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Mafic rocks in the Chipman domain of the Athabasca granulite terrane, western Canadian Shield, provide the first well‐documented record of two distinct high‐P granulite facies events in the same domain in this region. Textural relations and the results of petrological modelling (NCFMASHT system) of mafic granulites are interpreted in terms of a three‐stage tectonometamorphic history. Stage 1 involved development of the assemblage Grt + Cpx + Qtz ± Pl (M1) from a primary Opx‐bearing igneous precursor at conditions of 1.3 GPa, 850–900 °C. Field and microstructural observations suggest that M1 developed synchronously with an early S1 gneissic fabric. Stage 2 is characterized by heterogeneous deformation (D2) and synkinematic partial retrogression of the peak assemblage to an amphibole‐bearing assemblage (M2). Stage 3 involved a third phase of deformation and a return to granulite facies conditions marked by the prograde breakdown of amphibole (Amph2) to produce matrix garnet (Grt3a) and the coronitic assemblage Cpx3b + Opx3b + Ilm3b + Pl3b (M3b) at 1.0 GPa, 800–900 °C. M1 and M3b are correlated with 2.55 and 1.9 Ga metamorphic generations of zircon, respectively, which were dated in a separate study. Heterogeneous strain played a crucial role in both the development and preservation of these rare examples of multiple granulite facies events within single samples. Without this fortuitous set of circumstances, the apparent reaction history could have incorrectly led to an interpretation involving a single‐cycle high‐grade event. The detailed PTtD history constructed for these rocks provides the best evidence to date that much of the east Lake Athabasca region experienced long‐term lower crustal residence from 2.55 to 1.9 Ga, and thus the region represents a rare window into the reactivation and ultimate stabilization processes of cratonic lithosphere.  相似文献   
Abstract. Lermontovskoe tungsten skarn deposit in central Sikhote-Alin is concluded to have formed at 132 Ma in the Early Cretaceous, based on K-Ar age data for muscovite concentrates from high-grade scheelite ore and greisenized granite. Late Paleozoic limestone in Jurassic - early Early Cretaceous accretionary complexes was replaced during hydrothermal activity related to the Lermontovskoe granodiorite stock of reduced type. The ores, characterized by Mo-poor scheelite and Fe3+- poor mineral assemblages, indicate that this deposit is a reduced-type tungsten skarn (Sato, 1980, 1982), in accordance with the reduced nature of the granodiorite stock.
The Lermontovskoe deposit, the oldest mineralization so far known in the Sikhote-Alin orogen, formed in the initial stage of Early Cretaceous felsic magmatism. The magmatism began shortly after the accretionary tectonics ceased, suggesting an abrupt change of subduction system. Style of the Early Cretaceous magmatism and mineralization is significantly different between central Sikhote-Alin and Northeast Japan; reduced-type and oxidized-type, respectively. The different styles may reflect different tectonic environments; compressional and extensional, respectively. These two areas, which were closer together before the opening of the Japan Sea in the Miocene, may have been juxtaposed under a transpressional tectonic regime after the magmatism.  相似文献   
The bimodal magmatism of central Jebilet is dated to 330.5+0.68?0.83 Ma by UPb dating on zircons. This age, similar to that of the syntectonic Jebilet cordierite-bearing granitoids, corresponds to the age of the local major tectonometamorphic event. The syntectonic plutonism of the Jebilet massif, composed of tholeiitic, alkaline, and peraluminous calc-alkaline series, is variegated. Magmas emplacement was favoured by the local extension induced by the motion along the western boundary of the Carboniferous basins of the Moroccan Meseta. The Jebilet massif exemplifies the activation of various magmas sources during an episode of continental convergence and crustal wrenching.  相似文献   
北秦岭古聚会带壳幔再循环   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
以同构造期代表古洋壳残片的蛇绿岩及产于古岛弧的玄武岩为基础,通过Nd,Pb同位素与微量元素示踪及岩浆源区分析,揭示出北秦岭元古宙上地幔以强亏损(εNd(t)+6.3~+7.3)和高的Yb/Hf,Nb/La和Th/La比值为特征,北秦岭地壳和上地幔明显具有Pb同位素比值高的特征.北秦岭丹凤群岛弧火山岩、二郎坪群弧后玄武岩以及松树沟蛇绿岩中变拉斑玄武岩εNd(t)、放射成因Pb同位素、Y/Tb和Ti-MgO研究表明,本区玄武岩存在两类性质不同的岩浆源.一类与亏损的北秦岭岩石圈上地幔源区有关;另一类与携带海洋沉积物的洋壳板块俯冲参与有关.由此,论证了北秦岭古聚会带壳幔之间物质再循环  相似文献   
The authors have proposed a dynamic model in this paper based on the ages,rock series and associations,Sr-Nd isotopic signatures of the Mesozoic intracontinental magmatism overlying the Cathaysian and Yangtze blocks.The model describes the relation of intracontinental collision and subduction in the Tethyan tectonic regie with Paleo-Pacific oceanic plate sudbuction-strike slip-extension in the Pacific tectonic regime.During 220-150Ma,the horizontal collision between the North China block and the Yangtze block,as well as the intracontinental subduction of some divergent microcontinental terranes in the southwestern part of South China are ascribed to the influence of the Tethyan tectonic regime,giving rise to a volume of high-Isr and low-εNd(t) S-type granites only in the Cathaysian Block.During 145-90Ma,under the geodynamic backgound of subduction-strike slip-extension of the Paleo-Pacific oceanic plate on the basis of the deep tectonic process in the Tethyan tectonic regime,high-K,alkalirich calc-alkaline and shoshonitic volcano-plutonic complexes were generated in the Yangtze block,and high-K calc-alkalic and bimodal volcano-plutonic complexes were generated in the Cathaysian block.The occurrence of A-type peralkaline granites in the coastal areas of South east China indicates the end of Mesozoic intracontinental magmatism.  相似文献   
