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冰川岩溶为冰川融水对于下伏灰岩地层侵蚀形成的岩溶地貌,具有重要的气候意义,国内少有深入的研究.在山东费县小泉庄一带灰岩面上发现河曲状岩溶槽与冰臼一起构成的岩溶系统.对岩溶通道水流路径进行恢复,发现岩溶通道水流起源于前端的冰臼,根据岩溶通道的叠加关系恢复了通道形成的先后次序,进一步发现了冰臼具有位移特征,位移量的大小显示...  相似文献   
The alluvial architecture of fine‐grained (silt‐bed) meandering rivers remains poorly understood in comparison to the extensive study given to sand‐bed and gravel‐bed channels. This paucity of knowledge stems, in part, from the difficulty of studying such modern rivers and deriving analogue information from which to inform facies models for ancient sediments. This paper employs a new technique, the parametric echosounder, to quantify the subsurface structure of the Río Bermejo, Argentina, which is a predominantly silt‐bed river with a large suspended sediment load. These results show that the parametric echosounder can provide high‐resolution (decimetre) subsurface imaging from fine‐grained rivers that is equivalent to the more commonly used ground‐penetrating radar that has been shown to work well in coarser‐grained rivers. Analysis of the data reveals that the alluvial architecture of the Río Bermejo is characterized by large‐scale inclined heterolithic stratification generated by point‐bar evolution, and associated large‐scale scour surfaces that result from channel migration. The small‐scale and medium‐scale structure of the sedimentary architecture is generated by vertical accretion deposits, bed sets associated with small bars, dunes and climbing ripples and the cut and fill from small cross‐bar channels. This style of alluvial architecture is very different from other modern fine‐grained rivers reported in the literature that emphasize the presence of oblique accretion. The Río Bermejo differs from these other rivers because it is much more active, with very high rates of bank erosion and channel migration. Modern examples of this type of highly active fine‐grained river have been reported rarely in the literature, although ancient examples are more prevalent and show similarities with the alluvial architecture of the Río Bermejo, which thus represents a useful analogue for their identification and interpretation. Although the full spectrum of the sedimentology of fine‐grained rivers has yet to be revealed, meandering rivers dominated by lateral or oblique accretion probably represent end members of such channels, with the specific style of sedimentation being controlled by grain size and sediment load characteristics.  相似文献   
曲流河、辫状河储层在我国的陆相盆地中广泛分布。由于曲流河相沉积砂体的单层薄、横向变化;辫状河相沉积的砂体迁移快、垂向加积等特点,增加了在勘探过程中对其分辨的难度。因此,对地震资料曲流河、辫状河油气储层的识别与预测,必须综合多种与其相关的地质资料,结合地震数据体中给出的信息来判断分析,以达到提高分辨率的目的。  相似文献   
River restoration and bank stabilization programs often use vegetation for improving stream corridor habitat, aesthetic and function. Yet no study has examined the use of managed vegetation plantings to transform a straight, degraded stream corridor into an ecologically functional meandering channel. Experimental data collected using a distorted Froude‐scaled flume analysis show that channel expansion and widening, thalweg meandering and riffle and pool development are possible using discrete plantings of rigid, emergent vegetation, and the magnitudes of these adjustments depend on the shape of the vegetation zone and the density of the vegetation. These experimental results were verified and validated using a recently developed numerical model, and model output was then used to discuss mechanistically how rivers respond to the introduction of in‐stream woody vegetation. Finally, a hybrid method of meander design is proposed herein where managed vegetation plantings are used to trigger or force the desired morphologic response, transforming a straight, degraded reach into a more functional meandering corridor. It is envisioned that such numerical models could become the primary tool for designing future stream restoration programs involving vegetation and assessing the long‐term stability of such activities. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Different mathematical models of river planform changes exist or are being developed. They are reviewed here by discussing a two-dimensional depth-averaged model, various meander models and a model for the braided Brahmaputra-Jamuna River in Bangladesh. Much emphasis is placed on topics where further research is needed. It is concluded that the models help in understanding the underlying processes, but cannot yet be considered generally valid and easy-to-use software packages. In the hands of experienced geomorphologists or river engineers, however, some of the models do already form valuable tools which allow better predictions of future river planforms.  相似文献   
