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Two Red Clay profiles near Xi’an and Xifeng were investigated in an attempt to determine magnetostratigraphic and palaeoclimatic records. The results show that aeolian dust accumulation and the related East Asia palaeomonsoon system had begun by 6.5 Ma, and it is deduced that the Tibetan Plateau had reached a significant elevation at that time. The late Tertiary palaeoclimatic history of the Red Clay as reflected by magnetic susceptibility is reconstructed during the period of 6.5–2.5 Ma. Stepwise increase in susceptibility of aeolian dust accumulation appears to have a close correlation to the uplift processes of the Tibetan Plateau. The remarkable increase of aeolian dust accumulation at 3.2 Ma appears to be due to the influence of global ice volume on the East Asia monsoon. Palaeomonsoon variation during the late Tertiary as recorded in the Red Clay sequences from the Chinese Loess Plateau can be regarded as the product of a number of interacting factors, such as uplift of the Tibetan Plateau, solar radiation, global ice volume, etc. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Foundation of Xi’an Laboratory of Loess and Quaternary Geology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   
安徽宣城黄土堆积的磁性地层学与古环境意义   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
利用磁性地层学方法对安徽宣城剖面的研究表明,B/M界限位于剖面中网纹红土的中下部,结合光释光测年可以外推出长江中下游地区的典型风成沉积开始形成于0.85Ma前后。这一年龄对应于一次全球性的气候转型事件,在海洋沉积与我国北方的黄土-古土壤序列中均记录了这一气候转型事件。同时,0.85Ma对应于中更新世的两大地质事件,一是全球冰量的增加,二是青藏高原的快速隆升,长江中下游地区风成堆积的开始,可能是上述两个因素共同作用的结果。   相似文献   
本文结合最近获得的新资料,对南洛河流域的地貌、黄土沉积和更新世环境进行综合分析。结果表明,南洛河上、中游地貌表现为河流峡谷和山间盆地相间分布的特征,盆地中河流阶地发育; 下游为平缓的山前平原和低山丘陵。黄土在全流域的山顶、河流阶地和盆地等各种地貌部位均有分布。黄土沉积受地形影响较大,上游黄土堆积速率低、颗粒细; 在下游有风道直通的地方,黄土堆积速率高、颗粒粗。在不同地貌部位,黄土开始堆积的年代不同,黄土底界的年代从早更新世到晚更新世均有所见。对埋藏旧石器的年代研究表明,南洛河流域的古人类活动从早更新世晚期(约800ka)开始,到晚更新世后期(约30ka)结束,期间有多期遗存。初步的孢粉和有机碳同位素分析表明,这里曾是森林草原景观,冰期时,乔木植被以松属为主,C4类型草本减少; 而间冰期时,乔木植被以松属-榆科占主导地位,C4类植物增多。古人类在黄土堆积期和古土壤发育期都可能在这个地方活动,但这一认识需要更多的证据支持。丰富的石制品分布和较为连续的黄土沉积,使南洛河流域成为理解更新世人类行为与环境的重要区域。  相似文献   
This study provides a detailed magnetostratigraphic record of subsidence in the Linxia Basin, documenting a 27 Myr long sedimentary record from the northeastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau. Deposition in the Linxia Basin began at 29 Ma and continued nearly uninterruptedly until 1.7 Ma. Increasing rates of subsidence between 29 and 6 Ma in the Linxia Basin suggest deposition in the foredeep portion of a flexural basin and constrain the timing of shortening in the northeastern margin of the plateau to Late Oligocene–Late Miocene time. By Late Miocene–Early Pliocene time, a decrease in subsidence rates in the Linxia Basin associated with thrust faulting and a 10° clockwise rotation in the basin indicates that the deformation front of the Tibetan plateau had propagated into the currently deforming region northeast of the plateau.  相似文献   
Chemical analysis of nine Deccan flow basalts at Anjar, Kutch, western India, indicates that all, except the uppermost flow F-9, are alkaline. In their major and trace element composition, the alkali basalts resemble Ocean island basalts (OIB). Similarities of many diagnostic trace element ratios (e.g. Sm/Nd, Ba/Nb,Y/Nb and Zr/Nb) are similar to those found in the Réunion Island basalts. The uppermost basalt is tholeiitic and chemically resembles the least contaminated Deccan basalt (Ambenali type). The Anjar basalts have iridium concentration ranging between 2 and 178 pg/g. Some of these values are higher by about an order of