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The Cycladic blueschist belt in the central Aegean Sea has experienced high‐pressure (HP) metamorphism during collisional processes between the Apulian microplate and Eurasia. The general geological and tectonometamorphic framework is well documented, but one aspect which is yet not sufficiently explored is the importance of HP mélanges which occur within volcano‐sedimentary successions. Unresolved issues concern the range in magmatic and metamorphic ages recorded by mélange blocks and the significance of eventual pre‐Eocene HP metamorphism. These aspects are here addressed in a U‐Pb zircon study focusing on the block–matrix association exposed on the island of Syros. Two gneisses from a tectonic slab of this mélange, consisting of an interlayered felsic gneiss‐glaucophanite sequence, yielded zircon 206Pb/238U ages of 240.1 ± 4.1 and 245.3 ± 4.9 Ma, respectively, similar to Triassic ages determined on zircon in meta‐volcanic rocks from structurally coherent sequences elsewhere in the Cyclades. This strongly suggests that parts of these successions have been incorporated in the mélanges and provides the first geochronological evidence that the provenance of mélange blocks/slabs is neither restricted to a single source nor confined to fragments of oceanic lithosphere. Zircon from a jadeitite and associated alteration zones (omphacitite, glaucophanite and chlorite‐actinolite rock) all yielded identical 206Pb/238U ages of c. 80 Ma. Similar Cretaceous U‐Pb zircon ages previously reported for mélange blocks have been interpreted by different authors to reflect magmatic or metamorphic ages. The present study adds a further argument in favour of the view that zircon formed newly in some rock types at c. 80 Ma, due to hydrothermal or metasomatic processes in a subduction zone environment, and supports the interpretation that the Cycladic blueschist belt records both Cretaceous and Eocene HP episodes and not only a single Tertiary HP event.  相似文献   
Jadeitites, albitites and related rocks from the Motagua Fault Zone, Guatemala   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Jadeitites from Guatemala are found as weathered blocks in tectonized serpentinite in a 15-km zone north of the Motagua Fault Zone. Rock types found with jadeitite include albitites, albite-mica rocks, omphacite/taramitic amphibole-bearing metabasites, chlorite-actinolite schists, talc-carbonate rocks and antigorite schists. In addition to the predominant jadeitic (Jd93_100) pyroxene, common phases in jadeitite include micas (paragonite and/or phengite ± rarer phlogopite), omphacite, albite, titanite /Pm zircon, apatite and graphite. Conditions of jadeitite formation are 100-400d? C, 5-11 kbar with 0.0 > log10asio2≥= 0.7. Fluid inclusions, coarse textures, vein structures, and rhythmic zoning of pyroxene indicate an aqueuos fluid was involved. Jadeitites are either (1) metasomatic modifications of former felsic-to-pelitic inclusions that have undergone silica depletion plus efficient soda exchange and enrichment, or (2) solution precipitations derived from such a source. The close spatial relationship of faults and shear zones, serpentinites, and jadeitites suggests jadeitites form in a relatively high-P/T setting with substantial flow of sodic fluid in a tectonized zone. Most Guatemalan jadeitites are extensively altered to analcime, albite, taramitic amphibole, (clino)zoisite ± nepheline and preiswerkite. This alteration reflects depressurization /Pm heating to below the jadeite + fluid = analcime reaction at high aNa. With progressive alteration, analcime and nepheline are replaced by albite; the increase in silica content may result from fluid flowing up a tectonized zone reaching saturation with an albite assemblage. Albitite phases, albite, actinolite, zoisite, /Pm chlorite, phengite, K-feldspar and quartz, record conditions of c. 3-8 kbar at T < 400d? C, indicating a clockwise P-T trajectory of the blocks. Barium aluminosilicates—banalsite, celsian, cymrite and hyalophane—are common minor late-stage phases in jadeitites and albite-rich rocks. Barian phengite is common in albite-mica rocks.  相似文献   
Tomoaki  Morishita  Shoji  Arai  Yoshito  Ishida 《Island Arc》2007,16(1):40-56