The Gohpur–Ganga section is located southwest of Itanagar, India. The study area and its adjacent regions lie between the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) and the Himalayan Front Fault (HFF) within the Sub-Himalaya of the Eastern Himalaya. The Senkhi stream, draining from the north, passes through the MBT and exhibits local meandering as it approaches the study area. Here, five levels of terraces are observed on the eastern part, whereas only four levels of terraces are observed on the western part. The Senkhi and Dokhoso streams show unpaired terraces consisting of very poorly sorted riverbed materials lacking stratification, indicating tectonic activity during deposition. Crude imbrications are also observed on the terrace deposits. A wind gap from an earlier active channel is observed at latitude 27°04′42.4″ N and longitude 93°35′22.4″ E at the height of about 35 m from the present active channel of Senkhi stream. Linear arrangements of ponds trending northeast–southwest on the western side of the study section may represent the paleochannel of Dokhoso stream meeting the Senkhi stream abruptly through this gap earlier. Major lineament trends are observed along NNE–SSW, NE–SW and ENE–WSW direction. The Gohpur–Ganga section is on Quaternary deposits, resting over the Siwaliks with angular contact. Climatic changes of Pleistocene–Holocene times seem to have affected the sedimentation pattern of this part of the Sub-Himalaya, in association with proximal tectonism associated with active tectonic activities, which uplifted the Quaternary deposits. Older and younger terrace deposits seem to mark the Pleistocene–Holocene boundary in the study area with the older terraces showing a well-oxidized and semi-consolidated nature compared to the unoxidized nature of the younger terraces.  相似文献   
Active meandering rivers are capable of reworking and removing large quantities of valuable land. Therefore, understanding the characteristics of meandering rivers and predicting future meander behaviour can be of great value for local authorities. In this study, we apply a topographic steering meander model to the Geul River (southern Netherlands), using field data to calibrate the model. The present channel characteristics of the Geul River were mapped in the field. Cut‐banks were classified as erosive, unstable or stable. The model outcomes were compared with these field data. Several model runs were carried out, using different sets of parameter values. After studying the results and using the field data, we introduced the concept of a variable channel width in the simulation model. In reality, the river has different channel widths varying from 8 to more than 15 m. These widths are a linear function of local curvature. The model runs using a variable channel width show that the model is capable of predicting locations of lateral migration in conformity with observed active lateral migration and erosive banks. With both models, the sediment reworking time of the floodplain can be calculated. Floodplain reworking times of 200–300 years were calculated. In combination with the lateral migration rate, this reworking time is an important element in catchment sediment budget calculations. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
冲积-河流相层序地层模式--以济阳坳陷新近系为例   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
国景星 《新疆地质》2003,21(4):393-397
从层序边界分析人手,对层序类型体系域类型等进行了研究,认为冲积-河流相地层体系域划分具4分性,即发育有低位体系域、扩张体系域、高位体系域,当基准面缓慢下降时,还可发育收缩体系域.同时,根据济阳坳陷新近系沉积特征,指出各体系域对应的沉积体系及相类型,认为低位体系域以侵蚀下切、冲积扇.辫状河沉积为主;扩张体系域由辫状河向曲流河过渡;高位体系域时期以曲流河为主.其次,根据构造演化、古气候变化、古地形等研究认为,尽管新近纪济阳坳陷进入坳陷发育时期,断裂活动明显减弱,但是构造运动对层序发育仍有一定影响;根据古气候分析认为,新近纪经历了北亚热带温湿气候,中亚热带温湿气候,北亚热带干旱气候等阶段.这种气候变化导致了馆陶组沉积早、中期河流纵横交错,辫状河道发育,馆陶组沉积后期逐渐向曲流河过渡;明化镇组沉积期河道相对不发育.由古地形及物源供给分析,认为古地形差异的变化与物源供给对济阳坳陷新近系层序发育、层序样式等有一定程度影响.  相似文献   
河道体系是侵蚀和沉积物搬运的重要通道,控制了大陆边缘源汇体系中砂体总体的输送和分布格局,并可有效指示古代构造活动、物源供给、气候变迁和海平面变化等丰富地质信息。研究基于高分辨率的三维地震、钻测井资料,结合层序划分方法和地震沉积学综合分析手段,揭示了南海北部珠一坳陷早—中中新世古珠江分流河道体系的类型和展布特征,并且以典型层序为例精细揭示了海平面变化控制下河道类型由辫状向曲流的转换。同时,在研究区地震剖面上识别到多处异常下切现象,经研究可解释为辫状河道内的汇流冲刷,其典型特征为:① 下切深度局部增大;② 平面近似圆形或椭圆形;③ 内部为砂质充填。虽然汇流冲刷结构在地震剖面特征上与“传统”意义的下切谷极易混淆,但在沉积特征和成因上存在较大差别,因此,对它的识别有助于避免层序界面的错误判别,并且其后期充填的河道砂体具有局限分布的特点,易于在后期海侵泥岩的覆盖下形成潜在的岩性圈闭新类型。  相似文献   
将多期切叠河道砂体归类合并,建立一个“垂向连续,横向联通的表外砂岩空间体”(其中砂岩间夹层厚度≤0.4 m)的自然层概念来控制多期河道复合切叠厚砂体。以北一匹断东萄一组1-4小层为例,利用自然层间砂体厚度、切叠程度、测井曲线形态、相叠加类型及砂体叠加期次将自然层分为5类;再依据砂体间切叠位置、切叠程度和切叠形态的差异建立自然层剖面表征方法;依据砂体叠加期次,建立自然层在平面上表征模式。  相似文献   
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