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本文详尽分析了冰岛低压和大西洋高压的长期变化规律,发现两者均具有明显的阶段性变化,而且冰岛低压和大西洋高压的强度具有明显的反相关。同时,还分析了大西洋高压和冰岛低压与我国气候的关系,发现大西洋高压与我国冬季气温基本呈正相关,而冰岛低压与我国气温大致呈反相关,但均没有显著影响,所以两者都不是影响我国气候变化的重要天气系统。  相似文献   
The application of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) to coal surface characterisation for preparation research is described. Progress towards the acquisition of complementary surface chemical information by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) is also discussed. Surface-based beneficiation techniques such as flotation are assuming greater importance as the proportion of fines in raw coal increases due to the proliferation of high capacity mining methods. A necessary condition for the floatability of a coal particle is adequate hydrophobicity, and the degree of hydrophobicity of the flotation concentrate is one factor influencing the ease with which its dewatering can be affected. The hydrophobicity of a coal is very difficult to measure directly because of microporosity, and it is often necessary to deduce the degree of hydrophobicity from a knowledge of the surface chemistry. XPS is able to provide sufficient analytical data to allow relative levels of hydrophobicity to be estimated. In principle, ToF-SIMS should be able to supply additional information enabling refinement of such estimates; however, there are insufficient data at present to allow the ionic fragments detected to be related to specific functional groups at the coal surface.  相似文献   
In this paper we report energetic ion behavior and its composition variations observed by the Cluster/RAPID instrument when the spacecraft was travelling in the high latitude magnetospheric boundary region on the day of the 31 March, 2001, strongest magnetic storm in the past 50 years. The Dst index reached −360 nT at about 09:00 UT. During its early recovery phase, large amounts of oxygen and helium ions were observed; the ratio of oxygen to hydrogen in the RAPID energy range reached as high as 250%, which suggests that the observed energetic particles might be of magnetospheric origin. The observations further show that enhanced energetic electron fluxes are confined in a very narrow region, while protons have occupied a larger region, and heavy ions have been observed in an even larger region. The flux of energetic electrons show a slight enhancement in a region where the magnetic field magnitude is around zero. These observed energetic ions could be quasi-trapped by the current sheet in the stagnation region of the cusp.  相似文献   
氧化型锰矿石脱硫产物含大量硫化锰,利用这种材料装填固定床进行净化水中铜离子的动态试验.在材料粒径0.45~0.9mm、进水pH=5.8、进水滤速4.58 m/h条件下,1 t锰矿石脱硫产物可以处理923 tρ(Cu~(2+))=50 mg/L的含铜废水,出水ρ(Cu~(2+))<0.5 mg/L,低于国家一级排放标准.控制进水pH在4~9之间、降低进水滤速、采用较小粒径的材料有利于提高锰矿石脱硫产物处理含铜废水的容量.利用X射线粉末衍射(XRD)和扫描电镜-能谱分析(SEM-EDS)对材料和产物进行表征,证明锰矿石脱硫产物去除水中铜离子是基于离子交换反应的原理.  相似文献   
Zircons from the Devils Kitchen rhyolite in the PleistoceneCoso Volcanic field, California have been analyzed by in situPb/U ion microprobe (SHRIMP-RG) and by detailed cathodoluminescenceimaging. The zircons yield common-Pb-corrected and disequilibrium-corrected206Pb/238U ages that predate a previously reported K–Arsanidine age by up to 200 kyr, and the range of ages exhibitedby the zircons is also approximately 200 kyr. Cathodoluminescenceimaging indicates that zircons formed in contrasting environments.Most zircons are euhedral, and a majority of the zircons areweakly zoned, but many also have anhedral, embayed cores, witheuhedral overgrowths and multiple internal surfaces that aretruncated by later crystal zones. Concentrations of U and Thvary by two orders of magnitude within the zircon population,and by 10–20 times between zones within some zircon crystals,indicating that zircons were transferred between contrastingchemical environments. A zircon saturation temperature of 750°Coverlaps within error a previously reported phenocryst equilibrationtemperature of 740 ± 25°C. Textures in zircons indicativeof repeated dissolution and subsequent regrowth are probablycaused by punctuated heating by mafic magma input into rhyolite.The overall span of ages and large variation in U and Th concentrations,combined with calculated zircon saturation temperatures andresorption times, are most compatible with crystallization inmagma bodies that were emplaced piecemeal in the crust at Cosoover 200 kyr prior to eruption, and that were periodically rejuvenatedor melted by subsequent basaltic injections. KEY WORDS: zircon geochronology; residence time; rhyolite; ion microprobe; California  相似文献   
