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The natural river water certified reference material SLRS‐5 (NRC‐CNRC) was routinely analysed in this study for major and trace elements by ten French laboratories. Most of the measurements were made using ICP‐MS. Because no certified values are assigned by NRC‐CNRC for silicon and 35 trace element concentrations (rare earth elements, Ag, B, Bi, Cs, Ga, Ge, Li, Nb, P, Rb, Rh, Re, S, Sc, Sn, Th, Ti, Tl, W, Y and Zr), or for isotopic ratios, we provide a compilation of the concentrations and related uncertainties obtained by the participating laboratories. Strontium isotopic ratios are also given.  相似文献   
杭东普查区煤层产状平缓,构造简单,但由于含煤地层为陆相沉积,煤层层数多、厚度、间距变化大,沉积岩相变化快、大范围内缺乏稳定的对比标志层,因此煤岩层对比是本区勘查需要重点解决的难题。通过对比杭东普查区与邻区200余孔的测井资料,分析煤岩层在各种测井曲线的异常特征与异常组合规律,确定了对煤岩层对比有重大意义的标志层,如延长组与上覆延安组的典型视电阻率异常分界;延安组在高视电阻率曲线上的“树杆”状凸起特征;安定组视电阻率曲线近直线的低值形态;4-1煤在视电阻率曲线上呈现出的“斜坡”状或“刀”状高异常,以及在自然伽玛曲线上的“凹坑”特征;侏罗系中统直罗组的高伽马异常,等等。这些典型特征保证了该区煤岩层对比可靠性,为提交优质地质勘查报告发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   
对黄海辐射沙洲烂沙洋水道区域的3个钻孔共81个沉积物样品进行了微量、常量元素分析和^14C测年分析.化学元素质量分数的变化与当时沉积环境的变化相对应。突发事件(如风暴潮)的发生不但在沉积物的岩性上有所体现,而且在微量元素质量分数的变化上也有很明显的体现。微量元素Zr可作为沉积能量变化的地化指示剂,潮汐通道北部的西太阳沙区域的沉积动力环境在4000a以前是较弱的。潮流通道的上段沉积物是来自水深较浅的区域,由于潮流和波浪的作用使其能够保持稳定的水深。  相似文献   
This paper questions the main techniques of mapping in the context of aircraft noise in the vicinity of airports, and compares these techniques in terms of their purpose, benefits and limitations. Then the paper describes a method to summarise radar traces of a given air transport departure or arrival route into a median route and its envelope containing 80% of flights. This makes it possible to map global and easy-to-read maps of current air procedures around airports based on actual pathways flown by the aircraft. It also makes it possible to investigate the impact of change in aeronautical procedures on the actual geography of air routes around airports. Such maps complement noise contour maps and offer a good basis for debating aeronautical procedures at airports whose operations expose the population to noise.  相似文献   
We report a measurement procedure to determine simultaneously the major cation concentrations (Na, Ca, K and Mg) of seawater‐derived solutions by inductively coupled plasma‐atomic emission spectrometry. The best results were obtained when the IAPSO (‘standard’) seawater reference material was diluted by thirty times with Milli‐Q® water. We obtained an average reference value rK (the ratio of the mass fraction of potassium to that of chlorine, i.e., (g kg?1)/(g kg?1)) for IAPSO seawater of 0.0205 ± 0.0006 (2.9% RSD), not significantly different from 0.0206 ± 0.0005 (2.4% RSD) for seawater composition reported in the literature. The measured Na, Ca and Mg concentrations correspond to rNa, rCa and rMg values of 0.5406 ± 0.0026 (0.5% RSD), 0.02192 ± 0.00048 (2.2% RSD) and 0.06830 ± 0.00047 (0.7% RSD), respectively, in line with previous values measured by wet‐chemistry and atomic absorption spectrophotometry or wet‐chemical titration. Our measurement procedure was used successfully on synthetic seawater solutions and high‐temperature hydrothermal fluids.  相似文献   