magnitude compared to the Ir concentration in other basalts of the Deccan. A synthesis of chemical, palaeomagnetic and geochronologic data enables us to construct a chemical and magnetic stratigraphy for these flows. The three flows below the iridium enriched intertrappean bed (IT III) show normal magnetic polarity whereas all except one of the upper basalts show reversed magnetic polarity. The sequence seems to have started in polarity zones 31N and probably continued up to 28R or 27R. The results presented here support the view that Deccan volcanism in Kutch occurred on a time span of a few million years.  相似文献   
西沙礁序列的磁性地层学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用西沙群岛西琛一井330m以上井段的149块岩心标本,用美国2-G型超导磁力仪进行了古地磁测定,获得了一个从更新世至中新世晚期包括布容,松山,高斯和吉尔伯特四个极性时及若干亚极性的磁性地层柱,为礁序列的划分对比,提供了新的依据。  相似文献   
上新世——早更新世青藏高原北缘隆升的磁性地层学证据   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对新疆叶城剖面西域砾岩及下伏第三纪地层的磁性地层学研究表明 ,西域砾岩的沉积时代为晚上新世至早更新世 ,磁性地层年龄为 3.5至 <1.8Ma。阿图什组沉积于早上新世 ,古地磁年龄为 4 .6~ 3.5 Ma。阿图什组以砂岩和粉砂岩为主夹薄层砾岩 ,为河流相及冲积扇前缘相。西域砾岩以厚层砾岩为主夹风成粉砂岩 ,为典型洪积—冲积扇堆积。西域砾岩的沉积反映了青藏高原北缘晚上新世至早更新世强烈的隆起和剥蚀  相似文献   
In the East Asian monsoon region,eolian deposits widely distributed in the middle-lower reaches of the Yantgze River are among the best materials available for studies on Quaternary climate change in the subtropical zone of Southern China.Typical eolian deposits in this region include upper Xiashu Loess(XL) and underlying Vermiculated Red Soil(VRS) layers.In this paper,chronological and paleoclimatic studies are conducted on an eolian deposit sequence near Jiujiang(JJ) city in northern Jiangxi province.A magnetostratigraphic study,combined with optically stimulated luminescence(OSL) dating,is conducted on the JJ section and provides further evidence that eolian deposits in the middle-lower reaches of the Yangtze River have been formed since the late Early Pleistocene,and that the boundary age between the XL and VRS layers is about 300-400 kaBP.In grain-size records of the JJ section,the median grain-size and content of the 30 μm size fraction increase sharply after 300-400 kaBP,representing an East Asian winter monsoon intensification event.Further pollen analysis reveals differing pollen assemblages before and after 300-400 kaBP:there is an evident increase in plants adapted to grow in a warm humid environment after 300-400 kaBP,implying an increase in precipitation caused by intensification of the East Asian summer monsoon.Global ice volume and uplift of the Tibet Plateau(TP) are regarded as crucial factors influencing variations of the East Asian monsoon on a long-term scale.The deep-sea δ~(18)O record,which reflects variations in global ice volume,shows no obvious change after 300-400 kaBP.Moreover,the influence of global ice volume changes on the East Asian summer and winter monsoons is inverse;the global ice volume increase(decrease) implies a strengthened(weakened) winter monsoon and weakened(strengthened) summer monsoon.We therefore interpret the coupled intensifications of the East Asian summer and winter monsoons at about 300-400 kaBP to the uplift of the TP in the Middle Pleistocene.This climate event is also documented in eolian deposits from the southern margin of the Chinese Loess Plateau(CLP) and from the desert-loess transitional belt.However,it is not recorded in the loess-paleosol sequences from the central part of the CLP,thereby indicating differing climate responses to TP uplift in different regions,which requires further study.  相似文献   
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