a landscape with a regolith residence time of more than several Ka (kiloannum). Previous studies indicate that such old regolith does not typically contain dissolving calcite that affects stream Ca2+/Na+ ratios. The relatively high calcite dissolution rate likely reflects dissolution of calcite in fractures of the deep critical zone. Of the carbon dioxide (CO2) consumed by mineral weathering, calcite is responsible for approximately 27%, with the silicate weathering consumption rate far exceeding that of the global average. The chemical weathering of mafic terrains in decaying orogens thus may be capable of influencing global geochemical cycles, and therefore, climate, on geological timescales. Based on carbon‐balance calculations, atmospheric‐derived sulfuric acid is responsible for approximately 22% of the mineral weathering occurring in the watershed. Our results suggest that rising air temperatures, driven by global warming and resulting in higher precipitation, will cause the rate of chemical weathering in the Hauver Branch watershed to increase until a threshold temperature is reached. Beyond the threshold temperature, increased recharge would produce a shallower groundwater table and reduced chemical weathering rates. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Petrological modelling of granulite‐facies mafic and semipelitic migmatites from Cairn Leuchan, northeast Scotland, has provided new constraints on the pressure (P) and temperature (T) conditions of high‐grade metamorphism in the type‐locality Barrow zones. Phase diagrams constructed in the Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–TiO2–O2 system have constrained the P?T conditions of peak metamorphism in the Glen Muick region of the upper sillimanite zone (Sill+Kfs) to have been at least ~840°C at ~9 kbar (high‐P granulite facies). These conditions are ~120°C and ~3 kbar higher than those recorded by lower sillimanite zone (Sill+Ms) units located only a few kilometres away to the southeast at Glen Girnock, indicating the presence of a significant thermal and barometric high exposed within the Scottish Dalradian, and supporting previous suppositions of a potential tectonic break between the two regions. U–Pb zircon geochronology performed on these mafic migmatites produced ages of c. 540–470 Ma from grains with both igneous and metamorphic morphological characteristics. Their basaltic protoliths likely formed during a period of volcanism dated at c. 570 Ma, associated with passive‐margin extension prior to the onset of Iapetus Ocean closure, and high‐grade metamorphism and partial melting is interpreted to have taken place at c. 470 Ma, synchronous with sillimanite‐grade metamorphism recorded elsewhere in the Dalradian. These high‐grade Cairn Leuchan lithologies are interpreted as representing a fragment of Grampian Terrane lower crust that was exhumed via displacement along a steeply dipping tectonic discontinuity related to the Portsoy–Duchray Hill Lineament, and are not pre‐Caledonian Mesoproterozoic basement, as suggested by some previous studies. Veins within some mafic migmatites in the Cairn Leuchan area, composed almost entirely (>80%) of garnet, with minor quartz, plagioclase, amphibole, and clinopyroxene, are interconnected with leucosomes and are interpreted to represent former garnet‐bearing melt segregations that have been locally drained of almost all melt. Thus, mafic components of the lower crust, currently underlying relatively lower grade metasediments exposed to the southeast, may represent a potential source rock for widely documented, post‐orogenic felsic plutons, sills, and dykes that occur throughout the Grampian Terrane.  相似文献   
F1 macroscopic folds in the Late Palaeozoic Coffs Harbour Beds in the SE portion of the New England Fold Belt are commonly transected by cleavage. These macroscopic folds are tight to isoclinal structures, with a consistent vergence to the NE. Axial surfaces are either steeply dipping to the SW or vertical, and are typically faulted. Anomalous bedding‐cleavage relations occur where the steeply dipping cleavage intersects overturned limbs of F1 macroscopic and some F1 mesoscopic folds. Elsewhere F1 mesoscopic folds have a well developed, axial‐surface cleavage and are rarely downward facing. Cleavage is commonly strike‐divergent from axial surfaces of F1 macroscopic folds, except adjacent to the Demon Fault System, where they are parallel. These anomalous cleavage‐folds relations possibly developed during the one deformation. D1 structures are refolded by kink‐like folds that are steeply plunging. The structural style of the D1 deformation indicates that it possibly resulted from accretionary processes at a consuming plate margin.  相似文献   
