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The inferred Permo-Triassic Chiang Khong volcanic belt is composed of felsic to mafic volcanic rocks and their pyroclastic equivalents. Almost all the least-altered mafic volcanic rocks are lava flows; a few might have occurred as dykes. These mafic volcanic rocks are non-foliated to weakly foliated, and mostly have porphyritic textures. The phenocrysts/microphenocrysts in porphyritic samples are commonly plagioclase, and may include clinopyroxene, olivine, Fe-Ti oxide, apatite and amphibole. The matrix of lava flows ranges texturally from felty to trachytic but a few samples show felty to ophitic/subophitic, and glassy textures, whereas that of possible dyke samples is holocrystalline. The primary matrix constituents are largely plagioclase and variable proportions of clinopyroxene, Fe-Ti oxide, amphibole, olivine, apatite, quartz, alkali feldspar and/or glass. All the studied samples have been subjected to greenschist-facies regional metamorphism. Chemically, the samples show narrow ranges of least-mobile incompatible-element ratios and range compositionally from dacite to basalt of tholeiitic series. These samples are chemically analogous to those of the Tertiary andesite from Sardinian Rift, Sardinia, Italy, particularly in terms of least-mobile incompatible-element ratios. Accordingly, the studied mafic volcanic rocks are interpreted to have formed in a continental volcanic arc. However, the problem related to the geometry of plate convergence, giving rise to the continental volcanic arc, still exists.  相似文献   
张晋瑞  初航  魏春景  王康 《岩石学报》2014,30(7):1935-1947
内蒙古中部构造混杂带中的变质基性岩可分为南、北两带:南带位于乌兰沟-图林凯地区,被划分至温都尔庙群下部的桑达来因组,主要为一套变质玄武岩和辉长岩、辉绿岩,局部含有超基性岩和碳酸岩透镜体,其中变质基性火山岩以绿片岩相变质为主,局部保留枕状构造或发育蓝片岩,已有的锆石U-Pb年代学数据表明南带变质基性火山岩形成于晚古生代到早中生代;北带位于芒和特-二道井-红格尔一线,主要呈岩块状保存在由绢云绿泥石英片岩、硅质岩、含铁石英岩和少量的大理岩组成的基质中,岩石类型包括蓝片岩、冻蓝闪石片岩、阳起片岩、绿帘角闪片岩等。地球化学研究显示南、北两带的变质基性岩相对低Al(Al2O3=10.66%~14.97%)、低Ti(TiO2=1.27%~1.96%)、高Na(Na2O=1.02%~4.20%)、贫K(K2O=0.02%~0.71%),具有拉斑玄武岩到碱性玄武岩系列的过渡特征,高的Na2O/K2O比值(6.89~454)暗示这些基性岩在变质作用前发生了细碧角斑岩化。不活动元素Zr与其他高场强元素(HSFE;Th、Nb、Hf、Ti)和稀土元素(REE)显示良好的线性关系,表明在变质过程中,高场强元素和稀土元素基本保持稳定,可以反映原岩的性质。根据稀土、微量元素配分型式和相关比值可以将内蒙中部构造混杂带中的变质基性岩分为两类:一类稀土含量相对较低(∑REE=46.00×10-6~78.08×10-6)、轻重稀土分异不明显((La/Yb)N=0.50~1.04),无明显Eu负异常,Hf/Ta=6.82~15.18,具有正常的大洋中脊玄武岩(NMORB)特征;另一类稀土含量相对较高(∑REE=58.66×10-6~151.3×10-6)、轻重稀土分异明显((La/Yb)N=2.28~4.68),无明显Eu负异常,Hf/Ta=2.06~4.70,与富集型洋中脊玄武岩(E-MORB)相似。部分变质基性岩样品轻微富集大离子亲石元素Rb和Ba,可能暗示原岩在就位过程中遭受了微弱的陆壳混染。以上地球化学特征表明这些变质基性岩的原岩可能形成于一个扩张规模有限的陆内洋盆环境。已有的古生物地理学研究表明古亚洲洋闭合后,到晚古生代早期,内蒙古中部地区成为佳-蒙地块的一部分。石炭纪期间整个内蒙古中部发育稳定的浅海相沉积,局部为造山后隆起环境,发育加里东I型花岗岩和花岗闪长岩。从晚石炭世-早二叠世起,内蒙中部开始处于伸展环境:二连浩特到东乌珠穆沁旗一带发育大量的碱性岩;华北克拉通北缘发育很多高钾钙碱性-碱性的花岗岩;内蒙中部地区广泛发育二叠纪大石寨组双峰式火山岩。到中二叠世开始裂解形成若干近东西向分布的海盆,发育哲斯组、林西组浅海相、泻湖相沉积。持续的伸展形成了有限洋盆,发育以温都尔庙群为代表的含铁硅质岩以及晚古生代-早中生代基性岩。由于早中三叠世华北板块与扬子板块全面碰撞和陆内造山过程的影响,有限洋盆最终在早中生代之后发生被动闭合,形成南、北构造混杂带,并导致该基性岩乃至整个内蒙中部的晚古生代沉积发生广泛绿片岩相变质作用,而局部蓝片岩的形成可能与有限洋盆的俯冲作用有关。  相似文献   
《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1297-1312