Charnockitic magmatism in southern India   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Large charnockite massifs cover a substantial portion of the southern Indian granulite terrain. The older (late Archaean to early Proterozoic) charnockites occur in the northern part and the younger (late Proterozoic) charnockites occur in the southern part of this high-grade terrain. Among these, the older Biligirirangan hill, Shevroy hill and Nilgiri hill massifs are intermediate charnockites, with Pallavaram massif consisting dominantly of felsic charnockites. The charnockite massifs from northern Kerala and Cardamom hill show spatial association of intermediate and felsic charnockites, with the youngest Nagercoil massif consisting of felsic charnockites. Their igneous parentage is evident from a combination of features including field relations, mineralogy, petrography, thermobarometry, as well as distinct chemical features. The southern Indian charnockite massifs show similarity with high-Ba-Sr granitoids, with the tonalitic intermediate charnockites showing similarity with high-Ba-Sr granitoids with low K2O/Na2O ratios, and the felsic charnockites showing similarity with high-Ba-Sr granitoids with high K2O/Na2O ratios. A two-stage model is suggested for the formation of these charnockites. During the first stage there was a period of basalt underplating, with the ponding of alkaline mafic magmas. Partial melting of this mafic lower crust formed the charnockitic magmas. Here emplacement of basalt with low water content would lead to dehydration melting of the lower crust forming intermediate charnockites. Conversely, emplacement of hydrous basalt would result in melting at higher {ie565-01} favoring production of more siliceous felsic charnockites. This model is correlated with two crustal thickening phases in southern India, one related to the accretion of the older crustal blocks on to the Archaean craton to the north and the other probably related to the collision between crustal fragments of East and West Gondwana in a supercontinent framework.  相似文献   
The deep structure of the gabbro–anorthosite–rapakivi granite (“AMCG-type”) Korosten Pluton (KP) in the northwestern Ukrainian Shield was studied by 3-D modelling of the gravity and magnetic fields together with previous seismic data. The KP occupies an area of ca. 12,500 km2 and comprises several layered gabbro-anorthositic intrusions enveloped by large volumes of rapakivi-type granitoids. Between 1.80 and 1.74 Ga, the emplacement of mafic and associated granitoid melts took place in several pulses. The 3-D geophysical reconstruction included: (a) modelling of the density distribution in the crust using the observed Bouguer anomaly field constrained by seismic data on Moho depth, and (b) modelling of the magnetic anomaly field in order to outline rock domains of various magnetisation, size and shape in the upper and lower crust. The density modelling was referred to three depth levels of 0 to 5, 5 to 18, and 18 km to Moho, respectively. The 3-D reconstruction demonstrates close links between the subsurface geology of the KP and the structure of the lower crust. The existence of a non-magnetic body with anomalously high seismic velocity and density is documented. Most plausibly, it represents a gabbroic stock (a parent magma chamber) with a vertical extent of ca. 20 km, penetrating the entire lower crust. This stock has a half-cylindrical shape and a diameter of ca. 90 km. It appears to be connected with a crust–mantle transitional lens previously discovered by EUROBRIDGE seismic profiling. The position of the stock relative to the subsurface outlines of the KP is somewhat asymmetric. This may be due to a connection between the magmatism and sets of opposite-dipping faults initially developed during late Palaeoproterozoic collisional deformation in the Sarmatian crustal segment. Continuing movements and disturbances of the upper mantle and the lower crust during post-collisional tectonic events between 1.80 and 1.74 Ga may account for the long-lived, recurrent AMCG magmatism.  相似文献   
Northeastern (NE) China is a well-documented example of a collisional zone characterized by widespread post-orogenic granites and mafic–ultramafic complexes. Based on a study of the Hongqiling and Piaohechuan Cu–Ni sulfide-bearing mafic–ultramafic complexes in central Jilin province, we present geological, petrological, geochemical and geochronological data which indicates their post-orogenic origin.The Hongqiling complex comprises pyroxenite, olivine websterite, lherzolite, gabbro and leucogabbro. Zircon U–Pb SHRIMP analyses on a leucogabbro of the Hongqiling complex yield a weighted mean 206Pb–238U age of 216±5 Ma. The Piaohechuan complex is composed of gabbro, pyroxenite and dolerite, exposed as dikes. A plagioclase-bearing pyroxenite has a U–Pb zircon weighted mean 206Pb–238U age of 217±3 Ma, identical to that of the Hongqiling complex. These ages are coeval with the emplacement of A-type granites in the area, but slightly younger than the regional metamorphism (240 Ma) and syn-orogenic granitic magmatism (246±4 Ma). This suggests that these mafic–ultramafic complexes are post-orogenic in origin. The age data also indicated a short period of lithospheric stabilization of about 30 Ma after cessation of orogenic activity.Geochemical investigation indicates that the primary mafic magma was a lithospheric mantle-derived basalt resulting from the upwelling of asthenosphere due to lithospheric delamination during post-orogenic processes. The magmatic source was contaminated by a small amount of crustal material, and subsequent crystal fractionation resulted in the Cu–Ni mineralization.The widespread occurrence of mafic–ultramafic complexes in the Xing'an–Mongolian Orogenic Belt of NE China and in the Altay–Tianshan–Junggar Orogenic Belt of Northern Xinjiang indicates that mafic intrusions are an important magmatic suite that evolved during post-orogenic processes. Portions of this mafic magma could have underplated the lower crust, and served as the heat source for associated late-stage granitic magmas.  相似文献   
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