Abstract   Trace-element compositions of jadeite (±omphacite) in jadeitites from the Itoigawa-Ohmi district of Japan, analyzed by a laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry technique showed chemical zoning within individual grains and variations within each sample and between different samples. Primitive mantle-normalized patterns of jadeite in the samples generally showed high large-ion lithophile element contents, high light rare earth element/heavy rare earth element ratios and positive anomalies of high field strength elements. The studied jadeitites have no signatures of the protolith texture or mineralogy. Shapes and distributions of minerals coupled with chemical zoning within grains suggest that the jadeitites were formed by direct precipitation of minerals from aqueous fluids or complete metasomatic modification of the precursor rocks by fluids. In either case, the geochemical characteristics of jadeite are highly affected by fluids enriched in both large-ion lithophile elements and high field strength elements. The specific fluids responsible for the formation of jadeitites are related to serpentinization by slab-derived fluids in subduction zones. This process is followed by dissolving high field strength elements in the subducting crust as the fluids continue to circulate into the subducting crusts and serpentinized peridotites. The fluids have variations in chemical compositions corresponding to various degrees of water–rock interactions.  相似文献   
Jadeitite is a rare constituent of serpentinite-matrix mélange bodies from certain subduction complexes. Most jadeitite crystallizes from Na-, Al-, and Si-bearing fluids that are apparently derived from multiple subduction-zone sources. Even though jadeitite is near-end-member NaAlSi2O6 in major element composition and is volumetrically minor in subduction complexes, its trace elements and stable isotopes appear to record fluid compositions not directly seen in other subduction zone metasomatic systems.

Prior to our work, how jadeitite-forming fluids interact with serpentinite host rocks and serpentinizing fluids were largely unknown, because serpentinite-to-jadeitite contacts are generally not exposed. In the Sierra de las Minas, Guatemala, we have studied a 3 m-wide pit transecting the contact between a mined-out jadeitite body and its host serpentinite. An apparent transition zone between the former jadeitite and nearby serpentinite exposed in the mine pit contains four texturally distinct rock types of differing outcrop colours, composed of albitites and meta-ultramafic rocks. (The jadeitite body is now represented only by a large spoil pile.) Seven samples from the contact zone, jadeitite from the spoil pile, a serpentinite outcrop approximately 1 m outside the pit, and a jadeitite nodule within the contact zone albitite were analysed for major, minor, and trace elements.

Abundances of Al2O3, Na2O, MgO, FeO, Cr, Ni, and Sc track the contact between sheared albitite and foliated meta-ultramafic rocks. These elements change from values typical of Guatemalan jadeitites in the jadeitite block and albitites in the contact zone to values for Guatemalan meta-ultramafic rocks and serpentinites across the contact zone. In addition, the abundances of SiO2, CaO, Fe2O3, K2O, Rb, Cs, and Y show important features. Of greatest interest, perhaps, approximately 15 cm from the contact with meta-ultramafic rock, Zr, U, Hf, Pb, Ba, Sr, Y, and Cs in albitite are greatly enriched compared to elsewhere in the contact zone. Element enrichments spatially coincide with the appearance, increase in modal abundance, and/or increase in grain sizes of zircon, rare earth element (REE) rich epidote, titantite, and celsian within albitite. All of these ‘trace-element-rich’ accessory minerals show poikiloblastic inclusions of albite, which suggests that they grew concomitantly in the metasomatic zone.

Graphical and computational methods of evaluating mass changes of metasomatites relative to likely protoliths show that, near the contact, fewer minor and trace elements in albitite show 1:1 coordination with presumed protoliths. Most metasomatitites are enriched in large-ion lithophile elements (LILE) and heat-producing elements (HPE) relative to likely protoliths. Albitite near the contact with meta-ultramafic rocks also shows ultramafic components. Except for a Ca-rich actinolite schist zone, the meta-ultramafic rocks are depleted in LILE and HPE relative to serpentinite; host serpentinite is itself under-abundant in these elements relative to average upper mantle or chondrite.