利用电子显微镜(EM)及能谱仪(EDS),分析研究了变生热液形成的载金石英的化学成分、离子扩散作用以及金在石英中的赋存状态等问题,探讨了它们的形成和变化机理。研究结果表明:Al~(3+)、Ti~(3+)、TFe、Na~(+)、K~(+)、Ca~(2+)等在石英中为类质同像混入物;石英和黄铁矿之间的离子相互扩散作用,表现为石英中Al离子的带出和Fe离子的带入,黄铁矿中Fe离子的带出和Al离子的带入;石英中呈分散状态分布的金主要为离子金,它们充填在石英结构中,起平衡电价的作用。  相似文献   
Analytical perspective on trace element species of interest in exploration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Analysis of soil and sediment samples, using selective extraction methods to distinguish different phases, is of particular interest in exploration geochemistry to locate deeply buried mineral deposits. There are various mechanisms of binding labile elements in the secondary environment, including physical and chemical sorption, precipitation, chelation and complexation. Phases present in soils and sediments which are likely to scavenge ‘free' elements include amorphous Mn and Fe oxides, the humic and fulvic components of humus, and clays. This paper reviews these forms of trace elements and the methods in current use to quantify them. Examples of precision data, both for control and survey samples, are given with respect to trace elements dissolved from the ‘soluble organic' component of humus, Mn oxides and amorphous Fe oxides. The high sensitivity of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP–MS) is required to measure accurately and precisely a large suite of trace elements, especially where only small fractions of elements are dissolved by such leaches as the commercially available Enzyme and MMI (Mobile Metal Ion) extractions. The relative standard deviations (RSD) obtained for 33 elements (e.g. Ag, Cd, In, I) in the standard reference sample (SRM), TILL-2, are in the range 0.5–8% for the hydroxylamine hydrochloride (NH2OH·HCl) leach designed to extract hydrous Fe and Mn oxides. The corresponding RSDs for elements in the reactive Mn oxide phase extracted by the Enzyme leach are in the range 3–19% except for some trace elements at levels close to detection limit (e.g. Cd, Bi). The RSDs obtained for field duplicates are inferior to those for analytical replicates (i.e. sample splits), probably a reflection of different concentrations of the host phase. In one soil survey, the Fe extracted by a 0.25 M NH2OH·HCl leach ranged conservatively from 0.2 to 1.7% whereas the Mn extracted by the Enzyme leach varied extensively, from 0.3 to >999 ppm. In contrast, precision, at 1–7% RSD, for field duplicates was found to be comparable with that for both analytical duplicates and the SRM, LKSD-4, for elements associated with the humic and fulvic component of humus samples sieved to <177 μm.  相似文献   
凹凸棒石与Zn^2+的长期作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以凹凸棒石与Zn2+为例研究粘土矿物与重金属离子长期作用过程,并运用高分辨透射电镜和X射线衍射分析粘土矿物与重金属离子长期作用的次生物相。结果表明:Zn2+与凹凸棒石的长期作用是一个二阶段的过程,初始阶段为快速吸附作用,其后表现为慢速沉淀反应。高分辨透射电镜和X射线衍射分析表明,凹凸棒石与Zn2+的长期作用过程中,具有纳米矿物特性的凹凸棒石表面快速水化,提高了悬浮液的pH值,诱导Zn2+水解沉淀。而后,凹凸棒石缓慢溶解释放Al3+和SiO44-与Zn(OH)2沉淀反应,形成Zn-A1双氢氧化物和异极矿。这一结果对认识土壤环境中重金属与粘土矿物的作用及重金属的归宿具有重要意义。  相似文献   
EVOLUTION OF ORE-FORMING FLUIDS AND Ag-Cu POLYMETAL MINERALIZATION IN THE LANPING BASIN, YUNNAN“KeyProjectforResourcesandEconomics” (95 0 2 0 0 1 0 1)oftheMinistryofLandResources  相似文献   
黄河下游典型灌区河南段是豫北平原重要的农业种植区。该地区浅层水质整体较差,因常用于作物灌溉或家畜饮用,会对人体健康产生风险,因此对该地区地下水中砷与氟浓度变化特征和机制的研究将有助于提高对该地区地下水污染的认识水平。本文基于2010年和2020年在灌区范围内采集的327组浅层地下水样品,研究区内地下水砷和氟分布情况,并在此基础上对比研究十年间灌区浅层地下水中砷、氟的演化特征,探索分析砷与氟浓度及空间变化机制。研究结果表明:该地区浅层地下水中存在砷与氟超标问题,2020年浅层地下水中高砷(砷浓度大于10μg/L)和高氟(氟浓度大于1mg/L)的样品数量分别占总数的26.1%和26.06%。高砷水分布在太行山前洼地与黄河冲积平原等泥沙互层结构的沉积环境中,还原性较强,同时地下水径流不畅,较强的阳离子交换作用使得其所处环境中Ca2+浓度较高。近十年间砷浓度增加的水样占总数31.8%,砷浓度减少的水样占36.7%。砷浓度的增长(减少)是地下水还原性增强(减弱)使得锰氧化物溶解释放(吸附)导致。近十年间不同地区农业灌溉和水源置换等用水方式导致水位变化是引起砷浓度变化的潜在因素。高氟水主要分布在河南新乡与濮阳的黄河沿线,氟离子浓度受到沉积物中萤石等钙质矿物溶解影响,使得高氟地下水出现在低钙环境中。近十年间研究区中氟离子浓度减少的占总数60.2%,氟离子浓度增加的占32.1%,整体变化趋势向好,但是高氟区中氟离子浓度继续增加。氟浓度的变化同样受到Ca2+变化影响,在Ca2+浓度降低(升高)时氟浓度进一步升高(降低)。地下水中氟升高地区分布在黄河沿线,因此受到黄河水补给影响较大,地下水径流条件较好,阳离子交换作用减弱,使得Ca2+浓度降低,此时地下水中砷浓度受到环境影响而降低,因此研究区氟增加地区中砷与氟的分布和演化呈现反向关系。  相似文献   
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