Early Palaeozoic magmatic records and tectonic reconstructions along the northern margin of Gondwana are still pending problems. In this paper, Late Silurian Dawazi and Dazhonghe volcanics in SW Yunnan Province (China) were studied. The Dazhonghe volcanics (419 Ma) have variable chemical compositions with SiO2 ranging between 49.8 and 79.5 wt.%, whereas, the Dawazi volcanics (417–429 Ma) form a bimodal volcanic suite consisting mainly of silicic rocks and subordinate basaltic rocks with a SiO2 content gap of ca. 15 wt.%. The Dazhonghe volcanics display calc-alkaline elemental compositions with enrichment in light rare earth elements (LREEs), and depletion in high field strength elements (HFSEs) (e.g. Nb, Ta and Ti) and positive εNd(t) values (+ 4.0 to + 5.5). The Dawazi basaltic rocks are calc-alkaline, depleted in HFSEs, enriched in large ion lithophile elements (LILEs) (e.g. Cs, Rb, U and K), and have high εNd(t) values of ?1.7 to + 5.4. The Dawazi silicic rocks have high Na2O/K2O ratios and positive εNd(t) values of + 2.4 to + 5.0, which are equivalents of calc-alkaline I-type granites. The Dazhonghe volcanics are dominated by fractional crystallization (FC) from a calc-alkaline primary magma which originated from an enriched mantle source metasomatized by subduction-related, sediment-derived fluid. The Dawazi basaltic rocks were derived from partial melting of an enriched mantle source metasomatized by subducted oceanic sediment/slab-derived fluids; the Dawazi silicic rocks originated from partial melting of the juvenile mafic lower crust with extensive FC. Both the Dazhonghe and Dawazi volcanics were generated in a continental back-arc extension setting. Combined with previous geological observations, a Late Silurian Prototethyan arc and back-arc extension system is proposed along the northern margin of Gondwana in SW China.  相似文献   
胡俊  陆勇  肖小强  曾江  罗波 《西北地质》2016,49(4):73-83
柴北缘阿木尼克地区分布有大面积的牦牛山组火山岩,通过对火山岩岩石组合、地球化学、锆石测年等研究。研究结果表明该区岩性组合以中-酸性火山岩为主,发育柱状节理,为典型陆相火山岩。里特曼指数(δ)为1.45~4.54,全碱(ALK)含量变化范围较大,铝饱和指数为0.66~1.19,具2种来源地球化学特征的火山岩(S和I型),显示混源演化,轻稀土富集,重稀土亏损,铀亏损明显。构造环境均显示为岛弧,锆石年龄为中-晚泥盆世,表明阿木尼克山一带在该时期主体处于隆升状态,而到了晚泥盆世-早石炭世时期则出现了海相沉积岩,说明古特提斯洋重新打开,拉开了该区海相沉积帷幕。  相似文献   
对乔治王岛上白垩统半三角组火山岩样品进行了 Rb- Sr同位素等时线年龄测定 ,所获结果为 71 .3 3± 0 .3 Ma。通过 εND(T) - 14 7Sm/14 4Nd,14 3 Nd/14 4Nd- 87Sr/86 Sr,87Sr/86 Sr- Sr和 87Sr/86 Sr- K2 O/(K2 O+Na2 O)的相关性研究表明 ,该火山岩物质主要来自亏损地幔 (DMM)源区 ,基本上未受到地壳物质混染。其中 6个样品的平均 Sm- Nd模式年龄 (TNd DM)为 443 .3± 2 0 .6 Ma,可能反映了在研究地区的岩浆源区化学分异事件的时代。微量元素的特点表明 ,半三角组样品属典型的钙碱性火山岩系列 ,与长城站地区第三系火山岩相类似 ,同属于岛弧火山活动的产物。  相似文献   
The volcanic residuals of the Gawler Ranges together form an extensive massif that in its gross morphology differs markedly from most exposures of silicic volcanic rocks. The upland developed in two stages, the first involving differential fracture‐controlled subsurface weathering, the second the stripping of the regolith. As a result, an irregular weathering front was exposed, with domical projections prominent. These bornhardts are etch forms, and they are of considerable antiquity.

The differential weathering of the rock mass reflects the exploitation of various fracture systems by shallow groundwaters. Orthogonal fracture systems at various scales, sheet fractures and columnar joints control the morphology of the bornhardts in gross and in detail.