In summary, the metasomatic zone shows more evidence for the introduction of components to albitite and actinolitic meta-ultramafic rock than it does for exchange of protolith components between jadeitite and serpentinite. The fluid that presumably formed the metasomatites was sufficiently rich in LILE and high-field-strength elements (HFSE) to both saturate and grow minerals in which Zr, Ba, and Ti are essential structural constituents and/or HFSE, LILE, and HPE minor to moderate substituents. These geochemically diverse element groups were fixed in albitite via the crystallization and growth of new accessory minerals within these rocks during albititization. The amount of LILE and HPE-depleted meta-ultramafic rock appears to be too small to call upon a local source for the LILE and HPE-enrichment seen in albitites. Therefore, LILE and HPE must be of exotic origin, carried and deposited by fluids within the albitites at the jadeitite-serpentinite contact. This contact clearly testifies to an alteration style that involved crystallization of ‘trace-element’-rich minerals during fluid flow; this process appears to be essential to mass transfer within subduction zones.  相似文献   
基于多期次流体活动在硬玉岩及后成合晶冠状体的交互作用过程中发挥了至关重要的作用,采用电子探针、显微红外光谱等测试方法,从微尺度角度重点对缅甸角闪石质硬玉岩中角闪石+铬硬玉+硬玉后成合晶冠状体的成分和结构羟基赋存状态进行了研究.结果显示,参与后成合晶冠状体形成的流体组分较为复杂且形成过程是多阶段的;后成合晶冠状体的共生矿...  相似文献   
本文介绍了名义上无水的辉石族矿物中结构水的研究现状,特别是硬玉矿物的结构水红外表征和含量。且笔者以缅甸硬玉岩为研究对象,使用显微红外光谱、电子探针等测试手段,从微观角度研究其中硬玉矿物的结构水表征。研究结果表明:缅甸硬玉岩中硬玉矿物的结构水在红外光谱中主要表征为3 610~3 620 cm-1和3 540~3 550cm-1两个区域的吸收峰,且结构疏松的硬玉岩中硬玉矿物的结构水含量呈现外侧多中间少,结构致密的硬玉矿物的结构水含量各部位较为均一。结构水的含量差异和变化趋势可能是硬玉岩形成时板块俯冲和折返过程中的流体参与作用的结果,进一步为缅甸硬玉岩成因提供了的佐证。  相似文献   
流体一超镁铁质岩相互作用与硬玉岩的形成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
祁敏  向华  钟增球  周汉文 《地球科学》2011,36(3):511-520
俯冲带中流体与岩石相互作用以及流体循环一直是地质学家关注的焦点之一.硬玉岩(翡翠)作为高档宝玉石材料,其成因一直备受关注.硬玉岩产于与俯冲带有关的蛇纹石化超镁铁质岩中,是俯冲带中流体与超镁铁岩相互作用的特殊产物.岩石组合、岩相学、显微结构及矿物化学特征表明:橄榄岩与流体的作用可以分为5个阶段,分别为蛇纹石化→(绿泥石、...  相似文献   
俯冲带是壳-幔物质循环的重要场所,硬玉岩可以记录这一循环过程。文中总结了俄罗斯极地乌拉尔硬玉岩的研究进展。硬玉岩呈脉状或透镜状产在蛇纹石化的方辉橄榄岩中,主要由硬玉和绿辉石组成。根据结构和颜色,硬玉可识别出两个世代。硬玉韵律环带发育,含有H2O和CH4流体包裹体,显示从流体中结晶的特征。硬玉岩中的锆石为热液锆石,锆石稀土元素中LaN/YbN=0.001~0.01,LuN/GdN=10~83,Ce/Ce*=2.8~72,显示正异常,δEu=0.53~1.02,类似于岩浆锆石。锆石的176Hf/177Hf=0.282 708~0.283 017,εHf(t)=+6~+17,类似于N-MORB的Hf同位素组成,锆石δ18O组成为5.03‰~6.04‰,平均δ18O为(5.45±0.11)‰,类似于岩浆热液和地幔的氧同位素组成。这可能反映了锆石是被俯冲带流体从途经火成岩中捕获的或者形成锆石的流体与寄主岩(方辉橄榄岩)达到了平衡。硬玉岩稀土元素配分模式近平坦或轻稀土元素略显富集,LaN/YbN比值为0.82~2.42,δEu为1.2~1.6,显示正异常,这与寄主岩稀土元素配分模式相似。富集Sr、Ba、Zr、Hf,Nb为负异常,与岛弧岩浆特征类似。(87Sr/86Sr)t为0.703 400~0.703 519(t=368 Ma),变化较小,与古海水差别明显;εNd(t)值为+0.77~+5.61,变化较大,与寄主岩(方辉橄榄岩)的Nd同位素组成类似,但不同于海水及沉积物的Nd同位素组成,表明硬玉岩的物质来源与寄主岩有明显继承关系,海水与沉积物的贡献不是主要的。矿物学和岩石学证据支持极地乌拉尔的硬玉岩主要是俯冲带流体与橄榄岩相互作用后并在其中结晶的产物。  相似文献   