Mass fractions of S, Cu, Se, Mo, Ag, Cd, In, Te, Ba, Sm, W and Tl were determined by isotope dilution sector field ICP‐MS in the same sample aliquot of reference materials using HF‐HNO3 digestion in PFA beakers in pressure bombs and glassy carbon vessels in a high‐pressure asher (HPA‐S) for comparison. Additionally, Bi was determined by internal standardisation relative to Tl. Because isobaric and oxide interferences pose problems for many of these elements, efficient chromatographic separation methods in combination with an Aridus desolvator were employed to minimise interference effects. Repeated digestion and measurement of geological reference materials (BHVO‐1, BHVO‐2, SCo‐1, MAG‐1, MRG‐1 and UB‐N) gave results with < 5% relative intermediate precision (1s) for most elements, except Bi. Replicates of NIST SRM 612 glass digested on a hot plate were analysed by the same methods, and the results agree with reference values mostly within 2% relative deviation. Data for the carbonaceous chondrites Allende, Murchison, Orgueil and Ivuna are also reported. Digestion in a HPA‐S was as efficient as in pressure bombs, but some elements displayed higher blank levels following HPA‐S treatment. Pressure bomb digestion yielded precise data for volatile S, Se and Te, but may result in high blanks for W.  相似文献   
关于南国冰臼群成因的商榷之二   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
韩同林  劳雄  郭克毅 《热带地理》2001,21(2):189-194,F003
南国冰臼群分布区大量冰川堆积、冰川条痕石及变形砾石的发现,再次有力地证明是“冰臼”不是“壶穴”的正确结论,由冰川漂砾经融冻作用形成的“石海”,与化学风化作用产生的花岗岩“石蛋”地貌特征,有天渊之别,不应混为一谈;边滩是由河流冲积物组成,不能与基岩冰床相提并论;圆滚水钻与急流旋涡及风蚀作用,形成的动力学性质、方向和方式完全不同,不该阴错阳差;节理、构造只影响冰臼的形态和发育程度,不是控制形成的动力学性质、方向和方式完全不同,不该阴错阳差;节理、构造只影响冰臼的形态和发育程度,不是控制冰臼的发育部位,不致于是非不辨,南国地区古冰川遗迹的大量发现,证明距今约二三百万年的第四纪早期确实曾发生过大规模的古冰川运动,为争论了半个多世纪的中国东部中低山区有无第四纪冰川问题,从此画上一个圆满的句号。  相似文献   
A range of independently characterised reference materials (RMs) for LA‐ICP‐MS, used for the determination of the platinum‐group elements (PGE) and Au in a sulfide matrix, were analysed and compared: 8b, PGE‐A, NiS‐3, Po727‐T1, Po724‐T and the Lombard meteorite. The newly developed RM NiS‐3 was used as the RM for the calibration of all LA‐ICP‐MS analyses and the measured concentrations of the other RMs compared against their published concentrations. This data were also used to assess the consistency of concentrations calibrated against the different RMs. It was found that Po727‐T1 and 8b produced results that were comparable, within uncertainty, for all elements. Po727‐T1 also produced consistent results with NiS‐3 for all elements. All other RMs showed differences for some elements, especially Ru in Po724‐T, and Os, Ir and Au in PGE‐A. The homogeneity of the PGE and Au in each RM was assessed, by comparing the precision of multiple LA‐ICP‐MS spot analyses with the average uncertainty of the signal. Po724‐T, Po727‐T1 and the Lombard meteorite were found to be homogeneous for all elements, but 8b, PGE‐A and NiS‐3 were heterogeneous for some elements. This is the first direct comparison between a range of independently characterised PGE and Au LA‐ICP‐MS RMs.  相似文献   
刘家田井田含煤地层龙潭组为海陆交互相沉积,含煤23~33层,可采煤层11层。含煤地层分上、中、下三段,上、中段视电阻率、自然伽马及伽马伽马曲线除了在煤层上呈异常反映外,其余地层测井曲线特征不明显;12、17号煤层视电阻率和伽马伽马曲线呈高幅值箱状反映,自然伽马曲线呈低幅值反映;视电阻率曲线在17号至24号煤层之间存在厚层高异常反映。下段自然伽马曲线有4~7处高幅值异常反映特征。在上、中、下段测井曲线特征对比基础上,利用标志层、煤组特征等对比法进行了煤层对比,大大提高了对比的可靠性。  相似文献   
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