The exploitation of the structural base, which was established in the Middle Protero‐zoic, probably took place throughout the Late Proterozoic and the Palaeozoic, though only minor remnants of the Proterozoic land surface remain. The major landscape features developed during the Mesozoic. The weathering which initiated the bornhardts occurred in the Jurassic or earlier Mesozoic, and the landforms were exposed in Late Cretaceous to Early Tertiary times.

Though structural forms dominate the present landscape, some major and some minor landforms are best explained in terms of climatic changes of the later Cainozoic. The palaeodrainage system, established under humid conditions by the Early Tertiary, was alluviated during the Cainozoic arid phases, and salinas were formed. The sand dunes of the region also reflect this aridity.  相似文献   

青藏高原分布有羌塘—囊谦—滇西和冈底斯两条新生代钾质-超钾质火山岩带。羌塘—囊谦—滇西超钾质岩浆活动的峰值时间为40~30Ma,主体岩石具有Ⅰ型超钾质岩的高MgO和低CaO、Al2O3含量特征;30~24Ma期间羌塘中、西部出现Ⅲ型钾质-超钾质岩浆活动,主体岩石以贫SiO2、高CaO、Al2O3和低MgO/CaO为特征。冈底斯新生代超钾质火山岩也显示I型超钾质岩的高MgO和低CaO、Al2O3含量特征,其形成时间为25~12Ma。综合超钾质岩石的实验资料,可知区内I型超钾质岩的源区以富硅、富钾流(熔)体交代形成的金云母方辉橄榄岩为主;Ⅲ型钾质-超钾质岩浆源区则以斜辉橄榄岩地幔为主。囊谦—滇西Ⅰ型超钾质岩带空间上严格受红河走滑构造带所控制,40~28Ma出现I型超钾质岩浆活动,16Ma转变为OIB型钾质火山岩。岩浆源区从岩石圈地幔向软流圈演变,暗示大型走滑断裂引起的岩石圈地幔减薄和软流圈上涌是导致交代岩石圈地幔金云母分解熔融产生区内I型超钾质岩浆的主控因素。羌塘中部35~34Ma有软流圈来源为主的钠质碱性玄武岩岩浆的喷发,30~24Ma转变为以岩石圈地幔为主要来源的Ⅲ型钾质-超钾质岩浆活动,岩浆源区从软流圈向岩石圈迁移,指示软流圈上涌伴随的富CO2流(熔)体活动是导致古交代岩石圈地幔升温熔融产生Ⅲ型钾质-超钾质岩浆的主控因素,软流圈上涌可能是俯冲板片断离或岩石圈地幔拆沉作用的结果。  相似文献   
本文在综合整理中国东南沿海一带区域物化探资料的基础上,对羊洲-下桐市-火轩市-酒港一带中生代火山岩铀矿化与深层构造和物化探异常的关系进行了研究。讨论了莫霍面、区域重力场和深层构造的关系;重力梯度带与火山岩铀矿的关系;重力梯度带内浅部重力异常与铀矿的关系。提出了中生代火山岩型铀成矿带与上地幔变异带、重力梯度带之间有密切相关的分布规律,重力梯度带内的浅部重力异常可以确定铀矿的空间位置等看法。此外,水系沉积物的分析结果也反映出Cu、Pb、Zn、Ag以及Ni、Cr、Co等元素的异常,在重力梯度带内有着特定的展布规律,其空间分布与铀元素也具有密切的联系。  相似文献   
青藏高原地热资源丰富,具有分布广、温度高、潜力大等特点。为了更好地评价该区地热资源潜力,探索符合青藏高原地热资源特点的勘查、开发方案,需要对地热资源分布规律及成因进行研究。在总结前人对青藏高原新生代岩浆活动和地热资源特征的基础上,从青藏高原地质演化的角度分析地热资源分布的控制因素,探讨新生代岩浆活动与地热资源的空间展布关系,重点讨论藏南地区地热区划和雅鲁藏布缝合带岩浆活动之间的关系。结果表明: 青藏高原地热活动受控于地质构造演化,具有南强北弱的分布特点; EW向区域性构造缝合带和SN向深大断裂的交汇部位是地热的主要活跃区域,不同的岩浆活动为地热提供热源。  相似文献   
1 IntroductionMetalliferous sediments and mounds occur in all majortectonic settings in the oceans (e.g., the Galapagos Rift,East Pacific Rise (EPR), Bauer Deep and Central Basin ofthe Pacific; Heath and Dymond, 1977). Further, massivesulphide deposits and high-temperature vents have beenreported along the mid-ocean ridges (MOR). In the IndianOcean, an inactive hydrothermal field and a hydrothermalplume site have been discovered along the Central IndianRidge (CIR). The SONNE Hydro…  相似文献   
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