硬玉岩能否命名为宝石级"翡翠",其硬玉的含量是关键参数,目前测量岩石中矿物质量分数的方法多为有损分析,难以应用于珠宝玉石检测中。本文基于硬玉岩矿物组成及其质量分数的变化,建立了一种通过测量硬玉岩相对密度获得硬玉质量分数的无损分析方法。对186件相对密度在3.30~2.88之间的硬玉岩样品采用静水称重法测试,根据相对密度范围进行分组,利用X射线粉晶衍射、人工重砂分析、电子探针、红外光谱、拉曼光谱等技术确定硬玉岩的主要矿物及其质量分数,进而统计分析硬玉质量分数与硬玉岩相对密度的线性关系。研究表明:硬玉岩的主要矿物为硬玉和杂质矿物钠长石、方沸石。随着硬玉的质量分数(wA)下降,钠长石、方沸石质量分数增加,硬玉岩实测相对密度(SG)发生相应变化,两者的线性方程为wA=1.3454×SG-3.4531(相关系数为0.9814),线性关系良好。由于本方法的硬玉岩实测相对密度近似等于理论相对密度,即可通过测量相对密度获得硬玉的质量分数,这种无损测试方法适用于相对密度在3.3~3.0,硬玉含量在95%~60%,硬玉与钠长石的质量分数之和在90%~97%之间的硬玉岩样品。  相似文献   
On the basis of internal structures, laser ablation U–Pb ages and trace element compositions, the origin of zircon in jadeitite in the Nishisonogi metamorphic rocks was examined. The zircon comprises euhedral zoned cores overgrown by euhedral rims. The cores contain inclusions of muscovite, quartz, albite and possibly K‐feldspar, yield 238U–206Pb ages of 126 ± 6 Ma (±2 SD, n = 45, MSWD = 1.0), and have Th/U ratios of 0.48–1.64. The rims contain inclusions of jadeite, yield 238U–206Pb ages of 84 ± 6 Ma (±2 SD, n = 14, MSWD = 1.1), and have Th/U ratios of <0.06. The cores are richer in Y, Th, Ti and rare earth elements (REEs), but the rims are richer in Hf and U. Chondrite‐normalized REE patterns of the cores indicate higher SmN/LaN ratios, lower YbN/GdN ratios and larger positive Ce anomalies compared with those of the rims. Thus, the cores and rims have different 238U–206Pb ages and trace element compositions, suggesting two stages of zircon growth. Although the 238U–206Pb ages of the rims are consistent with the reported 40Ar/39Ar spot‐fusion ages of matrix muscovite in the jadeitite, the 238U–206Pb ages of the cores are older. The mineral inclusions and high Th/U ratios in the cores are best explained by crystallization from felsic magma. Therefore, the cores are considered relicts from igneous precursor rocks. The rims surrounding the inherited cores possibly precipitated from aqueous fluids during jadeitite formation. The elevated U concentrations in the rims suggest that infiltration of external fluids was responsible for the precipitation. This study provides an example of jadeitite formation by metasomatic replacement of a protolith.  相似文献   
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