Basement rocks that occur along the northern margin of the South Kitakami Terrane in Japan consist of Ordovician ultramafic rocks (Hayachine ultramafic complex), gneissose amphibolite (Kuromoriyama amphibolite), and mafic rocks (Kagura igneous rocks, KIR). The KIR are composed of metagabbro, metadolerite, metabasalt, and minor felsic–intermediate dikes. Although the KIR contain green hornblende due to metamorphism of greenschist to epidote–amphibolite facies, they rarely retain primary brown hornblende. Approximately 30% of the metabasalt shows porphyritic textures, with phenocrysts of saussuritized plagioclase and/or altered mafic minerals. The geochemistry of the common metadolerite and metabasalt of the KIR shows a tholeiite trend, a low TiO2 content, and high Th/Nb and Ti/V ratios. The KIR are therefore indicative of a supra‐subduction zone tectonic setting, which implies a backarc origin (as also indicated by discrimination diagrams). Trace element patterns of the KIR resemble those of the backarc‐basin basalt of the Japan and Yamato basins in the Japan Sea. We propose that the KIR formed during backarc spreading from the Ordovician to Early Silurian. This view is supported by the geochemical data, the tectonic setting of the Hayachine ultramafic rocks, and the provenance of clastics within Silurian sedimentary rocks.  相似文献   
对扬子地块西缘康滇裂谷北段的丹巴变质玄武岩进行了系统的岩石学、元素-Nd同位素地球化学研究,结果表明该岩石为碱性玄武岩,样品相对富MgO、富TiO2,Mg#值介于0.51~0.59之间.稀土总量较高,轻重稀土分馏较明显,Th、Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf和LREE等不相容元素富集,Y和HREE明显亏损,地球化学特征与洋岛玄武岩(OIB)类似.岩浆形成于板内裂谷环境,起源于类似OIB的地幔源区,并在上升过程中受到了大陆岩石圈地幔(SCLM)物质不同程度的混染,同时还可能有少量下地壳物质的混染.样品在岩石化学上表现出地幔柱岩浆作用的痕迹,很可能与导致Rodinia超级大陆裂解的新元古代地幔柱事件有关.  相似文献   
Modern adakite, Archean tonalite-trondhjemite- granodiorite (TTG) and adakitic rocks derived from lower continental crust are high Na and Al felsic rocks and are characterized by strong heavy REE and Y de- pletion and high Sr/Y and La/Yb ratios, which sug…  相似文献   

The Petroi Metabasalt comprises approximately 2000 m of massive and pillowed metabasalt flows, breccias, and metadolerite sills that overlie and are intercalated with Early Permian epiclastic rocks of the Nambucca Slate Belt. Both the basaltic rocks and associated sedimentary material were multiply deformed and metamorphosed to pumpellyite‐actinolite facies grade at about 255 Ma. Metamorphism and earlier sea‐floor alteration of these mafic rocks have led to hydration, carbonation and oxidation and considerable redistribution of the major elements and the more labile traces, notably Rb, Ba and Sr. However, abundances of TiO2, the high field strength trace elements, Ni, Cr and V, the light rare earths and yttrium are interpretable as being the largely unmodified magmatic abundances of mildly alkaline within‐plate basalts. This interpretation is supported by the composition of relic Ca‐rich pyroxenes in the metadolerites which fall in the fields of mildly alkaline basalts. The field relationships, age and composition of these rocks suggest either eruption on oceanic crust covered by a thick sequence of epiclastic rocks and subsequent incorporation into an accretionary subduction complex, or generation during rifting of the eastern part of the New England Fold Belt and accumulation, together with the associated sedimentary rocks, in a graben. The chemical and mineral characteristics of the igneous rocks indicate that the volcanism was not related to magmatic arc activity, and their presence demonstrates the rocks of the Nambucca Slate Belt are neither fore‐arc basin nor slope‐basin deposits.  相似文献   
江浪穹窿二叠系地层中发育一套顺层产出的变玄武岩,主要由角闪石(~80%)、斜长石(~15%)与少量的石英(3%)、磁铁矿(~2%)等组成,具有明显的枕状构造。为深入探讨变玄武岩的岩石成因,本文对其进行了主微量元素分析。结果显示,变玄武岩具有低的Si O2(平均44.14%)与Ti O2(平均1.79%)含量、高的TFe2O3(平均13.95%)和Mg O(平均11.64%)含量,Mg#值介于65.6~58.3;稀土配分型式显示为轻微的右倾型,Ce异常(Ce/Ce*平均0.89)与Eu异常(Eu/Eu*平均1.03)不明显;富集大离子亲石元素Rb、Ba和U,亏损高场强元素Nb、P、Zr和Hf;低的La/Sm值(2.71~2.26)、(Th/Ta)PM值(1.36~1.14)与(La/Nb)PM值(1.78~1.33)。综合分析认为,该套变玄武岩属于洋底玄武岩,可能是古特提斯洋的洋壳残余。岩浆源区为亏损地幔混有少量的富集地幔组分,岩浆上升侵位过程中没有遭受地壳物质的混染。与峨眉山低钛玄武岩(LT1)的对比显示,该套变玄武岩并非晚二叠世峨眉山玄武岩。  相似文献   
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